spike firing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Logan A. Becker ◽  
Hector Penagos ◽  
Francisco J. Flores ◽  
Dara S. Manoach ◽  
Matthew A. Wilson ◽  

Clinical populations have memory deficits linked to sleep oscillations that can potentially be treated with sleep medications. Eszopiclone and zolpidem (two non-benzodiazepine hypnotics) both enhance sleep spindles. Zolpidem improved sleep-dependent memory consolidation in humans, but eszopiclone did not. These divergent results may reflect that the two drugs have different effects on hippocampal ripple oscillations, which correspond to the reactivation of neuronal ensembles that represent previous waking activity and contribute to memory consolidation. We used extracellular recordings in the CA1 region of rats and systemic dosing of eszopiclone and zolpidem to test the hypothesis that these two drugs differentially affect hippocampal ripples and spike activity. We report evidence that eszopiclone makes ripples sparser, while zolpidem increases ripple density. In addition, eszopiclone led to a drastic decrease in spike firing, both in putative pyramidal cells and interneurons, while zolpidem did not substantially alter spiking. These results provide an explanation of the different effects of eszopiclone and zolpidem on memory in human studies and suggest that sleep medications can be used to regulate hippocampal ripple oscillations, which are causally linked to sleep-dependent memory consolidation.

Biomedicines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Gubbi Govindaiah ◽  
Rong-Jian Liu ◽  
Yanyan Wang

The striatum contains several types of neurons including medium spiny projection neurons (MSNs), cholinergic interneurons (ChIs), and fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs). Modulating the activity of these neurons by the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) can greatly impact motor control and movement disorders. D2R exists in two isoforms: D2L and D2S. Here, we assessed whether alterations in the D2L and D2S expression levels affect neuronal excitability and synaptic function in striatal neurons. We observed that quinpirole inhibited the firing rate of all three types of striatal neurons in wild-type (WT) mice. However, in D2L knockout (KO) mice, quinpirole enhanced the excitability of ChIs, lost influence on spike firing of MSNs, and remained inhibitory effect on spike firing of FSIs. Additionally, we showed mIPSC frequency (but not mIPSC amplitude) was reduced in ChIs from D2L KO mice compared with WT mice, suggesting spontaneous GABA release is reduced at GABAergic terminals onto ChIs in D2L KO mice. Furthermore, we found D2L deficiency resulted in reduced dendritic spine density in ChIs, suggesting D2L activation plays a role in the formation/maintenance of dendritic spines of ChIs. These findings suggest new molecular and cellular mechanisms for causing ChIs abnormality seen in Parkinson’s disease or drug-induced dyskinesias.

2021 ◽  
Xiang Zou ◽  
Zilu Zhu ◽  
Yu Guo ◽  
Hongmiao Zhang ◽  
Yuchen Liu ◽  

Valproic acid (VPA) represents one of the most efficient antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) with either general or focal seizures, but a certain percentage of patients are not recovered or even worse, the mechanism under this phenomenon remains unclear. Here, we retrospectively reviewed 16 patients who received awake craniotomy surgery. Intro-operative high density electrocorticogram (ECoG) was used to record the local field potential (LFP) response to VPA treatment. We found the less efficacy of VPA monotherapy was associated with ECoG spectrum power shift from higher to lower frequency after VPA injection, together with increased synchronization of the LFP. Furthermore, we established the computational model to testify the hypothesis that the ineffectivity of VPA may be caused by excitatory dynamic rebound during the inhibitory power increasing. In addition to test the hypothesis, we employed the mice with Kanic Acid (KA)-induced epileptic model to confirm that it would be inhibited by VPA on behavior and neural activity. Also, the neural activity shows significant rebound on spike firing. Then we discovered that the LFP would increase the power spectral density in multiple wave bands after the VPA delivers. These findings suggest that less efficacy of valproic acid monotherapy in focal seizures may be caused by neural excitatory rebound which mediated by elevated inhibitory power.

2021 ◽  
Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad ◽  
Jay S. Pi ◽  
Paul Hage ◽  
Mohammad Amin Fakharian ◽  
Reza Shadmehr

AbstractThe information that the brain transmits from one region to another is often viewed through the lens of firing rates. However, if the output neurons could vary the timing of their spikes with respect to each other, then through synchronization they could highlight information that may be critical for control of behavior. In the cerebellum, the computations that are performed by the cerebellar cortex are conveyed to the nuclei via inhibition. Yet, synchronous activity entrains nucleus neurons, making them fire. Does the cerebellar cortex rely on spike synchrony within populations of Purkinje cells (P-cells) to convey information to the nucleus? We recorded from multiple P-cells while marmosets performed saccadic eye movements and organized them into populations that shared a complex spike response to error. Before movement onset, P-cells transmitted information via a rate code: the simple spike firing rates predicted the direction and velocity of the impending saccade. However, during the saccade, the spikes became temporally aligned within the population, signaling when to stop the movement. Thus, the cerebellar cortex relies on spike synchronization within a population of P-cells, not individual firing rates, to convey to the nucleus when to stop a movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Xiaojie Gao ◽  
Franziska Bender ◽  
Heun Soh ◽  
Changwan Chen ◽  
Mahsa Altafi ◽  

