seabed sediment
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Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 435
Nebiyu Girgibo ◽  
Anne Mäkiranta ◽  
Xiaoshu Lü ◽  
Erkki Hiltunen

Suvilahti, a suburb of the city of Vaasa in western Finland, was the first area to use seabed sediment heat as the main source of heating for a high number of houses. Moreover, in the same area, a unique land uplift effect is ongoing. The aim of this paper is to solve the challenges and find opportunities caused by global warming by utilizing seabed sediment energy as a renewable heat source. Measurement data of water and air temperature were analyzed, and correlations were established for the sediment temperature data using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Enterprise Guide 7.1. software. The analysis and provisional forecast based on the autoregression integrated moving average (ARIMA) model revealed that air and water temperatures show incremental increases through time, and that sediment temperature has positive correlations with water temperature with a 2-month lag. Therefore, sediment heat energy is also expected to increase in the future. Factor analysis validations show that the data have a normal cluster and no particular outliers. This study concludes that sediment heat energy can be considered in prominent renewable production, transforming climate change into a useful solution, at least in summertime.

2021 ◽  
Timm Schoening ◽  
Yasemin Bodur ◽  
Kevin Köser

Abstract Deep sea mining for poly-metallic nodules impacts the environment in many ways. A key potential hazard is the creation of a sediment plume from resuspending sediment during seabed mining. The resuspended matter disperses with currents but eventually resettles on the seabed. Resettling causes a blanketing of the seafloor environment, potentially causing harm to in-, epi- and hyperbenthic communities with possible cascading effects into food webs of deep sea habitats. Mapping the extent of such blanketing is thus an important factor in quantifying potential impacts of deep-sea mining.One technology that can assess seabed blanketing is optical imaging with cameras at square-kilometre scale. To efficiently analyse the resulting Terabytes of image data with minimized bias, automated image analysis is required. Moreover, effective quantitative monitoring of the blanketing requires ground truthing of the image data. Here, we present results from a camera-based monitoring of a deep-sea mining simulation combined with automated image analysis using the CoMoNoD method and low-cost seabed sediment traps for quantification of the blanketing thickness. We found that the impacted area was about 50 percent larger than previously determined by manual image annotation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 5847-5866
Matthew C. Pace ◽  
David M. Bailey ◽  
David W. Donnan ◽  
Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy ◽  
Hazel J. Smith ◽  

Abstract. High-quality quantitative maps of seabed sedimentary physical and geochemical properties have numerous research and conservation applications, including habitat and ecosystem modelling, marine spatial planning, and ecosystem service mapping. However, such maps are lacking for many ecologically and economically important marine areas. Using legacy data supplemented by measurements from recent benthic surveys, modelled hydrodynamic variables, and high-resolution bathymetry, quantitative maps for the top 10 cm of seabed sediment were generated via a combination of statistical and machine-learning techniques for the Firth of Clyde, a semi-enclosed coastal sea on the west coast of Scotland. The maps include sediment fractions of mud, sand, and gravel; whole-sediment median grain size; sediment permeability and porosity; rates of natural seabed abrasion; and sediment particulate organic carbon and nitrogen content. Properties were mapped over an unstructured grid so that very high resolutions were achieved close to the coastlines, where sediments may be expected to be spatially heterogeneous. Overall, the maps reveal extensive areas of very low sediment permeability coupled with low rates of natural seabed disturbance. Moreover, muddy sediments in the inner Firth of Clyde, Inchmarnock Water, and the sea lochs are enriched in organic carbon and nitrogen relative to the sediments of the outer Firth of Clyde. As a demonstration of the value of these maps, the standing stock of organic carbon and nitrogen in the surficial sediments of the Clyde was calculated. The Clyde stores 3.42 and 0.33 million t of organic carbon and nitrogen in the top 10 cm of seabed sediment, respectively, substantially contributing to Scotland's coastal and shelf blue carbon stocks. Data products are available from (Heath and Pace, 2021).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Thierry Garlan ◽  
Isabelle Gabelotaud ◽  
Elodie Marchès ◽  
Edith Le Borgne ◽  
Sylvain Lucas

