A Day in the Life of Menatnakhte

Koenraad Donker van Heel

This chapter examines the Will of Naunakhte from the perspective of one of Naunakhte's daughters, Menatnakhte. The Will of Naunakhte is the most famous case of a Deir al-Medina woman dividing her inheritance. It consists of four papyri, two of which were acquired by Alan Gardiner sometime after 1928 and are now kept at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. The two other papyri were found in situ during the excavations in Deir al-Medina in 1928. In her last will, Naunakhte states that some of her children will not inherit from her, because they had not looked after her when she was old. The inheritance divided by Naunakhte included the property of her first husband, Qenhirkhopshef and the property acquired by her and her second husband, Khaemnun. This chapter considers the possibility that Naunakhte's will had created some dissent in the family.

E. S. Boatman ◽  
G. E. Kenny

Information concerning the morphology and replication of organism of the family Mycoplasmataceae remains, despite over 70 years of study, highly controversial. Due to their small size observations by light microscopy have not been rewarding. Furthermore, not only are these organisms extremely pleomorphic but their morphology also changes according to growth phase. This study deals with the morphological aspects of M. pneumoniae strain 3546 in relation to growth, interaction with HeLa cells and possible mechanisms of replication.The organisms were grown aerobically at 37°C in a soy peptone yeast dialysate medium supplemented with 12% gamma-globulin free horse serum. The medium was buffered at pH 7.3 with TES [N-tris (hyroxymethyl) methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid] at 10mM concentration. The inoculum, an actively growing culture, was filtered through a 0.5 μm polycarbonate “nuclepore” filter to prevent transfer of all but the smallest aggregates. Growth was assessed at specific periods by colony counts and 800 ml samples of organisms were fixed in situ with 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 3 hrs. at 4°C. Washed cells for sectioning were post-fixed in 0.8% OSO4 in veronal-acetate buffer pH 6.1 for 1 hr. at 21°C. HeLa cells were infected with a filtered inoculum of M. pneumoniae and incubated for 9 days in Leighton tubes with coverslips. The cells were then removed and processed for electron microscopy.

Genome ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 769-777 ◽  
Melanie Mehes-Smith ◽  
Paul Michael ◽  
Kabwe Nkongolo

Genome organization in the family Pinaceae is complex and largely unknown. The main purpose of the present study was to develop and physically map species-diagnostic and species-specific molecular markers in pine and spruce. Five RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and one ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat) species-diagnostic or species-specific markers for Picea mariana , Picea rubens , Pinus strobus , or Pinus monticola were identified, cloned, and sequenced. In situ hybridization of these sequences to spruce and pine chromosomes showed the sequences to be present in high copy number and evenly distributed throughout the genome. The analysis of centromeric and telomeric regions revealed the absence of significant clustering of species-diagnostic and species-specific sequences in all the chromosomes of the four species studied. Both RAPD and ISSR markers showed similar patterns.

Genes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1511
Tatyana V. Karamysheva ◽  
Tatyana A. Gayner ◽  
Vladimir V. Muzyka ◽  
Konstantin E. Orishchenko ◽  
Nikolay B. Rubtsov

For medical genetic counseling, estimating the chance of a child being born with chromosome abnormality is crucially important. Cytogenetic diagnostics of parents with a balanced karyotype are a special case. Such chromosome rearrangements cannot be detected with comprehensive chromosome screening. In the current paper, we consider chromosome diagnostics in two cases of chromosome rearrangement in patients with balanced karyotype and provide the results of a detailed analysis of complex chromosomal rearrangement (CCR) involving three chromosomes and a small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) in a patient with impaired reproductive function. The application of fluorescent in situ hybridization, microdissection, and multicolor banding allows for describing analyzed karyotypes in detail. In the case of a CCR, such as the one described here, the probability of gamete formation with a karyotype, showing a balance of chromosome regions, is extremely low. Recommendation for the family in genetic counseling should take into account the obtained result. In the case of an sSMC, it is critically important to identify the original chromosome from which the sSMC has been derived, even if the euchromatin material is absent. Finally, we present our view on the optimal strategy of identifying and describing sSMCs, namely the production of a microdissectional DNA probe from the sSMC combined with a consequent reverse painting.

