scholarly journals Russian Language in the Intercultural Communication Space: Modern Problem Paradigm

Ella Germanovna Kulikova ◽  
Anna Vladimirovna Kuznetsova ◽  
Pavel Vsevolodovich Zayats ◽  
Vladimir Rafaeliyevich Sarkisiyants

A special role belongs to cross-cultural communication in the modern world. An attempt to limit the problem of the Russian language in Russia just with linguistic aspects, and only to culturological and political ones in the post-Soviet Union space is deeply wrong because of the whole complex of factors, relevant to the current state of the language, including both its fundamental character for the Russian culture preservation and transference and its enduring role in preservation of Russia’s and neighbouring states’ information and national security. A problem of the link between generations is especially topical for Russia, as the Russian society and nation are disoriented in language as a field of meanings and styles, in axiological and ethical coordinates of the world picture. Detailed investigation of the factors affecting the development of the Russian language in the cross-cultural communication space is becoming strategically important in the aspect of ensuring national security of Russia and its national unity.Keywords: Russian language, cross-cultural communication, national security, language personality, language tolerance

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-9
Т.В. Юрьева ◽  
В.А. Михайлова

В статье раскрывается проблема формирования кросс-культурной компетентности иностранных учащихся на занятиях по русскому языку как иностранному. Авторы расшифровывают понятие кросс-культурной компетентности, эффективности коммуникации и выделяют факторы и условия их формирования. Отмечается, что каждая культура обладает своей собственной поликодовой системой, расшифровка которой зависит от кросс-культурной компетенции коммуникантов. Выделяются основные признаки кросс-культурной компетенции, которыми являются эмпатия и толерантность, лежащие в основе любого эффективного межкультурного общения, наличие знаний об иной культуре, помогающих правильно интерпретировать коммуникативное поведение представителей другой культуры и готовность к процессу кросс-культурной коммуникации с опорой на накопленный коммуникативный опыт в сфере кросс-культурных контактов. Демонстрируются практические приёмы и методы достижения позитивных результатов. Помимо информации о фонетической, грамматической, лексической системах русского языка, иностранные слушатели должны получить знания об иной, в данном случае русской культуре, помогающие правильно интерпретировать коммуникативное поведение её представителей. Работа в этом направлении проводится уже с первых уроков русского языка, даже на этапе вводно-фонетического курса, и систематически продолжается на всём этапе довузовской подготовки. Авторы приходят к выводу, что в процессе работы с иностранными слушателями Ярославской ГСХА на подготовительном отделении используются различные формы работы в кросс-культурном поле, дающие положительный результат. Завершающий проект (встреча со студентами направления «Журналистика» ЯГПУ им. К.Д. Ушинского) воочию продемонстрировал эффективность используемых методов. Активное использование кросс-культурных коммуникаций ведёт к ускорению и облегчению процесса социокультурной адаптации обучающихся, что в итоге приводит к более высокой эффективности обучения иностранных студентов в условиях русской языковой среды. The article reveals the formation problem of foreign students’ cross-cultural competence in classes in the Russian language as a foreign language. The authors decipher the concept of cross-cultural competence, communication efficiency and distinguish factors and conditions for their formation. It is noted that each culture has its own multicode system, the decoding of which depends on the cross-cultural competence of communicants. The main features of cross-cultural competence are empathy and tolerance which are the basis of any effective cross-cultural communication, the presence of knowledge about a different culture that helps to correctly interpret the communicative behavior of another culture representatives and the readiness for the process of cross-cultural communication based on the accumulated communicative experience in the field of cross-cultural contacts. Practical techniques and methods of achieving positive results are demonstrated. Besides information about the phonetic, grammatical, lexical systems of the Russian language, foreign listeners should gain knowledge of a different in this case Russian culture helping to correctly interpret the communications behavior of its representatives. Work in this direction is carried out already from the first lessons of the Russian language, even at the stage of the introductory phonetic course and systematically continues at the entire stage of pre-university tutorial. The authors conclude that in the process of working with foreign students of the Yaroslavl SAA various forms of work in the cross-cultural field are used at the preparatory department giving a positive result. The final project (a meeting with students of the Journalism direction of YSPU named after K.D. Ushinsky) personally demonstrated the effectiveness of the methods used. The active use of cross-cultural communications leads to the acceleration and facilitation of the process of students’ socio-cultural adaptation which ultimately leads to a higher efficiency of teaching foreign students in the Russian language environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (0) ◽  
Vasil Paputsevich

Rendering lexical units with cultural reference plays an important role in retaining cultural colouring of the original literary work in translation, thus making cross-cultural communication through translating fiction possible in the contemporary global environment. Adequate means of rendering realias as culturally marked lexical units are the focus of attention in this article. The term “realia” is introduced, a categorization system for realias is presented, means of rendering Belarusian realias in the narrative “Obelisk” by Vasil Bykov are analyzed, and correlation between the nature of realia and the means of rendering it in the Russian language is proved. Continuous sampling, as well as statistical, parametric, descriptive-comparative and contextual analysis methods were used to achieve the research goals.

