crime theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1647-1662
Dedy Anung Kurniawan ◽  
Mohammad Kemal Dermawan ◽  
Arthur Josias Simon Runtrambi

This research aims to understand the power relation and white-collar crime on managing the coastal reclamation and its implication in Indonesia that is very significant at the ontological and sociological level. The problem is very interesting to be analyzed by conducting a qualitative research method based on power theory and crime theory. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation related to coastal reclamation and its implication in Indonesia. Data were analyzed by using interactive models are data reduction, data display, data verification, and supported by triangulation. The results were based on ontological and sociological levels using criminology perspective for understanding the coastal reclamation and its implication in Indonesia that are needed for providing information to stakeholders related to the regulations and sanctions. This result provides inputs for making better regulation on coastal reclamation policy in Indonesia for state agencies as public officials and practitioners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210
Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Ivanov ◽  
Marina Vladimirovna Sokolova ◽  
Oksana Leonidovna Podustova ◽  
Pavel Vladimirovich Fadeev ◽  
Alexey Yurievich Molyanov

The authors consider the theoretical provisions and analyze practical examples of the activities of the investigative bodies to seize property in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases. The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that one of the priority activities of the preliminary investigation bodies at present is to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens against criminal encroachments. The possibility of compensation to victims of harm caused by a crime in criminal procedure law is a guarantee of protection of these rights and contributes to the implementation of the purpose of criminal proceedings. Based on the results obtained, the authors conclude that it is necessary to further improve the law enforcement practice and the norms of criminal and criminal-procedure legislation in order to improve the efficiency of solving problems of identifying property that can be seized. In this connection, it is proposed to amend Part 3 of Article 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the possibility of confiscation of property, regardless of the awareness of the causal relationship between the committed act and the presence of money or other property.Keywords: Criminal proceedings; Measures of procedural coercion; Investigator; Inquirer; Civil claim Penyitaan Properti sebagai Cara untuk Memastikan Kompensasi atas Kerusakan yang Disebabkan oleh Kejahatan: Teori dan Praktik AbstrakPenulis mempertimbangkan ketentuan teoritis dan menganalisis contoh praktis dari kegiatan badan investigasi untuk menyita properti dalam proses pra-persidangan dalam kasus pidana. Relevansi topik ini ditentukan oleh fakta bahwa salah satu kegiatan prioritas badan investigasi pendahuluan saat ini adalah memastikan hak dan kepentingan sah warga negara terhadap perambahan kriminal. Kemungkinan pemberian ganti rugi kepada korban kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu tindak pidana dalam hukum acara pidana merupakan jaminan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak tersebut dan turut menunjang terlaksananya tujuan proses pidana. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa perlu lebih meningkatkan praktik penegakan hukum dan norma-norma peraturan perundang-undangan pidana dan acara pidana untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penyelesaian masalah identifikasi harta benda yang dapat disita. Sehubungan dengan itu, diusulkan untuk mengubah Bagian 3 Pasal 104.1 KUHP Federasi Rusia, yang mengatur kemungkinan penyitaan properti, terlepas dari kesadaran akan hubungan sebab akibat antara tindakan yang dilakukan dan adanya uang atau properti lainnya.Kata Kunci: Proses pidana; Tindakan paksaan prosedural; Peneliti; Penanya; Klaim sipil. Наложение ареста на имущество в целях обеспечения возмещения вреда, причиненного преступлением: теория и практика АннотацияАвторами рассматриваются теоретические положения и анализируются практические примеры деятельности органов расследования по наложению ареста на имущество в досудебном производстве по уголовным делам. Актуальность данной темы определяется тем, что одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности органов предварительного следствия в настоящее время является обеспечение прав и законных интересов граждан от преступных посягательств. Возможность возмещения потерпевшим вреда, причиненного преступлением, в уголовно-процессуальном праве является гарантией защиты данных прав и способствует реализации назначения уголовного судопроизводства. На основе полученных результатов авторы приходят к выводу о необходимости дальнейшего совершенствования правоприменительной практики и норм уголовного и уголовно-процессуального законодательства в целях повышения эффективности решения задач по установлению  имущества, на которое может быть наложен арест. В связи с чем предлагают внести в ч. 3 ст. 104.1 УК РФ изменения, предусматривающие возможность конфискации имущества, вне зависимости от осведомленности о причинно-следственной связи между совершенным деянием и наличием денег или иного имущества.Ключевые слова: Ключевые слова: уголовное судопроизводство, меры процессуального принуждения, следователь, дознаватель, гражданский иск

