scholarly journals Zonas de amortecimento em Unidades de Conservação urbanas. Dois casos em Salvador-BA-Brasil

GeoTextos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Jacileda Cerqueira Santos

<p>A Zona de Amortecimento tem por função criar um espaço-anteparo a fim de minimizar efeitos antrópicos negativos impostos pela ocupação urbana desordenada, sobretudo aquela já consolidada, sobre as áreas protegidas. Unidades de Conservação urbanas precisam ser manejadas de maneira diferenciada das áreas protegidas rurais. Sendo assim, estabelecer uma Zona de Amortecimento em áreas urbanas ou em centros metropolitanos traz, como desafio principal, a mediação entre garantir a integridade dos objetivos da UC e, ao mesmo tempo, oferecer benefícios ambientais e sociais, não apenas no que diz respeito às amenidades proporcionadas pela proximidade com elementos naturais. Deste modo, faz-se de suma importância que uma Zona de Amortecimento de uma Unidade de Conservação em área urbana seja delimitada, considerando-se critérios ambientais, sociais, culturais e institucionais.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The Buffer Zone has the function of creating a bulkhead in order to minimize negative anthropic effects imposed by the disorderly urban occupation, especially that already consolidated, on the protected areas. Urban Conservation Units need to be managed differently from rural protected areas. Thus, establishing a Buffer Zone in urban areas or metropolitan centers brings, as a main challenge, the mediation between ensuring the integrity of the objectives of the PA and, at the same time, offering environmental and social benefits, not only as regards the amenities provided by the proximity to natural elements. Thus, it is of utmost importance that a Buffer Zone of a Conservation Unit in an urban area be delimited considering, environmental, social, cultural and institutional criteria.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
José Augusto Leitão Drummond ◽  
José Luiz De Andrade Franco ◽  
Daniela De Oliveira

This is a second overview of the Brazilian conservation unit system for mid-2010. It updates author et al, 2009. It examines six dimensions of federal and state protected areas – age, numbers, types of units, absolute and average sizes, distribution by states and biomes, and degree of compliance with CBD-inspired goals. Major findings: (i) the system maintained a rapid growth rate; (ii) national parks and national forests are the most prominent units; (iii) distribution of units by region and biome remains unbalanced; (iv) state units grew remarkably over the last five years; (v) state units are biased towards sustainable use; (vi) sustainable use units grew more than fully protected units; (vii) Amazonia remains the most extensively protected biome; and (viii) quantitative goals of biome protection are closer to being reached. In 2010 Brazil held the fourth position globally in protected areas; it created the largest number of units between 2000 and 2010; it has the largest combined area of protected tropical formations. However, several regions and biomes remain under protected. 

2019 ◽  
pp. 200-219
Eduina Bezerra França

RESUMO:No Brasil, a gestão de unidades de conservação ainda é pouco discutida no sentido de governança, e ao mesmo tempo direciona olhares para aplicação de metodologias e políticas de ordenamento territorial que venham a mitigar os conflitos e efetivar práticas mais participativas. O objetivo do artigo é compreender as implicações do ordenamento territorial e da gestão de UC em ambientes costeiros, tendo como referência empírica a APA de Piaçabuçu, Litoral Sul de Alagoas. A metodologia utilizou basicamente os seguintes instrumentos: levantamento bibliográfico e documental, visita de campo e entrevista com gestores. Para análise e interpretação dos resultados optou-se pelo decálogo proposto pelo geógrafo espanhol Barragán Muñoz (2014) que permite valorar os ambientes geográficos e sistematizar um modelo de governança eficaz na costa. Em suma, a dinâmica territorial da APA de Piaçabuçu passa por problemas que dificultam o trabalho da gestão e necessita de parcerias que atentem para a governança e inclua as esferas antenadas com a organização do território.Palavras-chave: Ordenamento Territorial; Unidade de Conservação; Litoral. ABSTRACT:In Brazil, the management of conservation units is still little discussed in the sense of governance and, at the same time, it directs approaches to the application of territorial planning methodologies and policies that will mitigate conflicts and effect more participatory practices. The objective of this article is to understand the implications of land use planning in the APA of Piaçabuçu, Litoral Sul de Alagoas. The methodology used basically the following instruments: bibliographical and documentary survey, field visit and interview with managers. For governance analysis in UC, the decalogue proposed by the Spanish geographer Barragán Muñoz (2014) was used to assess geographic environments and systematize an effective governance model on the coast. In short, the territorial dynamics of the APA in Piaçabuçu are affected by problems that hamper the work of management and require partnerships that jeopardize governance and include the spheres with the organization of the territory.Keywords: Territorial Planning; Conservation Unit; Coast.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
José Roque Nunes Marques ◽  
Ronaldo Pereira Santos

