“This is Paris itself!”: Gogol in the Town of N

2019 ◽  
pp. 79-99
Anne Lounsbery

This chapter discusses the “Gogolian province,” as epitomized in Dead Souls' Town of N, a place defined almost wholly by absence and lack. Gogol's provinces are not just philistine, not just behind the times, but seem instead to represent an unfillable cultural and psychic void. This chapter examines the historically shaped (but aesthetically transformed) meanings of “the provinces” that inform Gogol's thought, particularly in Dead Souls, The Inspector General, and Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends—texts that span much of his career but share almost identical concerns when it comes to provintsiia and its meanings. Provintsiia here takes on a function it is not consistently called upon to fulfill in the works of other authors considered thus far. In Gogol's works, the concept very clearly serves as a way of raising questions about Russian identity more broadly.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-185
Marta Urbańska

The article regards the first initiative of its kind in Poland – i.e. the “Pastewnik” complex in Przeworsk in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship - its history, original plans, status quo, ideas of revitalisation. The complex was founded and partly completed by its spiritus movens, the then county architect Stanisław Żuk, in 1976. The enterprise, called “Przeworski Zamysł” (Przeworsk Concept) contains vernacular wooden structures from Przeworsk, itself a historic town which was located by the King Władysław Jagiełło, and from its vicinity (Gacie, Krzeczowice). The complex is situated at the former farm of the entail of Princes Lubomirski, near the princely residence itself. The transferred vernacular structures are an integral part of the camping facility. Archival descriptions by the architect testify to gigantic difficulties during the completion of the “skansen”, both in the times of the Polish People’s Republic and shortly after 1989. Nevertheless, the extant vernacular wooden structures underwent conservation and conversion (becoming hotel rooms and a renowned inn). Due to the deterioration of relics of wooden architecture in Przeworsk, the town authorities (represented by the then Vice-Mayor, Leszek Kisiel), started the cooperation with the Institute of History of Architecture and Preservation of Monuments, Cracow University of Technology. Its aims were surveys and measurements of the historic structures and studies of development of “Pastewnik”, elaborated by several teams of students within the framework of their summer internships, led by the authoress of this article. Concepts of revitalisation, additions and studies of site plan shall hopefully be implemented. The question of the future of the unusual complex is open – due, on one hand, to its exploitation and substandard of the camping, and on the other on the fact that the newly elected Mayor, dr Kisiel, has ambitious plans.

Maryana Dolynska

The researches during the last 20 years have shown that there were some spatial features of Magdeburg (city) rule in that time. Primarily the structure of the town was similar to other Central or Western European towns: a castle (castrum, burg, grad, dytynets) and an extensive settlement (podil), the latter having no fortifications and being where merchants and craftsmen lived. The initial formation of the city territory based on the principles of the spatial location of the cities of the German law started around the 70-th years of 13 century – the times of rule of duke Lev.No research this period the author has applied the methodology of recreating the historical topography based on the retrospective comparison of the prestatictical sources and applying it to the historical maps of the period. The primary Lviv space of the 13th century was based on the real-estate of the first Lviv «advocatus», Bertold Stecher, and the «laneus» area of Maria Snizhna Church. (Laneus – medieval measure of area, the similar term «mansus»). The 1368th manuscript explained the German family Stecher received land from Duke Lev without being subject to any rent. This real-estate consisted of three parts; the villa (a house in the countryside); allod (the land owned andnot subject to any rent); and the molendinum (mill).After the late 19th-century comment to Latin text insisted that all of these parts of real-estate were Everyone of Lviv`s historians knows were sure these advocates Bertold Stecher`s real-estate (villa Maly Vinyk, allod Podpresk and molendinum Schilzkikut) were nearby contemporary town Vynnyky and far from 13th -14th cc. town of Lviv and far one from another.Using both the method of the retrospective location of real estate and systematic-criterion approach allows to made hard conclusion, that originally, the Maria Snizhna church «laneus» was near the Stecher mill and this «laneus» had divided the Duke`s jurisdiction from the Stecher settlement. Villa Maly Vinyk have changed its name to «Zamarstyniv ». All these real-estate parts constituted the core of the town of the Magdeburg rule. Lviv`s downtown (town within walls) has the typical Middle Age’s spatial urban form, but some specific of it shows it was founded in the 13th century

