scholarly journals Fractal: an educational model for the convergence of formal and non-formal education

Open Praxis ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 375
Larisa Enríquez

For the last two decades, different authors have mentioned the need to have new pedagogies that respond better to current times, which are surrounded by a complex set of issues such as mobility, interculturality, curricular flexibility, accreditation and academic coverage. Fractal is an educational model proposal for online learning that is formed by four basic elements that allow higher education institutions to advance in four different dimensions: teaching, knowledge, personal development and access. The elements that make up the model are: student-centered teaching, concept-based curriculum design, heutagogy, and openness. The present work describes the educational model and two possible applications of it in the area of Education, thus giving rise to an option that could transform the curriculum of a degree, while integrating in the formal environment of online education, the space for non-formal education.

Зоя Гаркавенко

У статті презентовані результати емпіричного вивчення проблеми адаптації професійної освіти до онлайн-режиму в ситуації вимушеного карантину. Мета дослідження полягала в створенні моделі компетенцій викладача / тренера для забезпечення освітньої діяльності онлайн. Обставини гостро актуалізували нагальну потребу забезпечення безперервності освітньої діяльності в нових умовах, показали реальний стан психологічної готовності фахівців освітянської галузі до діяльності в умовах невизначеності. Ключовими ознаками цього стану можна вважати певну фахову та психологічну дезорієнтацію, яка поставила під загрозу якість і сталість результатів освітньої діяльності. Фахівці формальної й неформальної освіти були змушені швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, в основі яких – цифрова трансформація. Фокус уваги нашого дослідження зосереджено на фахівцях, які працюють у сфері післядипломної освіти. Важливим аспектом досліджуваного питання є певна плутанина щодо сутності онлайн-навчання. Це стосується різнотлумачення у середовищі фахівців поняття «дистанційне навчання», зокрема розрізнення синхронного (в режимі реального часу) і асинхронного (у відкладеному часі) режимів освітнього процесу. Принципові відмінності у підходах до методів та психологічних технологій їх застосування вимагають особливої підготовки відповідних фахівців. Результати презентованого дослідження розкривають ряд психологічних труднощів, з якими зіткнулись фахівці післядипломної освіти в ситуації необхідності переведення діяльності в онлайн-режим. В першу чергу, це навчальна діяльність із питань підвищення кваліфікації, проведення навчальних курсів для дорослої аудиторії. Важливим завданням для викладачів / тренерів постало збереження сутнісних ознак і результатів такого навчання: інформація, інструментарій і досвід, які наявні в офлайн-режимі навчання. Основним результатом дослідження можна вважати визначення ключових напрямів психологічної підготовки фахівців до роботи в онлайн: психологічна готовність до управління груповою динамікою та обмеженими комунікаційними інструментами, цифрова компетентність – володіння специфічними цифровими навичками (платформи, програми, окремі інструменти роботи в онлайн), методична компетентність – здатність добирати та поєднувати прийоми й техніки роботи з інформацією, адаптовані до онлайн-середовища. Література Василенко, О.В. (2014). Розвиток системи неформальної освіти дорослих в умовах соціально-економічної кризи. Актуальні проблеми професійної орієнтації та професійного навчання в умовах соціально-економічної нестабільності, 2(2), 138– Ващенко, Л.І. (2019). Підготовка фахівців для роботи з дорослими у сфері неформальної освіти. Імідж сучасного педагога, 4(187), 24– Корбут, О.Г. (2017). Дистанційне навчання: моделі, технології, перспективи. Режим доступу: http://confesp. fl. kpi. ua/ru/node/1123. Плинокос, Д.Д., & Коваленко, М.О. (2016). Неформальна освіта: теоретичні аспекти і наукові підходи. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 29, 53–60. Сисоєва, С.О., & Осадча, К.П. (2019). Стан, технології та перспективи дистанційного навчання у вищій освіті України. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання: електронне наукове фахове видання, 70(2), 271– Harasim, L. (2000). Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning. The Internet and higher education, 3(1-2), 41– Iordache, C., Mariën, I., & Baelden, D. (2017). Developing digital skills and competences: A quick-scan analysis of 13 digital literacy models. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 6– Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4– Latchem, C. (2014). Informal learning and non-formal education for development. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1). Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15, 157– Lischewski, J., Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., & Rosemann, T. (2020). What influences participation in non-formal and informal modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An analysis of individual and institutional influencing factors. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2821. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.534485 Rodríguez, M.U., Cantabrana, J.L.L., & Cervera, M.G. (2020). Validation of a tool for self-evaluating teacher digital competence. Educación XX1, 24(1), 353–373. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.27080 Perez-Lopez, E., Atochero, A.V., & Rivero, S.C. (2020). Distance Education in COVID-19: An Analysis from the perspective of university students. Ried-revista iberoamericana de educacion a distancia, 24(1), 331–350. doi: 10.5944/ried.24.1.27855

