polar diameter
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Anuradha Sinha ◽  
Paramveer Singh ◽  
Ajay Bhardwaj ◽  
R. B. Verma

Yield and yield contributing attributes are the mostly targeted in tomato improvement programme so the existence of variability has prime importance in plant breeding. In this study 14 genotypes were assessed with principal component analyses (PCA) based on morphological and biochemical traits to select genotypes and traits for future breeding program. Based on the PCA with 21 traits, 14 components were formed however, 6 PCs had more than 1 Eigen value with the variability of 87.60%. So, these six PC were used for further explanation. The first principal component explained maximum variability of the total variation presented. PC1 correlated with days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering and days to first fruiting etc. while PC2 dominated by β- carotene, lycopene, total soluble solid and ascorbic acid. PC 3 correlated with the traits like plant height at final harvest, number of fruits per plant and days to 50% flowering. PC 4 reflected positive factor loading by polar diameter, days taken to first picking and plant height at final harvest. PC 5 correlated with polar diameter, node to first flowering and ascorbic acid with positive factor loading and PC 6 correlated with ascorbic acid, days to 50% flowering, number of fruits per truss, equatorial diameter, pericarp thickness, titratable acidity, β-carotene, average fruit weight, fruit yield per plant. Therefore, the important traits coming jointly from diverse PCs and contributing towards elucidation variability may be kept into consideration during utilization of these traits in breeding programme of tomato.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 623-631
Mahaveer Suman ◽  
MC Jain

Individual and interaction effects of plant growth regulators and fertigation on quality of pomegranate were investigated. Maximum mean polar diameter (9.59 cm), equatorial diameter (8.10 cm), fruit weight (206.06 g),fruit volume (190.86 cc), number of arils per fruit (416.81), aril weight per fruit (146.35 g), weight of 100 arils (35.86 g) and aril per cent (70.92 %) along with minimum specific gravity (1.090), rind thickness (5.15 mm), rind per cent (29.09%) and fruit cracking (5.58%) were recorded in F2 (100 per cent RDF through fertigation). Similarly, spray of 100 ppm NAA (N2) and 250 ppm ethrel (E2) significantly influenced the above characteristics of fruit. Treatment combination of 100 ppm NAA + 150 ppm ethrel + 100% RDF through fertigation (N2E1F2) gave better quality fruit over other treatments including control. Bangladesh J. Bot. 50(3): 623-631, 2021 (September)

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1449
Ernesto Tapia-Campos ◽  
Jessica del Pilar del Pilar Ramírez-Anaya ◽  
Adriana Cavazos-Garduño ◽  
Julio C. Serrano-Niño ◽  
Javier Cuauhtémoc Fragoso-Jiménez ◽  

Pomegranate is gaining popularity because of its proved nutraceutical properties and is highly adaptable to different climates. In southern Jalisco, Mexico, 18 genotypes were characterized on the basis of fruit characteristics (21 traits) and AFLP (Amplified Fragment length polymorphism) markers. The first three components of a principal components analysis (PCA) explained 71.5% of the variation. The most important variables were related to fruit size and weight. Fruit weight, equatorial diameter, polar diameter, and rind and membrane weight were the variables that most contributed to principal component one (PC1) 46.4%. The variables juice per fruit, edible proportion, proportion of rind and membrane, and seed length contributed most to principal component two (PC2) 15.2%, while juice pH, weight of one seed, and aril width contributed the most to principal component three (PC3) 9.9%. With the six combinations of AFLP primers, 315 fragments were obtained (an average of 52.5 fragments per primer); of these, 229 were polymorphic (72.7% polymorphism). Grouping by both morphological traits and AFLP markers separated all the evaluated individuals so that there were no repeated genotypes. In both analyses, the grouping did not obey geographic origin of the genotypes (r = −0.35), suggesting that both techniques were useful and complementary in the characterization of pomegranate genotypes. The commercial cultivars Wonderful and Apaseo had low levels of similarity to genotypes from southern Jalisco. The level of polymorphism found and compared with the results obtained by other authors suggests that the pomegranate genotypes evaluated are highly polymorphic. We found broad genetic diversity that can be used in breeding programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (AAEBSSD) ◽  
pp. 237-244
V.P. Santhi ◽  
L. Pugalendhi ◽  
D. Venkatesan

