data view
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The COVID 19 Pandemic, has resulted in large scale of generation of Big data. This Big data is heterogeneous and includes the data of people infected with corona virus, the people who were in contact of infected person, demographics of infected person, data on corona testing, huge amount of GPS data of people location, and large number of unstructured data about prevention and treatment of COVID 19. Thus, the pandemic has resulted in producing several Zeta bytes of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. The challenge is to process this Big data, which has the characteristics of very large volume, brisk rate of generation and modification and large data redundancy, in a time bound manner to take timely predictions and decisions. Materialization of views for Big data is one of the ways to enhance the efficiency of processing of the data. In this paper, Big data view selection problem is addressed, as a bi-objective optimization problem, using Multi-objective genetic algorithm.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-50
Ingvar Tjostheim ◽  
John A. Waterworth

AbstractTo understand the experience of being present somewhere else, via a digital environment, we start by considering how we can experience being anywhere. We present several different philosophical and psychological perspectives on this, stressing the importance of perception. Each has something to offer and add to our understanding of digital travel. We compare four philosophical views: representationalism, relationism, enactivism and the sense-data view. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but relationism is best placed to accommodate perceptual illusions, which is a prevalent view of the psychological nature of telepresence experiences. As suggested by enactivism and the direct perception approach, the possibilities for action in the world are important to the nature of our experience of places. This, in turn, is influenced by the characteristics of the world in which we act, through affordances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012082
M P Hatta ◽  
R Karamma ◽  
H Fazry

Abstract The development of the Wosu Port will be able to stimulate inter-regional trade and reduce logistics costs because goods from other islands to be marketed in Morowali Regency against agricultural goods from the hinterland of Wosu Bungku Barat Port can be sent directly to other islands. For this reason, data collection is needed so that it can be analysed for capacity development of Wosu Port. The purpose of this study is to determine the layout (lay out) of the Wosu Morowali Port and shipping lanes that are adjusted to the size of the draft ship plan, to determine the type and dimensions of the dock that are in accordance with the conditions in the Wosu area. The method used in this research is to conduct a field survey to collect primary data and secondary data obtained from websites that are processed using Ms Excel, Autocad, Ocean Data View. By knowing the topography, hydro-oceanography and economic data, alternative port development can be determined. This research produces topographic-bathymetric maps, water zoning maps, land and water DLKr / DLkp designs, short-term port development layouts where the planned jetty is a jetty which has a trestle length = 70 m and a width = 8 m having a pier floor elevation = 2 m and in areas with a depth of 10-15 m to allow general passenger / cargo ships (GT / DWT 500-1000 Ton) to dock.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Khairul Amri ◽  
Asep Ma'mun ◽  
Muhammad Taufik

Perairan Laut Banda bagian barat merupakan lokasi fishing ground potensial nelayan yang berpangkalan di Kendari dan sekitarnya. Karakteristik oseanografi perairan ini penting diketahui, terutama pada muson barat, karena masih sedikit data hasil kajian berbasis pengukuran in-situ. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 4–17 Februari 2016 (akhir musim barat) dengan cruise kapal riset KR. Baruna Jaya VII-LIPI. Sampling dilakukan pada 19 stasiun oseanografi menggunakan Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) SBE 911 plus untuk mengukur suhu, konduktivitas, tekanan, fluorometer, turbiditas, transmisi cahaya dan oksigen  terlarut (DO). Pengukuran arus permukaan menggunakan current meter type AEM-USB JFE Advantech. Pengolahan data CTD dilakukan dengan software SBE Data Processing dan analisa serta visualisasi data dilakukan menggunakan software Ocean data View (ODV). Hasil menunjukkan, secara vertikal kedalaman lapisan tercampur (mixed layer) berada sampai kedalaman 70m. Fluktuasi terbesar suhu berada pada kedalaman 125 m sebesar 20.40 oC dengan simpangan baku 1.085 oC, menunjukkan lapisan termoklin berada cukup dalam. Parameter salinitas, menunjukkan fluktuasi terbesarnya berada di kedalaman 50 m (rerata 34.27 psu dan simpangan baku 0.578 psu). Dari lapisan termoklin hingga 500 m tidak ditemukan ciri massa air bersalinitas tinggi yang berasal dari Pasifik Utara/Selatan. Kandungan oksigen maksimum berada pada isopiknal <5. Kandungan klorofil maksimum umumnya berada di sekitar isopycnal 22. Secara horizontal, nilai sebaran suhu permukaan laut (SPL) rata-rata 29.64 0C dengan pola nilai sebaran yang semakin tinggi ke arah daratan. Rata-rata salinitas permukaan 33.58 psu dengan pola makin tinggi ke arah tengah perairan. Nilai sebaran rata-rata kandungan oksigen terlarut (DO) sebesar 6.88 mg/l. Kecepatan arus permukaan berkisar 0.4–0.8 m/detik cenderung bergerak ke arah selatan, kecuali di stasiun bagian selatan Kepulauan Wakatobi arus menuju utara, terkait masih adanya pengaruh dorongan massa air dari Laut Flores. Nilai sebaran klorofil permukaan rata-rata 0.13 mg/m3 lebih rendah dibandingkan nilai rerata di perairan Indonesia pada musim barat. Pada akhir musim barat ini, tidak ditemukan adanya indikasi upwelling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-280
Althaf Zhafran Haidar ◽  
Gentur Handoyo ◽  
Elis Indrayanti

