Bilous N.V.

Purpose of the present research is to analyze A.Droste’s creative arsenal in revealing the theme of love in poetry of different periods of the author’s work as well as in her unfinished novel “Bei uns zu Lande auf dem Lande”. The purpose was to identify the correlation between the facts of Droste’s personal life and the statements of her lyrical heroes about romantic relationships and the search for love and mutuality in relationships.Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods of analysis and includes the use of biographical, semantic and stylistic, comparative methods, linguopoetic interpretation, as well as interpretative analysis of the context.Results. The results of the research made it possible to establish Droste’s tendency to represent two types of love relationships and to identify the means of verbalization of the concept “love”. Based on the biographical method, a correlation between the biographical facts and the perspectives in love relations of the characters of the author’s two poetic cycles has been established. The biographical nature of the male protagonist’s image in her prose work has been considered. An interpretative analysis of the mythological images and symbols in Droste’s epistles from the cycle “Gedichte vermischten Inhalt” has been performed.Conclusions. Droste’s creative palette is characterized by the richness and diversity of semantic fields of the concept “love” and the skilful use of the system of mythological images to maximize the author’s representation of the multidimensional nature of the lyrical characters’ feelings, including both their emotional reaction and critical view of life. Either in poetry or in prose, Droste highlights two categories of love relationships: love-passion and love-friendship. The study of the works from different periods of the author’s life has revealed that the above mentioned duality of love was clearly realized by Droste, and thus was represented in her literary work, both in the early periods and in the cycles of 1842–1844. The fundamental feature of representing the romantic feelings of Droste’s characters is unconditionality: the lyrical characters rely on their own past and do not hesitate to draw strength and inspiration for further personal searches and shared experiences.Key words: biographicality, system of mythological images, mythological symbol, epistle, creative palette. Метою представленого дослідження є аналіз творчого арсеналу А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф для розкриття теми любові у поетичних творах з різних періодів творчості майстрині та у її незавершеному романі «Bei uns zu Lande auf dem Lande». За мету також поставлено встановлення кореляції фактів особистого життя авторки і висловлень її ліричних героїв щодо роман-тичних стосунків та пошуку любові та взаємності у коханні.Методи. Дослідження ґрунтується на загальнонаукових методах аналізу і включає біографічний, семантико-стилістичний та порівняльний методи, лінгво-поетичну інтерпретацію, а також контекстуальний інтерпретаційний аналіз.Результати. Результати дослідження дозволили встановити тяжіння А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф до зображення двох видів любовних стосунків, а також засоби вербалізації концепту «кохання». На основі біографічного методу встановлено кореляцію між біографічними фактами та проблематикою у любовних стосунках персонажів двох поетичних циклів авторки. Розглянуто біографічність образу головного чоловічого героя у прозовому творі. Здійснено інтерпретаційний аналіз міфообразів та сим-волів у епістолах А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф з циклу «Gedichte vermischten Inhalt». Висновки. Творча палітра А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф характеризується багатством і розмаїттям семантичних полів концепту «кохання» та майстерним використанням системи міфообразів для максимальної реалізації авторського представлення усієї багатоплановості почуттів ліричних героїв, зокрема як емоційної реакції і одночасно критичного погляду на власне життя. Як у поетичній творчості, так і у прозових творах А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф висвітлює дві категорії любовних стосунків: любов-пристрасть та любов-дружбу. Дослідження творів різних періодів життя авторки демонструє, що вище названа подвійність любові була чітко усвідомленою А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф і, відповідно, втілена в літературній творчості, як у ранніх періодах, так і в циклах 1842–1844 років. Фундаментальною ознакою представлення романтичних почуттів персонажів А.фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф є беззастережність: ліричні герої спираються на власне минуле і не вагаючись черпають сили і натхнення для подальших поодиноких пошуків і спільних переживань.Ключові слова: біографічність, система міфообразів, міфологічний символ, епістола, творча палітра.

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 154-165

The article is devoted to the study of the life and literary heritage of one of the significant creative figures in the Kabardian literature of the 60s – 80s. Of the twentieth century, which determined the features of the formation and development trends of national prose of the specified period. The relevance of the stated topic is due to the fact that until now in the Adygeyan literary criticism there are no generalizing works on the study of milestones in the biography and a comprehensive analysis of the literary work of A. Naloev. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive substantive and structural-compositional analysis of the writer's works is carried out, starting from the first sketches in the form of miniatures and satirical and humorous stories, ending with larger genres – a story and a novel. The aim of the study is to recreate a complete biographical and creative picture of the life of a talented writer, philologist, educator, educator who raised a whole generation of artists and workers of culture and education. To achieve the goal, a number of tasks are solved, among the main ones – the study of the milestones of the biography of A. Naloev, the analysis of works, the consideration of the ideological and thematic orientation and the genre-style paradigm of the writer's work, determination of the role and place of his creative heritage in national literature and in general in cultural development Adyghe ethnos. The study used general scientific methods with an emphasis on the method of analysis, description and generalization. The results obtained have theoretical significance for further study of national literatures. They can become a significant practical help in writing various kinds of research papers, as well as in the preparation of special courses in universities and colleges.