AbstractHippocampal pyramidal cells encode an animal’s location by single action potentials and complex spike bursts. These elementary signals are believed to play distinct roles in memory consolidation. The timing of single spikes and bursts is determined by intrinsic excitability and theta oscillations (5–10 Hz). Yet contributions of these dynamics to place fields remain elusive due to the lack of methods for specific modification of burst discharge. In mice lacking Kcnq3-containing M-type K+ channels, we find that pyramidal cell bursts are less coordinated by the theta rhythm than in controls during spatial navigation, but not alert immobility. Less modulated bursts are followed by an intact post-burst pause of single spike firing, resulting in a temporal discoordination of network oscillatory and intrinsic excitability. Place fields of single spikes in one- and two-dimensional environments are smaller in the mutant. Optogenetic manipulations of upstream signals reveal that neither medial septal GABA-ergic nor cholinergic inputs alone, but rather their joint activity, is required for entrainment of bursts. Our results suggest that altered representations by bursts and single spikes may contribute to deficits underlying cognitive disabilities associated with KCNQ3-mutations in humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Kyungsoo Kim ◽  
Seung-Jun Yoo ◽  
So Yeon Kim ◽  
Taeju Lee ◽  
Sung-Ho Lim ◽  

AbstractAs a promising future treatment for stroke rehabilitation, researchers have developed direct brain stimulation to manipulate the neural excitability. However, there has been less interest in energy consumption and unexpected side effect caused by electrical stimulation to bring functional recovery for stroke rehabilitation. In this study, we propose an engineering approach with subthreshold electrical stimulation (STES) to bring functional recovery. Here, we show a low level of electrical stimulation boosted causal excitation in connected neurons and strengthened the synaptic weight in a simulation study. We found that STES with motor training enhanced functional recovery after stroke in vivo. STES was shown to induce neural reconstruction, indicated by higher neurite expression in the stimulated regions and correlated changes in behavioral performance and neural spike firing pattern during the rehabilitation process. This will reduce the energy consumption of implantable devices and the side effects caused by stimulating unwanted brain regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (13) ◽  
pp. 7140
Michael R. Perkinson ◽  
Rachael A. Augustine ◽  
Gregory T. Bouwer ◽  
Emily F. Brown ◽  
Isaiah Cheong ◽  

Oxytocin and vasopressin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland are required for normal pregnancy and lactation. Oxytocin secretion is relatively low and constant under basal conditions but becomes pulsatile during birth and lactation to stimulate episodic contraction of the uterus for delivery of the fetus and milk ejection during suckling. Vasopressin secretion is maintained in pregnancy and lactation despite reduced osmolality (the principal stimulus for vasopressin secretion) to increase water retention to cope with the cardiovascular demands of pregnancy and lactation. Oxytocin and vasopressin secretion are determined by the action potential (spike) firing of magnocellular neurosecretory neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. In addition to synaptic input activity, spike firing depends on intrinsic excitability conferred by the suite of channels expressed by the neurons. Therefore, we analysed oxytocin and vasopressin neuron activity in anaesthetised non-pregnant, late-pregnant, and lactating rats to test the hypothesis that intrinsic excitability of oxytocin and vasopressin neurons is increased in late pregnancy and lactation to promote oxytocin and vasopressin secretion required for successful pregnancy and lactation. Hazard analysis of spike firing revealed a higher incidence of post-spike hyperexcitability immediately following each spike in oxytocin neurons, but not in vasopressin neurons, in late pregnancy and lactation, which is expected to facilitate high frequency firing during bursts. Despite lower osmolality in late-pregnant and lactating rats, vasopressin neuron activity was not different between non-pregnant, late-pregnant, and lactating rats, and blockade of osmosensitive ΔN-TRPV1 channels inhibited vasopressin neurons to a similar extent in non-pregnant, late-pregnant, and lactating rats. Furthermore, supraoptic nucleus ΔN-TRPV1 mRNA expression was not different between non-pregnant and late-pregnant rats, suggesting that sustained activity of ΔN-TRPV1 channels might maintain vasopressin neuron activity to increase water retention during pregnancy and lactation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Anders Wahlbom ◽  
Hannes Mogensen ◽  
Henrik Jörntell

