Евгений Юрьевич Языков

Оборонные возможности государства напрямую зависят от уровня научного обеспечения нужд армии, что предполагает необходимость активной исследовательской деятельности в ряде направлений: от разработки стратегических и тактических схем до технических разработок, направленных на совершенствование современных систем вооружения. В этом контексте большую актуальность приобретает вопрос эффективности институтов, обеспечивающих непосредственно научную деятельность в оборонной сфере, а также подготовку перспективных ученых. В статье производится рассмотрение специфики организации научной деятельности в военных вузах, что включает как анализ научно-исследовательских разработок, осуществляемых в рамках высших учебных заведений, так и условия подготовки перспективных научных кадров. Рассматриваются механизмы вовлечения учащихся и преподавательского состава в научную деятельность. Анализируются ключевые мотивы научной деятельности, присутствующие на уровне преподавательского состава военных вузов. Рассматриваются проблемы и перспективы развития научной деятельности в рамках военных учебных заведений. Специфика предлагаемого подхода подразумевает сопоставление сущностных компонентов деятельности, заложенной в содержание института армии и образования. Научная и образовательная деятельность, таким образом, является именно тем компонентом, который позволяет вооруженным силам развиваться, совершенствоваться в направлении подготовки специалистов высокого уровня, повышать эффективность работы кадрового состава военнослужащих. При этом обозначенный методологически системный подход позволяет выявить институциональную включённость взаимодействия армии и образования. Представленная статья ориентирована на сущностный анализ факторов повышения эффективности военной научной мысли. В качестве теоретической и методологической основы статьи выступает классический структурный функционализм. The defense capabilities of the state directly depend on the level of scientific support for the needs of the army, which implies the need for active research in a number of areas: from the development of strategic and tactical schemes to technical developments aimed at improving modern weapons systems. In this context, the question of the effectiveness of institutions providing directly scientific activities in the defense sphere, as well as the training of promising scientists, becomes more urgent. The paper examines the specifics of the organization of scientific activity in military universities, which includes both the analysis of research developments carried out within the framework of higher educational institutions, and the conditions for the training of promising scientific personnel. The authors explore mechanisms for involving students and teachers in scientific activity and analyze key motives of scientific activity at the level of teaching staff of military universities. Problems and prospects for the development of scientific activity within the framework of military educational institutions are considered. The specificity of the proposed approach implies a comparison of the essential components of the activity laid down in the content of the institute of the army and education. Scientific and educational activity, therefore, is precisely the component that allows the armed forces to develop, improve in the direction of training high-level specialists, and improve the effectiveness of the military personnel. At the same time, the identified methodologically systematic approach allows us to identify the institutional inclusion of the interaction of the army and education. The presented paper is focused on the essential analysis of factors of increasing the effectiveness of military scientific thought. The theoretical and methodological basis of the publication is classical structural functionalism.

V. Ryzhykov ◽  
K. Horiacheva

The methodology of systematic approach of guaranteeing the quality of training for military specialists in higher military educational institutions is disclosed in the article. It was determined that the process of education and upbringing takes place under conditions of change of pedagogical goals in any pedagogical system. This process is accompanied by the emergence of new tasks in the field of education and education as society develops. There is a constant updating of scientific information, in the conditions of improvement of existing ones and creation of new methods of teaching and upbringing. There is a constant update of the student and teacher contingent throughout the learning and upbringing process. The systematic approach as a methodological basis for the development of quality assurance systems for the training of military specialists in higher military educational institutions is revealed. It is found that the systematic approach does not exist in the form of a clear methodology with a defined logical concept. This system, formed from a set of logical techniques, methodological rules and principles of theoretical research, thus performs a heuristic function in the general system of scientific knowledge. The functioning of the system is the process of professional training of future military specialists in higher military educational establishments. An important result of the functioning of the system is the high level of readiness of future military specialists for practical activity. This can be achieved by ordering the system based on certain principles. These principles include: the principle of objectivity, completeness, specific-historical (genetic) approach, systematic, contradictory pedagogical experience.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (103) ◽  
pp. 58-61
O. Kamenev ◽  
V. Lysechko

