metal contents
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 792
Christin Baumgärtel ◽  
Thea Lautenschläger ◽  
Mazekana H. G. Panzo ◽  
Francisco Afonso ◽  
Christoph Neinhuis ◽  

High metal contents of acidic soils from sub-Saharan Africa often prevent the cultivation of crops and lead to a low livestock yield. The carbohydrate rich diet of the Angolan population is low in minerals and vitamins, resulting in various deficiency syndromes and a high child mortality rate. Eight traditionally utilized plants (Anisophyllea quangensis, Annona stenophylla subsp. cuneata, Canarium schweinfurthii, Eugenia malangensis, Landolphia lanceolata, Raphionacme madiensis, Tristemma mauritianum, Vitex madiensis subsp. madiensis) with nutritional value for the Angolan population were analyzed for their soil and growing conditions. The species are adapted to the local conditions and can serve as crops for the unfavorable soils of the province Uíge. Chemical and physical characteristics of the uppermost soil (0–5 cm) and in 30 cm depth were analyzed. The plant-available macro-and micronutrients were determined using Mehlich 3 extraction. Data are completed with leaf tissue analyses, examining the uptake of minerals. As aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn) are plant-available in high amounts, local plants evolved mechanisms dealing with those metals. These Al accumulators with foliar contents above 1000 mg/kg are Anisophyllea quangensis (7884 mg/kg), Landolphia lanceolata (6809 mg/kg), Tristemma mauritianum (4674 mg/kg), and Eugenia malangensis (13,989 mg/kg). All four species bear edible fruits with nutritional potential. The domestication and commercialization of those plants seem to be promising, utilizing local soils without expensive amelioration techniques.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-382
Tehseen Quds ◽  
Maryam Ahmed ◽  
Sadia Shakeel ◽  
Nusrat Jalbani ◽  
Farah Mazhar ◽  

Purpose: To determine the heavy metal content of selected local and international herbal medicines sold for the treatment of various diseases in Pakistan. Methods: The different dosage forms of herbal medicines assessed were crude forms of syrups, gel, capsule, powder and tonic. Wet digestion method was used to prepare the herbal samples using nitric acid, and then analyzed for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg), using MHS-15 mercury/hydride system and flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Results: The investigated results displayed the Arsenic level (0.00 ppm to 0.580 ppm); Cadmium (0.001 ppm to 0.006 ppm); Lead (0.00 ppm to 1.078 ppm) and Mercury (0.001 ppm to 0.012 ppm). All results were found below the permissible limit of acceptability intake of the World Health Organization (WHO) and American Herbal Products Association (AHPA). The pH of the samples were in the range of 1.52 to 6.99. Conclusion: The findings reveal that the investigated herbal products available in Pakistan are safe with reference to heavy metals, and considered non-toxic for human consumption.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 595
Collin J. Weber ◽  
Jens Hahn ◽  
Christian Opp

Soils contain an increasing number of different pollutants, which are often released into the environment by human activity. Among the “new” potential pollutants are plastics and microplastics. “Recognized” pollutants such as heavy metals, of geogenic and anthropogenic origin, now meet purely anthropogenic contaminants such as plastic particles. Those can meet especially in floodplain landscapes and floodplain soils, because of their function as a temporary sink for sediments, nutrients, and pollutants. Based on a geospatial sampling approach, we analyzed the soil properties and heavy metal contents (ICP-MS) in soil material and macroplastic particles, and calculated total plastic concentrations (Ptot) from preliminary studies. Those data were used to investigate spatial connections between both groups of pollutants. Our results from the example of the Lahn river catchment show a low-to-moderate contamination of the floodplain soils with heavy metals and a wide distribution of plastic contents up to a depth of two meters. Furthermore, we were able to document heavy metal contents in macroplastic particles. Spatial and statistical correlations between both pollutants were found. Those correlations are mainly expressed by a comparable variability in concentrations across the catchment and in a common accumulation in topsoil and upper soil or sediment layers (0–50 cm). The results indicate comparable deposition conditions of both pollutants in the floodplain system.

