central council
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Олена Дудник

Ключові слова: «Просвіта», Уманський повіт, Київська губернія, культурно-освітня політика, Центральна Рада. Анотація Події Української революції 1917-1921 рр. сприяли заснуванню просвітницьких організацій, які своїм основним завданням вбачали надання різної допомоги населенню на ниві культурно-освітніх справ. У статті досліджується процес утворення товариств «Просвіта» в Уманському повіті Київської губернії. З огляду на вагомість реалізованих проектів в статті увага присвячена добі Центральної Ради. Базуючись на архівних документах та матеріалах періодики, з’ясовано, що організаційні заходи з відродження просвітницького руху в Київській губернії були започатковані відразу після зміни політичного режиму. Головну увагу «Просвіти» краю приділяли праці в українських селах. У публікації встановлено, що просвітницькі організації в повіті почали виникати завдяки народній ініціативі, передусім проявам організаційних зусиль національно налаштованої місцевої інтелігенції та сільської молоді. Встановлено, що у більшості сіл Уманського повіту «Просвіти» виступали єдиними структурами, які проводили активну роботу серед населення, їх діяльність фокусувалася у культурницькій і освітній площині. Одним із головних завдань, що стояли перед просвітянами, було відкриття власних книгозбірень або бібліотек-читалень, придбання літератури і періодичних видань, організація курсів українознавства, поширення освітніх знань серед населення тобто все те, що могло сприяти пробудженню національної свідомості українців краю та їх об’єднанню. Фінансова допомога просвітянам краю надавалася органами місцевої влади, самоврядувань, окремими громадянами. Посилання 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu, 1917 – 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu…1917 [June 29 in Talne …1917]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 2 lypnia. [in Ukrainian]. Adamskyi, 2018 – Adamskyi V. R. «Prosvity» Podillia v dobu Ukrainskoi Tsentralnoi Rady (berezen 1917 – kviten 1918 rr.) [«Enlightenment» Podillya in the days of the Ukrainian Central Council (March 1917 - April 1918)] : Doslidzhennia. Dokumenty. Materialy. Khmelnytskyi: FOP Tsiupak A. A., 2018. 478 s. [in Ukrainian]. V Shukaivodi, 1917 – V Shukaivodi… 1917 [In Shukaivoda … 1917] – «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv).28 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Verstyuk,  ta in., 2004 – Verstiuk V., Horobets V., Tolochko O. Ukraina i Rosiia v istorychnii retrospektyvi. Ukrainski proekty v Rosiiskii imperii [Ukraine and Russia in historical retrospective review. The Ukrainian projects in the Russian empire]. K., 2004. 504 s. [in Ukrainian]. Vynnychenko, 2007 – Vynnychenko V. Vidrodzhennia natsii. Reprynt. vidtvor. vyd. 1920 r. [Revival of the nation]: u 3 ch. K. : Vyd-vo polit. l-ry Ukrainy, 1990. Ch. III. 542 s. [in Ukrainian]. Herman, 1995 – Herman O. M. Diialnist tovarystva «Prosvita» na Podilli naprykintsi XIX I v pershii polovyni XX stolittia [Activities of  the society «Enlightenment» in Podolia in the late XIX and early XX century]: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1995. 228 s. [in Ukrainian]. Hrytsak, 1996 – Hrytsak Ya. Narys istorii Ukrainy. Formuvannia modernoi ukrainskoi natsii u XIX-XX st. [Essays on the history of Ukraine: the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation of the XIX-XX centuries]. K.: Heneza, 1996. 358 s. [in Ukrainian]. DAKO – Derzhavnyi arkhiv Kyivskoi oblasti Doroshenko, 2007 – Doroshenko D. Moi spomyny pro nedavnie mynule (1914-1920 roky) [My memories of the recent past (1914-1920)]. K. : Tempora, 2007. 632 s.  [in Ukrainian]. Kravchuk, 1996 – Kravchuk L. V. Kulturo-tvorcha diialnist ta prosvitnytskyi rukh v period Ukrainskoi derzhavnosti 1917–1920 rr. [Cultural activity and educational movement in the period of Ukrainian statehood 1917-1920]: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1996. 23 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok, 1918 – Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok…1918 [Cultural and educational circle…1918]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 25 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Lozovyi, 2006 – Lozovyi V. S. Poshyrennia prosvitnytskykh oseredkiv v ukrainskomu seli v period Tsentralnoi Rady (1917 r.) [Dissemination of educational centers in the Ukrainian countryside during the Central Rada (1917)]. Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. nauk. pr. / hol. red. kol.: P. T. Tronko. Kam’ianets-Podilskyi: Oiium, 2006. T. 7: mat. tretoho kruhloho stolu «Kultura, osvita i prosvitnytskyi rukh na Podilli u KhVIII – na pochatku KhKhI st.». S. 3-11. [in Ukrainian]. Ostashko,1997 – Ostashko T. Tovarystvo «Prosvita» – oseredky ukrainskoho natsionalno-osvitnoho rukhu za doby Tsentralnoi Rady [Society «Enlightenment» is a center of the Ukrainian national educational movement during the Central Rada] // Tsentralna Rada i ukrainskyi derzhavotvorchyi protses (do 80-richchia stvorennia Tsentralnoi Rady): Materialy nauk. konf., 20 bereznia 1997 r. NAN Ukrainy, In-t istorii Ukrainy. K., 1997. Ch. 2. S. 272-280. [in Ukrainian]. Reient, 2003 – Reient O. Ukraina v impersku dobu (XIX – pochatok XX st.) [Ukraine in the imperial era (XIX - early XX centuries)]. K., 2003. 338 s. [in Ukrainian]. Sarbei, 1999 – Sarbei V. Natsionalne vidrodzhennia Ukrainy [National revival of Ukraine]. K., 1999. 335 s. [in Ukrainian]. U mistechku Pokotylove, 1917 – U mistechku Pokotylove…1917 [In the town of Pokotylove…1917] – Chytalnia. Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 26 chervnia. [in Ukrainian]. U s. Tykhomu Khutori, 1917 – U s. Tykhomu Khutori…1917 [In the village of Tykhy Khutir] –  «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 1 zhovtnia. [in Ukrainian]. Faryna, 1993 – Faryna S. Ya. Rol «Prosvit» v ukrainskomu natsionalno-kulturnomu rusi na pochatku KhKh stolittia [The role of  «Enlightenment» in the Ukrainian national and cultural movement in the early XIX century].: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Kremenchuk, 1993. 233 s.  [in Ukrainian]. TsDAVO Ukrainy – Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy.

