public information systems
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Roman V. Amelin ◽  

Introduction. The practice of public administration in the Russian Federation is largely based on the implementation and use of public information systems in all areas. Such information systems become a tool for influencing public relations, firstly, acting as a continuation of legal norms, secondly, replacing the actual norms of law in rare individual cases and, finally, acting as a means of certifying and qualifying legal facts. Theoretical analysis. Legal facts act as the most important links of the legal mechanism – both in legal regulation and in law enforcement. An integral part of the legal regulation mechanism is the system of fixing and certifying legal facts. Empirical analysis. State information systems ensure the maintenance of state registers intended for registration and storage of legal facts, and are also able to collect information in an automated mode and receive new information based on the processing of primary data. In the system of legal regulation, there is a tendency to endow such data with legal force, as a result of which they act as legal facts, and the activities for their qualification are delegated to the information system. The increasing complexity of information systems leads to the fact that the implementation of the rights and obligations of subjects becomes critically dependent on their correct work. Results. The author proposed to establish a number of legislative principles and restrictions, in particular, the principle of verification of conclusions obtained through the use of information systems by a person, in cases where such a conclusion has the force of a legal fact that affects the rights and obligations of a person.

Tábula ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 81-95
Luis Martínez García

Ante unas administraciones públicas que se centran en los datos, el autor se cuestiona en este texto si la profesión está capacitada –o si, al menos, así lo entiende nuestra organización–, para hacernos cargo de los datos de los sistemas de información pública; si realmente poseemos una formación suficientemente cualificada y las herramientas específicas necesarias; y si tenemos el posicionamiento adecuado en las estructuras administrativas para gestionarlos y aplicarlos de forma transversal. Facing of the public administrations that focus on data, the author queries in this text if the profession is qualified ‘or if, at least our organization understands it that way’ to take over the data of the public information systems, if we really have a sufficiently qualified training and the necessary specific tools and if we have the appropriate positioning in the administrative structures to manage and apply them in a transversal way.

Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 715-730
Kithsiri Perera ◽  
Ryutaro Tateishi ◽  
Kondho Akihiko ◽  
Srikantha Herath

Bushfires are an integral part of the forest regeneration cycle in Australia. However, from the perspective of a natural disaster, the impact of bushfires on human settlements and the environment is massive. In Australia, bushfires are the most disastrous natural hazards. According to the records of the Parliament of Australia, the recent catastrophic bushfires in NSW and Victoria burnt out over 10 million hectares of land, a figure more significant than any previous bushfire damage on record. After the deadly 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, which killed 173 people in Victoria, public attention to bushfires reached a new peak. Due to the disastrous consequences of bushfires, scientists have explored various methods to mitigate or even avoid bushfire damage, including the use of bushfire alerts. The present study adds satellite imagery and GIS-based semi-real-time bushfire contents to various bushfire warnings issued by government authorities. The new product will disseminate graphical bushfire contents to rural Australians through social media, using Google Maps. This low-cost Media GIS content can be delivered through highly popular smartphone networks in Australia through social media (Facebook and Twitter). We expect its success to encourage people to participate in disaster mitigation efforts as contributors in a participatory GIS network. This paper presents a case study to demonstrate the production process and the quality of media GIS content and further discusses the potential of using social media through the mobile network of Australia while paying attention to mobile blackspots. Media GIS content has the potential to link with the public information systems of local fire management services, disseminate contents through a mobile app, and develop into a fully automated media GIS content system to expand the service beyond bushfires.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Farid Yusuf Nur Achmad

Abstract (English)The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the implementation of the Law on Public Information Disclosure No. 14/2008 at the Communication and Information Office of Baubau City. The method uses the Merilee S. Grindle Policy Implementation model, which implements it is very supportive of the content of the policy (Content of Policy) and the context of its implementation (Context of policy) and in its implementation, it has been running optimally but there are still some problems that cause disputes over public information. Other research results show that the Baubau City Communication and Informatics Office has been very good at providing public information services that have been previously requested by the community. The applicant's lack of understanding regarding the Law on Public Information Disclosure made the Office have to provide as detailed an explanation as possible about the Law. The understanding of the employees of the Baubau City Communication and Informatics Office regarding the Law on Public Information Disclosure is quite good, however, there is an application for information that is convoluted and makes it less acceptable to the public      Keywords: Public Information Systems, Information and Communication Technology, Public Services; Government, Public   Abstrak (Indonesia)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik No.14 Tahun 2008 Pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Kota Baubau. Metode penelitian menggunakan model Implementasi Kebijakan Merilee S. Griendle, yang penerapannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh isi kebijakan (Content of Policy) dan konteks implementasinya (Context of policy) dan dalam pelaksanaannya sudah berjalan optimal namun masih terdapat beberapa masalah yang menyebabkan sengketa informasi publik. Hasil penelitian lainnya bahwa pihak Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Kota Baubau sudah sangat baik dalam pemberian pelayanan penyediaan informasi publik yang telah dimohonkan sebelumnya oleh masyarakat. Pemahaman yang kurang dari pemohon informasi mengenai UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik membuat Dinas tersebut harus memberikan penjelasan yang sedetail mungkin mengenai UU tersebut. Pemahaman pegawai Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Kota Baubau mengenai UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik sudah cukup baik, namun ada menjadikan permohonan terhadap suatu informasi dibuat berbelit-belit serta menjadikan kurang diterima oleh masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Publik; Pemerintah; Sistem Informasi Publik; Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi;  Masyarakat 