We have previously reported different spike firing correlation patterns among pairs of adjacent pyramidal neurons within the same layer of S1 cortex in vivo, which was argued to suggest that acquired synaptic weight modifications would tend to differentiate adjacent cortical neurons despite them having access to near-identical afferent inputs. Here we made simultaneous single-electrode loose patch-clamp recordings from 14 pairs of adjacent neurons in the lateral thalamus of the ketamine-xylazine anesthetized rat in vivo to study the correlation patterns in their spike firing. As the synapses on thalamic neurons are dominated by a high number of low weight cortical inputs, which would be expected to be shared for two adjacent neurons, and as far as thalamic neurons have homogenous membrane physiology and spike generation, they would be expected to have overall similar spike firing and therefore also correlation patterns. However, we find that across a variety of thalamic nuclei the correlation patterns between pairs of adjacent thalamic neurons vary widely. The findings suggest that the connectivity and cellular physiology of the thalamocortical circuitry, in contrast to what would be expected from a straightforward interpretation of corticothalamic maps and uniform intrinsic cellular neurophysiology, has been shaped by learning to the extent that each pair of thalamic neuron has a unique relationship in their spike firing activity.

2021 ◽  
Ohad Stoler ◽  
Alexandra Stavsky ◽  
Yana Khrapunsky ◽  
Israel Melamed ◽  
Grace Stutzmann ◽  

Mitochondrial metabolism is critical for brain function. However, the mechanisms linking mitochondrial energy production to neuronal activity are elusive. Using whole-cell electrical recordings from Layer 5 pyramidal neurons in cortical slices and fluorescence imaging of cytosolic, mitochondrial Ca2+ indicators and endogenous NAD(P)H, we revealed ultra-fast, spike-evoked mitochondrial Ca2+ transients temporally similar to cytosolic Ca2+ elevations. We demonstrate that, whereas single or few spikes elicit the mitochondrial Ca2+ transients throughout the cell, their amplitude is differentially regulated in distinct neuronal compartments. Thus, these signals were prominent in the soma and apical dendrites and ~3 times smaller in basal dendrites and axons. The spike firing frequency had a subtle effect on the amplitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ elevations but dramatically affected mitochondrial Ca2+ transients and NAD(P)H oxidation and recovery rates. Moreover, while subthreshold EPSPs alone caused no detectable Ca2+ elevation in dendritic mitochondria, the Hebbian coincidence of unitary EPSP and postsynaptic spike produced a localized, single mitochondrial Ca2+ elevation. These findings suggest that neuronal mitochondria are uniquely capable of decoding firing frequency and EPSP-to-spike time intervals for tuning the metabolic rate and triggering changes in synaptic efficacy.

2021 ◽  
Michael R Perkinson ◽  
Rachael A Augustine ◽  
Gregory T Bouwer ◽  
Emily F Brown ◽  
Isaiah Cheong ◽  

Oxytocin and vasopressin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland are required for normal pregnancy and lactation. Oxytocin secretion is relatively low and constant under basal conditions but becomes pulsatile during birth and lactation to stimulate episodic contraction of the uterus for delivery of the fetus and milk ejection during suckling. Vasopressin secretion is maintained in pregnancy and lactation despite reduced osmolality (the principal stimulus for vasopressin secretion) to increase water retention to cope with the cardiovascular demands of pregnancy and lactation. Oxytocin and vasopressin secretion are determined by the action potential (spike) firing of magnocellular neurosecretory neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus. In addition to synaptic input activity, spike firing depends on intrinsic excitability conferred by the suite of channels expressed by the neurons. Therefore, we analysed oxytocin and vasopressin neuron activity in anaesthetised non-pregnant, late-pregnant and lactating rats to test the hypothesis that intrinsic excitability of oxytocin and vasopressin neurons is increased in late pregnancy and lactation to promote oxytocin and vasopressin secretion required for successful pregnancy and lactation. Hazard analysis of spike firing revealed a higher incidence of post-spike hyperexcitability immediately following each spike in oxytocin neurons, but not in vasopressin neurons, in late pregnancy and lactation, which is expected to facilitate high frequency firing during bursts. Despite lower osmolality in late-pregnant and lactating rats, vasopressin neuron activity was not different between non-pregnant, late-pregnant and lactating rats, and blockade of osmosensitive ΔN-TRPV1 channels inhibited vasopressin neurons to a similar extent in non-pregnant, late-pregnant and lactating rats. Furthermore, supraoptic nucleus ΔN-TRPV1 mRNA expression was not different between non-pregnant and late-pregnant rats, suggesting that enhanced activity of ΔN-TRPV1 channels might maintain vasopressin neuron activity to increase water retention during pregnancy and lactation. Introduction

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