single point mutation
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261090
Muhammad Umair Sial ◽  
Khalid Mehmood ◽  
Shafqat Saeed ◽  
Mureed Husain ◽  
Khawaja Ghulam Rasool ◽  

Green peach aphid [Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] is a significant pest with a known history of insecticide resistance. Neonicotinoids could manage this pest; however, their frequent use led to the evolution of resistance in field populations of M. persicae. Toxicity data for neonicotinoid insecticides synergized with pipernyl butoxide (PBO) in a field population (FP) were collected and compared to a laboratory susceptible clone (SC) of aphids. The enhanced expression of metabolic resistance-related cytochrome P450 gene CYP6CY3 and an arginine-threonine substitution were detected in FP, causing a single point mutation (R81T) at β1 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) within D loop. High level of resistance to imidacloprid was developed in FP with 101-fold resistance ratio and moderate resistance level (10.9-fold) to acetamiprid. The results of PBO synergized bioassay suggested that cytochrome P450 enzymes were involved in the resistance to neonicotinoids. The mRNA transcriptional level of CYP6CY3 gene was significantly higher (3.74 fold) in FP compared to SC. The R81T mutation associated with neonicotinoid resistance had 26% resistant allele frequency in FP. Both P450 enzymes and R81T mutation of nAChR were found in field-evolved neonicotinoid resistance. It is concluded that field-evolved resistance in green peach aphid could be managed by using appropriate synergists such as PBO.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Bingxue Sun ◽  
Guangxue Zhu ◽  
Xuewen Xie ◽  
Ali Chai ◽  
Lei Li ◽  

With the further application of succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHI), the resistance caused by double mutations in target gene is gradually becoming a serious problem, leading to a decrease of control efficacy. It is important to assess the sensitivity and fitness of double mutations to SDHI in Corynespora cassiicola and analysis the evolution of double mutations. We confirmed, by site-directed mutagenesis, that all double mutations (B-I280V+D-D95E/D-G109V/D-H105R, B-H278R+D-D95E/D-G109V, B-H278Y+D-D95E/D-G109V) conferred resistance to all SDHI and exhibited the increased resistance to at least one fungicide than single point mutation. Analyses of fitness showed that all double mutations had lower fitness than the wild type; most of double mutations suffered more fitness penalties than the corresponding single mutants. We also further found that double mutations (B-I280V+D-D95E/D-G109V/D-H105R) containing low SDHI-resistant single point mutation (B-I280V) exhibited higher resistance to SDHI and low fitness penalty than double mutations (B-H278Y+D-D95E/D-G109V) containing high SDHI-resistant single mutations (B-H278Y). Therefore, we may infer that a single mutation conferring low resistance is more likely to evolve into a double mutation conferring higher resistance under the selective pressure of SDHI. Taken together, our results provide some important reference for resistance management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lyndsay Avery ◽  
Tanner F. Robertson ◽  
Christine F. Wu ◽  
Nathan H. Roy ◽  
Samuel D. Chauvin ◽  

X-linked moesin associated immunodeficiency (X-MAID) is a primary immunodeficiency disease in which patients suffer from profound lymphopenia leading to recurrent infections. The disease is caused by a single point mutation leading to a R171W amino acid change in the protein moesin (moesinR171W). Moesin is a member of the ERM family of proteins, which reversibly link the cortical actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. Here, we describe a novel mouse model with global expression of moesinR171W that recapitulates multiple facets of patient disease, including severe lymphopenia. Further analysis reveals that these mice have diminished numbers of thymocytes and bone marrow precursors. X-MAID mice also exhibit systemic inflammation that is ameliorated by elimination of mature lymphocytes through breeding to a Rag1-deficient background. The few T cells in the periphery of X-MAID mice are highly activated and have mostly lost moesinR171W expression. In contrast, single-positive (SP) thymocytes do not appear activated and retain high expression levels of moesinR171W. Analysis of ex vivo CD4 SP thymocytes reveals defects in chemotactic responses and reduced migration on integrin ligands. While chemokine signaling appears intact, CD4 SP thymocytes from X-MAID mice are unable to polarize and rearrange cytoskeletal elements. This mouse model will be a valuable tool for teasing apart the complexity of the immunodeficiency caused by moesinR171W, and will provide new insights into how the actin cortex regulates lymphocyte function.