Chaturbhuja Nayak ◽  
Vikram Singh ◽  
Krishna Singh ◽  
Hari Singh ◽  
Praveen Oberai ◽  

Aims: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of a group of homeopathic medicines in children with acute rhinitis. Materials and methods: In this multi-centric open clinical trial, a total of 784 children (408 males; 384 females) aged 6 months to 15 years, presenting symptoms of acute rhinitis were enrolled from 7 Institutes/ Units under the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (India). Symptoms were assessed using an acute rhinitis symptom score (ARSS). A total of 13 homeopathic medicines were shortlisted after repertorizing the nosological symptoms of acute rhinitis in children and the results were analyzed. The medicines were prescribed in dilution 6c (10-12) and doses were repeated from few minutes to few hours as per the need of the case. Appearance of any change (improvement or worsening) was followed by placebo / change in dilution or change in medicine according to the response of the patient. The follow up period was up to the 7th day of illness. Results: Out of 784 children enrolled, 638 children were followed up and analyzed. A significant change in the score from the baseline (p

Viacheslav O. Rumiantsev ◽  
Kateryna M. Lisohorova ◽  
Olena M. Sivash

The revolution of 1917-1921 is a bright page in the centuries-old history of the Ukrainian state. The special place in it belongs to Ukrainian Central Council (CCU), under the leadership of which Ukraine went through the difficult path of building its own state from autonomy to the proclamation of Ukrainian National Republic and its full state independence and sovereignty. Therewith, the CCU attempted to introduce democratic institutions and parliamentary forms of government. The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that this experience left a noticeable mark on the legal consciousness of Ukrainians and the attempt to build a parliamentary model has a considerable impact on the solution of modern problems of state creation. The purpose of the study is to analyse the organisation of Ukrainian Central Council as a parliamentary institution in the conditions of the revolution. A retrospective study of the CCU experience reflects the political interests of different groups of society, is useful for understanding modern problems of parliamentarism, the interaction of civil society and the state. The methodological basis for studying the structure, composition of the CCU, its legal forms of activity is based on philosophical, general scientific, and historical-legal methods of scientific knowledge. These methods allowed determining the main task of the CCU – the revival of Ukraine. It is concluded that state revival, as a constituent task which could be carried out only by a representative body that would be established on democratic principles, its composition would express the will of the people, and, if it had sufficient organisational and legal resources to fulfil this task (a stable structure, organisational and legal forms of activity, an effective auxiliary apparatus, the corresponding status of the deputies, the optimal work schedule)