T. Sashchuk

<div><em>The article presents the results of the study of the communicative competence of the politicians on the basis of the analysis of their messages on their official pages of the Facebook social network. The research used the following general scientific methods: descriptive and comparative, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The quantitative content analysis method with qualitative elements was used to distinguish the peculiarities of information messages that provide communication of the deputies of Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) on their official Facebook pages. Information messages have been analyzed by the following three criteria: subject matter, structure and language.</em></div><p> </p><p><em>For the first time the article draws a parallel between communicative competence and the ability to communicate with voters on the official pages of Facebook which is the most popular social network in Ukraine. As it is established, communicative competence in the analyzed cases is caused not by education, but by previous professional activity of a politician. The most successful and high-quality communication was from the current parliamentarian who worked as a journalist in the past. More than half of the messages that provided successful communication consisted of sufficiently structured short text and a video. The topic covers the activity of the parliamentarian in the Verkhovna Rada and in his district. More than half of the messages are spoken in the first person.</em></p><p><em>The findings of the study can be used in teaching such subjects as Political PR and Electronic PR, and may be of interest to politicians and their assistants.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> competence and competency, communicative competence, political discourse, official page of the deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Facebook social network, subject matter and structure of the information message, first-person narrative, correspondence of communication to the level of communicative competence.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-180

The article is devoted to the research of the youth criminal subculture and its impact on the personality of under-aged. In the course of analysis of this negative impact, a definition of the criminal subculture of under-aged was proposed. The main principles of such a criminal subculture as AUE (the acronym, transcribed from Russian: АУЕ or А.У.Е., comes from «Арестантский уклад един» / “Prisoners Unity (Solidarity)” are defined. The reasons contributing to the development of this negative phenomenon and the typical fea- tures of a minor sharing the ideology of the AUE were identified. The methods for counteracting the AUE were proposed. The method- ological basis of the research is formed by general scientific methods: dialectical, system research method, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, etc., as well as such private scientific methods as comparative legal, formal legal, structural and functional, statistical ones. The authors relied on the results of research by Russian and foreign legal scholars, sociologists, psychologists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1356-1382
E.V. Olomskaya ◽  
A.A. Aksent'ev

Subject. This article discusses the methodological features of Russian Accounting Standard (PBU) 18/02 Income Tax Accounting when using the balance method to account for deferred taxes. It considers whether the clarification of permanent tax differences is justified, and it analyzes in detail the features of accounting for temporary differences and offers a visual and descriptive method for determining and correlating them in accounts. Objectives. The article aims to justify the reason for linking permanent tax differences to such accounting categories as Income and Expenses. It also aims to develop a methodological toolkit that simplifies the perception of the balance method and demonstrates the procedure for determining temporary differences. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, and other general scientific methods. Results. The article justifies the clarification of permanent differences from the position of accounting categories. It offers an original approach that helps visually classify temporary differences. The formalization of the balance method helped identify the logic of its reflection in accounting statements. Conclusions and Relevance. To ensure that accounting is not distorted due to the impact of taxation, it is necessary to develop a unified conceptual framework, as well as develop existing methods and introduce new ones that do not contradict the public concept of interaction between accounting and tax accounting. The research results are intended for training, scientific and practical activities of specialists in the field of accounting and audit, as well as students studying under this program, in order to study the features of applying the balance method for accounting for deferred taxes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 905-919
R.O. Voskanyan

Subject. The article addresses leader companies of the e-commerce market in terms of sales and capitalization, that make their financial statements publicly available. Objectives. The aim is to identify special aspects of capital structure management policies of the largest e-commerce players based on ratio analysis. Methods. The study employs general scientific methods of research. Results. The paper reveals the specifics of capital structure management of the global e-commerce market leaders. The leading companies prefer an aggressive approach to the formation of their capital structure, increasing the volume of borrowed capital in comparison with their equity. The management of companies tries to provide a moderate approach to capital structure management and debt servicing, demonstrating the ability to repay debts in a timely manner. Aggressive capital structure policy is conditioned by specific activities of e-commerce companies, requiring constant search for and attraction of additional financial resources for improving production processes by management. Conclusions. Key players have an aggressive capital structure policy. This feature is necessitated by the need to systematically attract additional financing to expand the business, increase sales volumes, capture and create new markets. E-commerce companies have to constantly improve technology, logistics processes, and render a good and excellent customer service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 1590-1609
V.A. Rakhaev

