hybrid methods
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Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 173
Jianfu Luo ◽  
Jinsheng Zhou ◽  
Xi Jiang ◽  
Haodong Lv

This paper proposes a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm to solve multi-objective optimization problems with hybrid methods (MOHMICA) based on a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm with hybrid methods (HMICA). The rationale for this is that there is an obvious disadvantage of HMICA in that it can only solve single-objective optimization problems but cannot solve multi-objective optimization problems. In order to adapt to the characteristics of multi-objective optimization problems, this paper improves the establishment of the initial empires and colony allocation mechanism and empire competition in HMICA, and introduces an external archiving strategy. A total of 12 benchmark functions are calculated, including 10 bi-objective and 2 tri-objective benchmarks. Four metrics are used to verify the quality of MOHMICA. Then, a new comprehensive evaluation method is proposed, called “radar map method”, which could comprehensively evaluate the convergence and distribution performance of multi-objective optimization algorithm. It can be seen from the four coordinate axes of the radar maps that this is a symmetrical evaluation method. For this evaluation method, the larger the radar map area is, the better the calculation result of the algorithm. Using this new evaluation method, the algorithm proposed in this paper is compared with seven other high-quality algorithms. The radar map area of MOHMICA is at least 14.06% larger than that of other algorithms. Therefore, it is proven that MOHMICA has advantages as a whole.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 578
Laith Abualigah ◽  
Raed Abu Zitar ◽  
Khaled H. Almotairi ◽  
Ahmad MohdAziz Hussein ◽  
Mohamed Abd Elaziz ◽  

Nowadays, learning-based modeling methods are utilized to build a precise forecast model for renewable power sources. Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques have been recognized as effective methods in generating and optimizing renewable tools. The complexity of this variety of energy depends on its coverage of large sizes of data and parameters, which have to be investigated thoroughly. This paper covered the most resent and important researchers in the domain of renewable problems using the learning-based methods. Various types of Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms employed in Solar and Wind energy supplies are given. The performance of the given methods in the literature is assessed by a new taxonomy. This paper focus on conducting comprehensive state-of-the-art methods heading to performance evaluation of the given techniques and discusses vital difficulties and possibilities for extensive research. Based on the results, variations in efficiency, robustness, accuracy values, and generalization capability are the most obvious difficulties for using the learning techniques. In the case of the big dataset, the effectiveness of the learning techniques is significantly better than the other computational methods. However, applying and producing hybrid learning techniques with other optimization methods to develop and optimize the construction of the techniques is optionally indicated. In all cases, hybrid learning methods have better achievement than a single method due to the fact that hybrid methods gain the benefit of two or more techniques for providing an accurate forecast. Therefore, it is suggested to utilize hybrid learning techniques in the future to deal with energy generation problems.

Wind ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Yug Patel ◽  
Dipankar Deb

Wind power’s increasing penetration into the electricity grid poses several challenges for power system operators, primarily due to variability and unpredictability. Highly accurate wind predictions are needed to address this concern. Therefore, the performance of hybrid forecasting approaches combining autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), machine learning models (SVR, RF), wavelet transform (WT), and Kalman filter (KF) techniques is essential to examine. Comparing the proposed hybrid methods with available state-of-the-art algorithms shows that the proposed approach provides more accurate prediction results. The best model is a hybrid of KF-WT-ML with an average R2 score of 0.99967 and RMSE of 0.03874, followed by ARIMA-WT-ML with an average R2 of 0.99796 and RMSE of 0.05863 over different datasets. Moreover, the KF-WT-ML model evaluated on different terrains, including offshore and hilly regions, reveals that the proposed KF based hybrid provides accurate wind speed forecasts for both onshore and offshore wind data.

Krzysztof Wiktorowicz ◽  
Tomasz Krzeszowski

AbstractSimplifying fuzzy models, including those for predicting time series, is an important issue in terms of their interpretation and implementation. This simplification can involve both the number of inference rules (i.e., structure) and the number of parameters. This paper proposes novel hybrid methods for time series prediction that utilize Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems with reduced structure. The fuzzy sets are obtained using a global optimization algorithm (particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, or pattern search). The polynomials are determined by elastic net regression, which is a sparse regression. The simplification is based on reducing the number of polynomial parameters in the then-part by using sparse regression and removing unnecessary rules by using labels. A new quality criterion is proposed to express a compromise between the model accuracy and its simplification. The experimental results show that the proposed methods can improve a fuzzy model while simplifying its structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Musa Maliki

Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some of society engagement research were still conducted in physical format with strict health protocols and some others were using hybrid methods of society engagement, combining offline and online activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an alternative way to deal with the pandemic. During pandemic, it is difficult to reach Indonesian society directly. This study conducted a series of full virtual interaction, in collaboration with the Leading Intellectual Network Community (JIB) supported mostly by Muhammadiyah young generation. The targeted audience of this society engagement were active members of JIB, its followers, and Islamic community in Indonesia at large. It focusses on actual discussion related to Covid-19 pandemic in the form of educative talk show to build public awareness. We invite credible speakers such as medical researchers, voluntary doctor on Covid-19, social scientists, and public policy advisor. This society engagement was based on Zoom platform that was broadcasted through JIB POST official website, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. These activities were evaluated and received feedback from WhatsApp Group JIB; expression of engagement of the audience based on subscribe, like, viewers, dan comments; and a report news on JIB POST official website. The activities presented a good result which are reaching the target of a thousand subscribers on the social media and hundreds of viewers with many positive responses from the members of JIB for every talk shows.

