literacy team
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Vevy Liansari ◽  
Wahyu Taufiq ◽  
Dian Rahma Santoso

This study aims to describe the implementation of literacy culture programs of elementary school. This study used phenomenology of a qualitative approach. The subjects were the headmaster, teachers, students who were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The validity data test used triangulation techniques by comparing the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The policy for implementing a literacy culture at elementary school by using the School Literacy Movement program of the government. It is based on Permendikbud No. 23, 2015 focusing on character development. (2) The implementation of literacy culture of elementary school. It is based on the habituation stage that carried out 10 minutes of reading Al Qur’an and storybooks before lessons. The development stage of the activities carried out the respond to the contents of reading books by reading independently, giving appreciation for student literacy achievements, and having a school literacy team. The learning stage is by getting used to reading textbooks and using various strategies that support learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 503-517
Dyah Putri Fadillah ◽  
Istikomah Istikomah

The purpose of the study is to know how the implementation strategies in SDN Bubutan IV Surabaya. The descriptive qualitative method is used in this analysis. The collecting data technique is using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data validity test is using source triangulation. The result of the study showed that the school literacy movement strategies are already successful with (1) conditioned physical environment with mini-libraries in each classroom and student artworks around school areas, (2) conditioned the social environment as an effective model by giving rewards toward students, there is also an activity to celebrate a national holiday that integrated with literacy learning, and (3) conditioned the academic environment with an accustomed student to read 15 minutes, the existence of school literacy team and having a library with proper facilities. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Wahyu Handayani Setyaningsih ◽  

Community library is an institution that aims to improve the culture of literacy. It is held by several member of the society. However, community library faces several problems that hinder development, including regeneration problems in the organizational management. The library is generally located in the house of a resident, so its accessibility is very dependent on the existence of the homeowner. The homeowner is also the manager of the library. Therefore, regeneration in management is very important. The lack of awareness of community members causes the problem in the regeneration. This paper discusses the problem on sustainability of the community library. The data was taken from one of the community library in Bantul Regency, namely Widuri Pandan. The results of observations and interviews indicate that: 1) collaboration is needed with various parties to be able to develop the community, not only through donations, but also collaboration activities; 2) it is necessary to design forms of routine activities that can stimulate public interest in literacy; 3) sustainability in the human resources development faces some obstacles, so that regeneration and formation of the literacy team need to be formed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-32
Carol Elise Canady ◽  
Robert Lynn Canady

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30
Muhammad Rijal Mahfudh ◽  
Ali Imron

This study discusses how the potential for literacy needed by education. Students’ literacy ability is closely related to the guidance of reading skills analytically, critically, and reflectively. However, the fact of learning at school this time has not been able to realize it well. Principals as leaders and at the same time policyholders must have the right strategy. This is a great homework for all educational institutions in Indonesia, including in the city of Kediri. This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive approaches, data collection methods in the form of, observation, interviews, and documentation. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis through steps, compile, manage, and combine all data obtained from the field so that it becomes a conclusion. The results of the study show that the principal’s strategy in improving reading literacy is for students, first, the level of habituation. Second, student literacy is directed at religious reading literacy. Third, forming a literacy team. This has not been said to be maximum because the school has obstacles. First, student reading facilities are the only libraries. Second, the delay in students can make students’ abilities, skills and insights different from a student who is disciplined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Apridhona Tito Minayugie ◽  
Mohammad Syahri