Development ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. 247-261 ◽  
B.A. Parr ◽  
M.J. Shea ◽  
G. Vassileva ◽  
A.P. McMahon

Mutation and expression studies have implicated the Wnt gene family in early developmental decision making in vertebrates and flies. In a detailed comparative analysis, we have used in situ hybridization of 8.0- to 9.5-day mouse embryos to characterize expression of all ten published Wnt genes in the central nervous system (CNS) and limb buds. Seven of the family members show restricted expression patterns in the brain. At least three genes (Wnt-3, Wnt-3a, and Wnt-7b) exhibit sharp boundaries of expression in the forebrain that may predict subdivisions of the region later in development. In the spinal cord, Wnt-1, Wnt-3, and Wnt-3a are expressed dorsally, Wnt-5a, Wnt-7a, and Wnt-7b more ventrally, and Wnt-4 both dorsally and in the floor plate. In the forelimb primordia, Wnt-3, Wnt-4, Wnt-6 and Wnt-7b are expressed fairly uniformly throughout the limb ectoderm. Wnt-5a RNA is distributed in a proximal to distal gradient through the limb mesenchyme and ectoderm. Along the limb's dorsal-ventral axis, Wnt-5a is expressed in the ventral ectoderm and Wnt-7a in the dorsal ectoderm. We discuss the significance of these patterns of restricted and partially overlapping domains of expression with respect to the putative function of Wnt signalling in early CNS and limb development.

Genes ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 517 ◽  
Daniel García-Souto ◽  
Sandra Alonso-Rubido ◽  
Diana Costa ◽  
José Eirín-López ◽  
Emilio Rolán-Álvarez ◽  

Periwinkles of the family Littorinidae (Children, 1834) are common members of seashore littoral communities worldwide. Although the family is composed of more than 200 species belonging to 18 genera, chromosome numbers have been described in only eleven of them. A molecular cytogenetic analysis of nine periwinkle species, the rough periwinkles Littorina arcana, L. saxatilis, and L. compressa, the flat periwinkles L. obtusata and L. fabalis, the common periwinkle L. littorea, the mangrove periwinkle Littoraria angulifera, the beaded periwinkle Cenchritis muricatus, and the small periwinkle Melarhaphe neritoides was performed. All species showed diploid chromosome numbers of 2n = 34, and karyotypes were mostly composed of metacentric and submetacentric chromosome pairs. None of the periwinkle species showed chromosomal differences between male and female specimens. The chromosomal mapping of major and minor rDNA and H3 histone gene clusters by fluorescent in situ hybridization demonstrated that the patterns of distribution of these DNA sequences were conserved among closely related species and differed among less related ones. All signals occupied separated loci on different chromosome pairs without any evidence of co-localization in any of the species.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 58-75
Anna Sylwia Czyż