 Fluktuasi salinitas merupakan kondisi yang umum terjadi di daerah muara yang merupakan tempat bercampurnya massa air laut dengan air tawar. Salah satunya adalah muara Sungai  Bondet yang terletak  di  Desa  Mertasinga,  Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Masuknya air laut ke sungai menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi penting sungai sebagai penunjang kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari, pertambakan, dan sarana transportasi nelayan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi salinitas di muara Sungai Bondet ke arah hulu sungai. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 10 stasiun pengamatan dari tanggal 19 Agustus sampai 21 Agustus 2020, secara horisontal dan vertikal. Pengolahan data menggunakan software ODV (Ocean  Data  View) 4.0,  Surfer  9  dan  ArcGis  10.3.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi salinitas secara horisontal dari 10 stasiun pengamatan berkisar dari 0 sampai >30 ppt, dan masuknya air asin mencapai 1,2 km dari muara ke sungai. Salinity fluctuations are a common condition in estuary where seawater and fresh water mix. One of the estuary is the Bondet River which is located in Mertasinga Village, Cirebon Regency, West Java. Saltwater intrusion causes the important function of the river as a support for daily household activities, aquaculture, and also transportation for fishing boats become decrease. Therefore, this research was conducted to knowing the salinity distribution at the estuary of the Bondet River to the upstream. Data collection was carried out at 10 observation stations from August, 19 to August, 21 2020, horizontally and vertically. Data processing using ODV (Ocean Data View) 4.0, Surfer 9 and ArcGis 10.3 software. The results showed that the horizontal distribution of salinity from 10 observation station ranged from 0 to > 30 ppt, and the intake of saltwater reached 1,2 km from the estuary to the river. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-60
Enjang Sumirang ◽  
Widodo Setiyo Pranowo ◽  
Arta Adhi Surya

Perairan Indonesia merupakan wilayah yang menghubungkan dua samudera, yaitu Samudera Pasifik dengan Samudra Hindia, dengan fungsi utama sebagai jalur lalu lintas pelayaran yang penting bagi Negara-negara di kawasan regional maupun internasional. Purwarupa tersebut dibangun sesuai dengan perkembangan sistem Android yang terkini, dalam hal ini Application Programing Interface (API) sesuai dengan standar Platform Google saat ini. Aplikasi tersebut menampilkan data Parameter Suhu dan Parameter Salinitas terhadap Parameter Kedalaman yang berdasarkan karakteristik tahunan dan bulanan. Dataset pemodelan klimatologis tahunan dan bulanan hasil pengukuran dalam kurun waktu 1955–2012. Data tersebut ditampilkan di sebelas Wilayah Fusi Oseanografi (WFO) dan di seluruh perairan Indonesia. Pemutakhiran Web Database dengan menambahkan variabel Sound Speed terhadap kedalaman. Adapun alat yang digunakan adalah Ocean Data View (Schlitzer, 2015).

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-37
Akshay Kumar ◽  
T. V. Vijay Kumar

Big data comprises voluminous and heterogeneous data that has a limited level of trustworthiness. This data is used to generate valuable information that can be used for decision making. However, decision making queries on Big data consume a lot of time for processing resulting in higher response times. For effective and efficient decision making, this response time needs to be reduced. View materialization has been used successfully to reduce the query response time in the context of a data warehouse. Selection of such views is a complex problem vis-à-vis Big data and is the focus of this paper. In this paper, the Big data view selection problem is formulated as a bi-objective optimization problem with the two objectives being the minimization of the query evaluation cost and the minimization of the update processing cost. Accordingly, a Big data view selection algorithm that selects Big data views for a given query workload, using the vector evaluated genetic algorithm, is proposed. The proposed algorithm aims to generate views that are able to reduce the response time of decision-making queries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Akshay Kumar ◽  
T. V. Vijay Kumar