Formulation of the problem. The hitherto little-known parts of the way of life, teaching andarchitectural and construction activities in the CPC (Ekaterinoslav Technical Courses) are covered. Korobochkin(famous Ukrainian public figure I.M.Truba) (1878−1950); the history of creation of these COURSES, their purpose,personnel of courses, the program of training, its change during the first two years with aspiration to approach toprograms of similar higher Western European countries, surnames of teachers on subjects is added. Brief service andcreative characteristics of teachers for the entire period of the COURSES. By the way, a unique photo of the newbuilding of V.K. Korobochkin's Ekaterinoslav Technical Courses was added to the article, preserved in the author'sarchive, but it was built under the direction of I.M. Truba, according to his project and estimate. Its facade is described.The significance of V.K. Korobochkin’s Ekaterinoslav Technical Courses for the whole of the Dnieper, as the embryoof all technical universities, and later the National University, is given, the advantage of the Courses in this sense isproved. This is documented. In exile, I. M. Truba continues educational and pedagogical activities for the benefit of theMotherland − translates into Ukrainian, highly moral, in the educational sense, fairy tales by European authors,publishes them and sends them to Ukrainian schools. Corresponds with his children to Dnіpropetrovsk, givesinstructions. As an example of his drawing skills, he cites drawings, in 3D-style pencil, of the corners of his homes inexile. Mention is made of his entrance examinations at the Higher School in St. Petersburg, including the Academy ofArts. He also works at Florinsdorfen Lokomotivfabrik and at the architectural and construction company Hestia. Since1924, when he was invited to Czechoslovakia, he has been working as a lecturer at the Ukrainian Academy ofEconomics at the Faculty of Agriculture in Podebrady , reads courses on machine parts, and Resistance materialsaccording to his own textbook, which he compiled in Ukrainian and published at the Academy. On the recommendationof an engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Rector of the Higher Technical University in Prague, Professor ZdenekBazant [20], in 1929 Ivan Mikhailovich Truba was hired as a design engineer and general consultant in the bridge andiron production department of the Skoda Plant. In the city Pilsen. Documents testify to his highly skilled engineeringand creative activity. The list of types of constructive projects executed by I.M. Truba at the enterprise and implementedis given. The chronology in the field of creativity, the era of the Central Council and emigration has been clarified, hisscientific publications and pedagogical and creative activity as a scientist have been added The purpose of the article isto supplement the monograph on the life and work of I.M. Truba and its surroundings. Conclusions. It is known thatduring the Bolshevik rule, in his homeland, Ivan Mikhailovich was considered an enemy of the people (which was notspecified) "as a Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist". Therefore, all his activities were subjected to political anathema.Researched and analyzed archival materials, on the basis of which the conclusion is given − the significance ofI.M. Truba is covered as a person, a citizen − a patriot, namely: the UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. Ivan Mikhailovich'sactivity during his lifetime was distinguished by its versatility, namely: pedagogy, education, political, cultural andsocial activities, national patriotism, writing, architectural construction and scientific creativity.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0259393
Shohei Okamoto ◽  
Kohei Komamura

Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the association between financial literacy and age as well as gender differences in financial literacy. Methods We analyse a sample of 25,000 individuals from ‘The Financial Literacy Survey 2016’ conducted by the Central Council for Financial Services Information (Bank of Japan). The analysis focuses on the relationship of age and financial literacy as well as that of age and self-rated financial knowledge. To consider factors accounting for gender differences in financial literacy, we use the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method. To further our understanding of financial literacy, we conduct additional analyses on financial behaviour and attitude. Results Although age is associated with increased financial literacy (Men, β: 0.249, standard error [SE]: 0.030; Women, 0.354, SE: 0.026), the growth rate decreases among the older respondents (Men, β: -0.002, SE: 0.000; Women, -0.003, SE: 0.000). However, the association between age and self-rated financial knowledge among men moves in the opposite direction (Age, β: -0.021, SE: 0.009, Age2, β: 0.000, SE: 0.000). Furthermore, female respondents are likely to be less financially literate than their male counterparts (β: -0.586, SE: 0.095) due to gender differences in the distribution of the factors that affect financial literacy (specifically education), their responses to financial literacy, and the interactions of these effects. In contrast to knowledge-based financial literacy, financial behaviour and attitudes among women are more preferable to those among men, namely, more premeditated. Conclusion Financial literacy increases until about one’s early 60s, after which it declines, while confidence in financial literacy reflects the inverse trend, especially among men. Additionally, men are more financially literate than women; however, these differences could be mitigated through education. Meanwhile, financial behaviour and attitudes among men are less premeditated. Thus, policies are needed that can help older adults with their financial decision-making, enhance women’s financial literacy, and improve men’s financial behaviours and attitudes.