ABSTRAKT Sprowadzone do Wilna między 1616 a 1618 r. benedyktynki utworzyły niewielką i skromnie uposażoną wspólnotę. Ich sytuacja zmieniła się w 1692 r., kiedy to dzięki bogatym zapisom Feliksa Jana Paca mogły wystawić murowany kościół konsekrowany w 1703 r. Hojność podkomorzego litewskiego nie była przypadkowa, bowiem do wileńskich benedyktynek wstąpiły jego córki Sybilla i Anna, jedyne potomstwo jakie po sobiepozostawił. Z nich szczególne znaczenie dla dziejów klasztoru miała Sybilla (Magdalena) Pacówna, która w 1704 r. została wybrana ksienią. Nie tylko odnowiła ona życie wspólnoty, ale stała się również jedną z najważniejszych postaci ówczesnego Wilna. Po pożarze w 1737 r. Sybilla Pacówna energicznie przystąpiła do odbudowy klasztoru i kościoła, którą kończyła już jej następczyni Joanna Rejtanówna. Wzniesioną wówczas według projektu Jana Krzysztofa Glaubitza fasadę ozdobiono stiukowo-metalową dekoracją o indywidualnie zaplanowanym programie ideowym odwołującym się i do tradycji zakonnej i rodowej – pacowskiej. W fasadzie wyeksponowano ideały związane z życiem benedyktyńskim sytuując je wśród aluzji o konieczności walki na płaszczyźnie ducha i ciała, włączając w militarną symbolikę także konieczność walki z wrogami Kościoła i ojczyzny oraz charakterystyczną dla duchowości benedyktyńskiej pobożność związaną z krzyżem w typie karawaka oraz zOpatrznością Bożą. Jednocześnie przypominano o bogactwie powołań w klasztorze benedyktynek wileńskich przyrównując mniszki do lilii. Porównanie to dzięki obecności w fasadzie herbu Gozdawa (podwójna lilia) oraz powszechnego w XVII i XVIII w. zwyczaju określania Paców „Liliatami” można było odnosić także do ich rodu, w tym do zasłużonej dla klasztoru ksieni Sybilli. Tak mocne wyeksponowanie fundatorów było nie tylko chęciąupamiętnia darczyńców, ale wraz z całym architektonicznym i plastycznym wystrojem świątyni wiązało się z koniecznością stworzenia przeciwwagi dla nowego i prężnie rozwijającego się pod patronatem elity litewskiej klasztoru Wwizytek w Wilnie. Przy tym charakter dekoracji fasady kościoła pw. św. Katarzyny wpisuje się w inne fundacje Paców: kościół pw. św. Teresy i kościół pw. śś. Piotra i Pawła będąc ostatnią ważną inicjatywą artystyczną rodu w stolicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. SUMMARY The Benedictines, who had been brought to Vilnius between 1616 and 1618, formed a small and modest community. Thanks to the generous legacy of Feliks Jan Pac, in 1692 their situation changed as they could erect a brick church, which was then consecrated in 1703. The generosity of the Lithuanian chamberlain was not a coincidence; his two daughters, Sybilla and Anna, the only offspring he left, had joined the Benedictine Sisters in Vilnius. Sybilla (Magdalena) Pac, who became an abbess in 1704, was particularly important for the history of the monastery. Not only did she renew the community life, but she also became one of the most important personalities of the then Vilnius. After the fire in 1737 Sybilla Pac vigorously started rebuilding the monastery and the church, which was completed by her successor, Joanna Rejtan. The facade which was then erected after Johann Christoph Glaubitz’s design was adorned with stucco and metal decorations with a perfectly devised ideological programme which referred to the tradition of the order and to the one of the Pac family. The facade presented ideals connected with the Benedictine life, which placed them among the hints of having to fight at the level of spirit and body, incorporating among the military symbols also the need to fight the enemies of the Church and the state, and the typical for the Benedictine spirituality piety connected with the Caravaca cross and the Divine Providence. At the same time, it reminded of the Benedictine vocations comparing nuns to lilies. This comparison, due to the presence of the Gozdawa coat-of-arms (double lilie) and the common nickname of the Pac family in the 17th and 18th cc. “the Liliats”, could also apply to their lineage, including the abbess Sybilla and her services to the monastery. Exposing founders in such an emphatic way was not only the will to immortalise them, but was also, together with the entire architectural and artistic decor of the church, connected with the need to counterbalance the new and dynamicallydeveloping Visitation Monastery in Vilnius. At the same time, the nature of the facade decoration of the Church of St. Catherine is in line with other foundations of the Pac family: St Theresa’s Church and the St Peter and St Paul Church, and was the last significant artistic initiative of the family in thecapital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Uedson Pereira Jacobina ◽  
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi ◽  
Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues Souza ◽  
Leonardo Luiz Calado ◽  
Manoel Tavares ◽  

The cobia,Rachycentron canadum, a species of marine fish, has been increasingly used in aquaculture worldwide. It is the only member of the family Rachycentridae (Perciformes) showing wide geographic distribution and phylogenetic patterns still not fully understood. In this study, the species was cytogenetically analyzed by different methodologies, including Ag-NOR and chromomycin A3(CMA3)/DAPI staining, C-banding, early replication banding (RGB), andin situfluorescent hybridization with probes for 18S and 5S ribosomal genes and for telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)n. The results obtained allow a detailed chromosomal characterization of the Atlantic population. The chromosome diversification found in the karyotype of the cobia is apparently related to pericentric inversions, the main mechanism associated to the karyotypic evolution of Perciformes. The differential heterochromatin replication patterns found were in part associated to functional genes. Despite maintaining conservative chromosomal characteristics in relation to the basal pattern established for Perciformes, some chromosome pairs in the analyzed population exhibit markers that may be important for cytotaxonomic, population, and biodiversity studies as well as for monitoring the species in question.