Lyubov V. Babich ◽  
Elena S. Mironenko

The goal of the research was to conduct a comprehensive study of children as receivers of distance learning services in order to organize in the future a student-centered educational process that contributes to the achievement of better results. In 2018, the authors conducted surveys among students at the Economic Internet School of the Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The characteristics of receivers of such services as demographic characteristics, level of motivation, status of personal development, communication and organizational features, were comprehensively studied. In addition, the effect of these factors on learning success was analyzed. Thus, the “portrait” of the student was compiled with the goal to effectively organize the educational process. Based on the results of the study, we make suggestions concerning the organization of distance learning for children.

2021 ◽  
pp. 165-180
Carlos Iván Moreno ◽  
Cesar Barba Delgadillo ◽  
Miguel Ángel Sigala ◽  
Ernesto Herrera Cárdenas

AbstractThis chapter examines the context of higher education and upper-secondary education in Mexico, focusing on the role of the University of Guadalajara – the second largest in the country – and its response to the pandemic by strengthening collaboration with the upper-secondary system.During the pandemic, the lack of articulation between higher education and upper-secondary education posed a challenge for the transition to online education in the University of Guadalajara. This chapter discusses how the different initiatives advanced by the University to face this unprecedented situation helped to reduce the barriers between these levels and led to academic innovation, resulting in valuable discussions on the educational model and teaching practices for the post-Covid-19 world.Finally, the authors reflect on the views of faculty regarding the need for an innovative educational model, concluding that a closer collaboration between systems is needed for the benefit of students and faculty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-465
Tian LIU ◽  

Abstract Since the early march of 2020, higher education institutions around the world shut down quickly because of the outbreak of covid-19. This article addresses China’s response to this unprecedented pandemic in terms of a nationwide school closure. This article introduces how Chinese higher institutions use different strategies to launch online education under the initiative entitled “Ensuring Learning Undisrupted when Classes are Disrupted” from the Ministry of Education. The article also provides brief introduction on China’s online education initiative in a global context. Concerns of online education discussed in this article include equitable access to online education, challenges of curriculum design, and academic integrity. Practical suggestions are therefore offered based on North American experience. Finally, this article concludes the critical impact of online education on Chinese higher institutions during and even after this pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 122 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Justin C. Ortagus ◽  
R. Tyler Derreth

Background/Context Online education has become an increasingly prevalent medium of instruction and the primary source of enrollment growth for colleges and universities. The well-documented growth of online education is often regarded as a response to rising costs in higher education, but the same cost-saving strategies that would allow institutions to increase their net revenue through online education may also serve to endanger the quality of student learning. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study This study explores how leading universities reconcile financial and quality considerations when offering online education. Research Design Drawing from interviews with 22 administrators, faculty members, and instructional designers, we conduct a qualitative analysis of how to navigate financial and quality considerations pertaining to the development and delivery of online courses and exclusively online degree programs. Findings/Results The central finding of this study focuses on the importance and pursuit of quality as an actionable goal when offering online education. We also find emergent themes related to the business model of online education, the influence of online education on the changing faculty role, and the shift toward student-centered learning in online education. Conclusions/Recommendations We offer a novel conceptual model, the Model of Quality-Driven Decision-Making in Online Education, to show how universities can navigate financial and quality considerations when offering online education in higher education.

Hunter Keeney ◽  
Kaye Shelton ◽  
Diane Mason ◽  
J. Kenneth Young

As online education expands, more data is needed on how to optimize its effectiveness in higher education settings. This chapter highlights a quantitative study that utilized the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES), to test the effects of student-centered learning constructs on student satisfaction in online courses. The sample population consisted of 306 students taking masters-level online courses in education or nursing at a university in Southeast Texas. Descriptive statistics and data were analyzed by correlation analysis and stepwise regression. Results of analyses showed personal relevance and authentic learning had the strongest correlations with student satisfaction, whereas the strongest predictors of student satisfaction were personal relevance and instructor support. The findings of the study described herein can provide beneficial insight regarding the design of effective online learning environments in higher education and improving the quality of the student experience.

