colloquial speech
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Ksenia G. Kostina

Introduction. Any language’s verb system has many resources for denoting various actions of people. The relations of the action or state of the subject to its object are determined by the grammatical category of the voice, represented in the Udmurt language by the pairs of causative – non-causative, reflexive – non-reflexive forms of voices. The article considers the functioning of the verb’s reflexive voice in the modern Udmurt language, including the etymology of the voice’s affix, the grammatical meanings of reflexive verbs. Materials and Methods. The main material of the research is based on the Udmurt-Russian Dictionary (2008) and the texts of Udmurt writers included into the National Corpus of the Udmurt Language. The article used a set of such research methods as descriptive, continuous sampling, contextual analysis, taking into account the situational conditioning of the verb voice. On specific examples, the use of these methods makes it possible to consider the structure, dynamics and features of the functioning of the reflexive voice of the verb in the Udmurt language. Results and Discussion. As a result of the research, for the first time, among the reflexive voice’s groups we include verbs of passive voice. The reason of it is the low probability of using passive constructions in colloquial speech. The frequent cases of using passive meanings of verbs in the literature and in the press are defined by the calcified translation of foreign-language constructions. Conclusion. The grammatical structure of the Udmurt language is represented by two binary voice’s forms: reflexive/non-reflexive voice and causative/non-causative voice. Specific indicators of reflexive voice are affixes -ськ(ы)-/-ск(ы), -иськ(ы)-/-üськ(ы)-. From the point of view of semantic content, five semantic groups of returnable pledges are distinguished: reflexive, medial, reciprocal, impersonal, passive. The proposed classification is determined by the specifics of the relations between the subject and the object of action.

L.G. Khabibullina

In modern linguistics there is a growing scientific interest in the semantic analysis of linguistic phenomena. The increased interest is explained by the fact that it is the study of semantic relations between syntactic units that allows us to reveal the communicative essence of the language. In this regard the study of the structural and semantic features of constructions expressing the relations of concession, which are the most complex among other types of conditionality relations, seems relevant and timely. The purpose of this article is to analyze the concessive relations from the formal and substantive side on the material of the Tatar language. The research was carried out using the conceptual apparatus of modern theories of language categories, as well as ideas about the role and functions of concessive relations both in the system organization of language itself and in contextual discourse. The material for the study was drawn from Tatar fiction and colloquial speech. In the course of the work, the method of linguistic description was used as the main research method. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that concessive relations are built on the opposition of two situations, formed on the basis of conditional, causal, and adversarial values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-435
Vladimir I. Konkov ◽  
Tatiana A. Solomkina

The research deals with one of the most important topics in the field of studying Russian as a foreign language - the diversity of the Russian language media environment. The purpose of the study is to determine its status in Russian-speaking media environment professional journalistic speech, that is its communicative status. The work analyses Russian-language publications of the traditional print press, radio, television, and materials presented in the communicative environment of the Internet: sites of various publishing houses, publics on social networks, blogs, etc. The paper is based on descriptive and comparative analysis. For the first time the content of the concept professional journalistic speech is revealed in the linguistic aspect. The main feature defining the ontology of media speech is the utility - direct involvement in general social life. Media text in its existence is always associated with the time of its publication, has specific coordinates of the social space-time, is created for here and for now. It is this feature of media speech that determines all its lexical and grammatical parameters. The media environment is presented as a space for everyday social communication. It is accompanied by the communicative space of everyday interpersonal communication - conversational speech. The latter thanks to Internet communication technologies actively invades the media speech space. Media speech actively interacts with colloquial speech. The research has shown that professional journalistic speech has always been a systemic element of the media environment, which manifests itself in a wide variety of forms. Numerous private enterprises are adapting professional journalistic speech products to their needs. The media communication environment is open, and in its borders, the printed form of colloquial speech is emerging. The space of non-professional media speech is also emerging - certain types of blogs, news feed Yandex-Zen. In the media sphere, the share of oral speech is constantly increasing. Because of the general trend towards personalization of the general information and analytical stream, the volume of author broadcasting increases. In this situation professional oral journalism requires special attention in the aspect of its non-verbal components of communication. Specialization in author broadcasting needs the technology of teaching Russian oral speech with increased attention to non-verbal components that have a pronounced national identity. The research prospects are primarily associated with dynamically developing local Russian-language speech media systems as verbal and polycode, as their composition is constantly being updated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Світлана [Svitlana] Соколова [Sokolova]