Abstract: PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) states that literacy is an important ability to be mastered. Based on the 2019 PISA report, Indonesia is ranked 72 out of 78 countries for student reading skills. On one side of the school literacy movement (GLS) has been going on since 2016. This study aims to 1) describe the implementation of the GLS Elementary School level at SDN 2 and 3 PandansariNgantang District Malang Regency. 2) analyze the implementation of GLS policies and describe the supporting-inhibiting factors and efforts in their implementation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are done using observation, interviews, and documents. Data analysis of the results of the study was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding (data verification). The results showed that 1) in general the implementation of GLS by structuring, using and utilizing library building facilities to support implementation. Supported by school residents such as school principals and teachers who have achievements at the national level of literacy. 2) The implementation of GLS has fulfilled 2 of 4 aspects, namely aspects of communication and resources. While the aspect that becomes an obstacle is the aspect of disposition and bureaucratic structure. The main constraints experienced in the implementation of GLS are the unavailability of librarians and the involvement of parents in the implementation of activities that are still lacking, and the School Literacy Team (TLS) has not been formed. Efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of GLS include involving students in the addition of literature, the appointment of teachers as library staff.Keywords: Implementation Analysis, Policy, School Literacy Movement Abstrak: PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) menyebutkan bahwa literasi menjadi kemampuan yang penting untuk dikuasi. Berdasarkan laporan PISA tahun 2019 Indonesia menempati peringkat 72 dari 78 negara untuk kemampuan membaca siswa. Disatu sisi gerakan leterasi sekolah (GLS) telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan GLS jenjang Sekolah Dasar di SDN 2 dan 3 Pandansari Kecamatan Ngantang Kabupaten Malang.2) menganalisis implementasi kebijakan GLS dan mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung-penghambat serta upaya dalam implementasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara serta dokumen. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi data). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) secara umum pelaksanaan GLS dengan penataan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan fasilitas gedung perpustakaan untuk menunjang implementasi. Didukung warga sekolah seperti kepala sekolah dan guru yang memiliki prestasi dibidanglieterasi tingkat nasional. 2) Pelaksanaan GLS telah memenuhi 2 dari 4 aspek, yaitu aspek komunikasi dan sumberdaya. Sedangkan aspek yang menjadi kendala adalah aspek disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Kendala yang dialami dalam pelaksanaan GLS yang utama adalah belum tersedianya tenaga pustakawan serta keterlibatan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan yang masih kurang, serta belum dibentuknya Tim Literasi Sekolah (TLS). Upaya mengatasi kendala dalam pelaksanaan GLS diantaranya melibatkan siswa dalam penambahan literatur, penunjukan guru sebagai tenaga perpustakaan.Kata kunci: Analisis Implementasi, Kebijakan, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-215
Maimunatun Habibah

The National Literacy Movement (GLN) programmed since 2016 has experienced developments with the emergence of many studies on literacy and literacy programs in schools. Literacy programs are not limited to literacy but also lead to religious literacy. This study seeks to raise the religious literacy program at SMA Negeri 2 Kediri. Based on field research carried out under the light of the Prothero religious literacy concept which was later developed by Gallagher, the study finds that the practice of religious literacy in SMA Negeri 2 Kediri has being carried out through a program of reading the scriptures according to their respective religions guided by the religious literacy reading team. The implementation process takes place through three stages. First, the school principal forms a religious literacy team. Second, the implementation phase which includes the stages of habituation, development, and learning. Third, the assessment stage. The three implementation processes are intended so that the religious literacy program not only leads to the accumulation of knowledge, but slowly increases to the level of daily practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Apridhona Tito Minayugie ◽  
Mohammad Syahri

