scholarly journals logotherapy approach to reduce emotional disorders

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-519
Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani ◽  
Gusti Ayu Indah Ardani

This research is an experimental research with Pretest posttest One Group Design. Adolescents were screened for addiction using the Indonesian Game Online Questionnaire. After that, the next stage was to examine the mothers of teenagers who had internet game addiction disorder with DASS 21. If they had anxiety and depression, they would be used as research samples. Then logotherapy was performed on the mother and at the end of the session an improvement in the DASS score of 21 was seen. The output of this study is useful for improving health services, namely obtaining evidence that logotherapy can help in handling emotional disorders of mothers who are affected by internet game addiction disorders in children during this pandemic and online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Eman Hurissi ◽  
Ethar Abu-jabir ◽  
Amnah Mohammed ◽  
Mashael Mahnashi ◽  
Sana Alharbi ◽  

Abstract Background Psychological disorders are common among individuals who experienced COVID-19. Previous studies have shown that females report higher depression and anxiety than males. The present study aims to test the differences in depression and anxiety between males and females who have experienced COVID-19. This a descriptive, observational, comparative study, among Saudi Arabian population. A total of 686 participants have been recruited. Participants completed an online questionnaire that contains questions about sociodemographic, COVID-19, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) questionnaire, and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to measure anxiety and depression, respectively. Results Twenty-six percent of the participants were excluded and our final sample consisted of 507 participants (median age 23; 65% females). Of the final sample, 23% (118) have been previously diagnosed with COVID-19. There is no significant difference in GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores between COVID-19- positive and COVID-19-negative populations. However, females who have experienced COVID-19 reported significantly higher GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores compared to males. Conclusion The results of our study show that females are significantly at a higher risk for depression and anxiety as a result of COVID-19 infection compared to males. Further epidemiological studies are required for a better understanding of this correlation.

2019 ◽  
Bethany Cliffe ◽  
Abigail Croker ◽  
Megan Denne ◽  
Jacqueline Smith ◽  
Paul Stallard

BACKGROUND Insomnia in adolescents is common, persistent, and associated with poor mental health including anxiety and depression. Insomnia in adolescents attending child mental health services is seldom directly treated and the effects of digital CBTi on the mental health of adolescents with significant mental health problems is unknown. OBJECTIVE This paper reports an open study assessing the feasibility of adding supported online CBT for insomnia to the usual care of young people aged 14-17 years attending specialist child and adolescent mental health services. METHODS Thirty-nine adolescents aged 14-17 attending specialist child and adolescent mental health services with insomnia were assessed and offered digital CBTi. The digital intervention was Sleepio, an evidence based, self-directed, fully automated CBTi that has proven effective in multiple randomized controlled trials with adults. Self-report assessments of sleep (Sleep Condition Indicator, Insomnia Severity Scale, online sleep diaries), anxiety (Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale) and depression (Mood and Feelings Questionnaire) were completed at baseline and post-intervention. Post-use interviews assessed satisfaction with digital CBTi. RESULTS Average baseline sleep efficiency was very poor (52.9%) with participants spending an average of 9.6 hrs in bed but only 5.1 hrs asleep. All scored <17 on the Sleep Condition Indicator with 36/39 (92.3%) scoring ≥15 on the Insomnia Severity Scale, suggesting clinical insomnia. 36 (92.3%) scored ≥ 27 on the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire for major depression and 20 (51.3%) had clinically elevated symptoms of anxiety. The majority (76%) were not having any treatment for their insomnia, with the remaining 24% receiving medication. Sleepio was acceptable with 77% (30/39) activating their account and 67% (21/30) completing the program. Statistically significant pre-post improvements were found in weekly diaries of sleep efficiency (p=.005) and sleep quality (p=.001) and on measures of sleep (SCI; p=.001: ISI; p=.001), low mood (MFQ; p=.024) and anxiety (RCADS; p=.015). Satisfaction was high; with 89% finding Sleepio helpful, 94% would recommend it to a friend with 39% expressing a definite preference for a digital intervention. CONCLUSIONS Our study has a number of methodological limitations, particularly the small sample size, absence of a comparison group and follow-up assessment. Nonetheless, our findings are encouraging and suggest that digital CBTi for young people with mental health problems might offer an acceptable and an effective way to improve both sleep and mental health. CLINICALTRIAL N/a

