institutional level
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2022 ◽  
pp. 79-101
Vladylena Sokyrska ◽  
Iryna Krupenya ◽  
Kateryna Didenko

The article discusses the specifity of the relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR in 1919–1929. The authors present the relations between the goverments of the two republics and actions of the Russian side aiming to transforme into the unitary state, initially rather loosely connected among them the constituent elements of the Soviet state. Relations between RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR were burdened with significant disavantages from the very beginning, as the former appropriates the rights of the union center. The article explains also the role and the place of the permanent representations of the union republics in Moscow, as well as the influence of the commissioners (Ukrainian government representatives in Moscow) on Soviet Russia’s policy towards Ukraine. Permenent ignoring by the government in Moscow of Ukraine’s needs and expectations, prompted the leadership of the party and the government of Ukrainian SSR to seek protection of its economic interests at the institutional level. With the creation of the USSR, the legal status of the republics included in that state changed. Relations between the republics lost their interstate character. In place of the existing ones, new representations were established to ensure the maintenance of permanent ties between the government of the RSFSR and the governments of the union republics.

Societies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Gintaras Aleknonis

A common European identity is an important part of the European political lexicon; however, at the institutional level, it was taken seriously only when the economic crisis, the legal challenges of EU integration, and the Brexit story encouraged a fresh look into the problem. Moreover, the European identity problem may be viewed differently from the Western and Eastern European perspectives, which helps to identify the roots of contemporary “official” and “sociological” perceptions of a common European identity. The Standard Eurobarometer (EB) questionaries were used as a proxy to analyze the interest of the EU in a common European identity. We analyzed the types of questions asked from 2004 to 2020 and took a look at the responses. The shifts in the composition of the Standard EB questionaries signal that the “official” understanding of identity is gaining ground against the “sociological” approach. The promotion by official bodies of the EU of a one-sided understanding of a common European identity, based on the Western approach, narrows the field and creates certain risks. In the face of a permanent EU-ropean unity crisis, it would not be wise to lose one of the important instruments that could be successfully used to identify the hidden challenges of the future.

Politologija ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 41-74
Sebastian Kubas

Contemporary changes of liberal democracy affect different countries of the world. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, known as the Visegrad Group countries (V4), are among them. Although the countries seemed to be on a good way to consolidated democracy, about a decade ago the first symptoms of deterioration of liberal democracy became apparent. In the text, attention is focused on the institutional level, which should resist certain challenges in mature democracies. The institutions in V4 were weak and liable to be subordinated by strong political leaders and populist parties, and not strong enough to fight off illiberal tendencies. The analysis reveals that Poland and Hungary were more prone to compromise liberal democratic achievements, while the Czech Republic and Slovakia less so. This paper answers the questions of the institutional causes behind the deterioration of liberal democracy and the effects it brings.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Raúl Murillo ◽  
Ginna Fernández-Deaza ◽  
María Zuluaga ◽  
Grant Lewison ◽  
Diana Usgame-Zubieta ◽  

Cancer research is deficient in Colombia and efforts and resources diverted due to the COVID-19 pandemic could worsen the situation. We explore the impact of the pandemic on cancer research funding, output, and conduct. We sought information at national level and used the experience of an academic reference center to contrast the impact at institutional level. We searched databases and official documents of national governmental institutions, trial registries, hospital registries, and the Web of Science. We interviewed principal investigators (PIs) to retrieve information on the conduct of cancer research. A decline in resource availability and new proposals was observed at the national level with a shift to COVID-19 related research. However, at institutional level there was no decline in the number of cancer research proposals. The predominance of observational studies as opposed to the preponderance of clinical trials and basic science in high-income countries may be related to the lower impact at institutional level. Nevertheless, we found difficulties similar to previous reports for conducting research during the pandemic. PIs reported long recovery times and a great impact on research other than clinical trials, such as observational and qualitative studies. No significant impact on research output was observed. Alternatives to ensure research continuity such as telemedicine and remote data collection have scarcely been implemented given limited access and low technology literacy. In this middle-income setting the situation shows a notable dependency of international collaborations to develop research on COVID-19 and cancer and to overcome challenges for cancer research during the pandemic.