10.12737/1894 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 35-41 ◽  
Чертовских ◽  
Olga Chertovskikh

The theoretical and methodological basis of cross-cultural communication in the modern world has been considered and investigated in this paper. The need of cross-cultural communication concept introduction in educational process on English has been revealed. Purposes and problems related to studying of cross-cultural communication in the modern globalized society have been defined. Cross-cultural communication (CCC) is the process of intercourse between representatives of different peoples, e.g. different languages and cultures. This kind of intercourse exactly can be called as cross-cultural dialogue. The main objective of such dialogue is forming a bilingual personality. CCC assumes equal cultural interaction of representatives of various linguo-culture communities, taking into account their distinctive character and originality that results in need of universal identification on the basis of foreign-language and own cultures comparison. In the course of analysis related to theoretical and methodological papers devoted to the problem of cross-cultural communication the main components of CCC course have been revealed. The conducted research has confirmed the need of studying not only foreign languages, but also cultures of other people, their customs, traditions, standards of behavior. It is defined by that now the process of cultures consolidation has captured various spheres of all countries’ public life.

XLinguae ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-164 ◽  
Natalia A. Orekhovskaya ◽  
Elena I. Zamaraeva ◽  
Evgeniya V. Shikh ◽  
Alexander A. Galushkin ◽  
Raisa I. Platonova ◽  

Анастасия Луговая ◽  
Anastasia Lugovaya

The modern world offers new challenges for the world economic relations. Nowadays culture is one of the most important aspects in understanding different economic and business environments. Culture reflects various historical and traditional peculiarities of this or that society. It is everywhere around us and thus it influences the mind and behavior of people all around the world. The country development can be influenced by its own culture. Therefore, correct understanding the nature of culture and its characteristics is substantial to international business relations. This article deals with scientific information concerning cross cultural communication, examples and arguments why this sphere is very important for future economists.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 181-188
Yunuo Sun ◽  
Mikhail Anatolievich Rybakov

The subject of this research is the lexeme “pine tree” with special linguocultural connotations in the mentality of Russians and Chinese. The authors reviews the historical-cultural associative meanings of the lexeme “pine tree” in the Russian and Chinese linguocultures through the analysis of phraseologisms, proverbs, myths, poems and literary works, as well as historical materials, customs and traditions of the two nations. The article employs descriptive, contextual, comparative methods, component analysis, and cognitive modeling. It is demonstrated that “pine tree” makes a positive impression in both linguocultures; its connotations coincide in the meanings of “perseverance” and “longevity”. Although unlike in Chinese linguocultural connotation, in the Russian language, pine tree also symbolizes negative emotions, such as “loneliness”, “sadness”. The novelty of this research lies in comparison of linguocultural connotations of the “pine tree” phytonomen via interdisciplinary study of the results of perception of this object, its concept and image by the Russian and Chinese native speakers. The accumulated materials can be used in teaching comparative lexicology of the Russian  and Chinese languages, teaching Russian language for Chinese students or Chinese language for Russian students, as well as in the development of lectures and textbooks in these disciplines. The conclusion is made that the detailed contrasting study of connotations of the characteristic phytonomen in two different linguocultures contributes to cross-cultural communication, broadens the perspective on value system of the native speakers of different languages, and allows the people learning a foreign language to avoid undesirable language and cultural conflicts in the context of cross-cultural communication.

10.12737/3449 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-40 ◽  
Дейкина ◽  
Alevtina Deykina

This article describes the humanistic essence of the text, which express communicative functions of a language. Text is a linguistic and didactic unit that promotes knowledge of the language and the development of skills and competences, including communicative and cultural. Appeal to the text in the Russian language course is an appeal to the author’s identity, his position, his cultural space. To achieve positive results we need selection and search of modern Russian language teaching. Dialogue with the text is one of the cognition methods of the language. We can speak about useful reflection on the text (poetry, prose), based on the amount of knowledge and skills of students in the language and broadly — in the culture. Systematic work with the text will help the student to acquire intercultural competence, to overcome the difficulties in cross-cultural communication, keeping the priorities of their own culture and respecting the culture of the interlocutors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 88 ◽  
pp. 03004
Abdusalamu Nijiati ◽  
Irina Karabulatova ◽  
Yuan Lin ◽  
Fatima Sautieva

