grade material
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2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 103329
Mian Muhammad Faisal ◽  
Syeda Ramsha Ali ◽  
Muhammad Zahir Iqbal ◽  
Muhammad Waqas Iqbal ◽  
Arshid Numan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-406
Laya Khademibami ◽  
Alan Sherrington ◽  
Rubin Shmulsky ◽  
Franklin Quin

Abstract In this research, flexural properties of mill-run, in-grade red and white oak lumber from a single mill and commercially available laminated hardwood composite were evaluated. Structurally graded green (wet) freshly sawn red and white oak 5 by 10-cm (2 by 4-in) nominal lumber as well as glue-laminated hardwood composite billets were tested in bending and their modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) properties were developed. It is well documented that MOR and MOE are two major indicators to evaluate flexural strength of wood lumbers. From these data, summary statistics, design values, and mean separations were calculated and reported. Overall, the red and white oak lumber performed similarly to structural No. 2 grade material. The hardwood composite billets were highly uniform. Each of the three materials demonstrated a reasonably good relationship between MOE and MOR, thereby suggesting that MOE could be used as a selection criterion for strength in a commercial use situation.

Hamid Altaf

Abstract: This research paper deals about the experimental study on the stabilization of dredged material for its potential use in sub-grade. Large amounts of sediments are dredged from rivers and lakes as a result of environmental dredging in India. These dredged materials have poor geotechnical properties and are treated as wastes, On the other hand, there is a huge demand of sub-grade materials due to the increasing number of highway construction projects, so therefore it forms the significant topic for research. The stabilization of dredged material by marble dust is considered as an environmentally friendly option and economical because both marble dust and dredged material are waste products. Marble dust is formed by the cutting and polishing of marble stone. Marble dust contains high amount of calcium, silica, alumina which aids in the stabilization of the dredged material. Thus, the use of DM as sub-grade material may be considered as an environmentally friendly and economical option. Keywords: Dredged material, stabilization, environmental dredging, Subgrade etc

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
Bapurao G. Marlapalle ◽  
Rahulkumar S. Hingole

Abstract The objective of this study is to improve the bulging and minimize the thinning ratio to enhance manufacturing of components in Industries. Tube hydroforming is an advanced manufacturing technology used for making intricate and complex tubular parts which required less cycle time. This research focuses on hydroforming process, formability and process parameters design to replace the conventional tube bending, welding and cutting operations. The prediction of parameters is done by applying numerical and experimental approach. During experimentation the pressurized fluid is used to deform the tubes in a plastic deformation. In this study, two types of grade materials are used such as AISI304 and AISI409L of 57.15 mm external diameter with 1.5 mm thickness in the form of electric resistance welded tubes to measure stain path, thinning and bulge height. However, it is observed that the internal pressure and L/D ratio are effective parameters in both numerical analysis and experimentation. In axial feed condition, it is observed that 16.3% thinning in weld region and 44.6% thinning in base metal region, whereas, in fixed feed condition, it is observed that 7.7% thinning in weld region and 18.6%thinning in base metal region for L/D = 1 and L/D = 3 respectively. The numerical analysis with experimental results shows a very good match. It is seen that the axial feed leads to better formability with fixed feed condition because in axial feed condition material supplies towards the center of the bulge tube. The feasibility of the hydroforming process for manufacturing of AISI304 and AISI409L grade material as per the requirements of the industries is also checked. The maximum bulging is observed in L/D = 2 by comparing with the other ratios. This process can be effectively used for AISI304 grade material because the formability is better than AISI409L. Article highlights The strain path measured and predicted at necking point for ERW tube in both weld and base metal. Thinning is measured during bulging of tube under the axial and fixed feed condition. For L/D = 1 ratio observed strain distribution in unidirectional and L/D = 2, 3 observed in plane strain and bidirectional respectively.

