scholarly journals Analysis of Supply Chain Model of Dogol Shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) Capture in Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia

Revanda Fitriadi Wicaksana ◽  
Atikah Nurhayati ◽  
Ibnu Bangkit Bioshina Suryadi ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka

This research aims to analyze the management of the dogol shrimp supply chain in terms of product flow, financial flow, information flow and risk as well as marketing margins of each chain involved in KUD Minasari fish market, Pangandaran Regency, West Java Province. The method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative using primary and secondary data with snowball sampling methods. The analytical tool used is the analysis of supply chain conditions, risks and consequences of dogol shrimp supply chains. The results of this study showed that the process of product flow of the dogol shrimp supply chain in KUD Minasari, Pangandaran Regency involving fishermen, wholesalers, small traders, restaurants and end consumers is quite well related to channeling from fishermen who have not been supported by fishermen's knowledge related to shrimp quality. The dogol shrimp supply chain distribution channel is divided into 8 types of marketing with a significant difference in whether the fish market is involved or not. The marketing channel of dogol shrimp catches in Pangandaran Regency shows that the structure of the second chain with business actors is fishermen → fish auction → large traders → small traders → consumers are more efficient with a marketing margin of Rp. 35,000 / kg or 31.81%, farmer share by 75.87%. The largest market share value of 59.25% is on the 8th channel with restaurants as a marketing agent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ismareni, Ani Muani, Komariyati

Beef  is one of the food products that have no nutritional value in other to meet protein needs for the community. Beef supply chain is a concept that has a regulatory system relating to product flow, financial flow and information flow which jointly working to create and deliver a product into the hands of end users in the process of distribution of beef cattle live into beef. This study aims not only to determine the flow of products, financial flows and the flow of information in the beef supply chain, but also to analysis the efficiency of the level marketing. The study used description and analysc whith proportional random sampling and snowball sampling methods. The data is this study have been analysis by using marketing efficiency analysis, marketing margin, analysis and farmers share as well as profitability index. The results of this study as follow : (1) there streams in the beef supply chain in Mempawah Regency such as product flow, financial flows and information flow are not working well optimally; (2) the distribution channel of beef supply chain in Mempawah Regency is efficient based on efficiency of marketing value, marketing margins are profitable, the value of FS > MP and PI values that show the value of profits earned.Keywords : Supply Chain, Beef, Marketing

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Muhammad aidi Helyanda

The research aims to analyze supply chain conditions and measure avocado marketing efficiency in Bandungan District, Semarang Regency. The research began in March ₋ June 2020. Methods of research used survey methods. The method of sampling farmers using the purposive sampling method, as much as 40 people. The sampling of marketing agencies was conducted by snowball sampling techniques. A total of 14 people consisted of Pegepul, wholesalers, and retailers. Primary data collection is done by interviews with respondents based on a prepared questionnaire.  Data analysis methods used qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods and computation of marketing efficiency. The results showed that the condition of the avocado supply chain in Bandungan district was quite good. The target supply chain is clear, good supply chain structure, resources are adequate, although the implementation of management has not been said to be good, one of them because there is no contractual agreement between marketing institutions so that the amount of avocado sold can not be predicted. The supply chain business process indicates that the product flow in the avocado supply chain moves from the farmer to the consumer, the flow of information goes two-way, i.e. from farmer to consumer or vice versa and the financial flow is moving from consumer to farmer. In the business process, there is a slight obstacle because on the flow of avocado products and information is not yet well integrated, there is no definite cycle so that the delivery time or volume of production can not be predicted well. Marketing activities in the supply chain of the Bandungan district are quite efficient judging from the value of farmer's share (≥ 40%) And the value of the marketing margin of channels 1 Rp 11,800,-, Channel 2 Rp 11,374,-and channel 3 Rp 14,674,-.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 109634802098532
Angela Mai Chi Chu ◽  
Cathy H. C. Hsu

Changes in travelers’ booking habits and the evolution of technology have come to threaten the existence of traditional travel agents (TAs). However, the cruise industry still relies heavily on TAs as its main distribution channel. A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the networks, relationships, and power distribution between cruise companies and TAs using a triangulation method via a tourism supply chain model. Principal–agent (P-A) theory was taken as the framework to describe various parties’ relationships and roles. Several TA business models were identified, including group blocks (i.e., guaranteed and nonguaranteed) and charter cruises (i.e., retail for resale and corporate; meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions). Results show an imbalance of power between parties due to unique business practices and customer preferences in Mainland China. Principals (i.e., cruise companies) were found to rely excessively on agents (i.e., TAs) to create demand, with the growing number of cruise lines leading agents to overpower principals. The alliance among TAs further affected the principal–agent relationship. A refined tourism supply chain model tailored to the cruise industry is thus proposed herein; this cruise supply chain model simplifies the complicated business network relationships between cruise companies and TAs in China.

