David ROAS

El monstruo sigue siendo una figura esencial en la ficción fantástica, adaptándose a los nuevos miedos y deseos que se desarrollan en el seno de la cultura posmoderna. En las páginas que siguen voy a explorar algunas de las formas más renovadoras que toma la monstruosidad fantástica femenina en la obra de las narradoras españolas del siglo XXI: la madre monstruo, la experiencia de la maternidad como conflicto y la niña monstruo. Tres encarnaciones que demuestran no solo la pervivencia y funcionalidad del monstruo en la ficción fantástica actual de autoría femenina, sino su reactualización con el objetivo de denunciar los condicionantes culturales, sociales y políticos impuestos sobre la mujer, específicamente en lo referido a la experiencia de la maternidad, las estructuras familiares y el mundo infantil. Abstract: The monster remains an essential figure in fantastic fiction, adapting to the new fears and desires that develop within postmodern culture. In the pages that follow, I am going to explore some of the most innovative forms that the female fantastic monstrosity takes in the work of 21st Century Spanish female narrators: the monster mother, the experience of motherhood like conflict, and the monster girl. Three incarnations that show not only the survival and functionality of the monster in current fantastic fiction of female authorship, but its updating with the aim of denouncing the cultural, social and political conditioning factors imposed on women, specifically in relation to the experience of the motherhood, family structures and the world of children.

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 356-365 ◽  
Fouad A-L.H. Abou-Hatab

This paper presents the case of psychology from a perspective not widely recognized by the West, namely, the Egyptian, Arab, and Islamic perspective. It discusses the introduction and development of psychology in this part of the world. Whenever such efforts are evaluated, six problems become apparent: (1) the one-way interaction with Western psychology; (2) the intellectual dependency; (3) the remote relationship with national heritage; (4) its irrelevance to cultural and social realities; (5) the inhibition of creativity; and (6) the loss of professional identity. Nevertheless, some major achievements are emphasized, and a four-facet look into the 21st century is proposed.

2009 ◽  
Blair Williams Cronin ◽  
Ty Tedmon-Jones ◽  
Lora Wilson Mau

2001 ◽  
pp. 13-17
Serhii Viktorovych Svystunov

In the 21st century, the world became a sign of globalization: global conflicts, global disasters, global economy, global Internet, etc. The Polish researcher Casimir Zhigulsky defines globalization as a kind of process, that is, the target set of characteristic changes that develop over time and occur in the modern world. These changes in general are reduced to mutual rapprochement, reduction of distances, the rapid appearance of a large number of different connections, contacts, exchanges, and to increase the dependence of society in almost all spheres of his life from what is happening in other, often very remote regions of the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 49-57
Sergey V.  Lebedev ◽  
Galina N.  Lebedeva

In the article the authors note that since the 1970s, with the rise of the Islamic movement and the Islamic revolution in Iran, philosophers and political scientists started to talk about religious renaissance in many regions of the world. In addition, the point at issue is the growing role of religion in society, including European countries that have long ago gone through the process of secularization. The reasons for this phenomenon, regardless of its name, are diverse, but understandable: secular ideologies of the last century failed to explain the existing social problems and give them a rational alternative.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1219
Oki Adrianto ◽  
Sudirman Sudirman ◽  
Suwandi Suwandi
El Niño ◽  
El Nino ◽  
La Niña ◽  

Perekonomian Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur secara sektoral masih didominasi sektor pertanian.Tanaman jagung menjadi salah satu produksi tanaman pangan terbesar berdasarkan data dari Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur tahun 2015. Peningkatan produksi pertanian dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai strategi adaptasi dan upaya penanganan bencana, salah satu upaya tersebut adalah dengan penyediaan informasi iklim terkait penentuan daerah-daerah rawan kekeringan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran wilayah rawan kekeringan lahan jagung bulanan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur saat kondisi El Nino dan La Nina dengan periodeisasi bulanan januari hingga desember. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data curah hujan rata rata bulanan di 19 pos hujan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan suhu udara rata-rata bulanan dihitung menggunakan pendekatan teori Brack dengan titik referensi Stasiun Klimatologi Lasiana Kupang. Periode dari masing-masing data yang digunakan adalah dari tahun 1991 dan 1997 digunakan sebagai tahun El Nino dan tahun 1999 dan 2010 digunakan sebagai tahun La Nina. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat rawan kekeringan dengan menggunakan pembobotan berdasarkan penjumlahan bobot tipe iklim Oldeman dan bobot ketersediaan air tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebaran daerah kekeringan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timurpada tahun el nino lebih luas dibandingkan tahun la nina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 141
Rana Sağıroğlu

Margaret Atwood, one of the most spectacular authors of postmodern movement, achieved to unite debatable and in demand critical points of 21st century such as science fiction, postmodernism and ecocriticism in the novel The Year of The Flood written in 2009. The novel could be regarded as an ecocritical manifesto and a dystopic mirror against today’s degenerated world, tending to a superficial base to keep the already order in use, by moving away from the fundamental solution of all humanity: nature. Although Atwood does not want her works to be called science fiction, it is obvious that science fiction plays an introductory role and gives the novel a ground explaining all ‘why’ questions of the novel. However, Atwood is not unjust while claiming that her works are not science fiction because of the inevitable rapid change of 21st century world becoming addicted to technology, especially Internet. It is easily observed by the reader that what she fictionalises throughout the novel is quite close to possibility, and the world may witness in the near future what she creates in the novel as science fiction. Additionally, postmodernism serves to the novel as the answerer of ‘how’ questions: How the world embraces pluralities, how heterogeneous social order is needed, and how impossible to run the world by dichotomies of patriarchal social order anymore. And lastly, ecocriticism gives the answers of ‘why’ questions of the novel: Why humanity is in chaos, why humanity has organized the world according to its own needs as if there were no living creatures apart from humanity. Therefore, The Year of The Flood meets the reader as a compact embodiment of science fiction, postmodernism and ecocriticism not only with its theme, but also with its narrative techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Evgeny Soloviov ◽  
Alexander Danilov

The Phygital word itself is the combination pf physical and digital technology application.This paper will highlight the detail of phygital world and its importance, also we will discuss why its matter in the world of technology along with advantages and disadvantages.It is the concept and technology is the bridge between physical and digital world which bring unique experience to the users by providing purpose of phygital world. It is the technology used in 21st century to bring smart data as opposed to big data and mix into the broader address of array of learning styles. It can bring new experience to every sector almost like, retail, medical, aviation, education etc. to maintain some reality in today’s world which is developing technology day to day. It is a general reboot which can keep economy moving and guarantee the wellbeing of future in terms of both online and offline.

Vita Semanyuk

Accounting as a practical activity was being developed during millennia but the final forming of accounting science is impossible without the development of its modern theory, which is correspondent to the requirements of scientific doctrines of the 21st century. The existing theory, in many cases, is not good at all and, in general, it is the set of technical approaches of realization of double record. The results of economic investigations of the world level show the impossibility of modern accounting science to fulfill its functions because of its conservative character and it was not changed during many years. All these investigations have a direct impact on economy and show that the understanding of the basic postulates changes and the stress is made on psychological and social aspects and avoiding of material ruling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. e2018014
Samya de Freitas MOREIRA ◽  
Cleiciane Silva da CONCEIÇÃO ◽  
Milla Cristina Santos da CRUZ ◽  
El Niño ◽  
El Nino ◽  
La Niña ◽  

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