pulse count
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Aslam

Abstract Background The data obtained from the counting process is known as the count data. In practice, the counting can be done at the same time or the time of the count is not the same. To test either the K counts are differed significantly or not, the Chi-square test for K counts is applied. Results The paper presents the Chi-square tests for K counts under neutrosophic statistics. The test statistic of the proposed test when K counts are recorded at the same time and different time are proposed. The testing procedure of the proposed test is explained with the help of pulse count data. Conclusions From the analysis of pulse count data, it can be concluded that the proposed test suggests the cardiologists use different treatment methods on patients. In addition, the proposed test gives more information than the traditional test under uncertainty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-120
Erwin Sitompul ◽  
Khoerrudin Syirli

A prepaid RFID-based electricity payment system is proposed in this paper. The system is intended for rooming houses where residents’ electricity overconsumption and outstanding payment are to be avoided by the house owner. An RFID-card is used as the payment instrument. The system consists of two units, the card balance top-up unit (CTU) and the energy credit top-up unit (ETU). The balance of the RFID-card is topped up by using the CTU. With the balance stored in it, the RFID-card is to be used to top-up the energy credit at the ETU. Each of the CTU and the ETU is equipped with a microcontroller, an RFID reader/writer and a user interface in the form of keypad and liquid crystal display (LCD). Furthermore, the ETU utilizes a relay to control the flow of electricity. If the energy credit of a room is exhausted, then the supply of electricity to the room is cut off by the relay. The electricity consumption is calculated based on the number of pulses of the calibration LED of a standardized electronic energy meter. The pulse is transmitted to the microcontroller by using an optocoupler. The RFID-card records the current card balance, the card’s top-up history, and the card’s usage history. The energy credit is stored in the EEPROM of the ETU’s microcontroller. The energy meter is tested to measure the energy consumption of two loads based on the pulses of its calibration LED. The actual power of the two loads are 87.25 % and 94.23 % of the corresponding power rating. The card balance top-up process at the CTU and the energy credit top-up process at the ETU are successfully checked. After every balance top-up and credit top-up, the current card balance is calculated and stored correctly. During the electricity usage, the LCD of the ETU shows the remaining energy credit in IDR and kWh. These are accumulatively reduced every time the pulse count reaches a certain reset number, which corresponds to the electrical energy’s unit price applied. The proposed electricity payment system can be a solution for owners of rooming houses to secure electricity payments from the residents. The installation cost of the system is low and without the need to change the existing electricity purchase method of the house. The house owner also can individually adjust the maximum power limit for each room.

Emmanuel M. Eronu ◽  
Moses Odiagbe

The research work demonstrated the use of adaptative and comparative paradigm to calibrate and validate Hall Effect flowrate sensor’s related performance data. The experimental testbed used for the research work is composed of an IoT based platform integrated into a water pipe network. The use of IoT largely assisted in facilitating a well-coordinated and flexible paradigm for efficient data collections and analysis. Correlated and Associative analysis on data obtained shows a strong significant relationship (R2=89%) between the rate of Pulse count and rate of change in differential volume leading to the derivation of a model that is helpful in determining of volumetric rate and quantity of liquid dispense as function of pulse count generated from a Hall Effect flowrate sensor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (04) ◽  
pp. 316-322
Friederike Eilsberger ◽  
Constantin Reiber ◽  
Markus Luster ◽  
Damiano Librizzi ◽  
Andreas Pfestroff ◽  

Abstract Background Reference values are the basis for an increase of standardisation and examiner independence, and thus an improvement in the inter-institutional comparability. However for renal Mercaptoacetyltriglycin (MAG3)-scintigraphy the establishment of such values however did not find its way into clinical routine despite the convincing advantages. Aim The aim was to establish reference values for the decisive quantitative parameters of MAG3 renal scintigraphy. The reference values should help to significantly improve and facilitate the interpretation of the examination results in everyday clinical practice. Methods We retrospectively evaluated all MAG3 renal scintigraphies performed in the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Marburg between 01/2014 and 08/2017. The total sample of non-pathological renal scintigrafies included 247 patients aged between 25 days and 88 years. All investigtions were performed according to the present guidelines of the German Association for Nuclear Medicine. We analysed the ratio from pulse count rate after 20 minutes/Time (T) max and the Tmax separately. Results Reference values for the Tmax and 20 min/T(max) count ratio of the MAG3 renal scintigraphy were defined for all adults over 18 years and divided by age catogories. For children aged 0–0.5 years and 0.5–2 years reference values for Tmax were defined. Conclusion The results show a high degree of consistency with the reference values screened out in previous studies. This underlines the reliability of the reference values as a diagnostic tool in clinical application. The defined values are clinically feasible and promise a simplified and improved interpretation of the MAG3 renal scintigraphy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
Ondřej Novák ◽  
Lubomír Sklenka ◽  
Michal Pomorski ◽  
Clement Lynde

This paper presents a development of special diamond detector for time dependent neutron flux measurements in a nuclear reactor. Neutron flux changes during SCRAM are difficult to measure by existing detector technologies. Therefore, a new detector is developed. This new type diamond based detector should allow to perform fast measurements of neutron flux during SCRAM with high pulse count rate. The diamond detector design and signal processing are described in this paper including the pulse shape discrimination method. In addition to theoretical detector study, three detector was manufactured at CEA Saclay. Experience gathered during manufacturing is described as well.