The article is aimed at analyzing cognitive distortions in crosscultural communication when using automatic translation from Chinese to Russian, which are presented in the Internet space. Hypothesis: cognitive impairment in cross-cultural communication when automatic ChineseRussian translation due to differences in mentality of Russian and Chinese, differential specificity of cognitive picture of the world at native speakers of languages of different structures, especially the inclusion of the components in the scope of the concept, specifics of the representation of the material with different system of graphics, the mismatches of structure of Russian and Chinese proposals, etc. A special role is played by the peculiarities of the tradition of teaching and communication in Russia and China, as well as the specifics of ethnolinguopsychology. The Chinese mentality has a priority influence on the formation of respect for traditions and following them in the written style of speech. The Chinese mentality finds Parallels with the North Caucasian mentality in using the cognitive experience of its predecessors, in following the traditions of pedagogical practice. Russian Russian and Chinese Russian specialists ’ practical skills in cross-cultural communication correspond to the goals, stages, and tasks of training specialists in Russian-Chinese dialogue. The method of analysis is based on an axiological approach and synergetics, including methods of ethnopsycholinguistics, cross-cultural communication, machine learning, methods of teaching languages as foreign languages in an ethno-cultural environment with significant differences in social distance.


  В статье рассматривается проблема контактирования языков, функционирующих на территории современной России: в условиях происходящей в мире глобализации, стирания национальных отличий регионалистические исследования русского языка, то есть определение его региональных особенностей на фонетическом, лексико-фразеологическом, грамматическом и других уровнях, становятся все более важными. Понятие региолекта является относительно новым в лингвистике, тем не менее, лексические единицы, заимствованные из другого языка, но используемые только в зоне контактирования тех или иных языков, привлекают внимание ученых-лингвистов. Конечно, в сравнении с вхождениями из западноевропейских или восточных языков трансляция единиц из языков народов России в русский язык носит иной характер, то есть подобного рода языковые перемещения необходимо описывать в проекции на русскую языковую систему, функционирующую в речи представителей нетитульного этноса того или иного национального региона. Цель статьи — актуализировать научное внимание к указанной проблеме на базе русско-осетинских языковых связей, подчеркнуть значимость последних в свете современных тенденций развития российского общества. Утверждается, что в исторической ретроспективе характер взаимодействия рассматриваемых языков был неоднородным: примерная одинаковость «престижного потенциала» славяно-иранского влияния с течением времени уступила место значительному усилению роли русского языка, сложившейся в силу этого однонаправленности языковых контактов и соответствующего однотипного аспекта их научного исследования. Констатируется, что определенные изменения, произошедшие в последнее время в сфере языковой политики Республики Северная Осетия-Алания, должны обусловить противоположную, осетино-русскую, линию лингвистических исследований соответствующих языковых контактов; данное обстоятельство объективно диктуется самой природой последних: общеизвестно, что любой долговременный этнический контакт не может быть односторонним. The article deals with the problem of language contacting on the territory of modern Russia: in the conditions of globalization taking place in the modern world, the erasure of national differences, namely regional studies of the Russian language, the definition of its regional features on the phonetic, lexical-phraseological, grammatical and other levels are becoming more important. The concept of regiolect is relatively new in linguistics; however, lexical items borrowed from another language, but used only in the zone of contact of various languages, attracted the attention of linguists. Of course, in comparison with the occurrences of West-European or Oriental languages stream units of the languages of the peoples of Russia in Russian language is of a different nature, that is a similar kind of language of movement must be described in the projection on the Russian language system, functioning in the speech of representatives of non-titular ethnic group or another national region. The purpose of the article is to update the scientific attention to this problem on the basis of Russian-Ossetian language relations, to emphasize the importance of the latter in the light of modern trends in the development of Russian society. It is argued that in historical retrospect the nature of the interaction of the languages in question was heterogeneous: the approximate similarity of the «prestigious potential» of the Slavic-Iranian influence over time gave way to a significant strengthening of the role of the Russian language, formed by virtue of this unidirected language contacts and the corresponding similar aspect of their scientific research. It is stated that certain changes that have occurred recently in the field of language policy of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, should determine the opposite, Ossetian-Russian, line of linguistic research of the relevant language contacts; this fact is objectively dictated by the nature of the latter: it is well known that any long-term ethnic contact cannot be unilateral.

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