forest restoration
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
Mogeret Sidi ◽  
Mohd Effendi Wasli ◽  
Elfera Polly ◽  
Aina Nadia Najwa Mohamad Jaffar ◽  
Meekiong Kalu ◽  

Abstract. Sidi MB, Wasli ME, Polly E, Jaffar ANNM, Kalu M, Sani H, Nahrawi H, Elias H, Omar D. 2021. Short Communication: Incidence of insect pest on planted Shorea macrophylla at reforestation sites in Gunung Apeng National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Biodiversitas 22: 5162-5168. Incidence of insect pest in Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P.S. Ashton had critical foliage damage in mono planting technique. The main objectives were to assess the foliage damage intensity of planted S. macrophylla by age stands and type of foliage damage. The insect pest attacks the foliage of S. macrophylla was determined. The study site was located at Gunung Apeng National Park (GANP), Sarawak, Malaysia, with planted S. macrophylla in enrichment planting at different years (planted in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 for age stand 6, 5, 4, and 3, respectively). The results showed that the degree of foliage damage decreases with the age stand of S. macrophylla tree. Therefore, foliage damage was suspected to be caused by insect pests. Among the common foliage damages observed was "hole damage" caused by insect order Lepidoptera. Although foliage damage was significant, the severity of the damage will "heal" as the age stand increases. Further investigation on other possible causes of these pest attacks should be initiated to find solutions that may hasten the growth of planted S. macrophylla for forest restoration.

Ying Ki Law ◽  
Calvin Lee ◽  
Chun Chiu Pang ◽  
Billy Hau ◽  
Jin Wu

Landslides are common in tropical and subtropical regions with hilly terrains and heavy rainstorms, which cause significant economic, ecological, and social impacts. Natural forest succession is usually slow on landslide scars due to poor soil structure and the lack of seeds of woody plant seeds, and often comes with a higher risk of repeated landslide. Ecological forest restoration has recently been suggested as an effective alternative to restore the exposed landslide scars, however, a comprehensive study to identify effective landslide restoration strategies remains lacking, particularly associated with seed treatment methods and species selection. Here we evaluated the effectiveness of different seed coating treatments of both pioneer and later successional tree species of different seed sizes on seed germination in a one-year study on three landslides in Hong Kong. Our results show that bare seeds had germination rates of 17 to 67% across all selected species (n=7). Biochar-dominant seed coating formulation boosted an additional 9.33 (SE= 0.04) in seed germination rate, while the clay-dominant seed coating formulation did not show significant effect on germination. Our results also show that medium and large-seeded non-pioneer species have significantly higher germination rates than pioneer species. These results collectively suggest that direct seeding using a biochar seed coat is a manageable and useful method to enhance tree seed germination—an essential first step to restore the forests after landslide disturbances in Hong Kong, with potential to be extended to other humid tropical and subtropical forests.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Irene Adamo ◽  
Svetlana Dashevskaya ◽  
Josu G. Alday

Forest restoration has become one of the most important challenges for restoration ecology in the recent years. In this regard, soil fungi are fundamental drivers of forest ecosystem processes, with significant implications for plant growth and survival. However, the post-disturbance recovery of belowground communities has been rarely assessed, especially in highly degraded systems such as mines. Our aim was to compare forests and mined systems for biomass and structure of fungal communities in soil during early stages of tree establishment after disturbance. We performed ergosterol analysis and PacBio and Illumina sequencing of internal transcribed spacer 2 amplicons across soil layers in P. sylvestris, Q. robur and Q. ilex (holm oak) forests and naturally revegetated mined sites. In pine forests, total fungal biomass was significantly higher in litter and humus compared to mineral layers, with dominance of the mycorrhizal genera Tomentella, Inocybe and Tricholoma. Conversely, in oak forests the most abundant mycorrhizal genera were Tomentella, Cortinarius and Sebacina, but the biomass of saprotrophic fungi was greater in the litter layer compared to mycorrhizal fungi, with the genus Preussia being the most abundant. In the revegetated mined sites, ectomycorrhizal fungi dominated in the humus and mineral layers, with the mycorrhizal genus Oidiodendron being dominant. In contrast, in holm oak forests saprotrophic fungi dominated both soil humus and mineral layers, with the genera of Alternaria, Bovista and Mycena dominating the soil humus forest layer, while the genus Cadophora dominated the mineral layer. The habitat-specific differences in soil fungal community composition and putative functions suggest that an understanding of soil–plant–microbial interactions for different tree species and use of specific soil/litter inoculum upon planting/seeding might help to increase the effectiveness of tree restoration strategies in Mediterranean degraded sites.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Yiming Wang ◽  
Zengxin Zhang ◽  
Xi Chen

