soma size
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2022 ◽  
Chi Zhang ◽  
Ming-Wen Hu ◽  
Shaoqiu He ◽  
Xuewei Wang ◽  
Xu Cao ◽  

Functionally distinct subtypes/clusters of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, which differ in soma size and neurochemical properties, may play different roles in nerve regeneration and pain. However, details about transcriptomic changes in different neuronal subtypes under maladaptive neuropathic pain conditions remain unclear. Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve represents a well-established model of neuropathic pain that mimics the etiology of clinical conditions. Therefore, we conducted single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) to characterize subtype-specific perturbations of transcriptomes in lumbar DRG neurons 7 days after sciatic CCI. By using Pirt-EGFPf mice that selectively express enhanced green fluorescent protein in DRG neurons, we established a highly efficient purification process to enrich neurons for scRNA-seq. We observed a loss of marker genes in injured neurons of 12 standard neuronal clusters, and the emergence of four prominent CCI-induced clusters at this peak-maintenance phase of neuropathic pain. Importantly, a portion of injured neurons from a subset of the 12 standard clusters (NP1, PEP5, NF1, and NF2) were spared from injury-induced identity loss, suggesting subtype-specific transcriptomic changes in injured neurons. Moreover, uninjured neurons, which are necessary for mediating the evoked pain, also demonstrated subtype-specific transcriptomic perturbations in these clusters, but not others. Notably, male and female mice showed differential transcriptomic changes in multiple neuronal clusters after CCI, suggesting transcriptomic sexual dimorphism in primary sensory neurons after nerve injury. Collectively, these findings may contribute to the identification of new target genes and development of DRG neuron subtype-specific therapies for optimizing neuropathic pain treatment and nerve regeneration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Anne-Kathrin Lutz ◽  
Andrea Pérez Arévalo ◽  
Valentin Ioannidis ◽  
Nadine Stirmlinger ◽  
Maria Demestre ◽  

SHANK2 (ProSAP1) is a postsynaptic scaffolding protein of excitatory synapses in the central nervous system and implicated in the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Patients with mutations in SHANK2 show autism-like behaviors, developmental delay, and intellectual disability. We generated human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) from a patient carrying a heterozygous deletion of SHANK2 and from the unaffected parents. In patient hiPSCs and derived neurons SHANK2 mRNA and protein expression was reduced. During neuronal maturation, a reduction in growth cone size and a transient increase in neuronal soma size were observed. Neuronal proliferation was increased, and apoptosis was decreased in young and mature neurons. Additionally, mature patient hiPSC-derived neurons showed dysregulated excitatory signaling and a decrease of a broad range of signaling molecules of the ERK-MAP kinase pathway. These findings could be confirmed in brain samples from Shank2(−/−) mice, which also showed decreased mGluR5 and phospho-ERK1/2 expression. Our study broadens the current knowledge of SHANK2-related ASD. We highlight the importance of excitatory-inhibitory balance and mGluR5 dysregulation with disturbed downstream ERK1/2 signaling in ASD, which provides possible future therapeutic strategies for SHANK2-related ASD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2094 (3) ◽  
pp. 032032
L A Astapova ◽  
A M Korsakov ◽  
A V Bakhshiev ◽  
E A Eremenko ◽  
E Yu Smirnova

Abstract One of the directions of development within the framework of the neuromorphic approach is the development of anatomically similar models of brain networks, taking into account the structurally complex structure of neurons and the adaptation of connections between them, as well as the development of learning algorithms for such models. In this work, we use the previously presented compartmental spike model of a neuron, which describes the structure (dendritic tree, soma, synapses) and behaviour (temporal and spatial signal summation, generation of action potential, stimulation and suppression of electrical activity) of a biological neuron. An algorithm for the structural organization of neuron models into a spike neural network is proposed for recognizing an arbitrary impulse pattern by introducing inhibitory synapses between trained neuron models. The dynamically adapting neuron models used are trained according to a previously proposed algorithm that automatically selects parameters such as soma size, dendrite length, and the number of synapses on each of the dendrites in order to induce a temporal response at the output depending on the input pattern encoded using a time window and temporal delays in the vector of single spikes arriving at a separate dendrite of a neuron. The developed algorithms are evaluated on the Iris dataset classification problem with four training examples from each class. As a result of the classification, separate disjoint clusters are formed, which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed spike neural network with a dynamically changing structure of elements in the problem of pattern recognition and classification.

