love relationships
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (32) ◽  
pp. 77
Fabjana Bakiu

The purpose of this study is to determine through scientific methods to what extent children experience parental divorce and the lack of fathers in families. This paper focuses on measuring the impact it has on adolescent children, between 13-18 years, in Tirana, Albania. Adolescence is one of the most critical stages of life and is very decisive for the future of children. This goal is enabled through the achievement of the following objectives such as: How and to what extent divorce and the lack of father affect the psychoemotional development and perception of children with divorced parents (ChDP) about their future and love relationships; to what extent does the lack of father affect this segment of children, and the identification of consequences to these children. Methodology: This involves a primary survey with the help of a structured questionnaire among children from the age group of 13-18 years in Tirana. The consequences of divorce are theoretically explained and give the opportunity to raise research questions in recent years. Questionnaire is the research instrument which includes questions about the relationship of children with their non-custodial parent, the impact of missing obligations, and the possible consequences for this segment of children. The data are compared with children of the same age, but from intact families, and have led to conclusions and recommendations on social policies to be followed towards this segment in the future.

2021 ◽  
Lidia Wieczorek

In the Romantic era, Bürger’s “Lenore” with its motif of a woman kidnapped by the ghost of her lover was very popular among authors from various nations. The contemporary interpretation of this literary topos can be found in the stories describing love relationships between a woman and a vampire and frequently based on the same patterns. Having contact with the undead lover, the heroine crosses the border between the worlds and herself becomes a borderland creature.

Alejandro Camino

En la década de 1890, el ciclismo en España experimentó un fuerte auge, sobre todo en hombres, pero también en mujeres. En estos diez años, el ciclismo se desarrolló tanto en la vertiente de ocio como en la competitiva. En ambos casos se generó un enconado debate entre expertos, especialmente médicos, escritores y religiosos, y los propios aficionados al ciclismo, sobre la conveniencia (o no) de que las mujeres montasen en bicicleta. A los argumentos sobre la salud y la vestimenta, que habitualmente han centrado la atención historiográfica sobre el ciclismo femenino, pronto se sumaron aquellos que hacían referencia a la posibilidad de generar espacios de sociabilidad proclives al surgimiento del amor duradero. Un campo aparte fue el ciclismo de competición, que, si bien fue apoyado por los partidarios de la bicicleta, no terminó de cuajar entre la población y no hubo muchas mujeres que se dedicasen profesionalmente a este deporte. AbstractIn the 1890s, Spanish cycling experienced a great boom, especially in men, but also in women. In those years, cycling developed both as leisure and as competition. In both cases, there was a lively debate among experts, particularly physicians, writers and religious authorities, and cycling fans, about whether riding bicycles was a suitable activity for women (physically, psychologically and socially) as well as occurred in a transnational context. Most historians who address women’s cycling have focused on the arguments about health and clothing, but there also existed the question of cycling as a space for development of strong love relationships. Competitive cycling represents a very different case; although it was encouraged by bicycle supporters, it did not take hold among the population; and there were not many women who did this sport professionally. In this article I analyse these aspects through an in-depth study of journalistic sources. Besides, I use the most up-to-date and leading bibliographic contributions of national and international historiography. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 45-59
L. A. Bushuyeva

Euphemisms that act as means of linguistic representation of the act of “infidelity in love relationships” in the Russian and the English are examined in the article. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the situation of the act of “infidelity in love” is presented in the form of a frame model, in the structure of which slots are allocated that actualize various aspects of the situation under consideration. It is shown that in Russian linguoculture the slots “Agent of an act and its properties”, “Counterparty of an act”, “Patient of an act”, “Action as a manifestation of an act”, “Evaluation of an act, an agent of an act”, “Place of the act” are objectified. It was revealed that in the English linguistic culture, in addition to the indicated slots, the “Motive of Action” slot is also updated. Comparison of the semantics of the euphemistic units of the two languages showed that the euphemization of the act of “infidelity in love” is based on similar techniques: the mechanism of linguistic generalization, replacement of direct nomination with a foreign lexeme, pronominalization, meiosis, metonymic / metaphoric transfer. It is shown that the actualization of infidelity is carried out on the basis of similar metaphorical concepts MOVEMENT, RELATIONSHIP, ENTERTAINMENT / RECREATION, POLLUTION, which are identified both in Russian and in English, and the metaphorical concept of SPORT is found only in English. 