<p><strong>INTERVENÇÃO DO PODER PÚBLICO EM OUTRAS TERRAS PÚBLICAS PARA CRIAÇÃO DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO </strong></p><p><strong>Resumo:</strong> A Constituição Federal tutela os recursos naturais sendo obrigação do Estado e da Sociedade e competência comum a todos entes Federativos. A Lei 9.985/00 não enfrentou questões importantes como o da dominialidade das terras públicas. Em 15 anos após a Lei, muitas áreas têm sido criadas em sobreposição ou em territórios sem o domínio do ente titular do ato. Este cenário gera no mínimo insegurança jurídica, desentendimentos fundiários, além de conflitos locais. O objetivo central deste artigo é discutir se os dispositivos da Lei 9.985 de 2000, seu decreto e a Constituição, autorizam a criação de espaços protegidos em área de outro ente da Federação. Além disso, analisar as diferença quanto à modalidade de UC – de uso sustentável ou de proteção integral. As UC de uso Sustentável podem ser criadas em áreas sem o domínio do titular, pois estar-se-ia meramente atuando com Limitação Administrativa, sem a transferência do domínio. Nas UC de proteção integral sua instituição dependem do domínio pelo titular do ato, salvo quando ocorrer a desapropriação nos casos admitidos em Lei.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chaves:</strong> Intervenção do Estado; Lei 9.985/2000; Terras Públicas; Unidade de Conservação; Desapropriação.</p><p><strong>INTERVENTION OF THE PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN OTHER PUBLIC LANDS FOR CONSERVATION UNITS OF CREATION </strong></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Natural resources protection is a Constitutional duty for both all society and State. Besides all federation members detain such common legal competency. The Brazilian Protected Area´s Act (Law 9.985 of 2000) it was not clear whether it is possible to create Protected Areas over public lands. Over last 15 years many areas have been created in overlapping public territories generating legal uncertainty, disagreements, and local conflicts. The aim of this text was to discuss whether law and the Constitution authorize a member of the Federation to institute Protected Areas in land of another member Federation. Furthermore, to examine the legal effects for different types of Protected Areas. The modality of Sustainable Protected Areas (SPA) can be created in areas without the domain. This is because merely would be acting with administrative limitation. On the other hand, the modality of Full Protected Areas (FPA) depend on the domain, except under the expropriation and compensation payment.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> State intervention; Law 9.985/2000; Public lands; Conservation Unit; Expropriation.</p><p><strong>Data da submissão:</strong> 30/04/2016                   <strong>Data da aprovação:</strong> 12/06/2016</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Diana Margaret Quispe Roque ◽  
Claudia Aravena

This study investigates the differences in the interaction and perception of the environmental problems in the Titicaca National Reserve between households in the rural and urban areas of its buffer-zone. We conducted semi-structured interviews and surveys and a test of difference. Results show significant differences in the socioeconomic profile of the households. Rural interaction is associated with the use of the resources as a source of food and livestock, while in the urban area it is associated to recreation. The pollution of the lake was the main environmental problem identified. However, rural households perceive the overexploitation of natural resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3029
Leandro Macedo ◽  
Adrian Monjeau ◽  
Aline Neves

We have gathered 21,353 records of 40 different medium- and large-sized species of mammals existing in the Atlantic Forest conservation units of Brazil, including full protection and sustainable use types of management. We have classified the conservation units by their irreplaceability in terms of their role in the protection of mammalian species. Most irreplaceable conservation units are concentrated in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil, mainly in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná. Our data show that over and above the area of the conservation unit or its type of use, protection of its surroundings appears to be of most consequence. Therefore, it is essential to develop effective mosaic governance mechanisms that include protected areas and different types of land use. However, it is also necessary to establish common ground that allows the coexistence of human economic demands and wildlife preservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 99-106
Lidiya Semerdzhieva ◽  
Bilyana Borisova

Natural habitats and their biodiversity are usually associated with protected areas, incompatible with direct anthropogenic influence. Is there a biodiversity in urban environment, what is the role of peri-urban areas to the provision of species richness and is their potential being properly utilized? These are current issues that deserve the attention of decision-makers because the human&#39;s need of natural environment in cities is expressed more intensely than in any previous period in history. Green and blue infrastructure elements, being part of the larger system of urban ecosystems, provide an essential and proven benefits to the city dwellers, like health improvement, opportunities for nature-based daily outdoor recreation, strengthening sense of place etc. The main objective of this research is to assess this part of the landscape elements in urban and peri-urban environment, which are most supportive to the maintenance of habitats and their biodiversity. Selected Functional urban area with center city of Burgas is choosen for a case study. The urban ecosystems are assessed in GIS environment with unified indicator (based on City Biodiversity Index approach) according to 5 criteria: hemeroby index, share of protected areas, fragmentation index, presence of water and species richness. The assessment is performed on two spatial levels: within Functional urban area by Urban Atlas spatial units and within urban core &ndash; by grid cells (local climate zones). The final higher scores identify areas that provide the greatest extent the maintenance of habitats and their biodiversity. The results could support the urban planning and help to optimize the link between the natural elements within the Functional urban areas, providing ecological, economic and social benefits to the regions through the enhancement of the urban ecosystem&rsquo;s functions and their services.