2021 ◽  
Yueyao Wang ◽  
Yao Wang ◽  
Dongfan Song ◽  
Xin Sun ◽  
Zhe Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Sumaer Kamboj ◽  
Chase Harms ◽  
Derek Wright ◽  
Anthony Nash ◽  
Lokender Kumar ◽  

Abstract Alpha-synuclein (aSyn) has implications in pathological protein aggregations in neurodegeneration. Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are broad-spectrum proteases and cleave aSyn, leading to aggregation. Previously, we showed that allosteric communications between the two domains of MMP1 on collagen fibril and fibrin depend on substrates, activity, and ligands. Here we report quantification of allostery using single molecule measurements of MMP1 dynamics on aSyn-induced aggregates by calculating Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between two dyes attached to the catalytic and hemopexin domains of MMP1. The two domains of MMP1 prefer open conformations that are inhibited by a single point mutation E219Q of MMP1 and tetracycline, an MMP inhibitor. A two-state Poisson process describes the interdomain dynamics, where the two states and kinetic rates of interconversion between them are obtained from histograms and autocorrelations of FRET values. Since a crystal structure of aSyn-bound MMP1 is not available, we performed molecular docking of MMP1 with aSyn using ClusPro. We simulated MMP1 dynamics using different docking poses and matched the experimental and simulated interdomain dynamics to identify an appropriate pose. We used experimentally validated simulations to define conformational changes at the catalytic site and identify allosteric residues in the hemopexin domain having strong correlations with the catalytic motif residues. We defined Shannon entropy to quantify MMP1 dynamics. We performed virtual screening against a site on selected aSyn-MMP1 binding poses and showed that lead molecules differ between free MMP1 and substrate-bound MMP1. Also, identifying aSyn-specific allosteric residues in MMP1 enabled further selection of lead molecules. In other words, virtual screening needs to take substrates into account for substrate-specific control of MMP1 activity. Molecular understanding of interactions between MMP1 and aSyn-induced aggregates may open up the possibility of degrading aggregates by targeting MMPs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13271
Christina James ◽  
Christof Lenz ◽  
Henning Urlaub ◽  
Ralph H. Kehlenbach

VAPB (Vesicle-Associated-membrane Protein-associated protein B) is a tail-anchored membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that can also be detected at the inner nuclear membrane. As a component of many contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum and other organelles, VAPB is engaged in multiple protein interactions with a plethora of binding partners. A mutant version of VAPB, P56S-VAPB, which results from a single point mutation, is involved in a familial form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS8). We performed RAPIDS (rapamycin- and APEX-dependent identification of proteins by SILAC) to identify proteins that interact with or are in close proximity to P56S-VAPB. The mutation abrogates the interaction of VAPB with many known binding partners. Here, we identify Sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1), a well-known autophagic adapter protein, as a major interaction/proximity partner of P56S-VAPB. Remarkably, not only the mutant protein, but also wild-type VAPB interacts with SQSTM1, as shown by proximity ligation assays and co-immunoprecipiation experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 1015-1015
Temiloluwa Adanlawo ◽  
Helen Vander Wende

Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that impacts nerve cells and the spinal cord, which in some cases are linked to mutations in the Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene. Sod1 is an antioxidant within cells that converts reactive oxygen from superoxide into water using a copper and zinc ion to deactivate the oxygen. When the SOD1 gene is deleted, yeast cells are still able to undergo meiotic divisions and generate four spores, but the spores that are produced are inviable. However, we see that randomly, sod1∆ spores can grow on rich media. This leads us to hypothesize that somewhere in the genome, there is a suppressor mutation that allows these cells to grow. We tested this hypothesis by preparing samples for whole genome sequencing. By comparing the genomic sequences from our suppressor mutants to wild-type controls, we’re able to identify a single point mutation within a gene called NCA2, which codes for a protein that regulates expression of Fo-F1 ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8. Given this result, we are now working to try and understand the relationship between the sod1∆ spore death phenotype and the modulation of ATP synthase activity. In summary, the results from our work have the potential to further help us understand what role Sod1 plays in yeast meiosis and may be able to give us a deeper understanding for ALS cases that are linked to Sod1.