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Turki M. Habeebullah ◽  
Said Munir ◽  
Jahan Zeb ◽  
Essam A. Morsy

In this paper, atmospheric water-soluble cation and anion contents of PM10 are analysed in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. PM10 samples were collected at five sites for a whole year. PM10 concentrations (µg/m3) ranged from 82.11 to 739.61 at Aziziyah, 65.37 to 421.71 at Sanaiyah, 25.20 to 466.60 at Misfalah, 52.56 to 507.23 at Abdeyah, and 40.91 to 471.99 at Askan. Both daily and annual averaged PM10 concentrations exceeded WHO and Saudi Arabia national air quality limits. Daily averaged PM10 concentration exceeded the national air quality limits of 340 µg/m3, 32% of the time at Aziziyah, 8% of the time at Sanaiyah, and 6% of the time at the other three sites. On average, the cations and anions made a 37.81% contribution to the PM10 concentrations. SO42−, NO3−, Ca2+, Na+, and Cl− contributed 50.25%, 16.43%, 12.11%, 11.12%, and 8.70% to the total ion concentrations, respectively. The minor ions (F−, Br−, Mg2+, NO2−, and PO43−) contributed just over 1% to the ion mass. Four principal components explained 89% variations in PM10 concentrations. Four major emission sources were identified: (a) Road traffic, including emission from the exhaust, wear-and-tear, and the resuspension of dust particles (F−, SO42−, NO3−, Ca2+, Na+, Mg+, Br−, Cl−, NO2−, PO43−); (b) Mineral dust (Cl−, F−, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, PO43−); (c) Industries and construction–demolition work (F−, SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+); and (d) Seaspray and marine aerosols (Cl−, Br−, Mg2+, Na+). Future work would include an analysis of the metal contents of PM10 and their spatiotemporal variability in Makkah.

Nurfitri Abdul Gafur ◽  
Masayuki Sakakibara ◽  
Satoru Komatsu ◽  
Sakae Sano ◽  
Koichiro Sera

In this paper, we report ecological and environmental investigations on Pteris vittata in the As–Pb–Hg-polluted Bone River area, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. The density distribution of P. vittata decreases from around the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) site to the lower reaches of the Bone River, and it is rarely found near Gorontalo City. The maximum concentrations of As, Hg, and Pb recorded in the soil samples were 401, 36, and 159 mg kg−1, respectively, with their maximum concentrations in P. vittata recorded as 17,700, 5.2, and 39 mg kg−1, respectively. Around the ASGM sites, the concentrations of As, Pb, and Hg in P. vittata were highest in the study area. These data suggest that P. vittata, a hyperaccumulator of As, may be useful as a bioindicator for assessing environmental pollution by Pb and Hg.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Bac Nguyen Quang ◽  
Duc Ta Hong

Oyster shells are considered as a byproduct or solid waste in mariculture or related food processing areas that face a major disposal problem at the landfill in coastal regions for sustainable development. Oyster shell is composed mostly of CaCO3, and it is also considered as a secondary source of calcium for various applications. In this paper, we extracted the calcium carbonate from oyster shell and used it as the source of calcium for the preparation of feed-grade monocalcium phosphate (MCP). The investigation shows that the heavy metal contents in oyster shells as well as in the synthesized MCP are extremely low, and the synthesized product meets the requirements for the European Union (EU) maximum limits applied for feed additives. The XRD, TG, and IR data analyses confirmed that the synthesized product is monocalcium phosphate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Cheikh Tidiane Dione ◽  
Birame Ndiaye ◽  
Cheikhna Diebakate ◽  
Momar Ndiaye ◽  
Maurice Millet ◽  

The content of four heavy metals (zinc, iron, chromium and copper) in muscles, liver and gonads has been studied for the five most consumed fish species (Cephalopholus taeniops, Scomber japonicus, Lagocephalus laevigatus, Pagellus bellottii and Pagrus caeruleostictus) in the Soumbedioune region. The samples were digested by acid digestion. The metal contents were quantified using a PF-11 type photometer. The results obtained show that metals such as zinc, iron and chromium are significantly higher (p <0.05) in the muscles of the four species than in the liver and gonads. However, the levels of heavy metals in the muscles, liver, and gonads of the five species are above the acceptable limit recommended by the FAO and WHO, with the exception of the copper levels in the gonads of the species Pagellus bellottii.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (12) ◽  
pp. 3493-3503
Aynur Demir ◽  
Gökçen Baysal Furtana ◽  
Mehtap Tekşen ◽  
Rukiye Tipirdamaz