Big data views, in the context of distributed file system (DFS), are defined over structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that are voluminous in nature with the purpose to reduce the response time of queries over Big data. As the size of semi-structured and unstructured data in Big data is very large compared to structured data, a framework based on query attributes on Big data can be used to identify Big data views. Materializing Big data views can enhance the query response time and facilitate efficient distribution of data over the DFS based application. Given all the Big data views cannot be materialized, therefore, a subset of Big data views should be selected for materialization. The purpose of view selection for materialization is to improve query response time subject to resource constraints. The Big data view materialization problem was defined as a bi-objective problem with the two objectives- minimization of query evaluation cost and minimization of the update processing cost, with a constraint on the total size of the materialized views. This problem is addressed in this paper using multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II. The experimental results show that proposed NSGA-II based Big data view selection algorithm is able to select reasonably good quality views for materialization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Merlyn Novarindiawati

Perancangan ini dibuat untuk menyampaikan keindahan wisata budaya di kabupaten Sidoarjo, khususnya Candi Pari yang terletak di Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Media Fotografi dipilih sebagai sarana mengiklankan karena simpel, dan lebih nyata serta mudah dipahami hingga menarik pengelihatan bahkan menyentuh hati. Keunggulan dari media ini pun dirasa lebih menggugah emosi pembaca untuk berperan langsung serta melihat rinci isi yang ada di media tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Berawal dari pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentas dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data view. Hasil dari pengumpulan data tersebut diperoleh informasi tentang kurangnya kepedulian pemerintah dan badan pengelola wisata yang mengakibatkan minimnya akses jalan dan petunjuk arah ke lokasi, banyak masyarakat yang kurang mengetahui lokasi wisata candi pari sebagai cagar budaya bangsa. Setelah itu, menentukan konsep desain dan ide perancangan, adapun konsep yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah konsep “Delight” pada warna yang digunakan pada dalam buku. Hasil akhir dari perancangan ini adalah Buku Essay Fotografi yang didukung dengan media pendukung seperti kaos, mug, tempat pensil dan lain lain. Melalui perancangan ini diharap dapat menambah wawasan masyarakat akan adanya destinasi Wisata Cagar Budaya Candi Pari.This design was made to convey the beauty of cultural tourism in the Sidoarjo district, especially the Pari Temple located in Porong, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. Media Photography was chosen as a means of advertising because it is simple, and more real and easy to understand to attract vision and even touch the heart. The advantages of this media are also felt to be more arousing to the reader’s emotions to play a direct role and see detailed contents in the media. The method used is a qualitative method. Starting with data collection by observation, interview, and documentation follow by using view analysis. The results of the data collection obtained information about the lack of compensation of the government and the tourism management agency that resulted in the lack of access to the nationalities, many people were not aware of the tourism locations. After that, to determine the design concept and design idea, while the concept used in this design is the concept of “Delight” on the colors used in the book. The final result of this design is a Photography Essay Book which is supported by supporting media such as t-shirts, mugs, pencil cases, others. Through this design it is hoped that can broaden the public insight into the existence of the Pari Temple Cultural Heritage Tourism destination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Sony Febrian Setianto ◽  
Nawanto Budi Sukoco ◽  
Widodo Setiyo Pranowo

Penggambaran pola arus secara horisontal dan vertikal dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak ODV V.4.5.3, untuk menentukan pola arus horisontal dan vertikal di Laut Banda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dengan tujuan melakukan proses pengolahan dan menampilkan pola sirkulasi arus secara horisontal dan runtut waktu, melakukan proses pengolahan, menentukan zonasi pola arus secara horisontal, Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses pengolahan telah terlaksana dengan baik dan menampilkan pola sirkulasi arus secara horisontal. Hasil ditampilkan pula secara runtut waktu (rerata bulanan mewakili musim, bulan Januari (musim barat), bulan April (musim peralihan pertama), bulan Juli (musim timur), dan bulan Oktober (musim peralihan kedua). Total telah dihasilkan 20 Gambar grafikl.Dua zonasi pola arus utama secara horisontal di lapisan permukaan adalah alur arus yang menyusur di Selat Timor Timor dan alur arus yang menyusur Timur Laut Banda. Dimana pada alur arus lapisan permukaan dominan arah arus dari utara Laut Banda menuju ke selat Timor-timor, proses pengolahan pengGambaran pola arus dua dimensi dengan perangkat lunak ODV (Ocean Data View), data yang digunakan adalah data arus dua Dimensi ruang di Laut Banda dengan memberikan informasi serta karakteristik pola arus, serta menentukan zonasi pola arus di Laut Banda ditampilkan dalam bentuk Gambar Dua dimensi dengan menggunakan Perangkat lunak ODV v.4.5.3.

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