development technology
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2022 ◽  
pp. 606-618
Sachin Soonthodu ◽  
Susheela Shetty

Technology plays a crucial role in inclusive growth of modern human management systems. Recruitment, hiring, training, retaining, workplace administration, and optimizing workforce environment are the major functions of human resources management. Adopting innovative technology within the organisation enables the managers to accumulate and deliver the information as well as communicate with employees more effectively. India, as one of the developed countries, is successfully integrating technology in human resource management systems to ensure market-driven product and service development. Technology makes jobs easy; at the same time, it threatens the job market by reducing the human resource requirement to perform particular tasks. An effective human resource management should have the ability to integrate technology and the human resource for the better development of an organisation. This theoretical study focuses on various technologies adopted by the human resource management to make the workplace effective and highly productive.

2022 ◽  
pp. 85-94
Bhawna Yadav ◽  
Anna Liza R. Alfonso

Technology is widely acknowledged in economics as the primary source of economic development. Technological advancement enables more efficient production with more and superior products and services, which is essential for development. Technology encompasses a vast body of knowledge and instruments that make it easier to make efficient and creative use of economic resources to generate goods and services. Technological advancement is necessary for economic growth and development, and the more sophisticated the technology, the faster the local and global economies may improve. Globalization further fueled and results in increased importance of social and economic analysis and also necessitates coordinated development efforts using technology.

2021 ◽  
Weixiang Cui ◽  
Li Chen ◽  
Chunpeng Wang ◽  
Xiwen Zhang ◽  
Chao Wang

Abstract CO2 fracturing technique is a kind of ideal waterless stimulation tech. It has the advantages of water free, low reservoir damage, and production increase by improving the reservoir pressure. At the same time, combined with reasonable shut-in control after fracturing, it can be realized integrated development technology of energy storage -fracturing and oil displacement with CO2 waterless stimulation. For low-grade and low-permeability tight reservoirs, through the integration technology of CO2 fracturing and CO2 flooding, fracture-type "artificial permeability" is formed in the formation, and micro-nano pore throat of underground matrix is formed as oil and gas production system, which realizes the development of artificial energy, reduces carbon emissions, effectively improves the productivity of low-permeability and tight reservoirs, thus further improves oil recovery. The technology mainly includes two aspects: vertical wells adopt CO2 fracturing + huff and puff displacement integration technology, horizontal wells adopt water-based fracturing + CO2 displacement technology, and utilize the high efficiency of CO2 penetration in reservoirs and crude oil viscosity reduction, which can greatly improve oil recovery, while achieving large-scale CO2 storage and reducing carbon emissions. It is both realistic and economic, and has great social benefits. The integrated development technology of energy storage -fracturing and oil displacement with CO2 waterless stimulation has been applied for 10 wells in oilfield, which has achieved good results in increasing reservoir volume, increasing formation energy, reducing oil viscosity and enhancing post-pressure recovery. As a result, the production of them has increased by over 100%. With low viscosity and high diffusion coefficient, supercritical CO2 is good for improving fracturing volume. Effective CO2 fracturing technology can improve stimulated reservoir volume, downhole monitoring results show that the cracks formed by CO2 fracturing is 3 times the size of those formed by water-based fracturing.

Nino Kebuladze ◽  
Nino Kalandadze ◽  

Daggers discovered at Tserovani cemetery of the Bronze Age - prominent specimens of decorative-applied art selected for the new exhibition of the Museum of Archaeology of the State Museum-Reserve of Greater Mtskheta – were submitted to the restoration-research laboratory of archaeological and ethnographic objects of S. Janashia Museum of Georgia of the Georgian National Museum because of repeated corrosion in some areas. Dagger N7232 is composed and its handle is abundantly incrusted with vitreous mass. Most of the incrustation is produced with the method of melting vitreous mass inside a metal cutting. A strange exception is white circular inlay against blue background situated in three triangular cuttings. One of incrustations is damaged. The remnants were found in the cut of damaged incrustation were the vitreous mass and small grey, tubular rods made of 94% tin and 4% copper alloy (pewter) fitted in a wooden remnant. Research allowed us to interpret presumable methods and prominence of producing incrustation: white glass embedded in circular silver partitions against the background of blue glass. The analyses showed that the dagger was made from the typical for the late bronze period alloy- tin bronze. The artefacts, with all signs of historical development (technology, decoration methods, and ornamental motives) belong to the Colchian culture and can date in frame of this culture. Based on the presently available data it can be stated that we are dealing with a completely new technology unknown up to present and that it can be regarded as predecessor of the cloisonne incrustation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Inna Nesterchuk ◽  
Anzhelika Balabanyts ◽  
Liliia Pivnova ◽  
Viktoriia Matsuka ◽  
Oleksandra Skarha ◽  

The article examines the concept and features of gastronomic tourism, its history and its importance in the modern world. It is noted that gastronomic tourism meets all the requirements in the transition from a service economy to an experience economy. The basis of gastronomic tourism is an authentic product identified by territorial characteristics and can attract tourists to the region. The uniqueness of gastro tourism is highlighted as it links such as policy development and integrated planning, product development and packaging, promotion and marketing, distribution and sales, and operations and services in tourism destinations, which are key core activities in the tourism value chain. Ancillary activities related to the gastronomic product include transport and infrastructure, human resource development, technology and systems of other ancillary goods and services, which may not be associated with the leading tourism business but have a significant impact on the value of tourism. The article discusses in detail the strategic plan for the development of gastro-tourism, which includes the following phases: analysis and diagnosis of the situation; general strategic planning; operational planning; informing and disseminating the plan.

A. A. Zubrilin

The article describes the problems (organizational, technical, methodological) faced by university teachers when switching to a distance learning format. On the example of the Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevjev, the solution of some problems associated with the organization of distance learning and the peculiarities of building the educational process in new conditions is demonstrated. The platforms that served as the technological basis for launching distance learning at MSPU, in particular LMS Moodle, are described. The examples of preparation of future bachelors of pedagogical education, studying informatics, for professional activity in conditions when training becomes mixed, that is, part of the classes can be conducted in person, and part — in a distance format are given. The methodology for conducting an elective course “Development technology and methodology for conducting elective courses in informatics” using distance technologies are described. The structure of the course is given, highlighting the modules and the content that should be learned during the course. Recommendations for conducting classes in this discipline are given. The conclusion is made about the positive and negative results of distance learning and its further prospects.

2021 ◽  
pp. 349-356
Yu Qing

Big data is profoundly changing our society and our way of production, life and thinking. At the same time, the development of big data continues to promote the innovation and breakthrough of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the focus of current research. All countries also raise artificial intelligence to the national strategic level and seize the commanding height of artificial intelligence. This paper analyzes the strategic characteristics of the development of artificial intelligence in the United States, Britain and Japan from the two dimensions of technology deployment and system guarantee. This paper studies the artificial intelligence technology based on big data and the development strategy of artificial intelligence, so as to provide a strategic idea for the development of artificial intelligence in China. The idea has a certain reference value for the research on the integrated development technology of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 620-627
Anna Ermolaeva ◽  
Elena Gartovannaya

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