Elena Vashalomidze ◽  

The article presents an overview of foreign literature reflecting the problem of unprofessional behavior of civil servants manifested through corrupt actions. The essence of public administration at the ideological and institutional level is analyzed, the main causes of corruption of civil servants are determined. It is concluded that corruption not only negatively affects the image of state power, but also serves as a barrier to the implementation of the goals and objectives of public administration aimed at meeting the needs of society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Christopher T. Campbell ◽  
Kristin H. Wheatley ◽  
Leanne Svoboda ◽  
Courtney E. Campbell ◽  
Kelley R. Norris

Pediatric patients are at a heightened risk for medication errors due to variability in medication ordering and administration. Dose rounding and standardization have been 2 practices historically used to reduce variability and improve medication safety. This article will describe strategies for implementing pediatric dose standardization. Local practice often dictates the operational decisions made at an institutional level, leading to a lack of a standard methodology. Vizient survey results demonstrate there is wide variation in dose standardization and ready-to-use (RTU) practices although most responding institutions have attempted to limit bedside manipulation to reduce medication error. There are many barriers to consider before pursuing dose standardization at an institution. These include selecting medications to standardize, calculating appropriate standardized doses, preparing RTU products, and supplying the products to the patient. Strategies to overcome implementation issues are described as well as identification of knowledge gaps related to the preparation and use of RTU products in the pediatric population. There is opportunity to enhance an institution's ability to provide RTU medications. Although there are several barriers, those that have had successful implementation have leveraged their information technology systems, garnered multidisciplinary support, and customized their practice to meet their operational demands.

2021 ◽  
Adam Ward

As we reckon with the effect of COVID-19 on the research enterprise in hydrologic science, it is important to acknowledge that disruptions will be persistent and that institutional-level adjustments, while helpful, are not sufficient to mitigate all impacts on hydrologic scientists. Here, we describe the breadth of research contributions in the hydrologic sciences, consider how the pandemic has impacted this portfolio of contributions, document one impact that is already being realized in publication of research, and suggest guidance to the hydrologic science community, institutions, review panels, and funding organizations in considering these impacts at various stages of hiring and promotion in our community. Acknowledging the diversity of contributions to research is particularly valuable because it provides a more objective, transparent, and holistic basis for evaluating individuals within the context of norms of the hydrologic science community. With clearly established values, it is easier to identify impacts of life events, such as those related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as they are manifested in individuals under a diversity of circumstances.

Kant-Studien ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 112 (4) ◽  
pp. 594-610
Matthias Neuber

Abstract This paper scrutinizes and chronologically reconstructs Hans Vaihinger’s impact on contemporary Kant research. It provides an account of his engagement at both the exegetical and the institutional level. More broadly, it allows us to appreciate – for the first time, and in a comprehensive way – Vaihinger’s significance to the assessment of Kant’s legacy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-59
Sophie J. Barbu ◽  
Karen McDonald ◽  
Lisceth Brazil-Cruz ◽  
Lisa Sullivan ◽  
Linda F. Bisson

AbstractAddressing barriers to inclusion requires understanding the nature of the problem at the institutional level. Data collection and assessment are both crucial for this aim. In this chapter, we describe two important classes of data: (1) data on diversity that define the potential nature of the issues at stake and the need for change, and (2) data on assessing the usefulness of new programs, processes, and policies in creating a more diverse institution. Both sets of data are important for effective decision-making. At the same time, data analyses can be challenging because issues of equity and inclusion are complex and determining the basis of comparison or the “ideal” diversity target can be difficult. Nevertheless, data gathering and analysis are critical to assess progress and to provide a basis for both accountability and efficacy. Moreover, the ability to document that a problem indeed exists will help justify the need for change and, ideally, spur corrective action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-30
Evelina Bukauskaitė

Summary The main subject of this paper is the Jewish artists of interwar Lithuania and their efforts to unite. It analyses the aspirations of Jewish artists to unite into groups, to represent and present their art, and to maintain their national identity. The article introduces the main organisers, participants, circumstances and goals of the artists’ gatherings. It discusses three cases: the cultural policy pursued by National Jewish Council’s Section of Culture at the institutional level; Jewish artists who gathered on a social basis; and the Art Gallery of Neemiya Arbit Blatas as a unique exhibition space in inter-war Lithuania, which mainly exhibited the works of Jewish artists. The paper focuses not on the artistic legacy or its value, but rather on the processes of cultural life of Jewish artists in interwar Lithuania.

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