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Nida Fajrin Nafisah

At this time, writing about women in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria campaign has focused on their role as supporters. While in acts of terror, ISIS often turns women into combatans in ISIS terror acts. The study was conducted with a content analysis method for documents discussing the acrion of ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Southeast Asia and analyzed by transnational crime theory. Since the development of globalization and the advancement of information, technology communication, terrorist groups have been easier to create transnational terrorism networks because they are supported by various technological conveniences. ISIS makes use of these modern tools to spread their ideology, find and recruit new members from all corners of the world more easily. In recent years ISIS suffered a major defeat that changed the map and strategy of terror. This article concludes that women have been incarnated as subjects in ISIS international terrorism. The use of women as combatants in ISIS terror attacks is unusual. Thoughts that ISIS has implanted since 2015 produced various results by doing new terror attacks with women as perpetrators. Deradicalization then carried out by military and non-military ways. The military way to attack ISIS actions with military weapons, while the non-military way by changing the thoughts of the perpetrators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 66-73
Olga S. Guzeeva

The question of social danger, its criteria and structure, is literally central in the doctrine of crime. There are tens, if not hundreds, of works devoted to this topic. Despite this, social danger still remains one of the most controversial areas of criminal law theory, and an underexamined field of study. The conclusion about the danger of a crime is the result of legislative consideration of many factors, which only provide a basis for criminalization. It should be obvious that each of these components can and should be independently assessed for public danger. Only in their totality can an act and its consequences be integrated into a general conclusion about the danger of a crime bia separate assessments of the danger of an individual. Among these factors, an act as a consciously volitional unlawful behavior of a person plays a special role. The act and its danger are an independent subject of assessment by the legislator and law enforcement body; the assessment of the danger of the act and the assessment of the danger of the crime are different types of assessment practice.

Agnieszka Marta Garncarz ◽  
Ewa Katarzyna Wysocka

<p>W artykule postawiono tezę o szczególnie niekorzystnej sytuacji kobiet przestępczyń na rynku pracy. Potraktowano to jako negatywną przesłankę efektywnej resocjalizacji. Dowód na słuszność tezy przeprowadzono poprzez wybiórczą prezentację koncepcji wyjaśniających specyfikę przestępczości kobiet, a także trudności w ich resocjalizacji, co wiąże się z nierównym traktowaniem na rynku pracy. Od czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej sytuacja kobiet związana z równym traktowaniem i dyskryminacją w miejscu pracy znacznie się poprawiła, wciąż jednak pozostaje wiele do zrobienia. Jeśli chodzi o przepisy prawne, kobietom zapewnia się solidną ochronę, lecz nadal istnieje wiele obszarów zaniedbanych. Występuje zwłaszcza duża nierównowaga pomiędzy prawami matek i ojców do urlopu rodzicielskiego, co utrwala stereotyp kobiet jako matek pozostających w domu oraz stawia je w niekorzystnej sytuacji w zakresie dostępu do pracy i rozwiązania stosunku pracy, awansu itp. Pracodawcy postrzegają kobiety jako bardziej kosztorodne i mniej produktywne w pracy niż mężczyźni, co negatywnie wpływa na możliwości zatrudniania kobiet. W artykule podjęto próbę wykazania, że sama zmiana prawa nie jest wystarczająca, gdyż nie zapewnia pełnej i skutecznej ochrony przed dyskryminacją ze względu na płeć w miejscu pracy (co szczególnie widoczne jest w przypadku kobiet przestępczyń). Zmiana postrzegania kobiet przez społeczeństwo ma kluczowe znaczenie, jeśli ich prawa mają być w pełni realizowane. Co więcej, kobiety same muszą znać zakres swoich praw i być gotowe do korzystania z nich bez obawy o bycie dyskryminowanymi w miejscu pracy ze względu na płeć i kryminalną przeszłość.</p>