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-166
Mirkhon Nurullaev ◽  

The article provides a brief description of the cryptography service provider software developed by the authors of this article, which is designed to create encryption keys, create private and public keys of electronic digital signature, create and confirm authenticity of digital signatures, hashing, encrypting, and simulating data using the algorithms described in the State Standards of Uzbekistan. It can be used in telecommunications networks, public information systems, and government corporate information systems by embedding into applications that store, process, and transmit information that does not contain information related to state secrets, as well as in the exchange of information, and ensuring the legal significance of electronic documents. The cryptography service provider includes the following functional components: a dynamically loadable library that implements a biophysical random number sensor; a dynamic library that implements cryptographic algorithms in accordance with the State Standards of Uzbekistan; a module supporting work with external devices; an installation module that provides the installation of a cryptography service provider in the appropriate environment of operation (environment). ABSTRAK: Artikel ini memberikan penerangan ringkas tentang perisian penyedia perkhidmatan kriptografi yang dibangunkan oleh pengarang artikel ini, yang direka untuk membuat kunci penyulitan, kunci persendirian dan awam tandatangan digital elektronik, membuat dan mengesahkan kesahihan tandatangan digital, hashing, penyulitan dan simulasi data menggunakan algoritma yang dinyatakan dalam Standard Negeri Uzbekistan. Ia boleh digunakan dalam rangkaian telekomunikasi, sistem maklumat awam, sistem maklumat korporat kerajaan dengan memasukkan aplikasi aplikasi yang menyimpan, memproses dan menghantar maklumat yang tidak mengandungi maklumat yang berkaitan dengan rahsia negara, serta pertukaran maklumat dan memastikan undang-undang kepentingan dokumen elektronik. Penyedia perkhidmatan kriptografi termasuk komponen berfungsi sebagai berikut: perpustakaan dinamik yang boleh dimuatkan yang melaksanakan sensor nombor rawak biofisika; perpustakaan dinamik yang melaksanakan algoritma kriptografi mengikut Standard Negeri Uzbekistan; modul menyokong kerja dengan peranti luaran; modul pemasangan yang menyediakan pemasangan penyedia perkhidmatan kriptografi dalam persekitaran operasi yang sesuai (persekitaran).

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Betal Bizhoev ◽  
Yulia Obalyaeva

In connection with implementation of national projects in the Russian Federation, the topic of effectiveness of budget allocation tools is again being updated. The article assesses the existing problem situations in the activities of the contract system, describes the mechanism of information support of the budget and procurement process. Based on specific cases, the risks of the implementation of national projects are structured, and factors for reducing the procurement time cycle are shown. The article makes an analysis of the world and national experience in improving the information structure of public information systems and offers options for introducing robotic technologies of electronic trading platforms.

2019 ◽  
pp. 6-11
Alexei Babenko

The urgency of the issue of information security in state information systems is justified by the high demand for systems of this class. The effectiveness of public information systems largely depends on the level of their security. Based on this, we formulate the purpose of this study: formalization of the process of managing the composition of the system of information technical protection in state information systems. The paper deals with the problem of managing the composition of the system of information technical protection in state information systems. The author analyzes threats to information security in state information systems. The article defines the criteria of evaluating technical means of information protection in state information systems. The researcher develops a formal model of managing the structure of information technical protection system in state information systems. The developed model of managing the structure of information protection technical means in state information systems allows to determine the most effective structure of the information protection system in state information systems. If the requirements for the analyzed means of information security change, then changing the values in the optimal vector, you can come to the right decision. Consequently, the developed model of managing the structure of information protection technical means in state information systems is universal and effective.

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