Abstract. A global seabed sediment map has been developed since 1995 to provide a necessary tool for different needs. This project is not completely original since it had already been done in 1912 when the French hydrographic Office and the University of Nancy produced sedimentary maps of the European and North American coasts. Seabed sediments is one of the last geographical domains which can’t benefit of satellite data. Without this contribution, sediment maps need to use very old data mixed with the new ones to be able to reach the goal of a global map. In general, sediment maps are made with the latest available techniques and are replaced after a few decades, thus generating new cartographic works as if all the previous efforts had become useless. Such approach underestimates the quality of past works and prevents to have maps covering large areas. The present work suggests to standardize all kind of sedimentary data from different periods and from very different acquisition systems and integrate them into a single product. This process has already been done for bathymetric data of marine charts, we discuss in this article of the application of this method at a global scale for sediment data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Li Li ◽  
Xiaoke Jin ◽  
Chenhe Lu ◽  
Zongbo Wei ◽  
Jin Li

The reliability of the modelling system mainly depends on the simulation of underwater acoustic channel characteristics. The reliability of simulator is improved because of the use of Bellhop in NS-Miracle. World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS) can retrieve the data of marine environment by accessing the database of seabed depth, sound speed profile and seabed sediment, and transmit them to Bellhop simulator automatically, so that the model is closer to the actual underwater acoustic transmission channel than not using WOSS. In order to verify the reliability of NS2/NS-Miracle simulation system with WOSS, a centralized underwater sensor network with five nodes is simulated on the integrated simulation system. The characteristic empirical model, Bellhop Ray-Tracing model, and WOSS combined with Bellhop model are, respectively, adopted to simulate underwater acoustic channel. The results of three types of simulation, such as average throughput, average delay, and packet error rate, and simulation time are very close under the same condition. It proves that the accuracy of integrated simulation system is as excellent as that of NS-Miracle. However, WOSS can automatically acquire the actual sea environment parameters and provide them to the simulator, which can improve the authenticity of the simulation system. Furthermore, three MAC protocols, Aloha-CS, CSMA/CA, and DACAP, are simulated on the integrated simulation system under the same condition including ocean environment, network topology, and parameters. The results show that the performance of CSMA/CA is greater than the other protocols in such networks. It also proves that the integrated simulation system can accurately simulate the relevant characteristics of the MAC protocol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2083 (2) ◽  
pp. 022105
Zhe Yun Li ◽  
Qing Li

Abstract In this paper, a comprehensive detection device for the mechanical properties of seabed sediments and shallow gas is designed, which is mainly composed of the seabed sediment mechanical properties detection part, the shallow gas detection part and the ultrasonic wireless transmission part. The mud water gas separation structure of the shallow gas detection part separates the shallow gas from the mud water, and then the methane concentration in the shallow gas is measured by the non-dispersive infrared methane sensor, which realizes the collection of the submarine shallow gas and the automatic real-time monitoring of the concentration. The measurement of the mechanical properties of seabed sediments realizes the real-time measurement of the three parameters of cone resistance, sidewall friction and pore water pressure, which characterize the mechanical properties of seabed sediments, through strain-sensitive elements. The ultrasonic wireless data transmission part is mainly for the data detected by the mechanical properties of the seabed sediments to be wirelessly transmitted to the sensor placement room through the ultrasonic transducer across the mud-water-gas separation structure. Finally, the data measured by the two parts are transmitted to the mother ship through the cable located in the sensor placement room. The experimental results show that it has the ability to comprehensively detect the mechanical properties of seabed sediments and shallow gas, and has strong operability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 947
Wei Xu ◽  
Heqin Cheng ◽  
Shuwei Zheng ◽  
Hao Hu

Predictive mapping of seabed sediments based on multibeam bathymetric (BM), and backscatter (BS) data is effective for mapping the spatial distribution of the substrate. A robust modeling technique, the random forest decision tree (RFDT), was used to predict the seabed sediments in an area of the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia, using the multibeam data and seabed sediment samples collected simultaneously. The results showed that: (1) Using multibeam bathymetry data in addition to multibeam backscatter data improves the prediction performance of the RFDT. In comparison to only multibeam backscatter data, the prediction performance achieved a ~10% improvement in sediment properties; it achieved a ~44.45% improvement of overall accuracy in sediment types, and a ~0.55 improvement in Kappa. (2) The underlying relationships between sediment properties and multibeam data show that there is an opposite non-linear correlation between sediment property-BS and sediment property-BM. For example, there is an obvious negative relationship between %mud-BS at incidence angles of 13° and 21°, but the relationship between %mud-BM is positive. As such, the RFDT is a useful and well-performing method in predicting the relationship between sediment properties and multibeam data and in predicting the distribution of sediment properties and types. However, the sediment prediction method in deep-water areas with high gravel content needs to be further evaluated.

