Олена Дудник

Ключові слова: «Просвіта», Уманський повіт, Київська губернія, культурно-освітня політика, Центральна Рада. Анотація Події Української революції 1917-1921 рр. сприяли заснуванню просвітницьких організацій, які своїм основним завданням вбачали надання різної допомоги населенню на ниві культурно-освітніх справ. У статті досліджується процес утворення товариств «Просвіта» в Уманському повіті Київської губернії. З огляду на вагомість реалізованих проектів в статті увага присвячена добі Центральної Ради. Базуючись на архівних документах та матеріалах періодики, з’ясовано, що організаційні заходи з відродження просвітницького руху в Київській губернії були започатковані відразу після зміни політичного режиму. Головну увагу «Просвіти» краю приділяли праці в українських селах. У публікації встановлено, що просвітницькі організації в повіті почали виникати завдяки народній ініціативі, передусім проявам організаційних зусиль національно налаштованої місцевої інтелігенції та сільської молоді. Встановлено, що у більшості сіл Уманського повіту «Просвіти» виступали єдиними структурами, які проводили активну роботу серед населення, їх діяльність фокусувалася у культурницькій і освітній площині. Одним із головних завдань, що стояли перед просвітянами, було відкриття власних книгозбірень або бібліотек-читалень, придбання літератури і періодичних видань, організація курсів українознавства, поширення освітніх знань серед населення тобто все те, що могло сприяти пробудженню національної свідомості українців краю та їх об’єднанню. Фінансова допомога просвітянам краю надавалася органами місцевої влади, самоврядувань, окремими громадянами. Посилання 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu, 1917 – 29 chervnia v m. Talnomu…1917 [June 29 in Talne …1917]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 2 lypnia. [in Ukrainian]. Adamskyi, 2018 – Adamskyi V. R. «Prosvity» Podillia v dobu Ukrainskoi Tsentralnoi Rady (berezen 1917 – kviten 1918 rr.) [«Enlightenment» Podillya in the days of the Ukrainian Central Council (March 1917 - April 1918)] : Doslidzhennia. Dokumenty. Materialy. Khmelnytskyi: FOP Tsiupak A. A., 2018. 478 s. [in Ukrainian]. V Shukaivodi, 1917 – V Shukaivodi… 1917 [In Shukaivoda … 1917] – «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv).28 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Verstyuk,  ta in., 2004 – Verstiuk V., Horobets V., Tolochko O. Ukraina i Rosiia v istorychnii retrospektyvi. Ukrainski proekty v Rosiiskii imperii [Ukraine and Russia in historical retrospective review. The Ukrainian projects in the Russian empire]. K., 2004. 504 s. [in Ukrainian]. Vynnychenko, 2007 – Vynnychenko V. Vidrodzhennia natsii. Reprynt. vidtvor. vyd. 1920 r. [Revival of the nation]: u 3 ch. K. : Vyd-vo polit. l-ry Ukrainy, 1990. Ch. III. 542 s. [in Ukrainian]. Herman, 1995 – Herman O. M. Diialnist tovarystva «Prosvita» na Podilli naprykintsi XIX I v pershii polovyni XX stolittia [Activities of  the society «Enlightenment» in Podolia in the late XIX and early XX century]: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1995. 228 s. [in Ukrainian]. Hrytsak, 1996 – Hrytsak Ya. Narys istorii Ukrainy. Formuvannia modernoi ukrainskoi natsii u XIX-XX st. [Essays on the history of Ukraine: the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation of the XIX-XX centuries]. K.: Heneza, 1996. 358 s. [in Ukrainian]. DAKO – Derzhavnyi arkhiv Kyivskoi oblasti Doroshenko, 2007 – Doroshenko D. Moi spomyny pro nedavnie mynule (1914-1920 roky) [My memories of the recent past (1914-1920)]. K. : Tempora, 2007. 632 s.  [in Ukrainian]. Kravchuk, 1996 – Kravchuk L. V. Kulturo-tvorcha diialnist ta prosvitnytskyi rukh v period Ukrainskoi derzhavnosti 1917–1920 rr. [Cultural activity and educational movement in the period of Ukrainian statehood 1917-1920]: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Chernivtsi, 1996. 23 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok, 1918 – Kulturno-prosvitnii hurtok…1918 [Cultural and educational circle…1918]. «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 25 kvitnia. [in Ukrainian]. Lozovyi, 2006 – Lozovyi V. S. Poshyrennia prosvitnytskykh oseredkiv v ukrainskomu seli v period Tsentralnoi Rady (1917 r.) [Dissemination of educational centers in the Ukrainian countryside during the Central Rada (1917)]. Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. nauk. pr. / hol. red. kol.: P. T. Tronko. Kam’ianets-Podilskyi: Oiium, 2006. T. 7: mat. tretoho kruhloho stolu «Kultura, osvita i prosvitnytskyi rukh na Podilli u KhVIII – na pochatku KhKhI st.». S. 3-11. [in Ukrainian]. Ostashko,1997 – Ostashko T. Tovarystvo «Prosvita» – oseredky ukrainskoho natsionalno-osvitnoho rukhu za doby Tsentralnoi Rady [Society «Enlightenment» is a center of the Ukrainian national educational movement during the Central Rada] // Tsentralna Rada i ukrainskyi derzhavotvorchyi protses (do 80-richchia stvorennia Tsentralnoi Rady): Materialy nauk. konf., 20 bereznia 1997 r. NAN Ukrainy, In-t istorii Ukrainy. K., 1997. Ch. 2. S. 272-280. [in Ukrainian]. Reient, 2003 – Reient O. Ukraina v impersku dobu (XIX – pochatok XX st.) [Ukraine in the imperial era (XIX - early XX centuries)]. K., 2003. 338 s. [in Ukrainian]. Sarbei, 1999 – Sarbei V. Natsionalne vidrodzhennia Ukrainy [National revival of Ukraine]. K., 1999. 335 s. [in Ukrainian]. U mistechku Pokotylove, 1917 – U mistechku Pokotylove…1917 [In the town of Pokotylove…1917] – Chytalnia. Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 26 chervnia. [in Ukrainian]. U s. Tykhomu Khutori, 1917 – U s. Tykhomu Khutori…1917 [In the village of Tykhy Khutir] –  «Prosvita». Nova Rada. (Kyiv). 1 zhovtnia. [in Ukrainian]. Faryna, 1993 – Faryna S. Ya. Rol «Prosvit» v ukrainskomu natsionalno-kulturnomu rusi na pochatku KhKh stolittia [The role of  «Enlightenment» in the Ukrainian national and cultural movement in the early XIX century].: dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01. Kremenchuk, 1993. 233 s.  [in Ukrainian]. TsDAVO Ukrainy – Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy.