Leaou-tun-hing, inspector-general of Keang-nan province, presents an address to point out the expediency of early inquests in cases of homicide.Amidst the great number and variety of imprisonments on criminal accusations, the most important are those which relate to the privation of life. Entering into a conspiracy to kill; killing with malicious intention; killing in an affray; causing death by driving a person to desperation; and killing by culpable negligence, constitute the real or proper cases. The cases of false imprisonment for homicide are where wounds are inflicted after death, to be made the grounds of a false accusation; and where the body is consumed or made away with for the same purpose. In all cases the most speedy investigation is of great importance, since from the nature of the wounds or hurts much evidence may be gathered with respect to the intention or disposition of the person that inflicted them; and from their old or new appearance, an inference may be drawn regarding the truth or falsehood of the accusation. Whenever the district magistrates met with a case of homicide, did they, in every instance, proceed without delay to the inquest of the body, while the wounds or hurts wrere yet fresh and unchanged, they might with more ease and certainty elicit the truth; at the same time that the guilty persons, being confronted at once with the magistrate before they had time to collect themselves, would be more likely, through fright, to betray their offence. Hence it may be deduced, that early inquests are the best, key to the elucidation of homicides. But the magistrates of districts, bearing on their shoulders the responsibility attached to such cases, appear always desirous to suppress them. As soon as a report or accusation is made, they purposely contrive delays, instead of proceeding immediately in person to the inquest, or they perhaps send a clerk into the town or village to compel the guilty person, by the agency of money, to make it up with the relations of the deceased, where it happens that these are very poor and needy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 79-93
Wojciech Mądry

Artykuł przedstawia sylwetkę i losy zmarłego przed pięćdziesięciu laty, a dzisiaj niemal zupełnie zapomnianego związanego z Poznaniem badacza Słowiańszczyzny, Władysława Kowalenki. Wykazana jest w nim zarówno nieliczna literatura odnosząca się do jego osoby oraz przede wszystkim niewykorzystane dotychczas liczne materiały archiwalne. W dalszej części przedstawione są wczesne zainteresowania Kowalenki skupiające się wokół osadnictwa grodowego Wielkopolski, oraz jego działalność w okresie okupacji na tajnym Uniwersytecie Ziem Zachodnich. Czasy, w jakich przyszło mu żyć po wojnie, a także sytuacja polityczna epoki PRL wywarły niebagatelny wpływ na kierunek jego dalszej pracy naukowej. Pomimo tego, oraz podeszłego już wieku w ostatnich kilkunastu latach jego życia nastąpił znaczny rozwój jego zainteresowań badawczych związanych z dziejami morskimi Słowiańszczyzny zachodniej i południowej, znajdujący swój wyraz w licznych publikacjach. Kierował też pracami redakcyjnymi jedynego wielotomowego kompendium wiedzy o wczesnej Słowiańszczyźnie jakim jest do dzisiaj Słownik starożytności słowiańskich. Obecnie dorobek naukowy Kowalenki nadal jest wykorzystywany przez badaczy i cytowany w ich pracach Władysław Kowalenko – a forgotten pioneer of research on the importance of sea for the Slavic nations in the early Middle Ages from Poznań The articles presents the character and the life of Władysław Kowalenko, a researcher in Slavic studies connected to Poznań, who died 50 years ago and is now almost entirely forgotten. The article presents primarily the archive materials which had not been used so far, and includes the scarce pieces of literature concerning Kowalenko. The subsequent part of the article presents his early interest in the town settlements in Greater Poland and his activity during the occupation in an underground University of the Western Lands. The times in which he lived after the Second Wold War and the political situation of socialist Poland significantly influenced the direction of his academic work later on. It can be noticed that in the final years of his life, despite the circumstances and despite his advanced age, a significant development of his research interests related to the marine history of the western and southern parts of the Slavic area can be observed, which was expressed in numerous publications. Kowalenko also supervised the editorial work on the only multi-volume encyclopedia concerning the early Slavic history – the “Dictionary of Ancient Slavic History”. At present, the academic legacy of Kowalenko is still used by researchers and quoted in their works.