2021 ◽  
Andre Birgy ◽  
Clement Roussel ◽  
Harry Kemble ◽  
Jimmy Mullaert ◽  
Karine Panigoni ◽  

Epistasis affects genome evolution together with our ability to predict individual mutation effects. The mechanistic basis of epistasis remains, however, largely unknown. To quantify and better understand interactions between fitness-affecting mutations, we focus on a 11 amino-acid α-helix of the protein β-lactamase TEM-1, and build a comprehensive library of more than 15,000 double mutants. Analysis of the growth rates of these mutants shows pervasive epistasis, which can be largely explained by a non-linear two-state model, where inactivating, destabilizing, neutral, or stabilizing mutations additively contribute to the phenotype. Hence, most epistatic interactions can be predicted by a non-linear model informed by single-point mutational measurements only. Deviations from the two-state model are consistently found for few pairs of residues, in particular when they are in contact. This result, as well as single-point mutation parameters can be quantitatively found back through direct-coupling-analysis-based statistical models inferred from homologous sequence data. Our results thus shed light on the existence and the origins of the multiple determinants of the epistatic landscape, even at the level of small structural components of a protein, and suggest that the corresponding constraints shape the entire β-lactamase family.

Metabolomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
Dorna Varshavi ◽  
Dorsa Varshavi ◽  
Nicola McCarthy ◽  
Kirill Veselkov ◽  
Hector C. Keun ◽  

Abstract Introduction KRAS was one of the earliest human oncogenes to be described and is one of the most commonly mutated genes in different human cancers, including colorectal cancer. Despite KRAS mutants being known driver mutations, KRAS has proved difficult to target therapeutically, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying KRAS-driven cellular transformation. Objectives To investigate the metabolic signatures associated with single copy mutant KRAS in isogenic human colorectal cancer cells and to determine what metabolic pathways are affected. Methods Using NMR-based metabonomics, we compared wildtype (WT)-KRAS and mutant KRAS effects on cancer cell metabolism using metabolic profiling of the parental KRASG13D/+ HCT116 cell line and its isogenic, derivative cell lines KRAS+/– and KRASG13D/–. Results Mutation in the KRAS oncogene leads to a general metabolic remodelling to sustain growth and counter stress, including alterations in the metabolism of amino acids and enhanced glutathione biosynthesis. Additionally, we show that KRASG13D/+ and KRASG13D/− cells have a distinct metabolic profile characterized by dysregulation of TCA cycle, up-regulation of glycolysis and glutathione metabolism pathway as well as increased glutamine uptake and acetate utilization. Conclusions Our study showed the effect of a single point mutation in one KRAS allele and KRAS allele loss in an isogenic genetic background, hence avoiding confounding genetic factors. Metabolic differences among different KRAS mutations might play a role in their different responses to anticancer treatments and hence could be exploited as novel metabolic vulnerabilities to develop more effective therapies against oncogenic KRAS. Graphical abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Annesa Das ◽  
Kuldeep Singh Chauhan ◽  
Himanshu Kumar ◽  
Prafullakumar Tailor

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are the key producers of type I interferons (IFNs), thus playing a central role in initiating antiviral immune response. Besides robust type I IFN production, pDCs also act as antigen presenting cells post immunogenic stimulation. Transcription factor Irf8 is indispensable for the development of both pDC and cDC1 subset. However, the mechanism underlying the differential regulation by IRF8 in cDC1- and pDC-specific genomic architecture of developmental pathways still remains to be fully elucidated. Previous studies indicated that the Irf8R294C mutation specifically abrogates development of cDC1 without affecting that of pDC. In the present study using RNA-seq based approach, we have found that though the point mutation Irf8R294C did not affect pDC development, it led to defective type I IFN production, thus resulting in inefficient antiviral response. This observation unraveled the distinctive roles of IRF8 in these two subpopulations—regulating the development of cDC1 whereas modulating the functionality of pDCs without affecting development. We have reported here that Irf8R294C mutation also caused defect in production of ISGs as well as defective upregulation of costimulatory molecules in pDCs in response to NDV infection (or CpG stimulation). Through in vivo studies, we demonstrated that abrogation of type I IFN production was concomitant with reduced upregulation of costimulatory molecules in pDCs and increased NDV burden in IRF8R294C mice in comparison with wild type, indicating inefficient viral clearance. Further, we have also shown that Irf8R294C mutation abolished the activation of type I IFN promoter by IRF8, justifying the low level of type I IFN production. Taken together, our study signifies that the single point mutation in Irf8, Irf8R294C severely compromised type I IFN-mediated immune response by murine pDCs, thereby causing impairment in antiviral immunity.

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