Anna A. Plotnikova ◽  

The article deals with the calendar bypass rites of the Burgenland Croats of South-Western Hungary in the vicinity of the town of Szombathei and is based on ethnolinguistic field studies conducted in 2019. Special attention is paid to the processes of the interaction between and mutual influence of the coexisting Croatian and Hungarian languages, folklore, and ethnographic traditions. The role of the folk language used is shown, which is in some cases reproduced when recreating the ritual Christmas circumambulation. The researcher focuses on the history of the revival of the “shepherds” Christmas rite in the village of Narda and its surrounding villages - Felsőcsatár and Horvátlővő. Reconstruction of the elements of the Christmas “shepherds” showed that the persons taking part in the ritual who visit the houses in the village as “shepherds” act as “wonderful guests”. They are connecting the spheres of both “their own” and “alien” worlds, and become the object of sacralisation as representatives of some other world, who bring prosperity, success, and good luck to the owners of the house. At present, this archaic aspect of the circumambulation (which is reflected in the attributes of the maskers and the motifs of their songs) is preserved as a symbol, sign, or characteristic feature of the winter rite itself (the shepherd’s performance). The masks representing the characters of biblical history are characteristic (shepherds, angels), which fits into the broader context of the later Slavic tradition. The example of the Christmas rite of “shepherds” shows the linguistic and folklore polyglossia that is typical for this region, where Burgenland’s Croats live in a foreign-language and foreign-culture environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-14
Andrey A. Baev ◽  
Tatyana N. Ivanova