Xuhong Zhang ◽  
Xiaoyu Wang ◽  
Senjie Wang ◽  
Wei Peng ◽  
Rahim Ullah ◽  

Proopiomelanocortin-positive amacrine cells (POMC ACs) were first discovered in adult mouse retinas in 2010; however, the development of POMC-ACs has not been studied. We bred POMC-EGFP mice to label POMC-positive cells and investigated the development of POMC neurons from embryonic to adult stages. We found that POMC neuron development is mainly divided into three stages: the embryonic stage, the closed-eye stage, and the open-eye stage. Each stage has unique characteristics. In the embryonic stage, POMC neurons appeared in the retina at about E13. There was a cell number developmental peak at E15, followed by a steep decline at E16. POMC neurons showed a large soma and increased spine numbers at the closed-eye stage, and two dendritic sublaminas formed in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). The appearance and increased soma size and dendrite numbers did not occur continuously in space. We found that the soma number was asymmetric between the superior and inferior retinas according to the developmental topographic map. Density peaked in the superior retina, which existed persistently in the retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL), but disappeared from the inner nuclear layer (INL) at about P6. At the same time, the soma distribution in the INL was the most regular. At the open-eye stage, the development of POMC neurons was nearly stable only with only an increase in the IPL width, which increased the soma–dendrite distance.

2021 ◽  
Shubham Singh ◽  
Siddhesh S Kamat

Phagocytosis is an important evolutionary conserved process, essential for clearing pathogens and cellular debris in higher organisms, including humans. This well-orchestrated innate immunological response is intricately regulated by numerous cellular factors, important amongst which, are the immunomodulatory lysophosphatidylserines (lyso-PSs) and the pro-apoptotic oxidized phosphatidylserines (PSs) signaling lipids. Interestingly, in mammals, both these signaling lipids are physiologically regulated by the lipase ABHD12, mutations of which, cause the human neurological disorder PHARC. Despite the biomedical significance of this lipase, detailed mechanistic studies and the specific contribution of ABHD12 to innate processes like phagocytosis remain poorly understood. Here, by immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence approaches, using the murine model of PHARC, we show, that upon an inflammatory stimulus, activated microglial cells in the cerebellum of mice deficient in ABHD12 have an amoeboid morphology, increased soma size, and display heightened phagocytosis activity. We also report that upon an inflammatory stimulus, cerebellar levels of ABHD12 increase to possibly metabolize the heightened oxidized PS levels, temper phagocytosis and in turn control neuroinflammation during oxidative stress. Next, to complement these findings, using biochemical approaches in cultured microglial cells, we show that the pharmacological inhibition and/or genetic deletion of ABHD12 results in increased phagocytic uptake in a fluorescent bead uptake assay. Together, our studies provide compelling evidence that ABHD12 plays an important role in regulating phagocytosis in cerebellar microglial cells, and provides a possible explanation, as to why human PHARC subjects display neuroinflammation and atrophy in the cerebellum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (16) ◽  
pp. 8998
Rico Schieweck ◽  
Elisa-Charlott Schöneweiss ◽  
Max Harner ◽  
Daniela Rieger ◽  
Christin Illig ◽  

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are essential regulators controlling both the cellular transcriptome and translatome. These processes enable cellular plasticity, an important prerequisite for growth. Cellular growth is a complex, tightly controlled process. Using cancer cells as model, we looked for RBPs displaying strong expression in published transcriptome datasets. Interestingly, we found the Pumilio (Pum) protein family to be highly expressed in all these cells. Moreover, we observed that Pum2 is regulated by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). bFGF selectively enhances protein levels of Pum2 and the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). Exploiting atomic force microscopy and in vitro pulldown assays, we show that Pum2 selects for eIF4E mRNA binding. Loss of Pum2 reduces eIF4E translation. Accordingly, depletion of Pum2 led to decreased soma size and dendritic branching of mature neurons, which was accompanied by a reduction in essential growth factors. In conclusion, we identify Pum2 as an important growth factor for mature neurons. Consequently, it is tempting to speculate that Pum2 may promote cancer growth.

2021 ◽  
Chenfei Zhang ◽  
David Hofmann ◽  
Andreas Neef ◽  
Fred Wolf

Populations of cortical neurons respond to common input within a millisecond. Morphological features and active ion channel properties were suggested to contribute to this astonishing processing speed. Here we report an exhaustive study of ultrafast population coding for varying axon initial segment (AIS) location, soma size, and axonal current properties. In particular, we studied their impact on two experimentally observed features 1) precise action potential timing, manifested in a wide-bandwidth dynamic gain, and 2) high-frequency boost under slowly fluctuating correlated input. While the density of axonal channels and their distance from the soma had a very small impact on bandwidth, it could be moderately improved by increasing soma size. When the voltage sensitivity of axonal currents was increased we observed ultrafast coding and high-frequency boost. We conclude that these computationally relevant features are strongly dependent on axonal ion channels' voltage sensitivity, but not their number or exact location. We point out that ion channel properties, unlike dendrite size, can undergo rapid physiological modification, suggesting that the temporal accuracy of neuronal population encoding could be dynamically regulated. Our results are in line with recent experimental findings in AIS pathologies and establish a framework to study structure-function relations in AIS molecular design.

