scholarly journals The Role of Natural Contradictions in Creation of Good and Evil Beliefs

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 129
Abolghasem Dadvar ◽  
Roya Rouzbahani

<p>Natural elements play significant role in Iranian legends. Water, mountain, earth, sky, sun, moon, stars, wind, plants, animals, rain, and fire are among natural effective and mythopoeic forces. Generally, structure of Iranian myths is a kind of believe to dichotomy in nature, in human and in contradictory forces available in the world. One of the most important aspects of this contradiction is continuous battle between good and evil. Since Iran with diverse natural geography is the land of great conflicts, main issue in this research is determining the role of natural conflicts in creating good and evil beliefs in Iranian myths. In this study, data are gathered using documentary sources and research method is comparative, descriptive, and qualitative analyses. There is natural contradiction in every land in nature and natural geography. Results indicate that among different causes that lead to formation of myths, nature and its available conflicts have great role in creation of such beliefs. <strong></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Ponomareva L.I. ◽  
Gan N.Yu. ◽  
Obukhova K.A.

In the presented study, the authors raise the question of the need to include in the educational process of a preschool institution to familiarize children with some philosophical categories. The educational system in which the child is included, starting from preschool childhood, provides him with the opportunity to gradually and continuously enter the knowledge of the world around him. It is in preschool childhood that the child is exposed to various relationships, values of culture and health, diverse patterns in the field of different knowledge. This contributes to a broader interaction of the preschooler with the world around him, which, in turn, ensures the assimilation not of disparate ideas about objects and phenomena, but their natural integration and interpenetration, which means understanding the integrity of the picture of the world. The authors prove the idea that the assimilation of philosophical categories by children contributes to the understanding of the structure of the surrounding world. The analysis of research is presented, proving that children's fiction in an understandable and accessible language, life examples and vivid images is able to explain to children the laws of the functioning of nature and society, as well as to reveal the world of human relations and feelings. Fiction surrounds the child from the first years of his life. It is she who contributes to the development of thinking and imagination, enriches the sensory world, provides role models and teaches you to find a way out in different situations. Philosophical categories such as "love and friendship", "beautiful and ugly", "good and evil" are represented in children's literature very widely, and the efficiency of mastering philosophical categories depends on the skill of an adult in conveying the content of a work, on correctly placed accents.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin

Diniyah education has been implemented by all educational institutions in Indonesia, starting from the lowest level, namely SD/MI to SMA/MA. Initially this diniyah education was implemented in Islamic boarding schools during the month of Ramadan. The aim is to foster morals, character, and strengthen worship for students during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this study was to identify the role of diniyah education carried out in the world of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a literature study method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the role of diniyah education can be measured through 4 things, namely increasing student religiosity, developing sustainable education and in accordance with the development of the times, being patient with calamities, and increasing husnuzon attitudes in students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Cici Afifatul Hasanah ◽  
Ayu Ferliana ◽  
Depict Pristine Adi

The purpose of this study is describe feminism and the resilience of women in the world of work in Indonesia and Iceland. Feminism as a system of ideas, as a framework and study of social life and human experience that evolved from a women-centered perspective. In Indonesia and Iceland, this is a long history as a reflection of the responsibility regarding the reality of gender inequality. In this study researchers used a research method with the type of literature study. Data collection techniques that utilize secondary data obtained through the library and then described and analyzed to extract from the literature such as books, journals, report, documents and other materials that support this research. Based on the results and discussion that has been presented, it can be concluded that feminism is increasingly developing and being recognized by the world. Feminism and the resilience of women in these two countries have shown that women have great opportunities in the development of the world of work, politics and other fields. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan dalam dunia kerja di Indonesia dan Islandia. Feminisme sebagai sistem gagasan,   sebagai kerangka kerja dan studi kehidupan sosial dan pengalaman manusia yang berevolusi dari perpsektif yang berpusat pada perempuan. Di Indonesia dan Islandia, hal ini adalah sejarah panjang sebagai cerminan dari tanggung jawab tentang realitas ketidaksetaraan gender. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis kajian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik penelitian kepustakaan yang memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui perpustakaan kemudian di deskripsikan dan dianalisis untuk disarikan dari literatur seperti buku, jurnal, laporan, dokumen dan bahan lain yang mendukung penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dipaparkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa feminisme semakin lama semakin berkembang dan diakui oleh dunia. Feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan di dua negara ini sudah menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan memiliki peluang besar dalam perkembangan dunia kerja, politik dan bidang lainnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Made Fitri Padmi