The article presents a brief history covering foundation and development of female gymnasiums in Russia in the XIX century and opening the main secondary educational institution for girls in Vologda Region. The relevance of the study is justified by the fact that this educational institution was one of the first of its kind in the Russian Empire. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the foundation process of Vologda Women’s Mariinsky Gymnasium in comparison with similar institutions in other governorates and to analyze its activities in the early years of its functioning. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the chronological stages of the history of Vologda Gymnasium and the role of this educational institution in the further development of education in Vologda. Based on archival information, the article gives the analysis of female students’ composition by their birth status during the second half of the XIX century. These data demonstrate that until the 1870s the proclaimed principle of estates equality in education in the gymnasium was not observed. However, after 1872, the term of study was no longer 6, but 7 years. The 1st grade was divided into two departments, which gave the opportunity for even students with average knowledge to enter the gymnasium. This innovation ensured the estates equality of education in Vologda Women’s Mariinsky Gymnasium. The article analyzes as well the list of academic subjects taught and the Rules of admission to the educational institution prior to the educational reform of 1864 (according to the Memorandum Book as of 1862, 1863) and after it (according to the Memorandum Book as of 1873). Some of the disciplines changed their name to broader ones, which indicates a more extensive material covered by the discipline. For example, grammar and language arts were added to the Russian language, geometry – to mathematics. Vologda Women’s Gymnasium functioned 60 years and played an important role in the development of women’s education in the Vologda Region. Now Vologda Pedagogical College can be considered its original legal successor.

Valentina M. Patutkina

The article is dedicated to unknown page in the library history of Ulyanovsk region. The author writes about the role of Trusteeship on people temperance in opening of libraries. The history of public library organized in the beginning of XX century in the Tagai village of Simbirsk district in Simbirsk province is renewed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-175 ◽  
Hou Yuxin

Abstract The Wukan Incident attracted extensive attention both in China and around the world, and has been interpreted from many different perspectives. In both the media and academia, the focus has very much been on the temporal level of the Incident. The political and legal dimensions, as well as the implications of the Incident in terms of human rights have all been pored over. However, what all of these discussions have overlooked is the role played by religious force during the Incident. The village of Wukan has a history of over four hundred years, and is deeply influenced by the religious beliefs of its people. Within both the system of religious beliefs and in everyday life in the village, the divine immortal Zhenxiu Xianweng and the religious rite of casting shengbei have a powerful influence. In times of peace, Xianweng and casting shengbei work to bestow good fortune, wealth and longevity on both the village itself, and the individuals who live there. During the Wukan Incident, they had a harmonizing influence, and helped to unify and protect the people. Looking at the specific roles played by religion throughout the Wukan Incident will not only enable us to develop a more meaningful understanding of the cultural nature and the complexity of the Incident itself, it will also enrich our understanding, on a divine level, of innovations in social management.

Светлана Измайловна Баранова

Статья посвящена истории созданного в 1874 г. в Воскресенском Ново-Иерусалимском монастыре музея Святейшего патриарха Никона, а также истории возрождения музея в новом качестве, ставшего частью программы современного восстановления Ново-Иерусалимского монастыря. Рассмотрена роль устроителя музея архимандрита Леонида (Кавелина) (1822-1891) - настоятеля обители в 1869-1877 гг., выдающегося русского историка, историографа Воскресенского монастыря, собирателя его древностей и исследователя его архивов. Также представлен опыт построения экспозиции нового Музея патриарха Никона, использующий объединение историко-хронологического принципа с художественно-образным, коллекционного - с мемориальным, тематическим и ансамблевым. Восстановление в монастыре музея в новом качестве должно подчеркнуть мемориальную сущность обители как явления русской церковной археологии XIX в. Экспозиция, размещенная в залах музея, должна создать богатый информационновизуальный базис, оставить в памяти посетителя глубокий эмоциональный след, дать пищу для духовного развития и материал для общих размышлений о судьбах Святых Мест христианства, параллелях в жизни России и Святой Земли, колоссальном вкладе патриарха Никона в строительство величественного здания Русской Православной Церкви и зарождавшейся Российской империи. The article is dedicated to the history of the Museum of His Holiness Patriarch Nikon, founded in 1874 in the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery as well as the history of the revival of the museum in a new quality, which became part of the restoration program of the New Jerusalem Monastery. The role of the organizer of the museum, archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin) (1822-1891), the abbot of the monastery in 1869-1877, an outstanding Russian historian, the Resurrection Monastery historiographer, a collector of its antiquities and a researcher of its archives, is considered. Also, it is said about the experience of forming a collection of the new Patriarch Nikon’s Museum implementing historical-chronological, artistic-figurative, memorial, thematic and ensemble principles of the collection. Anew quality restoration done in the monastery museum should emphasize the memorial importance of the monastery as a phenomenon of Russian church archeology of the XIX century. The exposition located in the museum halls should create a rich informational and visual basis, have a deep emotional impact in the visitor’s memory, provide food for spiritual development and material for general reflection on the fate of the Holy Chrisitan Places, establish parallels in the life of Russia and the Holy Land, mark an enormous contribution of Patriarch Nikon in the construction of a magnificent building of the Russian Orthodox Church and the nascent Russian Empire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 44-47
Ilhom Juraev ◽  