Lingual and Extralingual Aspects of Surzhyk Functioning in UkraineSurzhyk is a mixed type of speech that is typical within modern Ukraine, where we can observe the coexistence of two major language codes, namely Ukrainian and Russian. These are represented by both literary variants and numerous subcodes, primarily Ukrainian dialects (including transitional dialects, with features related to Russian and Belarusian dialectal areas) and Russian colloquial speech with elements of slang. Some language scholars rank Surzhyk as a separate language subcode – as a peculiar type of pidgin – and try to study its structure (lexical composition, grammatical structure) and areal distribution of elements accordingly. At present, in addition to “classical” Surzhyk, a new type of mixed speech has also arisen on the Russian phonetic-grammatical basis with the involvement of a large number of Ukrainian lexemes (original or borrowed by the Ukrainian language), mainly terms, taken from different fields. This new type of mixed speech is Russian-Ukrainian Surzhyk.The report analyzes several samples of mixed speech. On the basis of this analysis, criteria for the qualification of a text are proposed either as an example of Surzhyk, or simply as speech with signs of interference. Such criteria include lingual (Ukrainian or Russian phonetic basis, levels of interference, number of foreign language implementations, variations within the text), social (language is higher in status at the moment of the occurrence of the phenomenon; the scope of the functioning of the idiom itself), territorial (depending on the speaker’s place of inhabitance – urban or rural) and personal (native/first language of the speaker, level of education, knowledge of the literary language). It was concluded that the new mixed speech differs from Surzhyk in terms of the number of used units of another language, linguistic levels of manifestation, scope of distribution, conditions of occurrence and personal characteristics of speakers, among which the level of education and possession of standard subcodes are of leading importance. It is a tran­sitional phenomenon in the process of the formation of Ukrainian as a state language. Językowe i pozajęzykowe aspekty funkcjonowania surżyka w UkrainieSurżyk to mieszany typ mowy, typowy dla współczesnej Ukrainy, gdzie obserwujemy współistnienie dwóch języków, ukraińskiego i rosyjskiego. Języki te są reprezentowane zarówno przez ich warianty literackie, jak i liczne subkody, przede wszystkim przez dialekty ukraińskie (w tym również dialekty przejściowe do rosyjskiego i białoruskiego obszaru dialektalnego) oraz przez potoczną odmianę języka rosyjskiego z elementami slangu. Niektórzy językoznawcy uważają surżyk za odrębny subkod językowy – swoisty rodzaj pidginu – i podejmują próby analizy jego struktury (leksykonu, gramatyki) i uwarunkowań z zakresu geografii językowej. Obecnie obok „klasycznego” surżyka pojawił się nowy typ mowy mieszanej, oparty na bazie fonetyczno-gramatycznej języka rosyjskiego, z udziałem dużej liczby leksemów ukraińskich (oryginalnych lub zapożyczonych do języka ukraińskiego), głównie terminów z zakresu wielu dziedzin. Ten nowy rodzaj mowy mieszanej to surżyk rosyjsko-ukraiński.W niniejszym tekście poddano analizie próbki tego typu mowy mieszanej. Na podstawie analizy zaproponowano kryteria dwojakiej kwalifikacji tekstu, bądź jako przykładu surżyka, bądź po prostu jako przykładu mowy z cechami interferencji. Kryteria te mają charakter lingwistyczny (ukraińska lub rosyjska baza artykulacyjna, zakres interferencji, liczba jednostek zaadaptowanych z języków obcych, poziom wariancji tekstowej), socjologiczny (język o wyższym statusie w momencie wystąpienia danego zjawiska; zakres funkcjonowania idiomu), terytorialny (w zależności od miejsca zamieszkania mówiącego – miejski lub wiejski) i indywidualny (ojczysty/pierwszy język mówiącego, poziom wykształcenia, znajomość języka literackiego). Stwierdzono, że nowa mowa mieszana różni się od surżyka pod względem liczby używanych jednostek z innego języka, płaszczyzny językowej jego realizacji, zasięgu i warunków jego występowania, indywidualnych cech mówiących, wśród których poziom wykształcenia i znajomość subkodów standardowych mają pierwszorzędne znaczenie. Mamy tu do czynienia ze zjawiskiem przejściowym w procesie uzyskiwania przez język ukraiński statusu języka państwowego.

