elastic response
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Mehdi Karevan

Carbon-based reinforcements have been widely reported in improving mechanical properties of polymers. However, still few studies exist on the incorporation of the interphase as a result of the interfacial interactions into analytical prediction tools. To better understand the effect of interfacial interphase, this study compares and correlates the experimental mechanical response of polyester based composites filled with carbon black (CB) with the elastic behavior obtained from the micromechanical models. Mold cast composites of polyester reinforced with 0 wt%–10 wt% of CB were fabricated. To determine the length of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) as a measure of the interphase, thermal studies focusing on the variations in the specific heat capacity or the relaxation strength of the composites around the glass transition temperature ( Tg) range were performed using a thermodynamical model. Micromechanical models such as the Halpin-Tsai and Tandon-Weng were used to determine the Young’s modulus with respect to the CB wt% and diameter as well as the interphase thickness and modulus. The results exhibited the sensitivity of the models to the existence of the interphase as a secondary mechanism, which was correlated to the cross-link density and interfacial bonding. The impact results showed the decrease in the impact resistance upon the addition of higher filler loadings ascribed to the destroyed bonding at the interface and CBs agglomeration confirmed by morphological studies. The research results can be further utilized in the explanation of the changes in the elastic response of carbon-based reinforced thermosetting composites emphasizing the key role of interphase.

2022 ◽  
Kelsey Shaler ◽  
Benjamin Anderson ◽  
Luis A. Martinez-Tossas ◽  
Emmanuel Branlard ◽  
Nick Johnson

Abstract. Throughout wind energy development, there has been a push to increase wind turbine size due to the substantial economic benefits. However, increasing turbine size presents several challenges, both physically and computationally. Modeling large, highly flexible wind turbines requires highly accurate models to capture the complicated aerodynamic response due to large deflections and nonstraight blade geometries. Additionally, development of floating offshore wind turbines requires modeling techniques that can predict large rotor and tower motion. Free vortex wake (FVW) methods model such complex physics while remaining computationally tractable to perform the many simulations necessary for the turbine design process. Recently, a FVW model—cOnvecting LAgrangian Filaments (OLAF)—was added to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory engineering tool OpenFAST to allow for the aerodynamic modeling of highly flexible turbines along with the aerohydro- servo-elastic response capabilities of OpenFAST. In this work, FVW and low-fidelity blade-element momentum (BEM) structural results are compared to high-fidelity simulation results for a highly-flexibly downwind turbine for varying TI, shear exponent, and yaw misalignment conditions. Through these comparisons, it was found that for all considered quantities of interest, SOWFA, OLAF, and BEM results compare well for steady inflow conditions with no yaw misalignment. For OLAF results, this strong agreement was consistent for all yaw misalignment values. The BEM results, however, deviated significantly more from SOWFA results with increasing absolute yaw misalignment. Differences between OLAF and BEM results were dominated by yaw misalignment angle, with varying shear exponent and TI leading to more subtle differences. Overall, OLAF results were more consistent than BEM results when compared to SOWFA results under challenging inflow conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Jinhe Gao ◽  
Jiahuan Xi ◽  
Yuwen Xu ◽  
Baokui Chen ◽  
Dan Zhao ◽  

To avoid brittle fracture and plastic yielding of steel beam-to-column connections under earthquakes, a new beam-to-column connection of steel structures with all-steel buckling restrained braces (BRBs) is proposed. The all-steel BRB is connected to the steel beam and column members through pins to form a new connection system. Taking the T-shaped beam-to-column connection steel structure as the research object, two structural types with an all-steel BRB installed on one side (S-type) and two sides (D-type) are considered. Theoretical equations of the connection system’s initial stiffness and yield load are derived through the mechanical models. The yield load, main strain distribution, energy dissipation, and stiffness of the connection system are investigated through quasi-static tests to verify the connection system’s seismic performance. The tests revealed that the proposed new connection system is capable of achieving a stable hysteresis behavior. At the end of loading, the beam and column members are not damaged, and the plastic deformation is concentrated in the plastic energy dissipating replaceable BRB, and the beam and column basically remain elastic. The proposed equations approximately estimated the load response of the proposed connection system. The results show that the damage mode of this new connection system under seismic loading is BRB yielding, with an elastic response from the beam-column members.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yichi Song ◽  
Doneill J. Magmanlac ◽  
Vito L. Tagarielli

AbstractWe propose and assess a procedure to measure the damage evolution in solids as a function of the applied strain, by conducting stiffness-sensing mechanical tests. These tests consist in superimposing to a monotonically increasing applied strain numerous, low-amplitude unloading/reloading cycles, and extracting the current stiffness of the specimens from the slope of the stress–strain curve in each of the unloading/reloading cycles. The technique is applied to a set of polymeric and metallic solids with a wide range of stiffness, including CFRP laminates loaded through the thickness, epoxy resins, injection-moulded and 3D printed PLA and sintered Ti powders. The tests reveal that, for all the materials tested, damage starts developing at the very early stages of deformation, during what is commonly considered an elastic response. We show that the test method is effective and allows enriching the data extracted from conventional mechanical tests, for potential use in data-driven constitutive models. We also show that the measurements are consistent with the results of acoustic and resistive measurements, and that the method can be used to quantify the viscous response of the materials tested.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Takuya Taniguchi ◽  
Kazuki Ishizaki ◽  
Daisuke Takagi ◽  
Kazuki Nishimura ◽  
Hiroki Shigemune ◽  

AbstractSuperelasticity is a type of elastic response to an applied external force, caused by a phase transformation. Actuation of materials is also an elastic response to external stimuli such as light and heat. Although both superelasticity and actuation are deformations resulting from stimulus-induced stress, there is a phenomenological difference between the two with respect to whether force is an input or an output. Here, we report that a molecular crystal manifests superelasticity during photo-actuation under light irradiation. The crystal exhibits stepwise twisted actuation due to two effects, photoisomerization and photo-triggered phase transition, and the actuation behavior is simulated based on a dynamic multi-layer model. The simulation, in turn, reveals how the photoisomerization and phase transition progress in the crystal, indicating superelasticity induced by modest stress due to the formation of photoproducts. This work provides not only a successful simulation of stepwise twisted actuation, but also to the best of our knowledge the first indication of superelasticity induced by light.