In this article, the author analyzes McGahan's novels “Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva” which is about the history of Uzbekistan, and distinguishes that these novels according to their peculiarities highlight the history of Uzbekistan particularly the last quarter of XIX century when the valley invaded by Soviet Russia and author shared his thoughts on the basis of historical sources and gave some summaries.Relying on these summaries we obtain necessary information about the valley’s political, economic and cultural life

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 52-63
В. А. Добровольська

The point of this study is to cover the issue of history of women’s secondary education in Katerynoslavprovince in the 2nd half of the XIX – early XX centuries. Patriarchal judgments and views on the women’srole have been characteristic of the society of the Russian Empire for centuries. It has been found out thatthe democratic reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century marked the beginning of the changes towardswomanhood. The historical premises for the formation of the women’s education system are covered. Itis established that the creation of women’s educational institutions of all classes in terms of legislativeframework begins in the 1950’s. Women’s educational institutions were subordinate to different institutionsand had different organizational and educational backgrounds. Thus, the Ministry of Public Education hadthe most rights and opportunities in the sphere of education. In addition to state schools, there were privateand public schools. It is established that the new system of educational sector management is claimed asstate-public. The main types of general secondary schools in Katerynoslav province in the II half of theXIX – early XX centuries were gymnasiums, progymnasiums, parochial secondary school for girls. Thefeatures of the financial situation of the gymnasiums on the example of certain educational institutions arerevealed. Thus, a large number of women’s gymnasiums and progymnasiums and their popularity withthe population were directly related to the rapid economic development of the region and the vigorousactivity of local self-government bodies. The content of education of those secondary schools is defined.The popularity of gymnasiums with the population comes from their class-inclusive nature. The range ofwomen’s gymnasiums in the early XX century is distinguished on grounds of division into classes andreligion. Education for daughters of clergymen was of a limited nature compared to the gymnasiums. As aresult, women’s religious secondary education evolved less dynamically. It is established that the religiousaffairs authority opened professional secondary educational institutions – parochial secondary school forgirls – primarily for the daughters of clergymen. There was only one such school in Katerynoslav province– in the principal town of the province. The content of the education of parochial secondary school forgirls is described. The proportion of disciplines of the humanities and mathematical and natural sciences iscompared. The article states that the end of the XIX - early XX centuries was marked by the decline in thesystem of parochial secondary school for girls, and defines the content of the reforms of the religious affairsauthority. The sources of funding of Katerynoslav parochial secondary school for girls and gymnasiums arecompared. The role of parochial secondary school for girls in the problem of providing public school withteachers is figured out.

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 131-148
Lilia Sargu ◽  
Yulia Valeeva

Within the framework of the article, a study was conducted on the problem of the socio-economic life of the post-reform landowner economy in the works of A. N. Engelhardt. It was established how much the population is aware of the specifics of the historical development of post-reform Russia, what is the significance of the contribution of A. N. Engelhardt to the development of the village, in particular, the landlord economy, how strong, in the opinion of local residents, is the role of the memorial source «Letters from the Village» in modern agronomy how they see the concept of «mining» in modern realities, is their definition similar to the definition of the second half of the 19th century. Within the framework of the article, a study was conducted on the problem of socio-economic life of the post-reform landlord economy in the works of A. N. Engelhardt. It was established how much the population is aware of the specifics of the historical development of post-reform Russia, what is the significance of AN’s contribution. Engelhardt in the development of the village, in particular, the landlord economy, as, according to local residents, a strong role of the source memoir «Letters from village» in modern agriculture, as they see the concept of «practicing» in the current situation, is similar whether their definition with the definition of second half of the XIX century.