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-35
V.A. Sagomonova ◽  
S.S. Dolgopolov ◽  
A.E. Sorokin ◽  
V.V. Tselikin ◽  

The article presents the results of a study of the operational properties of the VTP-1V grade material, including cold flow. It was found that the material of the VTP-1V grade hasn’t cold flow and, according to the complex of properties studied in the work, can be recommended as an alternative to layered polymeric composite materials used in the bolted joints of the aircraft wing rib. The possibility of operating VTP-1V in an environment of aggressive liquids was assessed and it was shown that the material is resistant to the effects of TC-1 fuel, including retaining low deformability under prolonged loading.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-30
A.I. Vasilev ◽  
P.V. Panin ◽  
S.V. Putyrskiy ◽  
A.M. Rogalev ◽  

Presents the results of the investigation of the influence of hot isostatic pressing and heat treatment on the structure and mechanical properties during tension of synthesized workpieces obtained by selective laser alloying from a metal-powder composition of VT6 alloy. The blanks were subjected to heat treatment at various temperatures in the state after synthesis, as well after HIP. The influence of different heat treatment modes was assessed by the results of tensile tests and structural researches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 107 (10-12) ◽  
Chandraprakash R ◽  
Masilamani P ◽  
Rajkumar P ◽  
Geetha R ◽  

The quality of Moringa oleifera seeds need to be ensured before sowing or using the seeds for other commercial purposes like oil extraction. In this study, an attempt was made to increase the efficiency of a specific gravity separator machine to upgrade the quality of moringa seed by suitably changing the machine settings viz., horizontal height (cm), vertical height (cm), and oscillation speed (rpm) of the deck and air blow rate (m3/hr). The optimization of moringa seed quality upgrading specific gravity machine has a horizontal height (cm), vertical height (cm), and air blow rate (m3/hr) adjustments of 0, 1.5, and 4.0 respectively at 450 rpm of deck oscillation. Under the above-optimized conditions, seed lot graded into five categories viz., A, B, C, D and E. Germination percentage of three grade viz., C, D, and E have 93.0%, 97.0%, and 96.0% respectively, which was higher than the germination percentage of ungraded bulk moringa seed lot (91.0%) used in this experiment. Seed with undesirable size and low in weight got separated as ‘A’ grade material. The optimization of moringa seed upgarding process showed the optimal processing conditions for grading the moringa seed based on physical property of the seed. The optimization of the moringa seed-grading machine would provide necessary information on combination of seed, operation and design parameters for enhancing seed quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Priyanka Dhar ◽  
Maria Thornhill ◽  
Hanumantha Rao Kota

Abstract In general, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used as a mineral filler in paper industries; while natural calcite (CaCO3) ore is also suitable for industrial use if it is a finely ground high-grade material. Naturally, calcite is found in the form of high- or low-grade ores and it is one of the most widely distributed industrial minerals on the earth’s crust. However, it is rarely found in its pure form and is generally associated with other gangue minerals; the type and percentage of which vary from one deposit to another. These minerals are generally separated by flotation and/or magnetic separation (in the case of iron impurities). Calcite ores typically contain metal sulphide, silicate, or other calcium-containing impurity minerals, which can be removed by flotation. A tremendous amount of research has been performed on refining the flotation process for calcite ores and designing the reagents (specifically, collectors) to increase the efficiency of the process. Metal sulphide/silicate impurity minerals can be removed by the froth-flotation process using amines and xanthate collectors. Alternatively, fatty acids are used as collectors to float calcium-type minerals directly from the ore. This paper reviews the industrial practices and fundamental research related to collectors surrounding calcite ore flotation. This article presents and reviews collectors for the beneficiation of high-grade calcite ores which have been reported in the literature in order to assist judicial choice of collecting agents in flotation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Matthew Leineweber

ABSTRACT Characterizing the load–deformation relationships in both engineering materials and biologic tissues is a key component of undergraduate biomechanics and mechanobiology courses. These relationships are essential to determining the suitability of a given material for biomedical applications, such as identifying the root causes of implant failure and injury and quantifying the effects of mechanical cellular mechanotransduction. Typically, material characterization is done by using industry standard and research-grade material testing systems, which can cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars and require large amounts of dedicated laboratory space. This article presents a new design for a low-cost and portable alternative to these commercial systems, consisting of off-the-shelf and 3-dimensional printed components for teaching purposes. Student groups assemble their own devices and conduct material characterization experiments for both elastic and viscoelastic materials on their own time, outside of traditional laboratory settings. The “take-home” labs were pilot tested over a single semester, and preliminary results showed increased understanding of elastic and viscoelastic theory compared with lecture alone. These results suggest that the take-home tensile testing systems may be an effective means of providing a hands-on educational experience in courses in which traditional lab activities are not otherwise possible.

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