Jurnal METRIS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Warastra Nur Annisa

Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) is a horticultural commodity that has high economic value. The problems that occur in shallot commodities are easily damaged and rotten, easily experiencing shrinkage of scales, and fluctuating prices. Therefore, this study is aimed to identifying the shallot supply chain model and its risks, and then determining the appropriate mitigation for priority risks. The research method was carried out by purposive sampling and snowball sampling through in-depth interviews with the risk owner. Risk analysis is carried out using the ISO 31000:2009 standard and the risk priority is to determine by the value of the Risk Priority Number (RPN). The results showed that the shallot supply chain contained 19 models consisting of 6 tiers. The identified risks include 32 risks with 10 risks at avoid risk level, 2 risks at the transfer risk level, 17 risks at the level of managing risk, and 3 risks at the appetite risk level. Mitigation is carried out, namely at the farmer tier adding fumigation and blower in the warehouse, installing insect traps, applying advanced and simultaneous planting patterns, watering the plants before sunrise, spraying with fungicides and insecticides. In the slashing tier, you could pay onion to the farmer with a down payment and look for price information. In the tier of collectors, they applied advance payments, making sales records, and payment systems for fixed debts. At the tier sales, namely making records of sales, the system of payment of accounts payable for regular customers, and seeking information to the area available onion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012089
S A Said ◽  
R Darma ◽  
A N Tenriawaru

Abstract The market performance measure that is often used is efficiency in marketing. Marketing efficiency can be improved by applying the concept of supply chain management in agriculture. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of marketing in rice supply chain management. The research was conducted in August 2018 in Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency. The sampling method was carried out by purposive sampling, obtained as many as 8 farmers with the criteria of owner or confinement farmers who have farming experience and several farmers who serve as heads and members of farmer groups, where information on farmers, it is known that the flow of products that involve other marketing agencies is also used. respondents in this study were determined by snowball sampling. Data analysis used is marketing efficiency analysis. The results showed that there were 3 rice marketing channels in Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency. The marketing channel has been efficient, where in supply chain channel 1 with an efficiency level of 12.9%, on marketing channel 2 with an efficiency level of 12.2%, and marketing channel 3 with an efficiency level of 13.2%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (S1-Feb) ◽  
pp. 179-184
Deepak Joy Mampilly ◽  
R Sreedhara

Marketing channels are a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available to customers/consumers, for use or consumption. The channel members in a marketing channel include companies, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and customers. Channel conflict is when a member of the distribution channel perceives another member to be engaged in behaviour that negatively impacts the attainment of its goals. Marketing channel conflicts are of different types and there are vast variations in their intensity and scale. This study, therefore, aims to ascertain the factors that cause channel conflicts in the supply chain of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector and their impact on the overall supply chain of their marketing. The study considers a wide variety of FMCG products such as processed foods, baked goods, fresh, frozen and dry goods, medicines, cleaning products, and office supplies. The geographical boundary of this study is the south Indian state of Kerala.A qualitative methodology is used in the study by conducting in-depth interviews of the different channel members in the supply chain of FMCG sector in Kerala. The Quota-sampling method was used to identify the sample to be interviewed. Further, a correlation and regression analysis are done to understand the most influential factors in marketing channel conflicts. The findings of the study revealed that the major factors causing channel conflicts, were damaged goods, late deliveries, miscommunication, poor packaging, very low margin etc. The study found that managing channel conflicts will ensure a more efficient value chain that will reduce the overall costs incurred by the channel members. The study aims to identify measures to tackle channel conflicts in the supply chain of FMCG sector and enhance its value.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Estu Sri Luhur ◽  
Risna Yusuf

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji rantai nilai komoditas ikan cakalang sehingga diperolehbesaran nilai tambah dan tingkat efisiensi pada setiap simpul rantai pasok. Data yang digunakan adalahdata primer dan sekunder dari instansi terkait dan pelaku usaha. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancarakepada responden dengan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengananalisis nilai tambah, rantai pasok dan rantai nilai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaranikan cakalang memiliki tiga saluran distribusi yaitu: (1) dari nelayan ke pedagang pengumpul danke pedagang pengecer; (2) dari nelayan ke pedagang pengumpul kemudian ke pengolah ikan asar,dan; (3) dari nelayan ke UPI/cold storage. Analisis rantai pasok menunjukkan bahwa ikan cakalangsebagian besar (50%) didistribusikan ke UPI/cold storage dan sisanya dengan porsi yang sama (25%)didistribusikan ke pedagang pengecer dan pengolah ikan asar. Analisis rantai nilai menunjukkan bahwanilai tambah terbesar dihasilkan pada saluran pemasaran kedua, yaitu sebesar Rp.23.062/kg. Simpulrantai pasok nelayan cenderung tidak efisien pada ketiga saluran pemasaran. Rekomendasi kebijakanyang diusulkan: (1) koordinasi dengan Bappeda dan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan sebagaiupaya pengembangan industrialisasi ikan cakalang; (2) melakukan introduksi dan penyebaran teknologipengolahan ikan cakalang dari Balitbang KP dan perguruan tinggi setempat untuk meningkatkan nilaitambah produk, dan; (3) memperluas akses pasar dengan mengefisienkan sistem distribusi, baik melaluijalur laut maupun udara.Title: Value Chain Analysis of Skipjack Tuna in Ambon, MalukuThe purpose of this research was to analyze value chain of skipjack to get a quantity valueand a level of efficiency on each node supply chain. Research was conducted by using the primaryand secondary data from various relevant agencies and businessmen. Data collection was conductedthrough interview to respondent with using purposive and snowball sampling technique. Data wereanalyzed with value-added, supply chain and value chain analysis. The result showed that there werethree distribution channels of skipjack: (1) fisher’s to broker and to retailers; (2) fisher’s to broker and tofish processors, and; (3) fisher’s to cold storage. Supply chain analysis showed that mostly of skipjack(50%) distributed to cold storage and the rest distributed to retailers (25%) and fish processors (25%).Value chain analysis showed in the second marketing channel has the the largest value added, that isas 23.062 IDR per kilograms. On the third marketing channel, fisherman tend has an ineffiencent supplychain. Therefore,there are some recommendations are: (1) doing coordination among Bappeda,industryand trade office as an effort of developing skipjack industrialization; (2) doing introduction and spread ofprocessing technology of agency’s research and development of marine affairs and fisheries and localuniversity to increase value added products, and; (3) expanding market access both of air and sea routesfor having efficient distribution system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 443
Novita Erma Kristanti ◽  
Iqbal Saimima Almuntaha