Michael R. Gottfredson

AbstractContemporary research from around the world provides a body of consistent findings, making it an indispensable tool for the evaluation of crime theory. To be valid, general theories of crime must now be able to accommodate the results of this cross-national research. Modern Control Theory is used as an illustration for conceptualizing this body of research. Research from three critical areas relevant to general theories of crime are used to illustrate the critical nature of this research: (1) results from self-report surveys of offending and victimization; (2) research on the lack of effectiveness of criminal justice sanctions in affecting rates of crime and interpersonal violence; and (3) prevention research that is focused both on early childhood and on the settings in which much crime occurs. Each is consistent with the expectations of Modern Control Theory (Gottfredson and Hirschi in Modern control theory and the limits of criminal justice, Oxford University Press, New York, 2019) and each demands the attention of any general theory purporting to explain crime and interpersonal violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
Phillip D. Clingan

The research paper addresses the problem of mastering the literature to analyze theories, interventions, strategies, and treatment programs for juvenile delinquency. The solution to this problem will help juveniles, families, and the community works together to prevent juvenile offending and make amends to the community and victims. This researcher identifies evidence-based intervention programs, theoretical causes, and multisystem therapies through secondary resources to solve this problem. These resources examine the use of evidence-based intervention and early education programs to reduce the risk of juvenile delinquency. Combined, the resources determine that an evidence-based intervention is designed specifically for juvenile offenders. The juveniles range from committing part-one index crimes to falling in and out of home services. The writing assignment describes and justifies the research problem. The literature approach compares and summarizes sources used to address theories that explain the causes of delinquency and intervention designed to stop misconduct. The research paper identifies the relationship between age and crime theory, non-parent-child attachment, and objects that lead to juvenile delinquency. The research findings illustrate how this researcher presented criminology literature to support the research problem.

Nicholas Lord ◽  
Yongyu Zeng ◽  
Aleksandra Jordanoska

Historically, white-collar crime scholarship, including and since the seminal work of Sutherland, has tended to concentrate empirical, conceptual, and theoretical focus on manifestations of associated crimes and deviance, their dynamics and generative conditions, within individual nation-states. While white-collar crime scholarship itself has expanded across the globe, this predilection for analyses of local and/or national-level cases and the nature, extent, and scope of these white-collar crimes has largely remained. Notwithstanding, it is not entirely uncommon for white-collar crime scholars to make reference to the international, multinational, transnational, or global aspects of the crimes they study, even if these are predominantly national in nature, but the corresponding features and components of these “beyond-national” dynamics have not been comprehensively unpacked or conceptualized. Similarly, conceptualizing and interrogating the dynamics of white-collar crimes that go beyond national boundaries as part of their organization and nature, while recognized as significant, is often not a core analytical concern. Understanding the varying characteristics and features, as well as the differing configurations, interrelations, and organizational dynamics of those white-collar crimes that in some way transcend jurisdictional boundaries, is significant for white-collar crime theory and research. Examining these issues in further detail and thinking through the implications of the beyond-national aspects of white-collar crimes is a useful framework for interrogating white-collar crimes and understanding the necessary and conditional relationships of the white-collar crime commission process that overlay onto common patterns of routine business activities. There are notable examples from the academic literature but also from real cases of white-collar crime that demonstrate how white-collar and corporate offenders have organized their criminal activities across jurisdictional boundaries, how they have externalized the risks associated with their crimes, how they have exported their crimes to take place in other jurisdictions, and/or how they have utilized cross-jurisdictional structures and systems, including digital spaces and infrastructures, to facilitate their criminal activities and associated concealment, conversion, and control of illicit finances. Such analyses have often been accompanied by reference to purported processes of globalization as a generator of new and increased opportunities for white-collar crimes (though little is known about why some opportunities are realized but not others). Globalization, despite itself being a contested concept, has emerged as a significant factor for analyses of white-collar and corporate crimes that extend beyond individual nation-states as greater interconnectedness, increased mobilities, and increased interdependencies are seen. These purported processes of globalization have been identified as possessing varying intensity and speed that have influenced opportunities for, and the organization of, white-collar crimes. That said, globalization per se does not inevitably generate more white-collar crimes organized beyond the nation-state if they can be productive without having to do so. In these terms, globalization of white-collar crimes is not automatic, but is one explanatory factor that contributes to how some white-collar crimes have beyond-state aspects, usually alongside the expansion of routine business activities. Nevertheless, there is a need to explore the spatial (including digital) contexts of white-collar crimes that have beyond-national scope with a view to questioning how useful it is, or can be, to understand how different white-collar crimes pertain to, are associated with, or are restricted to particular “territories” at the domestic (i.e., nation-state), international, transnational, multinational, supranational, and global levels and how this has implications for research, policy, and practice.