V. N. Yermolaiev

The article considers the concepts of state formation of the era of national liberation struggles (1917–1920) – M. Hrushevsky, V. Vynnychenko, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, P. Skoropadsky, S. Petliura, S. Dnistryansky. They are based on the ideas of building a sovereign, democratic, parliamentary republic (UPR) or an alternative hetman Ukrainian state or a democratic state governed by the rule of law (ZUNR). They enriched the state and legal thought, theoretical models of Ukrainian statehood, accumulated the program principles of political parties and public organizations. The short duration of the existence of the UPR and ZUNR does not cancel out the fruitful state-building experience of its leaders and people, democratic law-making. labor monarchy "(V. Lypynsky), parliamentary-presidential republic as a democratic, legal, social state (S. Dnistryansky). Particular attention is paid to the political journalism of M. Hrushevsky and V. Vynnychenko, the constitutional projects of domestic statesmen. They are based on a short but fruitful state-building experience, hopes for a real prospect of establishing Ukrainian national statehood with the support of the international community. The article draws attention to the simplified idea of ​​some researchers about the "federalism" of M. Hrushevsky and other figures of the Central Council, the main reasons for its fall, the impact of geopolitical factors on state-building processes in Ukraine, which is a violation of methodological principles of historicism and objectivity. The positive potential of state formation in 1917–1920 and its unresolved theoretical and practical problems will remain an instructive example for current and future domestic statesmen.

Alīda Zigmunde ◽  
Elita Stikute

The research discusses continuous effort of a pedagogue, economist and journalist Jānis Stiprais (1870–1946) in his pursuit to obtain education and his versatile pedagogical activities in Tomsk (Russia), Tukums, Valka and Riga, as well as the contribution he made in such areas as journalism, folklore and social work. J. Stiprais shared his knowledge of economics gained at Riga Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with the students at the University of Latvia (UL), Latvia People’s University and Vilis Olavs Commercial School; in the first half of the 20th century he was the principal of educational institutions in Tukums, Valka and Riga, he also was one of the signatories of the Memorandum of the Central Council of Latvia on 17 March 1944. In the recognition of J. Stiprais merit for Latvia, he was honoured with the highest award of the Republic of Latvia – the Order of the Three Stars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 90-102
Alīda Zigmunde ◽  
Elita Stikute

Pētījumā atklāta pedagoga, tautsaimnieka un žurnālista Jāņa Stiprā 1870–1946) mērķtiecība, lai iegūtu izglītību, un viņa daudzpusīgā peda¬goģiskā darbība Tomskā (Krievijā), Tukumā, Valkā un Rīgā, ieguldījums žurnā¬listikā, folklorā, sabiedriskajā darbā. J. Stiprais ar Rīgas Politehniskajā institūtā (RPI) iegūtajām zināšanām ekonomikā dalījās ar studentiem Latvijas Universi¬tātē (LU), Latvijas Tautas universitātē un Viļa Olava komerckolā, 20. gadsimta pirmajā pusē bija mācību iestāžu direktors Tukumā, Valkā un Rīgā, darbojās lat¬viešu studentu korporācijā «Selonija», bija viens no 1944. gada 17. marta Latvi¬jas Centrālās Padomes Memoranda parakstītājiem. J. Stiprā nopelni Latvijas labā novērtēti ar Latvijas Republikas augstāko apbalvojumu – Triju Zvaigžņu ordeni. The research discusses continuous effort of a pedagogue, economist and journalist Jānis Stiprais (1870–1946) in his pursuit to obtain education and his versatile pedagogical activities in Tomsk (Russia), Tukums, Valka and Riga, as well as the contribution he made in such areas as journalism, folklore and social work. J. Stiprais shared his knowledge of economics gained at Riga Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with the students at the University of Latvia (UL), Latvia People’s University and Vilis Olavs Commercial School; in the first half of the 20th century he was the principal of educational institutions in Tukums, Valka and Riga, he also was one of the signatories of the Memorandum of the Central Council of Latvia on 17 March 1944. In the recognition of J. Stiprais merit for Latvia, he was honoured with the highest award of the Republic of Latvia – the Order of the Three Stars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 369-380
Hanna Chechelnytska

The article describes the state activities of the Ukrainian People's Republic against the background of the implementation of its diplomacy in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. At the same time, the process of formation of the executive diplomatic body of the Ukrainian People's Republic - General Secretariat of International Affairs is highlighted. The Ukrainian leadership offered the utopian idea of forming a federation to the regional governments of Kuban, Crimea, the Don, and Siberia. Thus, the article analyzes the main blunders of the Central Rada on the way of formation of statehood and highlights the main vectors of discussion on this issue. The main geopolitical climate, in particular in Central and Eastern Europe, which existed for the diplomatic activity of the Ukrainian state is also investigated. In particular, it is noted that the diplomatic situation in general was not particularly favorable for the state activity of Ukraine.

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