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Hermawan Gatot Priyadi ◽  
Yumiati Yumiati

This study aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model with the outdoor approach towards students’ ability in mathematical representation. It was quasi-experimental research consisting of two experimental classes and one control group. It used a pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study was the students of SUPM Tegal. Sampling was conducted using cluster random consisting of three classes. The first experimental group was carried out by implementing the learning model of CTL with the outdoor approach. The second experimental group was carried out by implementing a learning model of CTL, while the control group was conducted by implementing a conventional learning model. The research instrument was a 7-point mathematical representation test in the form of an essay. The results of the research were 1) the learning model of CTL with an outdoor approach affected the improvement and achievement of the students’ ability in mathematical representation and was higher than CTL and a conventional learning; 2) the improvement of the students’ ability of representation in the groups of CTL with outdoor approach, CTL, and conventional learning respectively was in high, medium, and low category.

10.29406/627 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Nur Fitriani

ABSTRAKHasil belajar siswa kelas VIII di MTs. Al-Mustaqim 1 Arang Limbung pada mata materi sistem pernapasan manusia masih di bawah KKM (<75) dengan persentase ketuntasan 42,60%. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu 1) untuk melihat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia menggunakan metode pembelajaran Pictorial Riddle dengan Modified Free Inqury di kelas VIII di MTs. Al-Mustaqim 1 Arang Limbung. 2) untuk melihat metode yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia kelas VIII MTs. Al-Mustaqim 1 Arang Limbung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian eksperimen. Bentuk penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental research dengan rancangan nonquivalent control group design. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pengukuran dan observasi langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas Pictorial Riddle berbeda dengan kelas Modified Free Inqury berdasarkan hasil uji U-Mann Withney diperoleh nilai signifikasi 0,000< 0,05. Keefektifan penggunaan metode dilihat dari hasil perhitungan N-Gain di kelas Pictorial Riddle sebesar 0,75 dan kelas Modified Free Inqury sebesar 0,62. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan metode Pictorial Riddle dan Modified Free Inqury. Metode pembelajaran Pictorial Riddle merupakan metode yang lebih efektif ditunjukkan dari nilai perhitungan N-Gain sebesar 0,75 dengan kategori tinggi.viKata Kunci : Hasil belajar, materi sistem pernapasan manusia, Modified Free Inqury, Pictorial Riddle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Prasetya Utami ◽  
Yunia Hastami ◽  
Siti Munawaroh ◽  
Nanang Wiyono

<p><strong>Pendahuluan : </strong>Neuroanatomi merupakan ilmu penting bagi kedokteran, namun<strong> </strong>masih ditemukan mahasiswa kedokteran yang merasa kesulitan memahami pembelajaran neuroanatomi. Salah satu faktor yang berperan penting adalah media pembelajaran anatomi. Kadaver merupakan media pembelajaran anatomi tradisional yang masih digunakan hingga saat ini dengan berbagai kekurangan dan kelebihan  yang dimilikinya. Sedangkan media video merupakan media pembelajaran anatomi yang diniliai lebih praktis dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, sehingga di nilai bisa sebagai media alternatif selain kadaver. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas media pembelajaran anatomi menggunakan kadaver dibandingkan video terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa kedokteran.</p><p><strong>Metode : </strong>Jenis penelitian ini ialah Quasi Experimental Research dengan Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi kedokteran UNS tahun 2019. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 42 oranag. Data kemudian diolah dengan uji Paired Sample T-Test dan Independent T-test menggunakan program SPSS 22.</p><p><strong>Hasil : </strong>Hasil Paired Sample T-Test kelompok kadaver dan video menunjukan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) &lt; 0,05 yaitu 0,000. Sehingga media kadaver maupun video dinilai efektif terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa. Hasil uji Independent T-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara efektivitas media pembelajaran anatomi menggunakan kadaver dibandingkan video terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi mahasiswa kedokteran memperlihatkan nilai p = 0,730, sehingga menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan karena p 0,05 pada taraf signifikan 5%.</p><p><strong>Kes</strong><strong>impulan : </strong>Media pembelajaran anatomi kadaver maupun video terbukti efektif meningkatkan pemahaman neuroanatomi pada mahasiswa kedokteran. Selain itu, media pembelajaran anatomi kadaver dibandingkan video memiliki efektivitas yang sama terhadap pemahaman neuroanatomi pada mahasiswa kedokteran</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : Kadaver; Video Anatomi; Pemahaman Neuroanatomi</strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 159
Adrianus Nasar ◽  
Melkyanus Bili Umbu Kaleka

