electrode impedance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 402-408
Alvaro Zazueta-Gambino ◽  
Claudia Reyes-Betanzo ◽  
Victor Manuel Jimenez-Fernandez

2022 ◽  
Hao Chu ◽  
Chenxi Yang ◽  
Yantao Xing ◽  
Jianqing Li ◽  
Chengyu Liu

Abstract PurposeLong-term electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is an essential approach for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Flexible dry electrodes that contains electrolyte without water could be a potential substitution of wet electrodes for long-term ECG monitoring. Therefore, this paper developes a long-term, portable ECG patch based on flexible dry electrodes, namely SEUECG-100.MethodA device consists of analog-front-end acquisition, data acquisition, and storage modules is developed and tested. An impedance test was conducted to compare the skin-electrode impedance of the flexible dry electrode and the Ag/AgCl wet electrode. The ECG signals were simutanously collected from the same subject using the SEUECG-100 and Shimmer device , which were then compared and analyzed from the perspective of ECG morphology, RR interval, and signal quality indices (SQI).ResultsThe experimental results reveal that the flexible dry electrode has the characteristics of low skin-electrode impedance. SEUECG-100 could collect high-quality ECG signals. The ECG signals collected by the two devices have a high RR interval correlation (r=0.999). SQI results show that SEUECG-100 is better than the Shimmer device in overcoming baseline drift. Long-term ECG acquisition and storage experiments show that SEUECG-100 could collect ECG signals with good stability and high reliability.ConclusionThe implementation of the proposed system design with dry electrodes could can effectively record long-term ECG monitoring with high quality in comparison to systems with wet electrodes from both impedance characteristics and signal morphology aspects.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Michael Schweigmann ◽  
Frank Kirchhoff ◽  
Klaus P. Koch

Abstract Decoding the cellular network interaction of neurons and glial cells are important in the development of new therapies for diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Electrophysiological in vivo studies in mice will help to understand the highly complex network. In this paper, the optimization of epidural liquid crystal polymer (LCP) electrodes for different platinum electroplating parameters are presented and compared. Constant current and pulsed current electroplating varied in strength and duration was used to decrease the electrode impedance and to increase the charge storage capacity (CSCC). In best cases, both methods generated similar results with an impedance reduction of about 99%. However, electroplating with pulsed currents was less parameter-dependent than the electroplating with constant current. The use of ultrasound was essential to generate platinum coatings without plating defects. Electrode model parameters extracted from the electrode impedance reflected the increase in surface porosity due to the electroplating processes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 233121652110609
Benjamin Caswell-Midwinter ◽  
Elizabeth M. Doney ◽  
Meisam K. Arjmandi ◽  
Kelly N. Jahn ◽  
Barbara S. Herrmann ◽  

Cochlear implant programming typically involves measuring electrode impedance, selecting a speech processing strategy and fitting the dynamic range of electrical stimulation. This study retrospectively analyzed a clinical dataset of adult cochlear implant recipients to understand how these variables relate to speech recognition. Data from 425 implanted post-lingually deafened ears with Advanced Bionics devices were analyzed. A linear mixed-effects model was used to infer how impedance, programming and patient factors were associated with monosyllabic word recognition scores measured in quiet. Additional analyses were conducted on subsets of data to examine the role of speech processing strategy on scores, and the time taken for the scores of unilaterally implanted patients to plateau. Variation in basal impedance was negatively associated with word score, suggesting importance in evaluating the profile of impedance. While there were small, negative bivariate correlations between programming level metrics and word scores, these relationships were not clearly supported by the model that accounted for other factors. Age at implantation was negatively associated with word score, and duration of implant experience was positively associated with word score, which could help to inform candidature and guide expectations. Electrode array type was also associated with word score. Word scores measured with traditional continuous interleaved sampling and current steering speech processing strategies were similar. The word scores of unilaterally implanted patients largely plateaued within 6-months of activation. However, there was individual variation which was not related to initially measured impedance and programming levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Woongsang Sunwoo ◽  
Hyoung Won Jeon ◽  
Byung Yoon Choi

AbstractReducing electrode impedance is an important factor in improving the functional benefits of cochlear implants (CIs). The immediate effect of early switch-on within 24 h of surgery on impedance among CI recipients with various types of electrodes has been reported previously; however, the immediate change and the evolution of electrode impedances of slim modiolar electrodes after early switch-on within 24 h of implantation has not. Therefore, the focus of this retrospective cohort study of CI patients was to compare the effect of early switch-on (n = 36) and conventional switch-on (n = 72) 2–4 weeks post-operation on impedance. Compared with impedance measured intraoperatively, our results demonstrate a significant decrease in impedance from 11.5 to 8.9 kΩ (p < 0.001) at 2–4 weeks after implantation in the early switch-on group, which sharply contrasted with elevated impedance values for conventional switch-on 2–4 weeks after implantation (from 10.7 to 14.2 kΩ, p = 0.001). Notably, a comparatively lower impedance than the conventional switch-on protocol was observed for up to 2 months post-operation. Most importantly, a much earlier stabilization of impedance can be achieved with the early switch-on protocol coupled with the slim modiolar electrode array compared to the conventional switch-on protocol, offering the advantage of reducing the number of required mapping sessions in the early stages of rehabilitation.

