big rivers
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2021 ◽  
Vol 934 (1) ◽  
pp. 012079
M Fauzi ◽  
E Prianto ◽  
M Mardalisa ◽  
A Hendrizal ◽  
A Hermawita

Abstract Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Riau Province are almost found in all inland waters, especially in the big rivers, namely Indragiri, Kampar, Siak and Rokan. This species are still the main catch of fishermen even the catch has decreased. Deforestation along the watershed, decreasing water quality and habitat have a very bad impact on Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This study was conducted to determine the relationship of carapace length-weight and the condition factor of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in the rivers of Riau Province. The study used a survey method from May to June 2021. Data collection was carried out in the rivers of Riau Province at the center for giant prawns. Sampling was done randomly from the catches of fishermen. The biological parameters measured were carapace length and weight. The results showed that the relationship between carapace length and weight of giant prawns in the Siak River, Rokan River and Kampar River are 0.0008L2.8473, 0.0049L2.3906 and w = 0.0014L2.643, respectively. The length of the carapace can determine the weight of prawns up to 78.62-96.62%, where the relationship between carapace length and weight is very close. The growth pattern of giant prawns is allometric and the condition factor is 1.03-1.05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Kamala Dahal

Most of the world civilizations are developed in the river basins. However, we do not have too big rivers in Nepal, though Nepalese culture is closely related with water and rivers. All the sacraments from birth to the death event in Nepalese society are related with river. Rivers and ponds are the living places of Nepali gods and goddesses. Jalkanya and Jaladeviare known as the goddesses of rivers. In the same way, most of the sacred places are located at the river banks in Nepal. Varahakshetra, Bishnupaduka, Devaghat, Triveni, Muktinath and other big Tirthas lay at the riverside. Most of the people of Nepal despose their death bodies in river banks. Death sacrement is also done in the tirthas of such localities. In this way, rivers of Nepal bear the great cultural value. Most of the sacramental, religious and cultural activities are done in such centers. Religious fairs and festivals are also organized in such a places. Therefore, river is the main centre of Nepalese cultural activities and we can find the remains of ld cultural remains in river basins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 322 ◽  
pp. 01024
Mirna Dwirastina ◽  

There are big rivers in Papua province, one of which is the Mamberamo River. The Mamberamo River, known as the Amazon of Indonesia, has very high biodiversity. Silver barb is one of the fish caught in the Mamberamo River. Silver barb is an adaptable fish, has many types and varies. Variations in Silver barb are caused by interactions with the environment as well as isolation mechanisms. This research explains the relationship between weight-length and condition factors Silver barb in Mamberamo River, Papua. The research location consists of four observation stations: Kali Merah, Kerumi, Telaga, and Sungai Putus. Sampling was carried out in February, May, August, and October 2016. The research method used was a survey using an enumerator and analysis using the LAM (linear allometric) model. The results showed that Silver barb growth was allometric negative in February and October, but in May and August, growth was allometric positive. The factor conditions for the Silver barb range 1.014-1.02.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 3-8
M. O. Kaliuzhna

Genus Adialytus is represented in Europe by four species, only two of which are recorded in the fauna of Ukraine: Adialytus ambiguus (Haliday, 1834) and Adialytus salicaphis (Fitch, 1855). Data on the distribution of these species, their trophic specialization, and habitat associations are provided on the basis of material from the collection of I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (SIZK) and previous publications. A. ambiguus is a broad oligophagous, however, parasitizing mostly species of the genus Sipha on Poaceae. In Ukraine, A. ambiguus is found in the Forest-Steppe zone (Kyiv, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Poltava regions), in the Zone of broad-leaved forests of Ukraine (Ternopil region). Adialytus salicaphis is registered for now only in the Zone of mixed forests of Ukraine (Kyiv region). This species is a narrow oligophagous and develops on aphids of the genus Chaitophorus on Salix and Populus. Its potential areal might include also Forest-Steppe zone (more probably on the Left Bank of Dnieper River) and plains of big rivers in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. The potential role of these species as biocontrol agents is discussed: A. ambiguus could be recommended for consideration as a new candidate for biocontrol of Sipha spp. and probably Rhopalosiphum spp, on cereal crops in Ukraine, while A. salicaphis is not a species of practical importance in the country now. We consider quite probable finding in Ukraine another well-distributed European species A. thelaxis (Starý, 1961), which is a parasitoid of aphids of the genus Thelaxes on oaks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 273
Diah Auliyani ◽  
Esa Bagus Nugrahanto