AbstrakKarya tulis ini mencoba untuk membuat suatu hubungan antara manusia dan peperangan, dan menganalisa peran dari suatu gender dalam masa perang. Perspektif gender memiliki peran yang signifikan, tidak hanya dalam membentuk dan menjalankan perang, tetapi juga terhadap dampak dari perang. Di berbagai budaya, masyarakat menentukan perannya berdasarkan perbedaan gender, termasuk di dalamnya peran masyarakat pada masa perang. Perang dan militarisasi dipandang sebagai produk maskulin, dan juga bagaimana “memaskulinkan” masyarakat. Sedangkan, Feminisme membawa perspektif yang berbeda untuk memahami peperangan. Pasifis atau karakter damai dari perempuan digunakan untuk menganalisa perdamaian pasca perang. Sebagai hasil, tulisan ini berpendapat bawah suatu hal yang penting untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik bahwa peperangan bukanlah fenomena yang bebas dari atribut gender. Peperangan juga berperan besar dalam mengkonstuksi hubungan antar gender.Kata kunci: Gender, Feminisme, Maskulinitas, Perang, Militerisasi.AbstractThis paper tries to make correlation between war and people, and to analyse the role of gender perspectives during wartime. Gender perspective plays a significant role not only in shaping and executing warfare, but also in giving the specific impact of war. In many cultures in the world, people determine social roles based on gender disparities, including roles during wartime. War and militarisation are products of the masculine and, at the same time, means of masculinizing people. However, Feminism bring different levels of perspectives on how to understand the war. Pacific or peace characteristics of women are often used to analyse the peace prospect after war. As result, this paper argues that, it is a significant attempt to create better understanding that war is not gender neutral. War plays a massive role in gender construction and impacts greatly on gender relations.Keywords: Gender, Feminism, Masculinity, War, Militarisation

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-106
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Reni Triposa ◽  
Daniel Supriyadi

AbstractSpiritual growth to be a blessing and influence and impact on others cannot be separated from the challenges of life. And it is part of the believer's role to be able to color and make himself a useful person. Yet the church and the believers experienced divisions that created conflict and contention so that the church could not speak or give anything to a divided, corrupted world. With the background of the problem, the author uses a library research method with a descriptive quantitative approach. So the author concludes that the role of believers as the salt of the world in Matthew 5:13, in the midst of an era of disruption, is the first Christianity that does not become tasteless. Second, Christianity must function like salt and third, Christianity must glorify God in its life. By applying to all believers, the role of Christians as the salt of the earth has an impact.Key words: Salt Of The World, Believers, The Role Of Christianity AbstrakPertumbuhan rohani untuk menjadi berkat dan pengaruh serta berdampak bagi sesama tidak lepas dari tantangan kehidupan. Dan hal itu sebagai bagian peran orang percaya untuk dapat mewarnai dan menjadikan dirinya sebagai orang yang berguna. Namun gereja dan orang percaya mengalami perpecahan yang menimbulkan konflik dan pertengkaran sehingga gereja tidak bisa berbicara atau memberikan apa-apa kepada dunia yang terpecah, rusak. Dengan latar belakang permasalahan, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Maka penulis dengan mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa   peran orang percaya sebagai garam dunia dalam Matius 5: 13, ditengah era disrupsi adalah pertama kekristenan yang tidak menjadi tawar. Kedua Kekristenan harus berfungsi seperti garam dan yang ketiga, Kekristenan harus memuliakan Tuhan dalam hidupnya. Dengan mengaplikasikan bagi semua orang percaya peran orang kristen sebagai garam dunia yang berdampak.Kata kunci: Garam Dunia, Orang Percaya, Peran Kekristenan 

Margaret Akpan ◽  
Anietie Francis Udofia ◽  
Ndifreke Enefiok Edem

The deployment of digital technology to create captivating spectacles in films has reflected the boundlessness of man’s ingenuity in recreating his world. Such creativity reflects considerably in the fluidity of using the computer to generate human concepts of the role of costume grounded on theatrical system in animation. The world of animation is always synergized with marvels that defy the rational proofs for objectivity in the human world. This paper evaluates the use of digital technology to generate costume design to reflect the system of human thought in animation using Peter Del Velcho’s Frozen as paradigm. The paper uses qualitative research method to examine facts and bases its argument on Structuralism. Findings show that costume functions as a system in theatrical and film productions. In animation, the insight of human imagination through costume design is easily brought to bear, and the reality of creativity to man is ingrained in communication through captivating pictorials without impairment. Costume design can be generated from computer through knowledge and expertise. With the knowledge of computer, especially in the academic environment, unlimited streams of creativity may unfold to support the reality of entrepreneurial schemes in the society. When a costume is designed to conform to the order of a design system within a system of thought to pass on information, any medium can function as a dependable conduit to communicate.