Current trends in the development of the education sector require significant changes in approaches, methods, techniques and tasks of training. The challenges that arise need to be addressed, which will make it possible to increase the competitiveness of higher education seekers after their graduation, and, as a consequence, to improve the competitiveness of the higher education institution itself. The tasks that arise are: a change in the approach to the educational process of research and teaching staff, which must consist in the interest of teachers themselves to improve the quality of educational services they provide; a change in the approach to the educational process of learners – students, listeners, cadets, etc. – that is, it is necessary to transform those who are taught into those who learn; definition of criteria for the effectiveness of education, which is obviously not only in achieving program learning outcomes. The main criteria of efficiency of educational activity are formulated in the article. These criteria are obviously not only the amount and strength of knowledge and skills, competencies and program learning outcomes. Using only such criteria, it is impossible to fully assess the current requirements for the effectiveness of education. In the conditions of market relations, economic crisis, global mental restructuring, the main criterion for the effectiveness of training of the specialist is the ability to employ him in various positions after graduation, and possibly during training. What is more important is the ability of the job seeker to self-improve and master various competencies when changing functional responsibilities. That is, a higher education student must have a wide range of competencies, not only deep ones, which will enable him to develop under certain conditions in the performance of functional duties. Such tasks make it possible to solve the use of elements of dual education, distance technology using modern technological solutions and motivation of participants in the educational process to self-development. The article concludes that the mutual combination of dual education with distance learning technologies should ultimately solve the urgent problem of training an experienced specialist with a high level of competence who will be able to perform production tasks without additional internship or training after graduation.

Pavlo TKACHYK ◽  

The article analyzes the features of the chaplaincy service in the Galician Army, participation in training, educational and cultural activities among the riflemen. It was noted that priests of the Greek Catholic Church took part directly in the creation of the first Galician Army units. On concrete examples it has been proved that during the Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian-Bolshevik wars the structure of the chaplaincy service was improved, tasks and competences of its structures were determined, effective forms and methods of work were crystallized. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively explore the activities of the clergy in the context of the fighting of 1918–1920. The methodological basis of the article is the universal principles of historical research (scientific objectivity of the coverage of versatile aspects of the problem, complexity, historicism, critical approach to sources). Also applied are special historical methods (historical-comparative, historical-typological, historical-systemic, etc.). It was stated that the chaplains of the Galician Army played an important role in maintaining the high morale and combat spirit of the personnel and educating it in the patriotism spirit. It is emphasized on high personal qualities of chaplains, their high-level national consciousness and readiness for self-sacrifice. The perspective direction of further research is an analysis of the transformation of chaplaincy's political beliefs during the state construction of the ZUNR, as well as in the conditions of the Polish-Ukrainian armed confrontation (1918–1919). Keywords ZUNR, chaplains, church, patriotism, cultural and educational activity

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-53
Andrievskii B.M.