2014 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 699-712 ◽  
Zheng Wang ◽  
Dagmar H. Leary ◽  
Anthony P. Malanoski ◽  
Robert W. Li ◽  
W. Judson Hervey ◽  

ABSTRACTBiocathode extracellular electron transfer (EET) may be exploited for biotechnology applications, including microbially mediated O2reduction in microbial fuel cells and microbial electrosynthesis. However, biocathode mechanistic studies needed to improve or engineer functionality have been limited to a few select species that form sparse, homogeneous biofilms characterized by little or no growth. Attempts to cultivate isolates from biocathode environmental enrichments often fail due to a lack of some advantage provided by life in a consortium, highlighting the need to study and understand biocathode consortiain situ. Here, we present metagenomic and metaproteomic characterization of a previously described biocathode biofilm (+310 mV versus a standard hydrogen electrode [SHE]) enriched from seawater, reducing O2, and presumably fixing CO2for biomass generation. Metagenomics identified 16 distinct cluster genomes, 15 of which could be assigned at the family or genus level and whose abundance was roughly divided betweenAlpha- andGammaproteobacteria. A total of 644 proteins were identified from shotgun metaproteomics and have been deposited in the the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001045. Cluster genomes were used to assign the taxonomic identities of 599 proteins, withMarinobacter,Chromatiaceae, andLabrenziathe most represented. RubisCO and phosphoribulokinase, along with 9 other Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle proteins, were identified fromChromatiaceae. In addition, proteins similar to those predicted for iron oxidation pathways of known iron-oxidizing bacteria were observed forChromatiaceae. These findings represent the first description of putative EET and CO2fixation mechanisms for a self-regenerating, self-sustaining multispecies biocathode, providing potential targets for functional engineering, as well as new insights into biocathode EET pathways using proteomics.

1996 ◽  
Vol 199 (6) ◽  
pp. 1327-1334 ◽  
J Küppers ◽  
I Bunse

The enzyme involved in outward K+ transport in insect epithelia belongs to the family of V-ATPases. Evidence has been reported relating the generation of the K+ gradient to a primary electrogenic proton transport via a distinct electrophoretic nH+/K+ antiport. The subject of this paper is the transport of K+ at a thread hair sensillum of the cockroach in situ. We recorded changes in the voltage and resistance of the ion-transporting membrane and of shifts in pH caused by inhibition of energy metabolism and by putative inhibitors of a proton/cation exchanger. The results are supplemented by previous determinations of the K+ activities in the same preparation. 1. In cockroach hair sensilla, the ion transport generates a membrane voltage of 105 mV. We found that the transport rendered the positive output compartment alkaline with respect to the cytoplasm by 1.0 pH unit compared with the pH at equilibrium distribution, and we infer that proton transport cannot be the process that energizes the generation of the K+ gradient. 2. The ion transport created an electrochemical potential difference for protons, DeltaetaH, of approximately 4.5 kJ mol-1, while the potential difference for K+, DeltaetaK, amounted to approximately 11 kJ mol-1. Both potential differences are directed to the cytosol. It follows from DeltaetaK/DeltaetaH that an antiport would have to be electrophoretic to drive K+ by DeltaetaH and it should, therefore, contribute to the membrane conductance. Amiloride and harmaline did not significantly change the pH in the adjacent spaces and did not affect the voltage or the resistance of the transporting membrane. Previous determinations of the impedance have shown that the ATP-independent conductance of this membrane is small, supporting the conclusion that it lacks an electrophoretic antiport. From these results, we deduce that K+ transport in cockroach sensilla is not secondary to a proton transport and an electrochemical proton gradient. The phenomena observed match the performance of a primary, electrogenic, cation-translocating ATPase of the type deduced from analyses of the short-circuit current at the midgut epithelium of lepidopteran larvae. The validity of the H+ transport/antiport hypothesis is discussed.

Justine Buck Quijada
The Past ◽  

Chapter 6 narrates a shamanic initiation and describes the family history that is produced in the process of diagnosing the initiate’s shamanic calling. In Yuri’s initiation we see the stakes of embracing one historical genre over another. For Yuri, whose father is Buryat and his mother Russian, whether or not he accepts a shamanic genealogical genre of the past is a matter of life or death for him and his family. This chapter illustrates the kind of relationships to the past that shamanic practices can build, and shows how engaging with historical genres can transform conceptions of self for post-Soviet subjects. The shamanic genre critiques the kind of self, the New Soviet Person, that Soviet modernism sought to cultivate. Through the process of diagnosing a calling and initiation, the aspiring shaman remakes themselves into porous subject, subjected to the will of their ancestors.

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