A field experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Station, Nanjanadu farm Ooty to study the effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on yield and the soil microbial populations in garlic. The experiment was carried out ina Randomized Blocks Design with 9 treatments and three replications. The plot size of 12 m2 was laid out. The experiment was conducted for three years from 2011 -13 and the pooled data was analysed. Pooled analysis was done for the three-harvest data (2011, 2012, 2013). All the organic manures like farm Yard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost (VC) and Poultry Manure (PM) and biofertilizers viz., Azospirillum and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria each @ 5 kg each/ ha was applied as a basal as per the treatment. 50 % of the recommended inorganic applied as basal at the time of planting and the remaining 50 % N was applied in two equal splits during 30 and 45 days after planting. The full dose of P, K and S applied at the time of planting as per the treatment schedule. The treatments received three levels of FYM (15, 7.5,5 t -1/ha), Poultry Manure (7.5,3.75,2.5 t -1/ha) and Vermi Compost (7.5,3.75,2.5 t-1/ha). Observations are recorded on no. of leaves, Equatorial Diameter (ED), Polar Diameter (PD), Average Bulb Weight (ABW), A-grade bulbs (AGB), B grade bulbs (BGB), C grade bulbs (CGB), Marketable yield (MY) and Total yield (TY). Soil samples were collected at two stages (bulbing and at harvest) for microbial populations of total bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes. Results were compared among the treatments for total yield of garlic. Results revealed that the highest total as well as marketable yield was recorded in T 9 (75:40:40:40 Kg NPKS + 5 t FYM / ha + 2.5 t PM + 2.5 t VC/ ha) and T6 (75:40:40:40 Kg NPKS + 7.5 t FYM / ha + 3.75 t PM/ ha). Among the nine treatments significantly the maximum plant height (68.65 cm), the number of leaves (8.17), neck thickness (3.47 cm), polar diameter (40.03 mm), equatorial diameter (36.83cm), the average weight of 10 bulbs (203.34 g). B grade bulbs (51. 27 %), minimum C grade bulbs (16. 11%), marketable yield (8.52 tonnes/ ha), total yield (10.61 tonnes/ ha) was recorded in the T9 followed by T6 (9.72 tonnes /ha). The population of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were found to be maximum at the harvesting stage when compared to the bulbing stage under treatment T9.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-172
Fawad Khan ◽  
Khushdil Khan ◽  
Shabir Ahmad

Pollen morphology of 10 different weedy bee foraged plants belong to 10 various families from Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were collected, identified and studied using light microscopy (LM). The plants were Asphodelus tenuifolius, Euphorbia helioscopia, Parthenium hysterophorus, Rhazya stricta, Datura innoxia, Eruca sativa, Convolvulus arvensis, Anagallis arvensis, Galium aparine, and Anethum graveolens. Slides for Light microscopic studies were prepared with the help of acetic acid, glycerin jelly and anthers of flowers. Pollen grain recorded ranged from monocolpate to hexacolporate and from psilate to echinate which were important systematic significance. Pollen size, shape, P/E ratio, exine thickness, number of colpi, number of pores, equatorial diameter, polar diameter, colpus width, colpus length, spines number, length and width of spines were examined with the help of light microscopy and all these values were analyzed statistically using software SPSS. This research provide a data to the optimal utilization of bee foraged weed plants by honeybees and identification of bee flora for the beekeeping business and honey production. Results revealed that weedy melliferous flora of study area is very helpful for botanical origin, geographical origin of bee species and adulterations found in honey.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66

The pollen morphology of 17 taxa of Gundelia, of which 13 taxa are endemic to Turkey, was investigated by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In this study, the pollen morphology of 16 taxa except G. tournefortii was investigated for the first time. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multivariate statistics. The pollen grains are oblate spheroidal and prolate spheroidal in shape with the polar diameter of 37.01–61.2 μm and the equatorial diameter of 31.2–63.4 μm. The smallest pollen grains were observed in G. anatolica, G. rosea and G. tournefortii, while the largest pollen grains were observed in G. vitekii, G. komagenensis and G. colemerikensis. Pollen ornamentation is echinate in LM and echinate-microperforate in SEM. Statistically, the relationships between pollen characters of the examined taxa were identified using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Clustering Analyzis. In addition, a dendrogram was constructed by applying UPGMA based on the determined 15 pollen morphological characters, and the degree of their relationship was discussed. Polar axis, equatorial diameter and colpus length were the major explanations of the pollen morphological characters’ total variation in PCA. Pair group method was used to divide the main pollen taxa into three groups based on the pollen morphology by using arithmetic averages analysis (PCA scatterplot and cluster analysis). As a result, the pollen shape, polar axis, equatorial diameter and spine length were important characters distingushing the taxa from each other. We found some matches and mismatches between pollen and morphological characters, whose significance requires further study.

2021 ◽  
Gonzalo Quispe Choque

AbstractThis research was conducted under a greenhouse at the National Vegetable Seed Production Center located in the municipality of Sipe Sipe, Quillacollo province with the aim of analyzing agronomic behavior in 56 F1 progenies and four hybrid tomato cultivars. The research consisted of 60 genotypes as treatments. Each experimental unit was made up of 6 plants. The variables evaluated were: number of flowers per inflorescence, number of fruits per cluster, weight of fruit, equatorial diameter, polar diameter, heart diameter, thickness of pericarp, number of fruits per plant, weight of fruit per plant, hardness and solids soluble . The data obtained were analyzed with descriptive statistics, correlation, cluster and principal component analysis. Significant correlations were found for the number of fruits per plant and number of flowers per inflorescence with the weight of fruit per plant. The polar dendogram identified four distant groups in the performance and quality components. The principal component analysis identified the degree of association between variables and genotypes, identifying groups correlated to components of fruit yield and quality.