Under the combined effect of climate variations and anthropogenic activities, the forest ecosystem in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) has experienced dramatic changes in recent decades. Quantifying their relative contributions can provide a valuable reference for forest management and ecological sustainability. In this study, we selected net primary productivity (NPP) as an indicator to investigate forest variations. Meanwhile, we established eight scenarios based on the slope coefficients of the potential NPP (PNPP) and actual NPP (ANPP), and human-induced NPP (HNPP) to quantify the contributions of anthropogenic activities and climate variations to forest variations in the YRB from 2000 to 2015. The results revealed that in general, the total forest ANPP increased by 10.42 TgC in the YRB, and forest restoration occurred in 57.25% of the study area during the study period. The forest degradation was mainly observed in the Wujiang River basin, Dongting Lake basin, and Poyang Lake basin. On the whole, the contribution of anthropogenic activities was greater than climate variations on both forest restoration and degradation in the YRB. Their contribution to forest restoration and degradation varied in different tributaries. Among the five forest types, shrubs experienced the most severe degradation during the study period, which should arouse great attention. Ecological restoration programs implemented in YRB have effectively mitigated the adverse effect of climate variations and dominated forest restoration, while rapid urbanization in the mid-lower region has resulted in forest degradation. The forest degradation in Dongting Lake basin and Poyang Lake basin may be ascribed to the absence of the Natural Forest Conservation Program. Therefore, we recommend that the extent of the Natural Forest Conservation Program should expand to cover these two basins. The current research could improve the understanding of the driving mechanism of forest dynamics and promote the effectiveness of ecological restoration programs in the YRB.

2022 ◽  
pp. 097317412110573
Laura M. Valencia

In response to the global climate emergency and biodiversity loss, environmental advocates promote ecological restoration of millions of hectares of the world’s degraded forest lands. Lands of high value to restoration are home to nearly 300 million people, including 12% of low- and middle-income country populations. In this article, I respond to calls for greater empirical investigation into the social impacts of forest landscape restoration. Through spatial and ethnographic analysis of forest restoration in Keonjhar, Odisha (India), I show that state-led afforestation efforts contradict a decade of forest tenure reform which sought to decentralize and decolonize forest governance. I explore how state-led efforts ignore (and inhibit) the continued protagonism of forest-dwelling communities in forest regeneration on their customary lands. Weaving accounts from 1992 onwards across six villages and 22 plantations, I characterize state strategies as an ‘uphill battle’: by systematically selecting shifting cultivation (podu) uplands for enclosure and tree plantation, forest agencies contribute to a lose-lose situation where neither forest restoration nor forest rights are realized. Investigating this process from colonial forest policy to the present, I leverage a critical political ecology perspective that supports calls for rights-based restoration.

2022 ◽  
Tyler A Beeton ◽  
Antony S Cheng ◽  
Melanie M Colavito

Abstract Collaboration is increasingly emphasized as a tool to realize national-level policy goals in public lands management. Yet, collaborative governance regimes (CGRs) are nested within traditional bureaucracies and are affected by internal and external disruptions. The extent to which CGRs adapt and remain resilient to these disruptions remains under-explored. Here, we distill insights from an assessment of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) projects and other CGRs. We asked (1) how do CGRs adapt to disruptions? and (2) what barriers constrained CGR resilience? Our analysis is informed by a synthesis of the literature, case examples and exemplars from focus groups, and a national CFLRP survey. CGRs demonstrated the ability to mobilize social capital, learning, resources, and flexibility to respond to disruptions. Yet authority, accountability, and capacity complicated collaborative resilience. We conclude with policy and practice recommendations to cultivate collaborative resilience moving forward. Study Implications Collaborative approaches between public lands management agencies and nongovernment organizations have become common in forest restoration. Yet collaborative progress may be affected by turnover, wildfire disturbances, or legal or policy changes. We assessed how forest collaboratives in the United States adapted to changes that affected their performance and documented the factors that constrained response. We found that forest collaboratives developed myriad strategies to adapt to these changes, although limited authority, capacity, and accountability constrain adaptation options. We offer policy and practice recommendations to overcome these constraints, increase adaptation options, and enhance the sustainability of forest collaboratives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Harley Araújo da Silva ◽  
Thiago Augusto Da Cunha ◽  
Veronica Telma Da Rocha Passos

The evaluation of the survival and natural regeneration of tree species in a 35-year-old plantation was carried out to identify the species established in the area, aiming at their recommendation in forest restoration plantations in the State of Acre. In the 1980s, 138 forest species were planted in two experimental units (EU), of 1.38 ha each, in the Zoobotanical Park (ZP) of the Federal University of Acre, Rio Branco campus. The main activities carried out in the area, prior to planting, were agriculture and cattle raising.  Survival status was measured through a census of all individuals planted at the time, who were still alive. In addition, all regenerating individuals from planted species were surveyed in the effective planting area of the experimental units. At the time of evaluation, living individuals of 41 and 46 species were found in experimental units 1 (EU-1) and 2 (EU-2), respectively. The species Syagrus sancona, Talisia esculenta, Acacia polyphylla, Couepia bracteosa, Mangifera indica, Syzygium cumini and Copaifera multijuga showed survival rates above 90% in at least one of the experimental units. Only Syagrus sancona and Handroanthus serratifolius presented high survival rates in both experimental. Regenerating individuals of the species Aspidosperma vargasii, Couepia bracteosa, Euterpe precatoria, Handroanthus serratifolius, Oenocarpus mapora, Onychopetalum periquino and Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum were found in the two EU.

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