Robert Deering ◽  
Trevor Bell ◽  
Donald L. Forbes

The Cockburn Substage readvance marks the last major late-glacial advance of the northeast sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet on Baffin Island. The causes of this abrupt, late reversal of retreat are still unclear, but greater chronological control may provide some insight. To date, the literature has focused on the large terminal moraines in the region, providing a date of readvance (c. 9.5-8.5 ka cal BP). In Frobisher Bay, the Cockburn Substage readvance and recession onshore are marked by a series of moraines spread over ~20 km along the inner bay. Acoustic marine mapping reveals five distinct transverse ridges, morphologically suggestive of grounding-zone wedges, and two later fields of DeGeer moraines on the floor of the inner bay. These indicate that the style of ice retreat (beginning no later than 8.5 ka cal BP) changed over time from punctuated recession of a floating ice-front (20 km over >680 years, with four pauses) to more regular tidewater ice-front retreat, reaching the head of the bay 900 years or more after withdrawal from the outer Cockburn limit. The established chronology for final recession in the region is based largely on radiocarbon dating of bulk shell samples and single shells of deposit-feeding molluscs, notably <i>Portlandia arctica</i>, affected by old carbon from carbonate-rich sediments. Sedimentary analysis and judicious sampling for <sup>14</sup>C dating of glaciomarine and marine facies in seabed sediment cores enables development of a late- and postglacial lithostratigraphy that indicates final withdrawal of ice from the drainage basin by 7 ka cal BP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Chengfeng Xue ◽  
Yang Yang ◽  
Peipei Zhao ◽  
Dongyun Wei ◽  
Jianhua Gao ◽  

Humans have been sailing across seas and oceans for thousands of years. However, the story of large ships capable of affecting coastal ecology and shelf sedimentary processes is only about 100 years old. Modern large seagoing vessels with a draft of 10–20 m can cause resuspension of seabed sediment, erosion of the channel slope and shoal, enhancement of seafloor sediment activity and thickening of the active layer, thereby having a significant impact on seabed topography and sedimentation processes. However, little is known about the effects of this anthropogenic agent on shelf sedimentation due to limited observational data. Here, two sediment cores were collected from a shipping lane used by vessels of 5,000- to 50,000-ton off the coast of China to analyze their sedimentary properties, with focus on both the grain size and elements. It was found that ship disturbance selectively modified the sedimentary record, with the fine-grained sediment becoming increasingly unstable. In addition, there was a reduction in grain size of sediment finer than 6.25 Φ, which decreased by 11% after the disturbance by ship. Biogenic elements that were closely related to the ecological environment were significantly altered, with Br/Cl, Si/Ti, and Ca/Ti ratios all becoming significantly smaller. This indicated that frequent disturbance caused by ships had reduced the productivity in the waters near the shipping lane. In terms of sensitivity to the effects of ship navigation, the sedimentation response was relatively rapid and began to emerge from the commencement of ship navigation, whereas the ecological response became evident later than the sedimentation response and only appeared after a significant growth in the maritime transportation of China. Following the comparison of the two sediment cores, we propose that the constant rate of supply (CRS- with ship disturbance)–constant initial concentration (CIC- without ship disturbance) dual dating model be used to establish a dating framework in waters frequently disturbed by ship. This type of anthropogenic sedimentary dynamic process and its sedimentary–ecological effects deserve attention on this era where there is a surge in shipping globally. Shipping lanes present an excellent area for quantitative studies on the impacts of human activity and defining the Anthropocene in the context of shipping.

Shudong He ◽  
Youduo Peng ◽  
Yongping Jin ◽  
Jian Yan ◽  
Buyan Wan

AbstractDeep-sea sediments hold evolutionary records of the oceanic environment, records of great significance for scientific fields investigating marine sedimentary processes, structural evolution, and seabed mineral resource exploration. However, the acquisition of original samples from deep-sea sediments is completely dependent on advanced seabed sediment collection methods and technical equipment. In this paper, a novel sampler is proposed to obtain intact sediment samples at full-ocean-depth. It mainly consists of a sampling device, pressure-retaining device, pressure-compensating device and sample transfer device. The sampler can collect samples at full-ocean-depth (11,000 m) with a maximum core diameter of 54 mm and core length of 350 mm, and samples can be maintained at near in situ pressures during recovery. The sampler can be installed on a remote operated vehicle (ROV) or human occupied vehicle (HOV), and operated with a single mechanical arm to collect pressure-retained samples. The experimental test showed that the novel sampler had good pressure-retaining performance and suitability with a mechanical arm, and can be applied to pressure-retaining sampling of seabed sediments at depth of 11,000 m.

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