2022 ◽  
pp. 149-170
Otto Regalado-Pezua ◽  
Manuel Leonardo Toro Galeano

Currently, traditional formal education has taken an unexpected turn due to the events caused by the pandemic as a consequence of COVID-19 and social distancing, leading to educational institutions changing the way of imparting knowledge and skills, study modalities, by strengthening and prioritizing virtual education and distance education (e-learning). Under this scenario, new challenges arise and adaptation and/or creation of new processes, which the different higher education institutions are forced to adapt to remain competitive in the market. The case of a higher education institution in Lima is presented, which, from the global crisis presented by COVID-19, had to adapt to a one hundred percent virtual education. The strategy defined by the business school and the monitoring of the implemented measures is favorably influencing the student experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár ◽  
Anetta Bacsa-Bán

The pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 has challenged the education system, not only in Hungary, but everywhere in the world. The use of information and communication technology in education, including higher education, has transformed students' expectations and, at the same time, redefined the role of the online educator. This is because online teaching and learning is significantly different from teaching-learning in a traditional environment, and educators need to rethink their role in the learning and teaching paradigm. Our higher education institution has developed a new learning-teaching concept based on the experience of distance education introduced as a result of the pandemic situation. The research described in the study and the corresponding developments are shared as good practice for other higher education institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Gavin McCrory ◽  
Johan Holmén ◽  
John Holmberg ◽  
Tom Adawi

Complex sustainability challenges may never be fully solved, rather requiring continuous, adaptive, and reflexive responses over time. Engagement of this nature departs from well-structured problems that entail expected solutions; here, focus shifts toward ill-structured or ill-defined issues characterized by wickedness. In the context of complex challenges, inadequate or absent framing has performative implications on action. By overlooking the value of framing, eventual responses may not only fall short; they may even displace, prolong, or exacerbate situations by further entrenching unsustainability. In educational settings, we know little about how curriculum designs support challenge framing, and how students experience and learn framing processes. In this paper we explore a transdisciplinary “Challenge Lab” (C-Lab) curriculum from a perspective of challenge framing. When considering framing in higher education, we turn to the agenda in education for, as and with sustainable development to be problem-solving, solutions-seeking or challenge-driven. We introduce framing as a boundary object for transformative praxis, where sustainability is held to be complex and contextual. This study is qualitative and case-based, designed to illuminate processes of and experiences into sustainability challenge framing in a transdisciplinary learning setting. Methodologically, we draw from student reflective diaries that span the duration of a curriculum design. We structure our results with the support of three consecutive lenses for understanding “curriculum”: intended, enacted, and experienced curriculum. First, we present and describe a C-Lab approach at the level of ambition and design. Here it is positioned as a student-centered space, process, and institutional configuration, working with framing and re-framing complex sustainability challenges in context. Second, we present a particular C-Lab curriculum design that unfolded in 2020. Third, we illustrate the lived experiences and practical realities of participating in C-Lab as students and as teachers. We reflect upon dilemmas that accompany challenge framing in C-Lab and discuss the methodological implications of this study. Finally, we point toward fruitful research avenues that may extend understandings of challenge framing in higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Wang He ◽  
Gao Wei

The entire education system, from elementary school to higher education, distorted during the lockdown period. The latest 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is not only recorded in China, but also globally. This research is an account of the online teaching paradigm assumed in the teaching method by most of universities in China and subsequent tests over the course. It looks forward to offering resources rich in knowledge for future academic decision-making in any adversity. The aim of this research paper is to explain the prerequisites for online education and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic and how to effectively turn formal education into online education through the use of virtual classrooms and other main online instruments in an ever-changing educational setting by leveraging existing educational tools. The paper uses both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to analyses the views of online teachers and students on the learning regime, with specific attention to the online learning regime implementation process. In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, the purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth overview of online learning. These activities took place during a time of isolation, including the creation of a link between the process of change management and the online learning process in the education system to tackle current issues of academic interference and, however, the re-establishment of educational practice and debate as a normal system of procedural education.

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