Kybernetes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kurt Rachlitz ◽  
Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel ◽  
Ronja Friedl

PurposeIn this paper, the authors aim to clarify the relationship between organization and society. They argue that the proliferation of organization in modernity has not yet been properly understood in light of the absence of organization in premodern times. The authors therefore ask: Why do organizations proliferate? Why do they proliferate in such manifold organizational forms? And how can these heterogeneous forms nevertheless be related to a common problem to which organizations provide a solution? A comparative historical analysis based on the theory of social systems reveals that organizations fill a gap which the decline of morality as an integrative success medium created.Design/methodology/approachThe paper develops a conceptual framework focusing on the theory of media within Luhmann’s theory of social systems as a point of departure. The authors discuss the concept of “interpenetration” to assess the relation between morality and organization. They raise several follow-up questions for future empirical research, most prominently pertaining to the relationship between organization and digitalization.FindingsThe main finding is that morality can be conceptualized as a specific success medium (alongside religion and symbolically generalized communication media) which used to structure premodern societies by means of social and interhuman interpenetration at once. Modern society instead employs two differentiated forms of interpenetration: Social interpretation through organizations and interhuman interpenetration through love relationships. These centripetal counterforces help to mediate the centrifugal forces unleashed by the full development of modern success media. Modern society critically depends on the proliferation of organizations.Originality/valueThis paper examines the relationship between morality and organization not from the perspective of interaction or organization, but from the perspective of society. This approach provides novel insights in that it opens up promising avenues of comparison between organization and other social forms. Understanding the distinctively modern “success story” of organization as a social form makes it possible to ask about corresponding potentials and limitations, but also alternative possibilities. In doing so, the authors depart from most studies of organizations grounded in social systems theory as the authors primarily focus on Luhmann’s theory of media (as opposed to the theory of differentiation).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Mela Krismawati ◽  
Emil Eka Putra

Abstract This research discusses the social status of society at Highbury in the era of the 19th century. In this research the writer using the qualitative method to analyze social status that reflected in Jane Austen’s Emma and apply the theory of Swingewood (1972), that is the sociology of literature or the sociological approach. The result of this research that obtained the social status is still upheld by the community as a culture that they must preserve. When choosing a life partner, it is often determined by the background of both parties. If both parties do not have a match in their background then their wedding will not be permanent and happy. Because a person's social status is made the key as a part of a relationship, both in love and marriage. Marriage and love relationships are motivated by social class and work. Meanwhile, based on this culture it leads to the opinion that the upper class is not worthy of having a love relationship with the lower class. Keywords: social status, happy, marriage, and love    

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-89
Encarnación Soriano-Ayala ◽  
Verónica C. Cala ◽  
Manuel Soriano Ferrer ◽  
Herenia García-Serrán

Love and relationships are sociocultural constructions that, in recent times, have experienced great changes in terms of type of relationship, type of love and happiness of the couple. Few studies have analysed the love relationships immigrant population in Europe. This study aims to explore the differences and similarities in love styles between Spaniards and Moroccan immigrants, the country’s largest foreign population, and analyse the relationship between these styles and level of couple happiness. This cross-sectional study disseminated a survey to young adults between the ages of 18 and 40 in southern Spain. Of those who received the survey, 574 young adults responded, of which 182 were of Moroccan origin and 392 were Spanish. The results indicated that there are sociocultural and gender differences in the types of relationships young adults maintain and in the agents that facilitate romantic socialisation. The Spaniards describe less stable relationships, more influenced by several agents, while the Moroccans demonstrated more stability in relationships, more influenced by family and religion. In accordance with Sternberg love components, different types of love were recognised. Spanish women are the group most value love in their lives, rated higher in couple happiness, and gave special importance to intimacy (but not to commitment and passion). Moroccan women followed models of love closer to Sternberg's romantic love, giving importance to commitment, intimacy and passion. Spanish men were similar to Moroccan men regarding their type of love, although they were the only ones that included commitment as a predictor of happiness. This study reveals that the importance of an intersectional approach to analyse love and couples.