Abstract: PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) states that literacy is an important ability to be mastered. Based on the 2019 PISA report, Indonesia is ranked 72 out of 78 countries for student reading skills. On one side of the school literacy movement (GLS) has been going on since 2016. This study aims to 1) describe the implementation of the GLS Elementary School level at SDN 2 and 3 PandansariNgantang District Malang Regency. 2) analyze the implementation of GLS policies and describe the supporting-inhibiting factors and efforts in their implementation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are done using observation, interviews, and documents. Data analysis of the results of the study was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding (data verification). The results showed that 1) in general the implementation of GLS by structuring, using and utilizing library building facilities to support implementation. Supported by school residents such as school principals and teachers who have achievements at the national level of literacy. 2) The implementation of GLS has fulfilled 2 of 4 aspects, namely aspects of communication and resources. While the aspect that becomes an obstacle is the aspect of disposition and bureaucratic structure. The main constraints experienced in the implementation of GLS are the unavailability of librarians and the involvement of parents in the implementation of activities that are still lacking, and the School Literacy Team (TLS) has not been formed. Efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of GLS include involving students in the addition of literature, the appointment of teachers as library staff.Keywords: Implementation Analysis, Policy, School Literacy Movement Abstrak: PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) menyebutkan bahwa literasi menjadi kemampuan yang penting untuk dikuasi. Berdasarkan laporan PISA tahun 2019 Indonesia menempati peringkat 72 dari 78 negara untuk kemampuan membaca siswa. Disatu sisi gerakan leterasi sekolah (GLS) telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan GLS jenjang Sekolah Dasar di SDN 2 dan 3 Pandansari Kecamatan Ngantang Kabupaten Malang.2) menganalisis implementasi kebijakan GLS dan mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung-penghambat serta upaya dalam implementasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara serta dokumen. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi data). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) secara umum pelaksanaan GLS dengan penataan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan fasilitas gedung perpustakaan untuk menunjang implementasi. Didukung warga sekolah seperti kepala sekolah dan guru yang memiliki prestasi dibidanglieterasi tingkat nasional. 2) Pelaksanaan GLS telah memenuhi 2 dari 4 aspek, yaitu aspek komunikasi dan sumberdaya. Sedangkan aspek yang menjadi kendala adalah aspek disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Kendala yang dialami dalam pelaksanaan GLS yang utama adalah belum tersedianya tenaga pustakawan serta keterlibatan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan yang masih kurang, serta belum dibentuknya Tim Literasi Sekolah (TLS). Upaya mengatasi kendala dalam pelaksanaan GLS diantaranya melibatkan siswa dalam penambahan literatur, penunjukan guru sebagai tenaga perpustakaan.Kata kunci: Analisis Implementasi, Kebijakan, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah

Amy D. Broemmel ◽  
Amanda Kate Rigell ◽  
Lynn Liao Hodge

This chapter examines the impact of successful university-school partnerships on the growth and achievement of children whose families live in rural poverty in Appalachia. It describes two different university-school initiatives carried out in rural counties in East Tennessee. Part one of the chapter details the process of building a county-wide literacy team following a needs assessment by university faculty and with ongoing university support; part two details the implementation of family math and stem nights across rural counties in the region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  
pp. 1448
Gheanurma Ekahasta Novarina ◽  
Anang Santoso ◽  
Furaidah Furaidah

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study describe the implementation of school literacy movement consisting of its habituation, development and learning and obstacles in SD Muhammadiyah 4 of Surabaya. Habituation stage covers literacy activities habituation, supporting facilities, creating a literacy-rich environment, and public involvement. Development stage covers habits of literacy activities, literacy activities supporting program, educators and education force in literacy activities, school literacy team and professional literacy development for educator and education force. Learning stage includes the use of enrichment book, textbook selection, responding to the text activities, and facilities utilization in learning. The research findings showed that the implementation of school literacy movement ran optimally. During its implementation, there were some obstacles such as the time to conduct the literacy activities, the availability of reading materials in the class, and diminishing commitment of the teachers to run the literacy activities inside the class along with the changing policy of the literacy habituation from the headmaster.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Studi ini mendeskripsikan tentang pelaksanaan gerakan literasi sekolah yang terdiri dari pembiasaan, pengembangan dan pembelajaran dan kendalanya di SD Muhammadiyah 4 Kota Surabaya. Dalam tahap pembiasaan meliputi pembiasaan kegiatan literasi, penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, pengadaan lingkungan kaya teks dan pelibatan publik. Tahap pengembangan, meliputi kebiasaan kegiatan literasi, program pendukung kegiatan literasi, partisipasi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam kegiatan literasi, tim literasi sekolah, dan pengembangan profesional literasi bagi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Tahap pembelajaran, meliputi penggunaan buku pengayaan, pemilihan buku teks pembelajaran, kegiatan menanggapi teks, pemanfaatan sarana dan prasarana dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan gerakan literasi sekolah berjalan optimal, namun masih terdapat kendala dalam pelaksanaannya, seperti masalah waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan literasi, berkurangnya koleksi baca di dalam kelas, dan berkurangnya komitmen guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembiasaan membaca di kelas bersamaan dengan berubahnya kebijakan dari kepala sekolah atas pentingnya pembiasaan literasi untuk siswa.

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