Zinnur A. Sirazitdinov ◽  

Introduction. Modern philological science associates with structural-semantic approaches to the study of linguistic phenomena. But so far, the structural-semantic study of Bashkir proverbs based on the entire corpus, as well as the identification of the final types of models has not been undertaken. The purpose of this article is to study models of elementary simple sentences of the structural type (S) + NAcc + VF. This type, with an object in the accusative case, is the most frequent one; the accusative in the Bashkir language is a grammatical means of formalizing the actant as an object of direct immediate impact. Data and methods. Generalized personal proverbs selected from the folklore database of the Machine Corpus of the Bashkir language were used as the research material. The proverb corpus contains 354 proverbial expressions representing generalized personal sentences, i.e., 73.5 percent of the total number of one-part verb proverbs. The research method consisted in isolating an elementary simple sentence, which includes a predicate and obligatory actants; the author draws here on the work of Novosibirsk syntax students. The syntactic model is understood as the content plane of an elementary simple sentence, which is determined by its proposition. The structural diagram represents the expression plane of an elementary simple sentence. At this stage, the study focuses on proverbs with simple finite verbs. Results. The study shows that 8 models are implemented within the structural scheme (S) + NAcc + VF. Of these the model of physical impact on the object [(S) + NPatAcc + VActf] is the most frequent one, 62 proverbial expressions have been identified for this model. Each model of the structure in question is characterized by its inherent set of semantic roles and typical meaning, while in most cases, object actants act in the form of a certain accusative. Conclusions. The syntactic features characteristic of the construction of this type of proverbial expressions are likely to occur in modern literary language and colloquial speech with a more complex syntactic structure.

Boris Makhachevich Ataev

Oral and poetic creativity played a huge role in the development of the Avar language, in particular, in the for-mation, formation and development of written and literary norms. It was folklore that had a beneficial influence on the formation and development of the narrative genres of Avar fiction. Already at the dawn of its develop-ment, Avar fiction used all the expressive means of colloquial speech developed in folklore. The hammered syllable of the oral and poetic creativity of the Avars, its rich vocabulary, complex syntactic constructions were the basis for the formation of written literary norms.

Natalia Kobchenko

Background. The authors of Ukrainian grammar books published before 1933 were consentient that appellation expressed by a noun requires the use of the vocative case only. In 1933, new People’s Commissar of Education of the USSR V. Zatonskyi formed the commission ‘for auditing the work on the language front’. On the 26th of April, the Commission adopted several resolutions, among which there was the provision to review scholar and didactic books to reveal ‘nationalistic deformation’. After they had been made public, in the Soviet handbooks for higher and secondary education, one can find a statement that the ‘vocative form’ is used to express appellation. However, the “nominative case” can also occasionally perform this function.Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to compare the morphological variability of appellation expressing codified in the Soviet handbooks and the accurate appellation expressing in dramas of the 1920s – 30s of the XX century. To find out the presence or absence of the pragmatic differences between vocative and nominative in this function is in the focus of our analysis as well.Methods. The methodological base of research is the discourse-analytical approach, within we compound discourse analysis method (to descry the designing new syntactic norm in the linguistic-didactic discourse of the end of the 1930s – the beginning of the 50s) and content-analysis method (to find out the real means of expressing appellation in social realists’ dramas of the 1920s – 30s of the XX century).Results. Theory about vocative as non-case and legitimization of the term ‘called form (vocative form)’ to denote it became dominant in all Soviet Ukrainian language handbooks for secondary and higher education. There are no remarks about another qualification in this grammatical category in the analyzed handbooks, and it evidences the monologue style of the Soviet linguistic-didactic discourse. The authors of these handbooks codify a double language norm to express an appellation – the vocative form and the nominative case. The thesis about nominative as a means to denote an appellation is usually formulated in the way of a superficial remark that may be apprehended by a recipient as upon the table fact. The study of the morphological manifestation of appellations in the drama of late 1920–30s created by the authors transmitting the official party ideology proves that vocative case predominates. Nominative to denote appellation has mainly a pragmatic effect or is one of the means of creating characters. Moreover, only in O. Korniychuk’s plays the use of morphological forms of appellations does not follow any regularities.Discussion. Spreading the nominative case to denote appellation in modern colloquial speech is conditioned by the complex of factors. On the one hand, it is a loosening of language norm in Soviet handbooks and on the other hand, it is the fact that morphological forms of vocative and nominative in plural nouns and singular nouns of neutral gender are homonymous. However, this thesis is needed verification on more comprehensive language material that represents different functional styles of the Ukrainian language.

Dite Liepa ◽  
Kristīne Mežapuķe ◽  

As evidenced by the studies referred to in the introduction of the paper, television is the most popular mass medium both in Latvia and throughout the European Union, and it plays a key role in shaping the linguistic environment. Therefore, it is important that at least the speech of journalists and programme hosts on television corresponds to the norms of literary Latvian. Lately, viewers have been particularly concerned about the quality of language. The rather low quality of Latvian used in mass media stems from both the speech commonly used by the society and the journalists’ Latvian language skills. A knowledgeable journalist is regarded as an authority, and viewers put their trust in authoritative and erudite speech. However, journalists sometimes lack awareness of their role and influence on the wide audience watching, evaluating, and quoting them. Examples were gathered from the most popular television channels in Latvia that broadcast in Latvian – LTV1, TV3, Rīga 24TV, S-TV – and the following programmes: “Rīta Panorāma”, “900 sekundes” (broadcast on LNT in 2019), “TV3 Ziņas”, “Bez tabu”, “Tieša runa”, etc. The examples show that there are numerous errors, linguistic inaccuracies, and stylistic shortcomings, particularly regarding lexis. The aim of the paper is to focus on the most common errors, those being lexicostylistic errors and the widespread use of colloquial speech. Although a mixture of styles is common nowadays and colloquial speech has become an integral part of publicist style, its usage in TV programmes cannot always be justified. A short insight into new words coined by journalists is provided as well; however, these words are not included in dictionaries and are unlikely to become neologisms. The conclusion of the paper focuses on the causes of errors and advice regarding the improvement of the journalists’ language.