2021 ◽  
pp. 349-356
Н.А. Чистякова

В последнее десятилетие резко изменилось отношение российской общественности к предпринимательству с негативного на нейтральное и даже позитивное. Для подтверждения предположения об изменении эмоционального статуса понятия «предпринимательство» автором был произведен соцопрос. Поскольку предположение об изменении статуса понятия «предпринимательство» подтвердилось, автор посредством историко-культурного анализа постарался объяснить причину изменения стереотипа. Акцент был сделан на роль произведений русской классической литературы в формировании общественного сознания. Кроме того, автор конкретизировал отраженный в классической литературе идеал русского предпринимателя. Конкретно, в статье проанализирован образ предпринимателя в русской классической литературе XIX века: разобраны литературные типы работников финансовой сферы, найдены положительные примеры, выявлены социально ответственные принципы подхода к делу. Для обеспечения большей объективности для анализа привлечены как эпические, так и драматические произведения. Автор выясняет, как в русской классической литературе отражаются проблемы личности предпринимателя, актуальные в настоящее время. В статье произведен сравнительный анализ «кодексов чести» предпринимателя – источников XIX и XXI века, – в которых раскрывается тема чести русского финансиста, его морального облика. В исследовании утверждается преемственность традиций в сфере предпринимательства, сформированных основной частью населения страны, жившего по законам Российской Империи, кроме того, обосновывается содержательная связь художественных и документальных источников и доказывается необходимость создания образа современного коммерсанта на основе принципов, отраженных в отечественной классике. In the last decade, the attitude of the Russian public towards entrepreneurship has changed dramatically from negative to neutral and even positive. To confirm the assumption about the change in the emotional status of the concept of «entrepreneurship», the author conducted a social survey. Since the assumption about the change in the status of the concept of «entrepreneurship» was confirmed, the author tried to explain the reason for the change in the stereotype through historical and cultural analysis. The emphasis was placed on the role of works of Russian classical literature in the formation of public consciousness. In addition, the author concretized the ideal of the Russian entrepreneur reflected in the classical literature. Specifically, the article analyzes the image of the entrepreneur in the Russian classical literature of the XIX century: the literary types of financial workers are analyzed, positive examples are found, and socially responsible principles of the approach to business are identified. To ensure greater objectivity, both epic and dramatic works are used for analysis. The author finds out how the Russian classical literature reflects the problems of the entrepreneur's personality that are currently relevant. The article presents a comparative analysis of the «codes of honor» of the entrepreneur-sources of the XIX and XXI centuries-which reveal the theme of the honor of the Russian financier, his moral image. The study confirms the continuity of traditions in the field of entrepreneurship, formed by the main part of the country's population, who lived according to the laws of the Russian Empire, in addition, substantiates the meaningful connection of artistic and documentary sources and proves the need to create an image of a modern merchant based on the principles reflected in the Russian classics.

Geophysics ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 77 (6) ◽  
pp. B287-B294 ◽  
Jamie K. Pringle ◽  
Peter Styles ◽  
Claire P. Howell ◽  
Michael W. Branston ◽  
Rebecca Furner ◽  

The area around the town of Northwich in Cheshire, U. K., has a long history of catastrophic ground subsidence caused by a combination of natural dissolution and collapsing abandoned mine workings within the underlying Triassic halite bedrock geology. In the village of Marston, the Trent and Mersey Canal crosses several abandoned salt mine workings and previously subsiding areas, the canal being breached by a catastrophic subsidence event in 1953. This canal section is the focus of a long-term monitoring study by conventional geotechnical topographic and microgravity surveys. Results of 20 years of topographic time-lapse surveys indicate specific areas of local subsidence that could not be predicted by available site and mine abandonment plan and shaft data. Subsidence has subsequently necessitated four phases of temporary canal bank remediation. Ten years of microgravity time-lapse data have recorded major deepening negative anomalies in specific sections that correlate with topographic data. Gravity 2D modeling using available site data found upwardly propagating voids, and associated collapse material produced a good match with observed microgravity data. Intrusive investigations have confirmed a void at the major anomaly. The advantages of undertaking such long-term studies for near-surface geophysicists, geotechnical engineers, and researchers working in other application areas are discussed.

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