resource needs
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Carol Duh-Leong ◽  
Suzy Tomopoulos ◽  
Andrew Nastro ◽  
Iman Sharif ◽  
Laura Ibanez Gomez ◽  

Jurnalku ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Hermawan Hermawan ◽  
Aries Heru Prasetyo

Micro Madani Institute (MMI) is an affiliated company of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) which was formed to build and develop an education and training center in the field of microfinance in order to obtain reliable, professional and integrity human resources as well as to provide procurement, management, and development of quality human resources in the microfinance sector to support human resource needs of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) as the parent company. The purpose of this paper is to find out the risk profile that has been identified in building the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) ISO 37001:2016, to find out what SMAP strategic design instruments have not been implemented, and how the SMAP process is based on risk management at PT. MMI during 2021. PT. MMI has adopted SMAP ISO 37001:2016 in April 2021 to increase consumer confidence and make employees more integrity in their work, as a company standard in the procurement of goods and services as well as good corporate governance standards. So far, PT. MMI has not found any bribery cases, but so far the company has not had a strategic plan to strengthen the implementation of the risk management-based SMAP (ISO 37001:2016). Implementation of risk management-based SMAP is considered necessary because the implementation of SMAP alone cannot fully guarantee that an organization is free from acts of bribery. Micro Madani Institute (MMI) merupakan perusahaan afiliasi PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) yang dibentuk untuk membangun dan mengembangkan pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan di bidang microfinance guna mendapatkan sumber daya manusia  yang handal, profesional dan berintegritas serta  menyediakan jasa layanan pengadaan, pengelolaan, dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas di bidang microfinance guna mendukung kebutuhan sumber daya manusia PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) sebagai perusahaan induknya. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah mengetahui profil risiko yang berhasil diidentifikasi dalam membangun Sistem Manajemen Anti Suap (SMAP) ISO 37001:2016, mengetahui apa saja instrumen rancangan strategis SMAP yang belum diimplementasikan, dan bagaimana proses SMAP berbasis manajemen risiko di PT. MMI selama tahun 2021. PT. MMI. telah mengadopsi SMAP ISO 37001:2016 pada April 2021 untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen dan menjadikan karyawan semakin berintegritas dalam setiap pekerjaannya, sebagai standar perusahaan dalam pengadaaan barang dan jasa serta standar tata kelola perusahaan (good corporate governance). Sejauh ini, PT. MMI belum menemukan kasus penyuapan, namun sejauh itu pula perusahaan belum memiliki rancangan strategis untuk memperkuat implementasi SMAP (ISO 37001:2016) berbasis manajemen risiko yang baru diadposinya. Pelaksanaan SMAP berbasis manajemen risiko dianggap perlu karena penerapan SMAP saja tidak dapat sepenuhnya menjamin suatu organisasi terbebas dari tindak penyuapan.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (12) ◽  
pp. 882-891 ◽  
Qingyuan Zhuang ◽  
Joanna SE Chan ◽  
Lionel KY See ◽  
Jianbang Chiang ◽  
Shariff R Suhaimi ◽  

Introduction: Cancer is a pervasive global problem with significant healthcare utilisation and cost. Emergency departments (EDs) see large numbers of patients with oncologic emergencies and act as “gate-keepers” to subsequent hospital admissions. A proportion of such hospital admissions are rapidly discharged within 2 days and may be potentially avoidable. Methods: Over a 6-month period, we conducted a retrospective audit of active cancer patients presenting to the ED with subsequent admission to the Department of Medical Oncology. Our aims were to identify independent factors associated with a length of stay ≤2 days; and characterise the clinical and resource needs of these short admissions. Results: Among all medical oncology admissions, 24.4% were discharged within 2 days. Compared to longer stayers, patients with short admissions were significantly younger (P=0.010), had lower National Early Warning Scores (NEWS) (P=0.006), and had a lower proportion of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary cancers (P=0.005). Among short admissions, common presenting medical problems were infections (n=144, 36.3%), pain (n=116, 29.2%), gastrointestinal complaints (n=85, 21.4%) and respiratory complaints (n=76, 19.1%). These admissions required investigations and treatments already available at the ED. Conclusion: Short admissions have low resource needs and may be managed in the ED. This may help save valuable inpatient bed-days and reduce overall healthcare costs. Keywords: Emergency medicine, healthcare use, oncology, palliative care, unplanned cancer admission

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1487-1492
Hanung Eka Atmaja ◽  
Budi Hartono ◽  
Khairul Ikhwan

The community service program carried out in Balesari Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency,aims to solve mismanagement problems that occur in terms of financial administration, marketing, and human resources. Preliminary observations have been made before, which found that MSMEs in this village still receive minimal guidance in the form of small business management. By knowing the mapping of constraints or problems experienced by MSME actors, it is hoped that they can obtain accurate training materials so that these MSMEs can develop forward and encourage the economy of the surrounding community. The method used is the tutorial and discussion extension method. The material presented is about the basics of management science in business. MSMEs require good knowledge of human resource management, marketing management, and financial management for the progress of their business. MSME owners or managers are expected to have skills in managing their human resources, as well as the ability to manage facilities and infrastructure in their businesses. If MSME managers have good management knowledge, it will make it easier for their business to continue to develop and be adaptive in facing all the demands of changing times. Therefore, this community service is carried out by assisting related partners to develop their business and to be able to compete with other MSMEs. The flow of activities, namely the delivery of material, training, and assistance on the basics of management science. As a result ofthis dedication, the partners who received admitted aid that they had a better understanding of how to design effective and efficient marketing strategies, how to manage finances in a simple manner, and a little understanding of how to design suitablehuman resource needs