Bilous N.V.

Purpose of the present research is to analyze A.Droste’s creative arsenal in revealing the theme of love in poetry of different periods of the author’s work as well as in her unfinished novel “Bei uns zu Lande auf dem Lande”. The purpose was to identify the correlation between the facts of Droste’s personal life and the statements of her lyrical heroes about romantic relationships and the search for love and mutuality in relationships.Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods of analysis and includes the use of biographical, semantic and stylistic, comparative methods, linguopoetic interpretation, as well as interpretative analysis of the context.Results. The results of the research made it possible to establish Droste’s tendency to represent two types of love relationships and to identify the means of verbalization of the concept “love”. Based on the biographical method, a correlation between the biographical facts and the perspectives in love relations of the characters of the author’s two poetic cycles has been established. The biographical nature of the male protagonist’s image in her prose work has been considered. An interpretative analysis of the mythological images and symbols in Droste’s epistles from the cycle “Gedichte vermischten Inhalt” has been performed.Conclusions. Droste’s creative palette is characterized by the richness and diversity of semantic fields of the concept “love” and the skilful use of the system of mythological images to maximize the author’s representation of the multidimensional nature of the lyrical characters’ feelings, including both their emotional reaction and critical view of life. Either in poetry or in prose, Droste highlights two categories of love relationships: love-passion and love-friendship. The study of the works from different periods of the author’s life has revealed that the above mentioned duality of love was clearly realized by Droste, and thus was represented in her literary work, both in the early periods and in the cycles of 1842–1844. The fundamental feature of representing the romantic feelings of Droste’s characters is unconditionality: the lyrical characters rely on their own past and do not hesitate to draw strength and inspiration for further personal searches and shared experiences.Key words: biographicality, system of mythological images, mythological symbol, epistle, creative palette. Метою представленого дослідження є аналіз творчого арсеналу А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф для розкриття теми любові у поетичних творах з різних періодів творчості майстрині та у її незавершеному романі «Bei uns zu Lande auf dem Lande». За мету також поставлено встановлення кореляції фактів особистого життя авторки і висловлень її ліричних героїв щодо роман-тичних стосунків та пошуку любові та взаємності у коханні.Методи. Дослідження ґрунтується на загальнонаукових методах аналізу і включає біографічний, семантико-стилістичний та порівняльний методи, лінгво-поетичну інтерпретацію, а також контекстуальний інтерпретаційний аналіз.Результати. Результати дослідження дозволили встановити тяжіння А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф до зображення двох видів любовних стосунків, а також засоби вербалізації концепту «кохання». На основі біографічного методу встановлено кореляцію між біографічними фактами та проблематикою у любовних стосунках персонажів двох поетичних циклів авторки. Розглянуто біографічність образу головного чоловічого героя у прозовому творі. Здійснено інтерпретаційний аналіз міфообразів та сим-волів у епістолах А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф з циклу «Gedichte vermischten Inhalt». Висновки. Творча палітра А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф характеризується багатством і розмаїттям семантичних полів концепту «кохання» та майстерним використанням системи міфообразів для максимальної реалізації авторського представлення усієї багатоплановості почуттів ліричних героїв, зокрема як емоційної реакції і одночасно критичного погляду на власне життя. Як у поетичній творчості, так і у прозових творах А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф висвітлює дві категорії любовних стосунків: любов-пристрасть та любов-дружбу. Дослідження творів різних періодів життя авторки демонструє, що вище названа подвійність любові була чітко усвідомленою А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф і, відповідно, втілена в літературній творчості, як у ранніх періодах, так і в циклах 1842–1844 років. Фундаментальною ознакою представлення романтичних почуттів персонажів А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф є беззастережність: ліричні герої спираються на власне минуле і не вагаючись черпають сили і натхнення для подальших поодиноких пошуків і спільних переживань.Ключові слова: біографічність, система міфообразів, міфологічний символ, епістола, творча палітра.

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