Forecasting ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Thabang Mathonsi ◽  
Terence L. van Zyl

Hybrid methods have been shown to outperform pure statistical and pure deep learning methods at forecasting tasks and quantifying the associated uncertainty with those forecasts (prediction intervals). One example is Exponential Smoothing Recurrent Neural Network (ES-RNN), a hybrid between a statistical forecasting model and a recurrent neural network variant. ES-RNN achieves a 9.4% improvement in absolute error in the Makridakis-4 Forecasting Competition. This improvement and similar outperformance from other hybrid models have primarily been demonstrated only on univariate datasets. Difficulties with applying hybrid forecast methods to multivariate data include (i) the high computational cost involved in hyperparameter tuning for models that are not parsimonious, (ii) challenges associated with auto-correlation inherent in the data, as well as (iii) complex dependency (cross-correlation) between the covariates that may be hard to capture. This paper presents Multivariate Exponential Smoothing Long Short Term Memory (MES-LSTM), a generalized multivariate extension to ES-RNN, that overcomes these challenges. MES-LSTM utilizes a vectorized implementation. We test MES-LSTM on several aggregated coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) morbidity datasets and find our hybrid approach shows consistent, significant improvement over pure statistical and deep learning methods at forecast accuracy and prediction interval construction.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 3615
Hossein Dehghanisanij ◽  
Somayeh Emami ◽  
Mohammed Achite ◽  
Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh ◽  
Quoc Bao Pham

Water productivity (WP) of crops is affected by water–fertilizer management in interaction with climatic factors. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a hybrid method of season optimization algorithm (SO) and support vector regression (SVR) in estimating the yield and WP of tomato crops based on climatic factors, irrigation–fertilizer under the drip irrigation, and plastic mulch. To approve the proposed method, 160 field data including water consumption during the growing season, fertilizers, climatic variables, and crop variety were applied. Two types of treatments, namely drip irrigation (DI) and drip irrigation with plastic mulch (PMDI), were considered. Seven different input combinations were used to estimate yield and WP. R2, RMSE, NSE, SI, and σ criteria were utilized to assess the proposed hybrid method. A good agreement was presented between the observed (field monitoring data) and estimated (calculated with SO–SVR method) values (R2 = 0.982). The irrigation–-fertilizer parameters (PMDI, F) and crop variety (V) are the most effective in estimating the yield and WP of tomato crops. Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed that the SO–SVR hybrid method has high efficiency in estimating WP and yield. In general, intelligent hybrid methods can enable the optimal and economical use of water and fertilizer resources.

2021 ◽  
Jinhui Zheng ◽  
Matteo Ciantia ◽  
Jonathan Knappett ◽  

Computational load of discrete element modelling (DEM) simulations is known to increase with the number of particles. To improve the computational efficiency hybrid methods using continuous elements in the far-field, have been developed to decrease the number of discrete particles required for the model. In the present work, the performance of using such coupling methods is investigated. In particular, the coupled wall method, known as the “wall-zone” method when coupling DEM and the continuum Finite Differences Method (FDM) using the Itasca commercial codes PFC and FLAC respectively, is here analysed. To determine the accuracy and the efficiency of such a coupling approach, 3-point bending tests of cemented materials are simulated numerically. To validate the coupling accuracy first the elastic response of the beam is considered. The advantage of employing such a coupling method is then investigated by loading the beam until failure. Finally, comparing the results between DEM, DEM-FDM coupled and FDM models, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are outlined.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
M.J. Smith ◽  
A. Moushegian

Abstract The cost of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations can be restrictive to implement in aeromechanics design and analysis of vertical lift configurations given the cost to resolve the flow on a mesh sufficient to provide accurate aerodynamic and structural loads. Dual-solver hybrid methods have been developed that resolve the configuration and the near field with the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solvers, while the wake is resolved with vorticity-preserving methods that are more cost-effective. These dual-solver approaches can be integrated into an organisation’s workflow to bridge the gap between lower-fidelity methods and the expensive Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes when there are complex physics present. This paper provides an overview of different dual-solver hybrid methods, coupling approaches, and future efforts to expand their capabilities in the areas of novel configurations and operations in constrained and turbulent environments.

Juan Carlos Sancho-Garcia ◽  
Eric Bremond ◽  
Gaetano Ricci ◽  
Ángel José Pérez-Jiménez ◽  
Yoann Olivier ◽  

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