Svetlana Vaulina ◽  
Elena Bulataya

The article considers irony as a conceptual category of the literary text, that contains author's assessment in the implicit form. The ironic meaning as an integral component of the literary text is an evaluative and emotional way to represent the author's worldview and values. The means of expressing irony in N.V. Gogol's works of different genres (epos, lyrico-epic genre and drama) are determined. The similarities and differences in the author's use of irony expression means in the poem Dead Souls, series of tales Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, Mirgorod, Petersburg Tales, comedy The Inspector General within the author's ironic character description are determined. The article concludes that genre peculiarities of literary works affect the author's choice of certain means of irony expression. It is not typical of the author to use phraseological units as irony explicators in the genre of the tale; however, these linguistic means frequently verbalize ironical meaning in the drama genre – the comedy The Inspector General. The use of such textual means as author's retreats and comments is not typical due to high plot dynamism and dialogization of the author's narrative being characteristic genre features of the comedy. The article considers the means of irony expression in the author's character description. It is shown that irony is manifested both in the characters' and the author's speech and is aimed at assessing the characters' personality and behavior.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-160
Barbara Zin

Wooden structures linked to agriculture are disappearing from the image of the Polish countryside, villages and small towns at the beginning of the 21st century. It is worthy to start the discussion on the fate of desolate, deteriorating forges, sawmills, carpentries, or water mills which are relics of the traditional technology. Sułkowice, a small town in the Małopolskie voivodeship, has been known for ages as a prominent centre of blacksmiths and their craft. Even today one feels the specific character of the landscape; in the mid-19th century circa 1000 blacksmiths worked there. Tradition lived until the times after the Second World War – when artisans in Sułkowice forged, among others, artful fittings for the MS ‘Batory’ [famed Polish liner]. Inventories, surveys and measurements of old forges, elaborated by the authoress within the framework of the research grant “Image of villages and small towns in Poland of the last decade of the 20th century” (led by Prof. Wiktor Zin) led to gathering of the documentation of circa 20 structures hailing from the close of the 19th century. After 20 years that elapsed since the research there are only a few left, and their days are numbered. Local Programme of Revitalisation of the Town from the year 2007 which is a strategic plan for enterprises aiming at amelioration of the area, does not mention the protection of the last witnesses of the local crafts’s tradition. Whereby the activisation of the local community, deriving from the tradition of the place, should be the aim of such a programme. Thus maybe there should be reconstruction and later ‘cyclical rebuilding’ of the structures which have no chance to exist with their primary function? “Old-new” wooden structures shall be a reminder of the blacksmiths’ tradition.

Oryx ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 353-354
Landsborough Thomson

In the last issue of ORYX we drew attention to the dangers from chemicals for the bird life of the Rift Valley lakes in East Africa (page 283). This is particularly serious in Lake Nakuru where a million flamingos are threatened by both chemicals and the sewage effluent from the town of Nakuru which all goes untreated into the lake. Sir Landsborough points out that only on the basis of facts will the authorities listen to demands that the pollution be stopped—and that means research. The new Baharini Wildlife Sanctuary has been established on the lake shores with the triple purpose of providing facilities for such research, as well as for education and tourism—the last designed eventually to pay for the first two. But money is needed to get the research started now. The originator of the project, John Hopcraft, spoke about it at an FPS meeting on September 22, and a letter from Sir Landsborough was published by The Times on September 21. The World Wildlife Fund is supporting the project and the FPS will be pleased to pass on contributions from any members or others who would like to help save the Nakuru flamingos.

Courtney Lewis

To ignore the obvious proliferation of tourism-based small businesses on the Qualla Boundary is to ignore a principal element of the EBCI’s economy and its rich history of business owner ship. Furthermore, the importance of the tourism industry for Native Nations across the United States has been growing in recent years, as seen, for example, in the institution of the 2016 Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience (NATIVE) Act. It is for this reason that I dedicate an entire chapter to this topic. Here, the differences between the town of Cherokee and the rest of the Qualla Boundary are clearest, as almost all of the tourism that takes place on the Qualla Boundary is concentrated in Cherokee proper. This chapter focuses on the concept of authenticity, what is “authentic” in tourist’s eyes, and how the EBCI have asserted their representation from the times of nostalgia tourism to the cultural and heritage tourism of today, a change that is financially supported by the casino. This tourism discussion includes topics such as the development of the Qualla Co-operative and branding, such as the “authentically Cherokee” brand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-541
Rostam Salam Aziz

        The distribution and the competence of firefighting stations in koya town is one of the main problems that this town suffers from, and this led us to conduct an academic study in this respect with the use of Geographic Information Systems. This system illustrates the competence and the services of firefighting stations according to world standard in terms of the times that they take (3-5 minutes) to arrive at the destination according to the distance and the road network, so based on these criteria, the firefighting service can only cover (34%) of the town. It can be deduced that this problem mainly results from misdistribution of firefighting stations and the poor road transportation network. This study, basing on the universal standards, proposes five new firefighting stations in koya in order to be able to cover the whole town and offer a good service in this respect for the present time and for future.   

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