Ailson de Lima Marques ◽  
Debora Coelho Moura ◽  
Cássio Ricardo Gonçalves Da Costa ◽  
José Ayron Moraes De Lima ◽  
Ana Luíza de Melo Lucena ◽  

The National System of Conservation Units has defined a buffer zone as an area around a Conservation Unit, where activities must be subject to specific standards, in order to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems. Based on this discussion, this research uses remote sensing and geoprocessing and has as objectives: to map the use and occupation of the land, to simulate the buffer zone and to characterize the spaces of social and environmental conflicts of the State Park Mata do Pau Ferro, Areia-PB. Through the mapping of use and occupation was identified that the Park has 600 ha. Of these, 492 ha (82%) present a spectral response of forest vegetation (Seasonal Semideciduous Forest) in different successional stages, 54 ha (9%) represent clearings, with pioneer vegetation (Poaceaea and shrub), which present the same response spectral of crops and pastures, and 54 ha (9%) is the Vaca Brava reservoir, which presents its Permanent Preservation Area. The spaces of conflict are the protagonists of the buffer zone and summed represent 600 ha or 75% of the area. This fact can be considered an aggravating factor because all these economic activities are not being monitored and spatially symbolize a high degree of edge effect. Integrated management between the Conservation Unit and its buffer zone in this situation is urgent and should involve the surrounding social sectors, especially rural producers. An alternative would be the payment for Environmental Services and incorporate the agroforestry system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 642 ◽  
pp. 227-240
L Lodi ◽  
R Tardin ◽  
G Maricato

Most studies of cetacean habitat use do not consider the influence of anthropogenic activities. We investigated the influence of environmental and anthropogenic variables on habitat use by humpback Megaptera novaeangliae and Bryde’s whales Balaenoptera brydei off the coast of the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. Although there are 2 marine protected areas (MPAs) in this area, few data are available on cetacean habitat use or on the overlap of different cetacean species within these MPAs. Our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the MPAs and propose a buffer zone to better protect the biodiversity of the study area. We conducted systematic surveys and developed spatial eigenvector generalized linear models to characterize habitat use by the species in the study area. Habitat use by humpback whales was influenced only by depth, whereas for Bryde’s whales there was the additional influence of anthropogenic variables. For Bryde’s whales, which use the area for feeding, sea surface temperature and the distance to anchorages had a major influence on habitat use. We also showed that neither of the MPAs in the study area adequately protects the hotspots of either whale species. Most of the humpback whale grid cells with high sighting predictions were located within 2 km of the MPAs, while areas of high sighting prediction of Bryde’s whales were located up to 5 km from the MPAs, closer to beaches. Our findings provide important insights for the delimitation of protected areas and zoning of the MPAs.

Patan Pragya ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Chhabi Ram Baral

Urban poverty is one of multidimensional issue in Nepal. Increasing immigration from the outer parts of Kathmandu due to rural poverty, unemployment and weak security of the lives and the properties are core causes pushing people into urban areas. In this context how squatter urban area people sustain their livelihoods is major concern. The objectives of the study are to find out livelihood assets and capacities squatters coping with their livelihood vulnerability in adverse situation. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are applied for data collection. It is found that squatters social security is weak, victimized by severe health problems earning is not regular with lack of physical facilities and overall livelihood is critical. This study helps to understand what the changes that have occurred in livelihood patterns and how poor people survive in urban area.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 420
Benas Šilinskas ◽  
Aistė Povilaitienė ◽  
Gintautas Urbaitis ◽  
Marius Aleinikovas ◽  
Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė

This study performed a pilot evaluation of the wood quality—defined by a single parameter: dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn, N mm−2)—of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) trees in urban areas. A search of the literature revealed few studies which examined the specifics of tree wood development in urban areas. Little is known about the potential of wood from urban trees wood of their suitability for the timber industry. In this study, an acoustic velocity measuring system was used for wood quality assessment of small-leaved lime trees. The MOEdyn parameter was evaluated for small-leaved lime trees growing in two urban locations (along the streets, and in an urban park), with an additional sample of forest sites taken as the control. MOEdyn was also assessed for small-leaved lime trees visually assigned to different health classes. The obtained mean values of MOEdyn of 90–120-year old small-leaved lime trees in urban areas ranged between 2492.2 and 2715.8 N mm−2. For younger trees, the values of MOEdyn were lower in the urban areas than in the forest site. Otherwise, the results of the study showed that the small-leaved lime wood samples were of relatively good quality, even if the tree was classified as moderately damaged (which could cause a potential risk to the community). Two alternatives for urban tree management can be envisaged: (1) old trees could be left to grow to maintain the sustainability of an urban area until their natural death, or (2) the wood from selected moderately damaged trees could be used to create wood products, ensuring long-term carbon retention.

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