2021 ◽  
Gonzalo Quispe Choque

AbstractThe objective of the research was to analyze the main variables related to tomato yield, and guide the selection of materials for the INIAF vegetable improvement program. The experiment was carried out in the open field using nine tomato lines on the grounds of the National Vegetable Seed Production Center, during the 2017-2018 agricultural campaign. A randomized complete block experimental design was used, with three repetitions and 10 plants per experimental unit. For the analysis of the data, the variable yield was considered as dependent and the variables number of flowers per inflorescence, number of clusters per plant, number of fruits per plant, weight of fruit, equatorial and polar diameter as independent variables. Analysis of variance, phenotypic correlations and path coefficients were performed. The performance of the L015 line was 80. 79 t ha-1 higher than the L014, L019 and Rio Grande lines. The fruit yield had a significant correlation with the weight of fruit per plant followed by the polar diameter, equatorial diameter, number of fruits per plant and weight of fruit. The analysis of path coefficients showed that the number of fruits per plant had the highest direct positive effect on the fruit yield, fruit weight and equatorial diameter that have a significant correlation and a direct effect on the fruit yield, emerged as the components with coefficients of 0.96 and 0.52 respectively. These characters may be relevant within the selection criteria in the development of new varieties. number of fruits per plant and weight of fruit. The analysis of path coefficients showed that the number of fruits per plant had the highest direct positive effect on the fruit yield, fruit weight and equatorial diameter that have a significant correlation and a direct effect on the fruit yield, emerged as the components with coefficients of 0.96 and 0.52 respectively. These characters may be relevant within the selection criteria in the development of new varieties. number of fruits per plant and weight of fruit. The analysis of path coefficients showed that the number of fruits per plant had the highest direct positive effect on the fruit yield, fruit weight and equatorial diameter that have a significant correlation and a direct effect on the fruit yield, emerged as the components with coefficients of 0.96 and 0.52 respectively. These characters may be relevant within the selection criteria in the development of new varieties.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 478 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32

In this monograph, for the first time, the pollen morphology was analysed in the context of modern taxonomic treatment of the order and statistically evaluated in search of traits that could be utilised in further taxonomic and evolutionary studies. Our research included pollen sampled from 417 herbarium specimens representing 158 species belonging to 125 genera distributed among all major lineages of Apiales. The pollen was mechanically isolated, acetolysed, suspended in pure glycerine and mounted on paraffin-sealed slides for light microscopy investigation.         Although most of the analysed traits were highly homoplastic and showed significant overlap even between distantly related lineages, we were able to construct a taxonomic key based on characters that bear the strongest phylogenetic signal: P/E ratio, mesocolpium shape observed in polar view and ectocolpus length relative to polar diameter. All the investigated traits are easy to observe with light microscopy and defined by clear and well-documented typology.                Early diverging lineages of Apiales constitute a distinct group due to subprolate pollen grains (P/E ratio < 1.25). Among four subfamilies of Apiaceae, Mackinlayoideae can be easily identified based on a combination of traits shared with Klotzschia and Platysace—enigmatic umbllifers with highly uncertain phylogenetic position. Pollen of Azorelloideae is much more diverse but retains many plesiomorphic traits found in early-diverging Apioideae. In contrast, Saniculoideae and most representatives of Apioideae are characterised by evolutionary advanced morphology (perprolate pollen grains with relatively short ectocolpus and bone-shaped outline in colpus view). However, it remains unclear whether similarities between Saniculoideae and higher apioids are an example of convergent evolution or reflect common ancestry. Pollen of Hermas shows a unique combination of traits some of which are typical for Azorelloideae while others resemble Saniculoideae.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
Joseano Graciliano da Silva ◽  
Kilson Pinheiro Lopes ◽  
Odair Honorato de Oliveira ◽  
Marília Hortência Batista da Silva Rodrigues ◽  
Francisco Jean da Silva Paiva

The cultivation of non-traditional fruits has gained ground in the horticulture sector, but which, in certain situations, are plants that require previous studies related to soil adaptability, climate, and irrigation water quality. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of irrigation water salinity on Physalis peruviana L. (fisális) plants in the different growth phases. The experimental area was installed on the premises of the Federal University of Campina Grande, adopting a casualized block design, with four saline levels of irrigation water (0.3; 1.2; 2.1 and 3.0 dS m-1) and five repetitions per treatment. The variables analyzed were: stem diameter, plant height and number of leaves every 15 days, leaf area at 55 days after transplanting, number of side branches, number of flower buds, number of flowers, average fruit weight, polar diameter, and equatorial diameter of fruits, number of fruits per plant and productivity. According to the results, the plants were tolerant to saline levels of irrigation water of up to 3.0 dS m-1, without prejudice to the phenological and productive characteristics of the crop. The unitary increase in the salinity of the irrigation water did not result in damage to the physiological characteristics of the plants until the 60 days of transplanting.

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