In this study, Hypericum salsugineum, an endemic halophytic plant growing around Salt Lake, was analyzed to determine the heavy metals (chromium, lead, copper, zinc and nickel) on it and on the soil it grew. The phytoremediation potential of H. salsugineum was evaluated. In addition, the benefit cost (B/C) analysis was performed for its potential use in phytoremediation. The plant and soil samples were collected from Eskil and Cihanbeyli between May and September in 2016. A total of 300 soil and plant samples were analysed for heavy metal content. Statistical and standard benefit/cost analyses were performed for assessment. The capacity of accumulating the aforementioned heavy metals was found to be high in H. salsugineum. It was found that Ni and Pb ratio exceeded optimum values in its habitat, and H. salsugineum accumulated available Ni and Pb. When the plant was evaluated in terms of benefit/cost, B/C ratio was greater than 1 during the useful life of the study. This conclusion increases the ecological and economical values of H. Salsugineum, effecting its potential use in phytoremediation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-30
V.A. Simonov ◽  
V.V. Maslennikov ◽  
A.V. Kotlyarov

Studies of melt inclusions in quartz indicate the similarity of acid magmatic systems of massive sulfde deposits in the Urals and Altai-Sayany region. The melts of normal alkalinity corresponding to rhyodacite and rhyolite compositions and related to the tholeiitic series are dominant in all the deposits considered. The magmas are characterized by the same type evolution with a decreasing content of main oxides (TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O) and an increasing SiO2 content. Our results show the accumulation of Cu in relatively low-H2O acidic melts of ancient (Cambrian) deposits of the Altai-Sayany region and low metal contents in the intermediate (Silurian–Devonian) and H2O-saturated magmas of the Urals. The youngest (Devonian) magmas of Siberia evolve simultaneously along these two directions. The analysis of melt inclusions in quartz suggests that the minimum contents of trace and rare earth elements are characteristic of the Silurian-Devonian acid melts of the Urals, with their maximum contents in the youngest (Devonian) magmas and the intermediate contents of ancient (Cambrian) magmatic systems of the Altai-Sayany region. The features of rare and rare earth element patterns in melt inclusions in quartz indicate the similarity of acid magmatic systems of massive sulfde deposits in the Urals and Altai-Sayany region with present-day suprasubduction melts in the ocean-continent transition zones. Computational modeling using data on melt inclusions in quartz confrms our previous conclusions (Simonov, Maslennikov, 2020) that the occurrence of contrasting (basic and felsic) volcanic complexes with massive sulfde deposits in the Urals and Altai-Sayany region is a result of evolution of basaltoid magmas. Keywords: conditions of mineral crystallization, basaltic-rhyolitic complexes, massive sulfde deposits, melt inclusions, quartz, acidic melts.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Gabriela Mota ◽  
José Vitor C. do Carmo ◽  
Camila B. Paz ◽  
Gilberto D. Saraiva ◽  
Adriana Campos ◽  

The effects of the metal incorporation into hydroxyapatites on the deactivation behavior of the solids were examined in the esterification of glycerol (EG) reaction. The introduction of Cu, Co, or Ni ions by ion exchange in calcium-deficient hydroxyapatites resulted in active catalysts for the EG reaction. The metal contents were varied from 2.0 to 17.0%, providing better performances at rather high metal contents. Part of metal species existed in the hydroxyapatite lattice structure and also as isolated Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ entities on the surface, as shown by XPS and EPR. The effects of the reaction temperature, reaction time, and glycerol to acetic acid molar ratios were deeply investigated. The spent solids used in this study were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDS, chemical analyses, EPR, and XPS. The Cu2+–OH acid pairs could promote a superior catalytic performance of Cu-containing hydroxyapatites due to the resistance of these solids against leaching of the active species, which is even better than those of Co and Ni-containing counterparts with high metal contents. Cu into hydroxyapatite had a good reusability and long-term utilization for five consecutive cycles of 24 h under a glycerol to acetic acid molar ratio of 0.25 at 80 °C, and longer reaction times provide triacetin formation. This was due to the fact that Cu was stabilized by interacting with Ca, PO4, and OH sites into the hydroxyapatite lattice, being highly active for the EG reaction. The results also revealed that isolated Cu2+ sites played an important role in enhancing the glycerol conversion, intrinsically due to the Cu-containing hydroxyapatites ability to avoid strong adsorption of glycerol oligomers on the catalytic sites.

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