Epigram ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Nur Fitri Azizah ◽  
Diana DC Hutagalung

AbstractIndonesia is currently focus in increasing the number of foreign tourists visiting the destination with leisure and business (MICE) purpose. Various ways have been done by Ministry of Tourism, one of them is made applications for mobile users. Applications that have been launched by Ministry of Tourism are 'Pesona Indonesia eBrochure', 'Wonderful Indonesia', and '100 You Must See in Indonesia' which all of that promote Indonesia's famous destination. The applications are quite effective in describing the wonderful things of Indonesian destinations, but has not been able to provide information related to the MICE industry. In this journal will be discussed about the important role of applications on the smartphone as a promotional tool, comparing the three types of applications that have been launched by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia, feature plan in 'MICE Indonesia' applications as a result of the development of the previous three applications. The aims of this journal are to describe the important role of mobile application as a promotional tool in the digital era, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of features in the application launched by the Ministry of Tourism, and to make feature design on 'MICE Indonesia' application as MICE promotion tool to the world. This research method is use case study by making comparison with previous product (applications). The results of this study is 'MICE Indonesia' application is an effective tool in presenting information related to MICE and able to encourage business actors to conduct their MICE activities in Indonesia.Keyword: application, MICE, promotion, smartphone, kontribusi dan peran pentingAbstrakIndonesia saat ini sedang berkonsentrasi penuh dalam meningkatkan angka kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara dengan tujuan leisure maupun bisnis (MICE). Berbagai cara dilakukan Kementerian Pariwisata salah satunya melakukan promosi destinasi melalui aplikasi di smartphone. Aplikasi yang telah diluncurkan Kementerian Pariwisata adalah ‘Pesona Indonesia eBrochure’, ‘Wonderful Indonesia’, dan ‘100 You Must See in Indonesia’ yang ketiganya mempromosikan destinasi andalan Indonesia. Aplikasi tersebut dinilai cukup efektif dalam mendeskripsikan pesona destinasi Indonesia, namun belum mampu memberikan informasi yang bersangkutan dengan bidang MICE. Pada jurnal ini akan dibahas mengenai peran penting aplikasi pada smartphone sebagai alat promosi, membandingkan ketiga jenis aplikasi yang telah diluncurkan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata Indonesia, serta membuat rancangan aplikasi ‘MICE Indonesia’ sebagai hasil pengembangan ketiga aplikasi sebelumnya. Tujuan yang akan dicapai adalah mengetahui peran penting penggunaan aplikasi pada smartphone sebagai alat promosi di era digital saat ini, mengetahui kekurangan serta kelebihan fitur-fitur dalam aplikasi yang diluncurkan Kementerian Pariwisata, dan membuat rancangan fitur pada aplikasi ‘MICE Indonesia’ sebagai alat promosi MICE kepada dunia. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yaitu dengan membuat perbandingan dengan produk sebelumnya. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi ‘MICE Indonesia’ merupakan alat yang efektif dalam menyajikan informasi terkait MICE dan mampu mendorong pelaku bisnis dunia untuk melakukan kegiatan MICE nya di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: aplikasi, MICE, promosi, smartphone., contribution and important role

2020 ◽  
Vol V (IV) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Saima Waheed ◽  
Seemab Far Bukhari ◽  
Ashraf Iqbal

This research study explains the “Role of producers in giving awareness and treating reenacted crime stories in Pakistani TV Channels” and how is awareness given and crime being treated by using camera angles, animation, indoor & outdoor sets and props by the producers. Study is based on the notion of awareness regarding crimes and reenacted crime shows and role of producers during production of any program. Research study analyzed content of program to monitor the agenda of crime shows. Two methodologies of research quantitative and qualitative by using method of content analysis and framing analysis has been used in study. Data was collected by analyzing content of programs and observing the production techniques which used in reenactment crime shows. Study discussed production elements of shows that play significant role to set agenda of sensationalism & exaggeration of crimes among viewers.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dian Pratama ◽  
Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life. One of the things that has been affected is the achievement of the SDGs which has been hampered by this pandemic. The condition that has been deteriorated due to the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to achieve the SDGs, in this case the role of youth is very important to achieve SDGs, especially in the post-pandemic period. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data used are primary and secondary data that have been collected, processed, made conclusions, and then interpreted. This study aims to design a character education system for the younger generation in their role in achieving the SDGs. The results of the interpretation of data that have been collected and then processed in the research process, make a proposal for "FAST Generation". These concepts are some of the main characteristics that youth must have in their role in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. FAST Generation is a character that must be possessed by youth in achieving the SDGs. Youth with character will make the world safer, more prosperous, and more focused, so that the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs will be easier.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-173

The main issue of this problem is Rahmah El Yunusiah's struggle in preparing Diniyyah Putri and her influence until now. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of Rahmah Elyunusiah in women's education in Minangkabau and her role in managing Diniyyah Putri. The method used is the library research method with a study approach with the domain of analysis. With Rahmah el Yunusiah's findings, she succeeded in changing the community's perspective on the importance of women's education, and it was designed for a special school for girls (Diniyyah Putri). The educational thoughts expressed in Diniyyah Putri are still alive and well and are constantly changing and adapting to their times.

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