The purpose of this study is to find the effect of distance learning through learner center micro teaching model on students’ teaching confidence and teaching skills. The research design uses quasi-experimental research and pretest-posttest non controlled group design. The population is physics education students on sixth semester who was programming micro teaching courses. Purposes sampling technic used to get research sample and 31 students take part on this course. Data collected by using questionnaire on variables of teaching confidence and assessment rubric on variables of teaching skills. Teaching confidence and teaching skills are analyzed through normalized-gain and pair sample t-test. Data calculated use SPSS and the result is: 1) teaching confidence has normalized-gain &lt;g&gt; = 0,535 (moderate) and t = 12,336 (sig.=0,000); 2) teaching skills has normalized-gain &lt;g&gt; = 0,566 (moderate) dan t = 9,690 (sig.=0,000). The result shows the effect of distance learning through learner center micro teaching (LCMT) model can improve teaching confidence and teaching skills of physics education students on FKIP Universitas Flores.

2021 ◽  
Ryan Smith ◽  
Samuel Taylor ◽  
Robert C Wilson ◽  
Annie E. Chuning ◽  
Michelle Persich ◽  

Anxiety and depression are often associated with strong beliefs that entering specific situations will lead to aversive outcomes – even when these situations are objectively safe and avoiding them reduces well-being. A possible mechanism underlying this maladaptive avoidance behavior is a failure to reflect on: 1) appropriate levels of uncertainty about the situation, and 2) how this uncertainty could be reduced by seeking further information (i.e., exploration). To test this hypothesis, we asked a community sample of 417 individuals to complete measures of reflective cognition, exploration, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Consistent with our hypotheses, we found significant associations between each of these measures in expected directions (i.e., positive relationships between reflective cognition and strategic information-seeking behavior or “directed exploration”, and negative relationships between these measures and anxiety/depression symptoms). Further analyses suggested that the relationship between directed exploration and depression/anxiety was due to an ambiguity aversion promoting exploration in conditions where information-seeking was not beneficial (as opposed to under-exploration when more information would aid future choices). In contrast, reflectiveness was associated with greater exploration in appropriate settings and separately accounted for differences in reaction times, decision noise, and choice accuracy in expected directions. These results shed light on the mechanisms underlying information-seeking behavior and how they may contribute to symptoms of emotional disorders. They also highlight the possibility that reflectiveness and exploration could represent novel treatment targets for those who show low levels of these tendencies – consistent with the need to develop individualized precision medicine approaches within computational psychiatry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Tatiana Varela Madureira ◽  
Maria Cristina Quintas Antunes