Jemelak Sub Watershed is close to the junction of two big rivers, i.e., Kapuas and Melawi. Therefore, this location faces environmental issues such as a flood. To avoid its possible damages, information on peak discharge becomes critical, particularly in calculating the drainage structure. This study was aimed to predict the peak discharge in this area using a rational method. The maximum daily rainfall data from 1998 to 2017 were divided into two periods of 10 years and analyzed. In the first period,  maximum rainfall rangesfrom98.6 to 176.3 mm, while the second period fluctuates from67.6 to 190 mm. Analysis of land cover described that 43.97% of secondary swamp forests turned into shrubs and swamp shrubs in the first period. Furthermore, about 800.71 ha of secondary swamp forest tuned into 582.80 ha of bare land, 181.04 ha of a plantation, and 36.88 ha of swamp shrubs in the second period. About 95.15% of shrubs were also turned into agricultural land mixed with shrubs in the second period. The result showed that the changes in the maximum daily rainfall and land cover simultaneously affected the improvement of the peak discharge by about 2.53% in the first period and 28.30% in the second period. If the peak discharge exceeds the river capacity, then the local flooding will occur along the river border. Keywords: land cover, peak discharge, rainfall, Jemelak

S. Ogawa ◽  
Y. Taniguchi

Abstract. In 2018, the ancient tomb was discovered in Tagawa, Fukuoka. The sizes of the tomb were measured by UAV. The length is 443 m, the diameter is 152 m, and the height is 33 m: the second biggest mound in Japan. Chinese history book, Sanguozhi (Chen, 280) reads Yamatai country occupied 27 countries in Japan in the 3rd century by the queen Himiko. The location of Yamatai was 840 km south from Soul with 70000 families, and the size of Himiko’s tomb was 150 m diameters. The locations of Yamatai country and Himiko’s tomb are still unknown. From Sanguozhi, the optimum location was estimated with the direction, the distance and family numbers. Family numbers were estimated from the river watershed areas. Kyushu islands have 28 big rivers, corresponding to 28 countries described in Sanguozhi. Each river corresponded to each country, and their family number was estimated by 2.5% of the watershed area with family number / 10 a. Finally, the Chikugo river watershed was a candidate of Yamatai country. Moreover, two kinds of tombs became candidates of Himiko’s tomb.

2020 ◽  
Luke M. Jacobus

Abstract Objectives: Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) were collected from the Ohio River, White River and Wabash River in Indiana during July and August 2019, with the goals of confirming the continued existence of historic populations of species and discovering previously undocumented populations.Data description: Notable new data for Ephoron album (Say) (Polymitarcyidae), Heptagenia elegantula (Eaton) (Heptageniidae), Pentagenia vittigera (Walsh) (Palingeniidae), and Tortopsis primus (McDunnough) (Polymitarcyidae) are reported.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Isma Noviana ◽  
Tri Dewi Kusuma Ningrum Pribadi ◽  
Keukeu Kaniawati Rosada

Periphyton indeed plays an undeniably vital role as primary producers in the food web within aquatic ecosystems such as rivers. The existence of periphyton will affect the populations of the aquatic organisms at higher trophic level, thus it is interesting to be explored, especially in big rivers like Citarum. This study aimed to explore the distribution of periphyton, including its types and abundance at several stations in the upstream part of Citarum River based on the land use in the riverbanks, in the dry season of 2018. Samples were taken at nine stations, namely Gunung Wayang Springs, Outlet Cisanti at the valley of Mount Wayang, and the connecting tributaries as follows: Cihejo, Cibuni, Cirasea, Cikaro, Cisangkuy, Cikapundung, and Ciwidey. Samples of periphyton were taken from the substrate of stone, wood, plastic, and macrophytes at three sampling points of each station. Periphyton samples were then scraped off from the surface of the substrate, where the deposit would then be filtered using plankton net No.20, preserved with Lugol 1% and subsequently identified. The results showed there were 83 species from 58 genera of both phytoperiphyton and zooperiphyton, classified as periphyton found on the sites. The total abundance of phytoperiphyton ranged between 2.3 x 104 ind/m2 and 1.3 x 108 ind/m2 where the total abundance of zooperiphyton covered from 4.7 x 102 ind/m2 to 3.7 x 105 ind/m2. The highest and the lowest numbers of total abundance of periphyton were shown at stations of Gunung Wayang Spring and Cirasea tributary, respectively. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 116
Rara Sugiarti ◽  
Warto Warto ◽  
Supariadi Supariadi

Van den Bosch fortress is located in Ngawi East Java Indonesia. The fortress’ unique location in the riverbanks of two main rivers of Java island, i.e. Bengawan Solo river and Madiun river, boosts its potentilas as a cultural tourist attraction. The meeting point between these two big rivers has given the fortress opportunities to develop unique tourism package. This study examined the potentials of the fortress, problems for developing the fortress, and the interconnection of spatial distribution of the fortress by employing geographic information system (GIS) to develop spatial-based management of the fortress as an intergrated cultural tourism site. Spatial-based management of the historical resource is aimed at combining and enhancing the urban elements including town square, traditional market, fortress, and rivers as well as some supporting facilities; and it is expected to be able to make Van den Bosch fortress as the center of the attractions. All of the elements of the urban area need to be spatially planned and managed in order to perform a unique tourist attraction in the most enticing historical destination of the region. Keywords: cultural tourism, fortress, historical asset, spatial-based management.

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