David Fuller ◽  
Jorge A Trejo-Lopez ◽  
Anthony T Yachnis ◽  
Michael D Sunshine ◽  
Sabhya Rana ◽  

Pompe disease (PD) is a neuromuscular disorder caused by a mutation in the acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA) gene. Late-onset PD patients retain some GAA activity and present symptoms later in life, with fatality mainly associated with respiratory failure. This case study presents diaphragm electrophysiology and a histological analysis of the brainstem, spinal cord, and diaphragm, from a male PD patient diagnosed with late-onset PD at age 35. The patient was wheelchair dependent by age 38, required nocturnal ventilation at age 40, 24-hour non-invasive ventilation by age 43, and passed away from respiratory failure at age 54. Diaphragm electromyography recorded using indwelling "pacing" wires showed asynchronous bursting between the left and right diaphragm during brief periods of independent breathing. The synchrony declined over a 4-year period preceding respiratory failure. Histological assessment indicated motoneuron atrophy in the medulla and rostral spinal cord. Hypoglossal (soma size: 421 ± 159 µm2) and cervical motoneurons (soma size: 487 ± 189 µm2) had an atrophied, elongated appearance. In contrast, lumbar (soma size: 1363 ± 677 µm2) and sacral motoneurons (soma size: 1411 ± 633 µm2) had the ballooned morphology typical of early-onset PD. Diaphragm histology indicated loss of myofibers. These results are consistent with neuromuscular degeneration and the concept that effective PD therapy will need to target the central nervous system, in addition to skeletal and cardiac muscle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 5340
Ju Hwan Kim ◽  
Kyung Hwun Chung ◽  
Yeong Ran Hwang ◽  
Hye Ran Park ◽  
Hee Jung Kim ◽  

Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) has increased rapidly in children, but information on the effects of RF-EMF exposure to the central nervous system in children is limited. In this study, pups and dams were exposed to whole-body RF-EMF at 4.0 W/kg specific absorption rate (SAR) for 5 h per day for 4 weeks (from postnatal day (P) 1 to P28). The effects of RF-EMF exposure on neurons were evaluated by using both pups’ hippocampus and primary cultured hippocampal neurons. The total number of dendritic spines showed statistically significant decreases in the dentate gyrus (DG) but was not altered in the cornu ammonis (CA1) in hippocampal neurons. In particular, the number of mushroom-type dendritic spines showed statistically significant decreases in the CA1 and DG. The expression of glutamate receptors was decreased in mushroom-type dendritic spines in the CA1 and DG of hippocampal neurons following RF-EMF exposure. The expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the CA1 and DG was significantly lower statistically in RF-EMF-exposed mice. The number of post-synaptic density protein 95 (PSD95) puncta gradually increased over time but was significantly decreased statistically at days in vitro (DIV) 5, 7, and 9 following RF-EMF exposure. Decreased BDNF expression was restricted to the soma and was not observed in neurites of hippocampal neurons following RF-EMF exposure. The length of neurite outgrowth and number of branches showed statistically significant decreases, but no changes in the soma size of hippocampal neurons were observed. Further, the memory index showed statistically significant decreases in RF-EMF-exposed mice, suggesting that decreased synaptic density following RF-EMF exposure at early developmental stages may affect memory function. Collectively, these data suggest that hindered neuronal outgrowth following RF-EMF exposure may decrease overall synaptic density during early neurite development of hippocampal neurons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Maria Sundberg ◽  
Hannah Pinson ◽  
Richard S. Smith ◽  
Kellen D. Winden ◽  
Pooja Venugopal ◽  

AbstractReciprocal copy number variations (CNVs) of 16p11.2 are associated with a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we use human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-derived dopaminergic (DA) neurons carrying CNVs of 16p11.2 duplication (16pdup) and 16p11.2 deletion (16pdel), engineered using CRISPR-Cas9. We show that 16pdel iPSC-derived DA neurons have increased soma size and synaptic marker expression compared to isogenic control lines, while 16pdup iPSC-derived DA neurons show deficits in neuronal differentiation and reduced synaptic marker expression. The 16pdel iPSC-derived DA neurons have impaired neurophysiological properties. The 16pdel iPSC-derived DA neuronal networks are hyperactive and have increased bursting in culture compared to controls. We also show that the expression of RHOA is increased in the 16pdel iPSC-derived DA neurons and that treatment with a specific RHOA-inhibitor, Rhosin, rescues the network activity of the 16pdel iPSC-derived DA neurons. Our data suggest that 16p11.2 deletion-associated iPSC-derived DA neuron hyperactivation can be rescued by RHOA inhibition.

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