Subject. The article addresses modernization of lending facilities under concession agreements. It is important for evaluating the terms of credit transactions, effectiveness of credit projects, and the concessionaire's ability to repay the loan. Objectives. The purpose is to review the current financing mechanism and underpin approaches to improving the credit facilities within concession agreements. Methods. The study rests on general scientific methods, like the systems and logical analysis and synthesis, principles of induction and deduction, financial calculation techniques. The analytical part employs the balance method, methods of financial coefficients and the method of technical and economic estimates. Results. I analyzed the financial structure and special characteristics of concession agreements, parameters of concessionaires’ activities; considered the types of risks inherent in bank lending under concession agreements, methods for their identification and mitigation; offered a mechanism of lending, including the structure of credit transactions, restrictions for the financial condition of concessionaires, additional requirements and penalties for their non-fulfillment. The findings can help banks define lending parameters for concession agreements. The provided recommendations may be useful for consideration by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. It is possible to reduce the risks of lending under concession contracts, if their terms and conditions are stable, and if the lost income of concessionaires is compensated in the event of early termination. Reasonable tariffs for works and services and increased revenue collection will promote this type of lending.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 730-744
V.I. Loktionov

Subject. The article reviews the way strategic threats to energy security influence the quality of people's life. Objectives. The study unfolds the theory of analyzing strategic threats to energy security by covering the matter of quality of people's life. Methods. To analyze the way strategic threats to energy security spread across cross-sectoral commodity and production chains and influences quality of people's living, I applied the factor analysis and general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. Results. I suggest interpreting strategic threats to energy security as risks of people's quality of life due to a reduction in the volume of energy supply. I identified mechanisms reflecting how the fuel and energy complex and its development influence the quality of people's life. The article sets out the method to assess such quality-of-life risks arising from strategic threats to energy security. Conclusions and Relevance. In the current geopolitical situation, strategic threats to energy security cause long-standing adverse consequences for the quality of people's life. If strategic threats to energy security are further construed as risk of quality of people's life, this will facilitate the preparation and performance of a more effective governmental policy on energy, which will subsequently raise the economic well-being of people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 598-617 ◽  
S.V. Ratner

Subject. The article considers the concept of circular economy, which has originated relatively recently in the academic literature, and is now increasingly recognized in many countries at the national level. In the European Union, the transition to circular economy is viewed as an opportunity to improve competitiveness of the European Union, protect businesses from resource shortages and fluctuating prices for raw materials and supplies, and a way to increase employment and innovation. Objectives. The aim of the study is to analyze the incentives developed by the European Commission for moving to circular economy, and to assess their effectiveness on the basis of statistical analysis. Methods. I employ general scientific methods of research. Results. The analysis of the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy enabled to conclude that the results of the recent research in circular economy barriers, eco-innovation, technology and infrastructure were successfully integrated into the framework of this document. Understanding the root causes holding back the circular economy development and the balanced combination of economic and administrative incentives strengthened the Action Plan, and it contributed to the circular economy development in the EU. Conclusions. The measures to stimulate the development of the circular economy proposed in the European Action Plan can be viewed as a prototype for designing similar strategies in other countries, including Russia. Meanwhile, a more detailed analysis of barriers to the circular economy at the level of individual countries and regions is needed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 83-88
E. N. Valiev ◽  
E. N. Veysov

The importance of the subject of this study is attributable to the need of developing the theory and practice of formation of bank marketing, its features and new trends associated with this concept. Prospects for the development of banks and their ability to quickly and efficiently address new challenges presented by the market can be determined through modern forms, methods of management and creative use of financial marketing opportunities.Aim. The presented study aims to examine the specific aspects, principles, conditions, factors of emergence, and prospects for the development of bank marketing and forms of its management in modern economic conditions.Tasks. The authors identify the major trends and perspective directions in the development of bank marketing in Azerbaijan at the current stage.Methods. As its methodological and theoretical basis, this study uses a systems approach to the analysis of its subject, conceptual approaches outlined in the works of Azerbaijani, Russian, and foreign scientists in the field of bank marketing. These methods are used to determine the essence of bank marketing, present the types and organization of marketing research, and identify the characteristic traits, new forms, and directions for the development of bank marketing.Results. The study uses general scientific methods of cognition in various aspects to identify characteristic traits, trends, and new directions of bank marketing. A review of scientific publications shows that academic papers tend to focus on general conceptual approaches to the practical application of marketing. The authors believe that the issues of organization of a comprehensive bank management system, its implementation based on innovations in the promotion of banking products and services in the financial market, and substantiation of channels for their distribution among consumers are insufficiently explored. This makes the subject of this study extremely relevant due to the inevitable optimization of the organizational structure of banks through comprehensive implementation of the marketing system.Conclusions. Theoretical and practical issues of bank marketing are examined. As a result, the specific features and characteristic traits of this mechanism, conditions and factors for its emergence, and its prospects in the context of the digital economy are analyzed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 7-12

In this article, using general scientific methods, the existing approaches to making management decisions in the process of implementing one or another variant of the economic behavior of an industrial park are analyzed. The results of the system analysis revealed that most approaches do not fully take into account the peculiarities of the economic behavior of the industrial park, depending on the interests of residents and resource suppliers. The main interest groups and conceptual basis for choosing an option for such behavior are presented.

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