Ismael Payo ◽  
J. L. Polo ◽  
Blanca Lopez ◽  
Diana Serrano ◽  
Antonio M. Rodríguez ◽  

Abstract Conductive Hydrogels are soft materials which have been used by some researchers as resistive strain sensors in the last years. The electrical resistance change, when the sensor is stretched or compressed, is usually measured by the two-electrode method. This method is not always suitable to measure the electrical resistance of polymers-based materials, like hydrogels, because it could be highly influenced by the electrode/sample interface, as explained in this study. For this reason, a signal conditioning circuit, based on four-electrode impedance measurements, is proposed to measure the electrical resistance change when the gel is stretched or compressed. Experimental results show that the tested gels can be used as resistance force/pressure sensors with a quite linear behaviour.

Marco Vinicio Alban ◽  
Haechang Lee ◽  
Hanul Moon ◽  
Seunghyup Yoo

Abstract Thin dry electrodes are promising components in wearable healthcare devices. Assessing the condition of the human body by monitoring biopotentials facilitates the early diagnosis of diseases as well as their prevention, treatment, and therapy. Existing clinical-use electrodes have limited wearable-device usage because they use gels, require preparation steps, and are uncomfortable to wear. While dry electrodes can improve these issues and have demonstrated performance on par with gel-based electrodes, providing advantages in mobile and wearable applications; the materials and fabrication methods used are not yet at the level of disposable gel electrodes for low-cost mass manufacturing and wide adoption. Here, a low-cost manufacturing process for thin dry electrodes with a conductive micro-pyramidal array is presented for large-scale on-skin wearable applications. The electrode is fabricated using micromolding techniques in conjunction with solution processes in order to guarantee ease of fabrication, high device yield, and the possibility of mass production compatible with current semiconductor production processes. Fabricated using a conductive paste and an epoxy resin that are both biocompatible, the developed micro-pyramidal array electrode operates in a conformal, non-invasive manner, with low skin irritation, which ensures improved comfort for brief or extended use. The operation of the developed electrode was examined by analyzing electrode-skin-electrode impedance, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, and electromyography signals and comparing them with those measured simultaneously using gel electrodes.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3629
Granch Berhe Tseghai ◽  
Benny Malengier ◽  
Kinde Anlay Fante ◽  
Lieva Van Langenhove

It is important to go through a validation process when developing new electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes, but it is impossible to keep the human mind constant, making the process difficult. It is also very difficult to identify noise and signals as the input signal is unknown. In this work, we have validated textile-based EEG electrodes constructed from a poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate:/polydimethylsiloxane coated cotton fabric using a textile-based head phantom. The performance of the textile-based electrode has also been compared against a commercial dry electrode. The textile electrodes collected a signal to a smaller skin-to-electrode impedance (−18.9%) and a higher signal-to-noise ratio (+3.45%) than Ag/AgCl dry electrodes. From an EEGLAB, it was observed that the inter-trial coherence and event-related spectral perturbation graphs of the textile-based electrodes were identical to the Ag/AgCl electrodes. Thus, these textile-based electrodes can be a potential alternative to monitor brain activity.

2021 ◽  
Amanda Rodrigues Leite ◽  
Shayane Pereira Gonçalves ◽  
Anderson Pontes Morales ◽  
Bruna Carvalho Pelliciari ◽  
Mauricio Rocha Calomeni

Population aging is a global phenomenon, the passage from an aging state that is healthy to a process of loss of cognitive functions is mediated by the installation of a state of Mild Cognitive Commitment (MCC), which may or may not evolve into dementia. . In the early stages of dementia there is an increase in Theta activity and the more advanced stages there is an increase in Delta activity. The study verified the effect of the association of physical and cognitive stimuli on the power of Theta and Delta brain waves of elderly people with MCC. 18 elderly of both genders,aged over 60 years, diagnosed with CCL were divided into Control Group (CG, n=8); Experimental Group (GE, n=10). Brainwave power was determined via EEG with electrodes positioned according to the international 10/20 system. Asepsis of the checkpoints was performed with cotton and a 70º alcohol solution. For data collection, it was verified if the electrode impedance rate was below 20 (KΩ). Brain activity was monitored for 3 minutes to determine a baseline. The points of interest were points F7 which is related to visual and auditory working memory, selective and divided attention, F8 related to visual and spatial working memory, emotional processing and attention maintenance, and finally points P3 and P4 related to problem-solving, attention, and association, visual processing and non-verbal association. In addition to these, points A1 and A2 were used as a reference and another point as ground. The CG continued to attend memory training meetings. The GE went through training sessions that combined physical and cognitive exercises. Weekly 40-minute sessions were held for 7 weeks. Test T was used in all comparisons. It was found that the GC registered Theta increase in the parietal areas and Delta in both the parietal and frontal areas. The GE had a decrease in theta wave power in the parietal and frontal areas. None of the comparisons between groups proved to be statistically significant. It is concluded that the association of physical and cognitive stimuli applied in weekly sessions of 40 minutes for 7 weekswas not sufficient to produce statistically significant results. However, the observed results are qualitatively similar to those of other studies that indicate the efficiency of this type of training when used during longer intervention periods.

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