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8500
Jinho Park ◽  
Kwangsue Chung

Recent years have witnessed a growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and devices; however, these devices are unable to meet the increased computational resource needs of the applications they host. Edge servers can provide sufficient computing resources. However, when the number of connected devices is large, the task processing efficiency decreases due to limited computing resources. Therefore, an edge collaboration scheme that utilizes other computing nodes to increase the efficiency of task processing and improve the quality of experience (QoE) was proposed. However, existing edge server collaboration schemes have low QoE because they do not consider other edge servers’ computing resources or communication time. In this paper, we propose a resource prediction-based edge collaboration scheme for improving QoE. We estimate computing resource usage based on the tasks received from the devices. According to the predicted computing resources, the edge server probabilistically collaborates with other edge servers. The proposed scheme is based on the delay model, and uses the greedy algorithm. It allocates computing resources to the task considering the computation and buffering time. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves a high QoE compared with existing schemes because of the high success rate and low completion time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Frida Dewi Alfina Rahmah ◽  
Diah Puspaningrum

The Budi Margomulyo II Farmer Group is a farmer group located in Pontang Village, Ambulu District, Jember Regency who has problems related to the availability of economic resources in rice farming. This study was aimed to determine existing social capital in the Budi Margomulyo II Farmer Group in meeting economic resources needs in terms of resource components, social structure, and actions at the micro and meso levels. The location selection is determined purposively (purposive method), on the reasoning that there is a good potential in the agricultural sector and that Budi Margomulyo Farmer Group is an active farmer group with various achievements and has succeeded in becoming one of the pioneers in establishing a union. This research is qualitative research with purposive sampling used while choosing the informants. Data analysis of this research employed the Interactive Method of Miles and Huberman.  The results showed that the economic resource needs of group members can be met with the existence of social capital in the farmer group both at the micro and meso levels

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1096
Amibeth Thompson ◽  
Valentin Ștefan ◽  
Tiffany M. Knight

Mass-flowering crops, such as Oilseed Rape (OSR), provide resources for pollinators and benefit from pollination services. Studies that observe the community of interactions between plants and pollinators are critical to understanding the resource needs of pollinators. We observed pollinators on OSR and wild plants in adjacent semi-natural areas in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany to quantify (1) the co-flowering plants that share pollinators with OSR, (2) the identity and functional traits of plants and pollinators in the network module of OSR, and (3) the identity of the plants and pollinators that act as network connectors and hubs. We found that four common plants share a high percentage of their pollinators with OSR. OSR and these plants all attract abundant pollinators in the community, and the patterns of sharing were not more than would be expected by chance sampling. OSR acts as a module hub, and primarily influences the other plants in its module that have similar functional traits. However, the plants that most influence the pollination of OSR have different functional traits and are part of different modules. Our study demonstrates that supporting the pollination of OSR requires the presence of semi-natural areas with plants that can support a high abundances of generalist pollinators.

Nature Aging ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 1073-1077
Mercy PrabhuDas ◽  
Rebecca Fuldner ◽  
Donna Farber ◽  
George A. Kuchel ◽  
Joan Mannick ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 621-621
Allyson Brothers ◽  
Yuquin Jiao ◽  
Sue Schneider ◽  
Kaitlyn Wright

Abstract To support older adults’ preferences to age in place, home and community-based aging-related resources are available, but are often under-utilized. Many barriers prevent individuals from accessing aging-related resources, especially in rural and geographically isolated locations. Therefore, we set out to better understand the perspectives of community members who plan to age in place in rural areas. We administered a survey as part of a broader university-community partnership called Senior Access Points (SAP), which addresses aging-related resource access. Participants were N = 210 individuals living in rural regions across Northern Colorado, ranging from 37 to 94 years old (mean age = 68.91, SD = 8.85). We assessed hopes and worries about growing older at home, and awareness of available resources. Two independent coders applied a pre-determined coding scheme, then achieved consensus ratings. An overwhelming majority of participants affirmed the importance of being able to remain in their current home (94.8%) or community (95.3%) as they age. Top hopes for aging in place centered around health/medical; housing/home services; and independent rural lifestyle. The top worries were related to health/medical; housing/home services, and transportation. Resource awareness was low: 43.3% of all participants were not aware of any available resources. Overwhelmingly, rural residents hope to grow older at home, but may not know how to connect to resources that support this goal. The resource needs we identified are being used to inform community-driven approaches to improve both awareness and availability of community resources in these rural communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Adisa Putra Jaya

The approach of sustainable natural resource processing is increasing with the awarening development of global communities and the keys to socio-economic improvement. Bamboo is the types of plants that can be used to fulfill the resource needs and as another alternative to improving the economy engagement in rural creative industries. Bamboo is a well-known plant, especially for rural communities. Ngada is a center development of bamboo in Indonesia, it is because of the abundant potential of bamboo. The utilization of bamboo for the society in Ngada has become as a part of life and has been inherited by their ancestors and can be a focus for economic community development and as promising source of income. The use of bamboo by the society of Ngada in general as a source of household needs so that is an indicator that bamboo is worth more than just a plant. There are further utilization of bamboo that can be divided into: 1) The utilization of upstream subsystem; 2) The utilization of on farm subsystem; 3) The utilization of downstream subsystem, with many utilization areas of bamboo, allows this to be first stage to determining the policy in Ngada that focused on developing of bamboo.

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