Background: The integration of mental health in primary health care, throughout its various functional units and with effective articulation between primary health care and mental health services, has been considered an essential objective of the legislative documents produced in the last three decades in Portugal, among them the National Health Plan 2011-2016.Goals: This study aimed to inquire health professionals’ perceptions about mental health care provided by public primary health care units, namely their perceptions about the mental health of their patients. It also intended to explore the difficulties perceived by the health professionals in their daily activity about the mental health problems of their patients and about the need of clinical psychologists’ activity in the public primary health care.Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study with two non-probabilistic samples: health professionals (doctors, nurses and psychologists) and patients from two public health care units. Health professionals were interviewed (individual structured face-to-face interviews) about their perceptions of needs for improving their capacity to provide mental healthcare and about patients’ mental health conditions. Patients responded (by self-administration) to the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), providing a characterization of patients’ stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression.Results: Health professionals in their daily practice often identify in their patients symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression (most particularly in adults),. Several issues were identified as problematic, such as: poor access of the referral system for psychiatric and clinical psychological specialized care, insufficient number of health professionals, particularly of psychologists, and lack of appropriate mental health care specialization. The results also revealed relevant levels of stress, anxiety and depression in primary health care patients (both genders), which seem to increase with age. Discussion: Difficulties identified by health professionals may relate to the centralisation of resources, resistance to change from human resources management, lack of consensus among the various decision groups linked to mental health and, at institutional level, insufficient and inadequate funding. These factors may contribute to a failure in early diagnosis of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. It is expected that articulation between primary health services and differentiated health services will improve, with improvement in teamwork among professionals and increase of the quality of life of users, satisfaction with work, from health professionals,  and reduction of health costs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (25) ◽  
pp. 1-120
Heather Burroughs ◽  
Bernadette Bartlam ◽  
Peter Bullock ◽  
Karina Lovell ◽  
Reuben Ogollah ◽  

BackgroundAnxiety and depression often coexist in older people. These disorders are often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and are associated with increased use of health and social care services, and raised mortality. Barriers to diagnosis include the reluctance of older people to present to their general practitioner (GP) with mood symptoms because of the stigma they perceive about mental health problems, and because the treatments offered are not acceptable to them.ObjectivesTo refine a community-based psychosocial intervention for older people with anxiety and/or depression so that it can be delivered by non-traditional providers such, as support workers (SWs), in the third sector. To determine whether or not SWs can be trained to deliver this intervention to older people with anxiety and/or depression. To test procedures and determine if it is feasible to recruit and randomise patients, and to conduct a process evaluation to provide essential information to inform a randomised trial.DesignThree phases, all informed by a patient and public involvement and engagement group. Qualitative work with older people and third-sector providers, plus a consensus group to refine the intervention, training, SW manuals and patient participant materials (phase 1). Recruitment and training of SWs (phase 2). Feasibility study to test recruitment procedures and assess fidelity of delivery of the intervention; and interviews with study participants, SWs and GPs to assess acceptability of the intervention and impact on routine care (phase 3).SettingNorth Staffordshire, in collaboration with Age UK North Staffordshire.InterventionA psychosocial intervention, comprising one-to-one contact between older people with anxiety and/or depression and a SW employed by Age UK North Staffordshire, based on the principles of behavioural activation (BA), with encouragement to participate in a group activity.ResultsInitial qualitative work contributed to refinement of the psychosocial intervention. Recruitment (and retention) of the SWs was possible; the training, support materials and manual were acceptable to them, and they delivered the intervention as intended. Recruitment of practices from which to recruit patients was possible, but the recruitment target (100 patients) was not achieved, with 38 older adults randomised. Retention at 4 months was 86%. The study was not powered to demonstrate differences in outcomes. Older people in the intervention arm found the sessions with SWs acceptable, although signposting to, and attending, groups was not valued by all participants. GPs recognised the need for additional care for older people with anxiety and depression, which they could not provide. Participation in the study did not have an impact on routine care, other than responding to the calls from the study team about risk of self-harm. GPs were not aware of the work done by SWs with patients.LimitationsTarget recruitment was not achieved.ConclusionsSupport workers recruited from Age UK employees can be recruited and trained to deliver an intervention, based on the principles of BA, to older people with anxiety and/or depression. The training and supervision model used in the study was acceptable to SWs, and the intervention was acceptable to older people.Future workFurther development of recruitment strategies is needed before this intervention can be tested in a fully powered randomised controlled trial.Trial registrationCurrent Controlled Trials ISRCTN16318986.FundingThis project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme and will be published in full inHealth Services and Delivery Research; Vol. 7, No. 25. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.

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