2020 ◽  
pp. 40-47
Yury A. Kuzmin

The problem of criminality prevention is being updated. The relevance of issues related to crime prevention as the main factor of criminality prevention in general is substantiated. The essence of criminality prevention is in implementation of the law's educational function. Its mission is not in punishment, but in fostering anti-criminal cogitative-behavioral “in-stincts” of a personality. Criminality prevention should be based on certain universally rec-ognized international and national principles aimed at decriminalizing the identity of poten-tial criminals. Crime theory is a whole system of modern scientific knowledge, forms and methods (historical, socio-political, psychological, medical, legal, economic, etc.). The urgency of the research is caused by the fact that in the conditions of the Russian re-ality criminality is the most serious form of a social disease, in the “treatment” of which there are no universal and final remedies. There are only means to stabilize it, to minimize, to reduce it, etc. It is really utopian to remain on its complete eradication by state-legal means. However, the latter is very relevant for society, the state, the citizen. The problem of criminality prevention is notable for its complex and multifaceted character. Therefore, the state has applied and is now applying all available civilized means of its social and legal control. Effective criminality prevention requires improved law en-forcement activities, namely, focusing on identifying, researching, analyzing the main as-pects of criminality prevention, as well as on characterization and evaluation of the crim-inality prevention system in modern conditions, taking into account domestic and foreign experience. Various methods for prevention of crimes and offenses are analyzed. Criminality preven-tion must be understood as a specific direction in the state activity to affect the causal set of illegal behavior and conditions conducive to it, which results in the reduction, stabilization, quantitative reduction and qualitative mitigation of crime.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-220
Jade Lindley

Maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region is strategically important to not only the surrounding states, but also those with an interest in its good governance, to support safe passage and natural resources extraction. Criminal threats, such as maritime piracy and illegal fishing, enabled by corruption and the potential for terrorism, undermine regional maritime security and therefore, there is incentive for states to respond cooperatively to secure the region. Drawing on broken windows crime theory, implicitly supporting the continuation of criminal threats within the region may enables exiting crimes to proliferate. With varying legal and political frameworks and interests across the Indo-Pacific region, achieving cooperation and harmonisation in response to regional maritime-based criminal threats can be challenging. As such, to respond to criminal threats that undermine maritime security, this article argues that from a criminological perspective, aligning states through existing international law enables cooperative regional responses. Indeed, given the prevalence of corruption within the region enabling serious criminal threats, harmonising through existing counter-corruption architecture may be a suitable platform to build from.

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