Xuan Yang ◽  
Aswathi Sudhir ◽  
Atanu Halder ◽  
Moble Benedict

Aeromechanics of highly flexible flapping wings is a complex nonlinear fluid–structure interaction problem and, therefore, cannot be analyzed using conventional linear aeroelasticity methods. This paper presents a standalone coupled aeroelastic framework for highly flexible flapping wings in hover for micro air vehicle (MAV) applications. The MAV-scale flapping wing structure is modeled using fully nonlinear beam and shell finite elements. A potential-flow-based unsteady aerodynamic model is then coupled with the structural model to generate the coupled aeroelastic framework. Both the structural and aerodynamic models are validated independently before coupling. Instantaneous lift force and wing deflection predictions from the coupled aeroelastic simulations are compared with the force and deflection measurements (using digital image correlation) obtained from in-house flapping wing experiments at both moderate (13 Hz) and high (20 Hz) flapping frequencies. Coupled trim analysis is then performed by simultaneously solving wing response equations and vehicle trim equations until trim controls, wing elastic response, inflow and circulation converge all together. The dependence of control inputs on weight and center of gravity (cg) location of the vehicle is studied for the hovering flight case.

2021 ◽  
Ruochong Zhang ◽  
Wenhui Cao ◽  
Yu Xia ◽  
Haojie Zhang ◽  
Qi Ding ◽  

Abstract Diurea modified h-BN nanosheet is a novel kind of 2D gelator that could gel the lubricating oils under the stimulus of ultrasound. Morphological analyzations in previous study confirmed that the ultrasound induced layer-by-layer (LBL) structure of BN gelator is critical for the gelation. However, the elastic response in LBL structure, which is crucial for the formation of a stable gel system, has not been explicitly illustrated yet. The challenge is that the LBL gelator structure is based on 2D material and thus lacks vertical linkage between gelator layers, which is significantly different from the traditional gel systems that generally possess highly crosslinked gelator network. In this work, by investigating the viscoelastic behavior of the BN-based gel via rheometer, it is found the solid-liquid interface interaction, which is regulated by the diurea molecular structure in the BN gelator, is the key factor for triggering the stable elastic response in the LBL structure, and the elasticity mainly originates from the interface interaction induced bending deformation of h-BN 2D material. The findings further elucidate the gelling mechanism of BN gelators and enlighten the structure design of ultrasound-responsive gelator based on 2D materials.

2021 ◽  
Jinhui Zheng ◽  
Matteo Ciantia ◽  
Jonathan Knappett ◽  

Computational load of discrete element modelling (DEM) simulations is known to increase with the number of particles. To improve the computational efficiency hybrid methods using continuous elements in the far-field, have been developed to decrease the number of discrete particles required for the model. In the present work, the performance of using such coupling methods is investigated. In particular, the coupled wall method, known as the “wall-zone” method when coupling DEM and the continuum Finite Differences Method (FDM) using the Itasca commercial codes PFC and FLAC respectively, is here analysed. To determine the accuracy and the efficiency of such a coupling approach, 3-point bending tests of cemented materials are simulated numerically. To validate the coupling accuracy first the elastic response of the beam is considered. The advantage of employing such a coupling method is then investigated by loading the beam until failure. Finally, comparing the results between DEM, DEM-FDM coupled and FDM models, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are outlined.


This paper presents a solution for the problem concerning the behaviour of a steel lattice girder subjected to dynamic load pulses. The theory of shakedown is used in the analysis. It is assumed that such loads cause a non-elastic response which includes dissipation of energy causing deformations and residual forces developed in the structural members of the girder. At a certain intensity of these forces, the girder can react to subsequent load pulses without further dissipation of energy, behaving in the elastic region after shakedown. This condition is referred to as adaptation of the structure to assumed cyclic loading. Elastic shakedown limit is determined through a direct analysis of the girder's dynamic behaviour, i.e. by checking if energy dissipation decreases with loading cycles. This gives the number of load applications after which no further increase of the energy dissipation is observed. The existing permanent deformations persist and residual forces remain in the same state. The analysis takes into account the possibility that compressed members can buckle which may result in non-elastic, longitudinal and transverse vibrations of these members. Non-linear geometry of members is taken into account. Then a perfectly elastic-viscoplastic model of the material is used. The main goal is to determine the state of the non-elastic movements of the girder joints and the residual internal forces developed in the girder members after each load application. The values obtained in this way serve as the basis for describing the next loading cycle. It is possible to use the approach presented in the paper to evaluate the effects of accidental loads. Then it is checked whether a small number of repetitions of accidental load would result in exceeding the serviceability limit state criteria of the maximum permanent deformation or displacement and/or strain amplitudes. If so, the magnitude of accidental load is greater than the elastic shakedown limit. Some examples are given to illustrate the application of the theory of shakedown.

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