This research aimed to measure price elasticity of demand soybean with the activity of supply and demand; measuring the concentration ratio (Cr) on a tier that has soybean activities trade system and provides review of marketing channels are considered the most efficient with effective demand in related supply chain. The method of data collection with the technique of convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Methods of sampling was done through indepth interview in supply chain. By calculating its price transmission elasticity on the soybean marketing channels, the ratio of concentration in tier collectors and traders. The result of the calculation of the price transmission elasticity values obtained the highest value on channel 4 with the marketing value 2,509. The average ratio of the concentration of the middleman 0,8501, and tier 0,94554 merchant. So these values indicate that the most efficient marketing channel with an effective demand is marketing channel 4 is composed of farmers, farmers group, and tofu/tempeh industries. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penentuan perilaku pasar terhadap tingkat harga kedelai di wilayah Grobogan. Dalam penentuan perilaku pasar tersebut perlu diketahui nilai tingkat harga dengan perhitungan elastisitas permintaan terkait harga dengan aktivitas supply dan demand kedelai; mengukur nilai konsentrasi rasio (Kr) pada tier yang memiliki aktivitas tata niaga kedelai yang paling sering; dan memberikan ulasan saluran pemasaran yang dinilai paling efisien dengan permintaan yang efektif terkait rantai pasok. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik convinience sampling dan snowball sampling melalui indepth interview kepada pelaku rantai pasok (supply chain) dan dinas terkait. Dengan menghitung nilai elastisitas transmisi harga (Et) pada saluran pemasaran kedelai, rasio konsentrasi pada tier pengepul dan pedagang, nilai elastisitas transmisi harga diperoleh nilai tertinggi pada saluran pemasaran 4 dengan nilai 2,509. Konsentrasi rasio rata-rata pengepul 0,8501, dan tier pedagang 0,94554. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pasar yang paling efektif menggunakan saluran pemasaran yang paling efisien dengan permintaan yang efektif yaitu saluran pemasaran 4 yang terdiri dari petani, kelompok tani, dan pengrajin tahu/tempe.

Cyrilla Indri Parwati

The process of delivering manufactured products to the hands of consumers, technically the product flow that occurs ie products in the form of finished goods will move from the factory warehouse to the consumer through a series of channels and distribution facilities. This distribution starts from the finished goods warehouse, distribution warehouse, retailer up to the wearer. The existence of various parties involved and coordinate in the flow of products from the factory to the consumer will form a system known as the supply chain system (Pujawan, 2010). Providers of fast products and services, the right time, and the desired conditions while still providing an optimal contribution to the company. Obstacles that are often encountered in the implementation of supply chain is the lack of coordination in terms of sharing information between the chain, thus causing distortion of information and trigger the occurrence of bullwhip effect that is a spike from the actual demand in the consumer level or downstream chain resulting in a very sharp spike at a far level from the upstream consumer or chain. The result of the bullwhip effect is the excess inventory, because demand is much smaller than the demand of the retailers, the unorganized production schedule, the unutilized production facilities optimally, because the production plan still has a high level of speculation. The use of information systems that have not been effective, causing the flow of information to be distorted or distorted, resulting in chaos in the flow of products that occur bullwhip effect and indirectly affect the cash flow of the company. The final result of the research is the application of Web-based Information Sharing System on the distribution channel that can be used efficiently and can provide information deviations that occur between the chains. The hope of stock monitoring results can be used as a control in looking at stock inventory in distributors and retail, so if there is a bullwhip effect, it will appear warning and immediately addressed by the distributor.Keywords: information sharing system, bullwhip effect, distortion of information.

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