I. O. Tkacheva

The article considers the adaptation process of the loan interjection wow that was borrowed into Russian from American English in the early 1990s and at first was mostly used as slang, but later on it entered everyday speech. The research is carried out as a part of the project aimed at exploring the lexis of the modern Russian language, i.e. its main functional and chronological varieties and lexical categories with the use of “The Dictionary of the 21st Century Russian Language”. The novelty and specificity of the investigation lies in a comprehensive study of Russian lexis using a new approach “from dictionary to language” in contrast to the traditional one “from language to dictionary”. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the potential of this principle in practice, that is to describe some interesting phenomena in modern Russian using the material of several entries, – namely вау (wow), вау- (wow-), вау-эффект (wow effect), вау-фактор (wow factor) – selected from the dictionary mentioned above. This series clearly demonstrates the phenomena typical of modern Russian, that is the blurring of the boundaries between colloquial speech and other stylistic registers and the active interpenetration of words from one stylistic variety to another. The analysis of the dictionary entries revealed the gradual process of penetration of the interjection wow into the Russian language through its adaptation. It may be converted into a noun, a predicative or an analytic adjective, it may be reduplicated to indicate the intensity of surprise/ admiration, it may be used as a productive derivational element and even as a component of some special terms. This process is extraordinary for the Russian language, since, firstly, it affects one of the most stable groups of lexical items, and secondly, it is associated with acquiring a terminological meaning by a word component initially used as an exclamation to express a certain emotion. These new linguistic processes are largely due to the influence of the English language. This influence is so great that we can observe not only an active penetration of the Anglo-American interjection wow into the Russian everyday speech – emotive interjections were hardly ever borrowed – but also its integration into the Russian word-formation system.

Наталья Юрьевна Шугаева ◽  
Наталия Владимировна Кормилина

Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию особенностей прагматической адаптации разговорной лексики при переводе на английский язык романа М. А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита». Проблема перевода разговорной лексики рассматривается в статье как разновидность межкультурной коммуникации. В работе рассмотрены примеры перевода разговорных и просторечных выражений, использованных в романе. Анализ примеров проводится на основе рассмотрения двух популярных версий перевода романа «Мастер и Маргарита» на английский язык - Майкла Гленни и Ричарда Пивера и Ларисы Волохонской. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем фактом, что роман М. А. Булгакова остается популярным в англоязычных странах. Исследователи переводов романа М. А. Булгакова, как правило, уделяют основное внимание трудностям перевода реалий, в частности советизмов, как самой отличительной особенности стиля Булгакова. Перевод разговорной и просторечной лексики, как правило, остается за пределами интереса исследователей, хотя именно эта лексика представляет сложности для перевода и создает общий фон романа. В статье анализируются примеры перевода разговорной лексики и устанавливаются наиболее успешные способы перевода. Анализ материала показал, что не существует единого способа передачи лексических просторечий при переводе на английский язык. Значительная часть найденных единиц при переводе передана с помощью относительных эквивалентов и аналогов. This article is devoted to the study of the features of the pragmatic adaptation of colloquial vocabulary when translating the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. A. Bulgakov into English. The problem of translating colloquial vocabulary is considered in the article as a kind of intercultural communication. The paper considers the examples of the translation of colloquial words and colloquial expressions used in the novel. The analysis of the examples is based on the consideration of two popular versions of the translation of the novel “The Master and Margarita” into English - by Michael Glennie and Richard Peaver and Larisa Volokhonskaya. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the novel by M. A. Bulgakov remains popular in English-speaking countries. Researchers of translations of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov, as a rule, pay special attention to the difficulties of translating realia, in particular Sovietisms, as the most distinctive feature of Bulgakov’s style. The translation of colloquial vocabulary, as a rule, remains beyond the interest of researchers, although it is this vocabulary that presents difficulties for translation and creates the general background of the novel. The article analyzes the examples of the translation of colloquial vocabulary and identifies the most successful ways of translation. The analysis of the material showed that there is no single way to transfer lexical colloquialisms when translating into English. A significant part of the found units is transmitted during translation using relative equivalents and analogues.

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