In the article an attempt is made to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills of teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The results of research of formation of the specified quality are presented, actual factors of stimulation of process of professional growth of the teacher are outlined. Generalization of theoretical and practical analysis of the research problem shows that a significant number of teachers have insufficient psychological and pedagogical training, do not show a desire to improve their skills, their self-education is unsystematic and is insufficiently motivated. We consider professional skill as a high art of motivated educational activity on the basis of the acquired system of knowledge, skills and abilities, personal qualities and pedagogical experience, which is manifested in the complex solution of problems of education, upbringing and development on a reflexive basis. According to the results of our study, professional growth occurs in the presence of a set of knowledge, technological and mental entities, which in synchronous integration provide quality mastery of relevant knowledge, skills, motivation, ability to professional self-improvement. The implementation of this process is ensured by all types of classroom and extracurricular activities in the integral mode of educational activities of higher education.The materials of research and experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the following organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills of teachers of higher educational institutions: the creation of the necessary methodological and information-educational environment; optimization of potential opportunities of academic disciplines and other types of teacher's activity; combination of traditional and innovative methods; scientific, methodical and psychological support of the process of professional development of a teacher in the educational space of the university; formation of motivation for professional growth; taking into account the influence of a complex of external and internal factors; implementation of systematic pedagogical monitoring, which in its focus can be considered as a diagnosis of the state and quality of professional activity of teachers. Using the results of such a study allows you to identify the causes and justify effective ways to improve the professional level of each of the teachers and the teaching staff as a whole in accordance with modern requirements.Key words: professional skill, organizational and pedagogical conditions, methodological principles, factors of professional growth. У статті зроблено спробу обґрунтувати організаційно-педагогічні умови розвитку професійної майстерності викладачів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів. Представлено результати дослідження сформованості означеної якості, окреслено актуальні чинники стимулювання процесу професійного зростання педагога. Узагальнення теоретичного і практичного аналізу проблеми дослідження показує, що значна частина викладачів має недостатню психолого-педагогічну підготовку, не виявляє бажання вдосконалювати свою майстерність, їхня самоосвіта носить несистемний характер і не є досить вмотивованою. Професійна майстерність нами розглядається як високе мистецтво здійснення вмотивованої навчально-виховної діяльності на основі засвоєної системи знань, умінь і навичок, особистісних якостей і педагогічного досвіду, яке виявляється в комплексному розв’язанні завдань освіти, виховання і розвитку на рефлексивному підґрунті. Як засвідчують результати нашого дослідження, «професійне зростання відбувається за умов наявності сукупності знаннєвих, технологічних і ментальних сутностей, які в синхронній інтеграції забезпечують якісне оволодіння системою відповідних знань, навичок, мотивацію, здатність до професійного самовдосконалення» (Андрієвський, 2014). Безумовно, реалізувати якісні показники можна в умовах спеціально створеного навчально-пізнавального середовища. Кожний ЗВО, факультет, кафедра мають свої ресурси, які можна запропонувати науково-педагогічним працівникам для вдалої самореалізації, формування траєкторії професійного зростання (майстерності).Матеріали дослідно-експериментальної роботи з проблеми розвитку професійної майстерності викладача ЗВО дозволяють стверджувати, що обов’язковою умовою реалізації професійних якостей викладача є запровадження низки чинників, зокрема таких, як: створення необхідного методологічного та інформаційно-освітнього середовища; оптимізація потенційних можливостей навчальних дисциплін та психологізації освітнього процесу на заняттях; урахування в практиці викладання нових вимог щодо організації навчання здобувачів вищої освіти; раціональне поєднання традиційних та інноваційних методів; наукове, методичне й психологічне забезпечення процесу професійного вдосконалення майбутнього педагога в освітньому просторі ЗВО; реалізація системи мотивування до професійного самозростання; врахування середовищного фактору; здійснення діагностики стану і якості професійної діяльності викладачів (feedback). Використання результатів такого вивчення дозволяє виявити причини та обґрунтувати ефективні шляхи підвищення професійного рівня як кожного з педагогів, так і професорсько-викладацького колективу в цілому у відповідності із сучасними вимогами.Ключові слова: професійна майстерність, організаційно-педагогічні умови, методологічні засади, чинники професійного зростання.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1304-1308

The relevance of this article is to study the market of educational services for preschool children, since education is the fundamental beginning, the Foundation of human socialization and the most important means of cultural communication between generations. In relation to the modern period of Russian education development, it is a close attention and control to all areas of educational activity, as well as a duty to the continuous development of each educational institution, including the modern specifics in the field of manage0ment, using a marketing approach. The purpose of the study is to investigate the practice of educational services consumption, using a marketing approach. Research methods: an online survey was used as a research method, which allows us most effectively to investigate the quality and specifics of educational services provided. Research results: the article examines the market of educational services for preschoolers, describes the quality of services offered in the view of consumers. Practices of educational services consumption are investigated. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that the market of educational services was studied for the first time using a marketing approach. It shows that producers of additional educational services primarily focus on the cost of services in their advertising messages, and most educational centers use information about highly qualified teaching staff. It determines that the future of promoting educational services on the Internet belongs to social networks. The main semantic units of competitive advantages of educational institutions stated in the advertising message are identified: training program; cost; qualified personnel; individual approach; unique additional offer. The article shows that the choice of additional classes is extremely limited and does not meet the needs of modern parents. It is determined that choosing additional classes, following things are important for parents: strengthening the child's health, the appearance of new acquaintances, which directly affects the socialization of the child in society. It is shown that fewer students attend foreign language classes and music classes. There are quite interesting and rare wishes of parents for narrow specializations: gymnastics, theater Studio, classes with a speech therapist, social sections. It is revealed that the highest level of satisfaction the following characteristics of educational services showed: the location of the institution; the schedule; the result of a child's development after attending; the attitude of teachers to children. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing, social psychology, pedagogy, and age psychology.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Elena Yaneva ◽  
Spyros Papaefthymiou ◽  
Lea Daling ◽  
Sibila Borojević Šoštarić ◽  
Ildiko Merta