2019 ◽  
pp. 56-61
Huang ChunXiang ◽  
Henadiy Pavlov ◽  
Mykhailo Pokrovskyi ◽  
Andriy Obrubov ◽  
Iryna Vinnychenko

The research object is the electromagnetic processes in the semiconductor power converters based on the schemes with circuit commutation and containing resonant circuits of reactive elements and transformers with a small coupling coefficient. The research aim is to develop a technology for a fast wireless battery charging for the use in clean energy vehicles, which would be based on a resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment with a phase shift control. The latter provides a high energy performance in a wide range of regulation and a low sensitivity to changes in the magnetic system parameters. This is a final report. The report presents the results of the work performed in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the second stage of the scientific and research work. The following theoretical problems have been solved: development of a mathematical model of a series resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment for contactless inductive energy transmission, which provided a high accuracy for the studies of the electromagnetic processes in the power section of multi-circuit resonant converters for contactless energy transmission, as well as an opportunity to assess the energy parameters of multi-circuit converters at pulse-count adjustment; compilation of mathematical dependencies of the average input and output current values on the number of half-cycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, the supply voltage and the resonant circuit’s parameters, which allowed assessing the converter’s energy parameters over a wide control range; compilation of the dependencies of the converter’s output power and coefficient of efficiency on the number of halfcycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, on supply voltage and on the resonant circuit’s parameters, which made it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the pulse-count adjustment of resonant converters for contactless energy transmission; realization of a dynamic model of a resonant converter for contactless energy transmission in the form of transfer functions for small disturbances caused by fluctuations in supply voltage, which made it possible to estimate the effect of its instability on the quality of output current stabilization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (15) ◽  
pp. 2964 ◽  
Hang ◽  
Liu ◽  

This paper reports on a new feature extraction method for detection of applied stress using magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN). Some previous methods for extracting MBN features need to choose a suitable threshold so that these features can have good linearity and low dispersion, such as pulse count and full width at 25, 50 and 75% of the maximum amplitude. A new approach has been proposed for selecting the appropriate threshold for MBN features adaptively using a genetic algorithm (GA). The criterion for selecting the threshold is the lowest standard deviation of features and new proposed ‘overlap’ of features. In order to verify the effectiveness of the adaptive pulse count feature for stress detection, different modelling techniques are compared, including multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP). The results obtained have proven that adaptive threshold features can effectively distinguish between different stress conditions compared with traditional MBN features.

2019 ◽  
pp. 67-74
Gu Qi ◽  
Henadiy Pavlov ◽  
Mykhailo Pokrovskyi ◽  
Andriy Obrubov ◽  
Iryna Vinnychenko

The research object is the electromagnetic processes in the semiconductor power converters based on the schemes with circuit commutation and containing resonant circuits of reactive elements and transformers with a small coupling coefficient. The research aim is to develop a technology for a fast wireless battery charging for the use in clean energy vehicles, which would be based on a resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment with a phase shift control. The latter provides a high energy performance in a wide range of regulation and a low sensitivity to changes in the magnetic system parameters. This is a final report. The report presents the results of the work performed in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the second stage of the scientific and research work. The following theoretical problems have been solved: development of a mathematical model of a series resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment for contactless inductive energy transmission, which provided a high accuracy for the studies of the electromagnetic processes in the power section of multi-circuit resonant converters for contactless energy transmission, as well as an opportunity to assess the energy parameters of multi-circuit converters at pulse-count adjustment; compilation of mathematical dependencies of the average input and output current values on the number of half-cycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, the supply voltage and the resonant circuit’s parameters, which allowed assessing the converter’s energy parameters over a wide control range; compilation of the dependencies of the converter’s output power and coefficient of efficiency on the number of half-cycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, on supply voltage and on the resonant circuit’s parameters, which made it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the pulse-count adjustment of resonant converters for contactless energy transmission; realization of a dynamic model of a resonant converter for contactless energy transmission in the form of transfer functions for small disturbances caused by fluctuations in supply voltage, which made it possible to estimate the effect of its instability on the quality of output current stabilization.

2019 ◽  
pp. 62-68
Hui Weidong ◽  
Henadiy Pavlov ◽  
Pokrovskyi Mykhailo ◽  
Andriy Obrubov ◽  
Iryna Vinnychenko

The research object is the electromagnetic processes in the semiconductor power converters based on the schemes with circuit commutation and containing resonant circuits of reactive elements and transformers with a small coupling coefficient. The research aim is to develop a technology for a fast wireless battery charging for the use in clean energy vehicles, which would be based on a resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment with a phase shift control. The latter provides a high energy performance in a wide range of regulation and a low sensitivity to changes in the magnetic system parameters. This is a final report. The report presents the results of the work performed in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the second stage of the scientific and research work. The following theoretical problems have been solved: development of a mathematical model of a series resonant converter with a pulse-count adjustment for contactless inductive energy transmission, which provided a high accuracy for the studies of the electromagnetic processes in the power section of multi-circuit resonant converters for contactless energy transmission, as well as an opportunity to assess the energy parameters of multi-circuit converters at pulse-count adjustment; compilation of mathematical dependencies of the average input and output current values on the number of half-cycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, the supply voltage and the resonant circuit’s parameters, which allowed assessing the converter’s energy parameters over a wide control range; compilation of the dependencies of the converter’s output power and coefficient of efficiency on the number of half-cycles of resonant oscillations during energy transmission to the circuit and energy dissipation, on supply voltage and on the resonant circuit’s parameters, which made it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the pulse-count adjustment of resonant converters for contactless energy transmission; realization of a dynamic model of a resonant converter for contactless energy transmission in the form of transfer functions for small disturbances caused by fluctuations in supply voltage, which made it possible to estimate the effect of its instability on the quality of output current stabilization.

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