This article presents a methodology applied to the design of a tailor-made program for teaching staff that addresses the needs of high-level educational institutions in the Eastern and South-Eastern European (ESEE) region. The tailor-made program was implemented as a one-week online course for 22 “Trainees” from six ESEE universities earlier in 2021. “Trainees” from six participating universities are currently developing acceleration programs, planned to occur continuously until 2024, increasing the percentage of the trained academic staff to >50% at each of the six universities. During that period, 240 students will benefit from 140 improved RawMaterials-related courses, improving their learning and understanding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (39) ◽  
O. Kapinus

The article is devoted to the analysis of the actual psychological and pedagogical problem of the subject and the subjectivity of specialists and their formation during studying in institutions of higher education.  It is determined that the development of the subject potential of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their training in higher military educational institutions is a leading factor in improving the system of military education, taking into account the tasks facing the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the present stage. It is established that one of the main tasks of higher military education is the creation of conditions for mastering cadets - future officers of personal and professional sense, values, goals, content, ways and means of their development, first as subjects of educational activity, and then subjects of military-  professional activity as officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A generalization of the views of scholars on the category "subject" and "subject" from the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical points of view is made. Key words: subject, officer, educational process, higher military educational institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-163

Objectives. The goal of scholarly research is to develop proposals for amendments in criminal law General and Special part of Criminal code of the Russian Federation governing self-defense. The scientific article identifies legislative gaps and contradictions that hinder the effective implementation of the necessary defense and require prompt solutions. Methods. The article analyzes such concepts as “self-defense”, “public assault”, “excess of limits of necessary defense”, “violation of the conditions of lawfulness of necessary defense”, “surprise assault”, “rights defending or other persons, interests of the state”. The use of logical and comparative legal methods allowed us to develop proposals for making changes to the criminal law norms that establish the necessary defense. Conclusions. The article shows the conflicts and gaps legislative recognition of self-defense and, in this regard, the complexity of its implementation in the articles of the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and practical application. Changes are proposed to the criminal law norms regulating the necessary defense, both in the General and in the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Sense. The content of the scientific article can be used by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions when teaching the course “Criminal law”. The results of the work can be useful to persons who carry out legislative activities in the field of criminal law. The leitmotif of the article can be used in the preparation of dissertation research.

2020 ◽  
Eva Lusiana eva eva

this article describe about curriculum administration. administration originates from the Latin language, which consists of the words ad and ministrare which means to help, serve or direct. The word administration can be interpreted as any joint effort to assist, serve and direct all activities, in achieving a goal. The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content and learning materials as well as the methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational goals (Law No.20 th 2003 on the National Education System). A curriculum is a plan prepared to expedite the teaching-learning process under the guidance and responsibilities of schools or educational institutions and their teaching staff.

Alexey Gerasimov ◽  
Evgeny Gromov ◽  
Oksana Grigor'eva

Improving the efficiency of agricultural production and the competitiveness of agricultural products is impossible without the creation of professional teams with a high level of productivity. The formation and development of the personnel potential of the agro-industrial complex comes to the fore in the light of ensuring the country’s food security and solving the problems of import substitution. The development of the industry relies more on the creation of a vertical education system, the development of rural territories, etc. Compilation of forecasts for the staffing of the agroindustrial complex will coordinate the efforts of educational institutions, business structures, and authorities in organizing the training and retraining of personnel for the agricultural sector.

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