Jurnal SCALE
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Published By UKI Press

2620-7559, 2338-7912

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Margareta Maria Sudarwani

Mantran Wetan is located in the administrative area of Girirejo Village, NgablakSubdistrict, Magelang Regency, which is ± 25 Km from the direction of MagelangRegency towards Salatiga City, and is located on the slopes of Andong Mountain. In themidst of busy farming and farming, the community preserves traditional arts and cultureas one of the most intense activities involved. In order to carry out these artistic activities,they use spaces around the residential area as ritual paths, each of which has differentfunctions, meanings and philosophies. The research method used is a QualitativeMethod with a Rationalistic approach. Along with the rapid development of the region,the interests of the people and traditional settlements began to erode with forms ofmodernity, which if not restricted would change the character of the region. For thisreason, the study seeks to examine the spatial concepts and structures of traditionalDusun Mantran Wetan residential houses to limit regional development which leads tothe loss of traditional values. The dominance of traditional buildings in Mantran Wetan isformed from several aspects such as the shape of the roof, layout, decoration and othersupporting elements.Keywo rds: mantran wetan, spatial pattern, structure, traditional house.ABSTRAKDusun Mantran Wetan berada pada wilayah administrasi Desa GirirejoKecamatan Ngablak Kabupaten Magelang berjarak ± 25 Km dari arah KabupatenMagelang ke arah Kota Salatiga, dan berada pada lereng Gunung Andong. Di sela-selakesibukan bertani dan bercocok tanam, masyarakat melestarikan seni dan budayatradisional sebagai salah satu aktivitas yang sukup kental digeluti. Dalam rangkamelakukan kegiatan kesenian tersebut, mereka memanfaatkan ruang-ruang di sekitarkawasan permukiman sebagai jalur ritual yang masing-masing memiliki fungsi, maknadan filosofi yang berbeda-beda. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah MetodeKualitatif dengan pendekatan Rasionalistik. Seiring dengan perkembangan kawasanyang begitu cepat, kepentingan masyarakat dan permukiman tradisional ini mulaitergerus dengan bentuk-bentuk modernitas, yang jika tidak dibatasi akan merubahkarakter kawasan. Untuk itu penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengkaji konsep tata ruangdan struktur rumah tinggal tradisional Dusun Mantran Wetan untuk membatasiperkembangan kawasan yang mengarah kepada hilangnya nilai-nilai tradisional yangada. Dominasi bangunan tradisional di Dusun Mantran Wetan terbentuk dari beberapaaspek seperti bentuk atap, tata ruang, ragam hias dan elemen penunjang lainnya

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Uras Siahaan

In Indonesia there are various ethnic groups with very diverse and rich customs.On average each ethnic group has their own Traditional House, which is different fromeach other. This attracted the attention of writers, to examine the types and types ofToba Batak Traditional Houses and their ornaments. The first opportunity to examineBatak Traditional Houses was obtained in 1985, where I could enjoy the beauty of thetraditional Toba Batak houses and record them, as material for further research later.The development of Batak Traditional Houses and Settlements shows that theattention of the Batak people and their Regional Governments to the rich culturalheritage of the Batak people through their traditional houses has not received seriousattention. In 2016 there was an opportunity to review the condition of tourism in Tapanuli,along with the existence of traditional houses. The opportunity occurred through thedisaster in the village of Jangga Dolok, where 5 traditional houses once burned on NewYear's Eve 2015 to 2016This paper is intended to provide an overview of settlements and traditional TobaBatak houses, rebuilding a traditional house and the types of ornaments in theirtraditional houses. In addition, there are also ways to prevent and prevent fire hazardsfor types of houses such as Batak Traditional Houses.Keywords: Traditional Houses, Toba Bataks and Ornaments.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Fanny Siahaan

Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan hunian, yang seiring dengan meningkatnya, hargahunian, menjadi issue, yang dialami, hampir diseluruh belahan bumi. Ditambahnya,semakin terbatasnya lahan, di pusat-pusat kota, dimana orang biasanya bekerja,mengakibatkan banyak orang mencari alternatif hunian, yang terjangkau dan sesuaidengan kebutuhannnya, yang salah satunya adalah Van conversions, yang mewadahivan life style. Van conversions merupakan konversi dari van menjadi mobile home. Halini, mengingatkan kembali pada nomodic architecture, yang telah berlangsung berabadabadtahun, yang lampau, namun dalam versi, yang lebih modern. Adapun, yangmenjadi pemasalahan dalam penelitian ini, adalah: bagaimana van life, sebagairepresentasi nomadic architecture, melalui konversi dari van menjadi mobile home.Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini, untuk memahami bagaimana untuk memahamibagaimana van conversions sebagai sebuah konversi dari Van menjadi Mobile Home,yang merupakan representasi nomadic architecture, yang modern. Penelitian ini,dilakukan dengan metode penelitian diskriptif, yang bersifat kualitatif. Hasil analisadalam penelitian ini, dipahami bahwa van conversions, yang mewadahi van life stylesebagai representasi nomadic architecture, yang modern.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Ulinata H

The need for residence which is directly proportional to population growth bringsabout density and dinginess of fisherman settlement at Lorong Proyek, Bagan DeliVillage, Medan Belawan Subdistrict, North Sumatera. Density and dinginess in this areahave caused it to be improper so that the alternative in handling it is by designing anapartment for the fishermen who are dominated by low income people. A livableapartment should have a standardized residence without ignoring fishermen’s goodbehavior in the residential unit and its vicinity so that it can accommodate their needs,based on users’ satisfaction-based observation and design evaluation and by payingattention to the analysis on their behavior and needs while they live in the apartment.The process of designing an apartment was obtained from questionnaires andobservation through behavior setting, time budget, and behavioral mapping.Theobjective of the research was to yield design criteria which applied behavioralarchitecture in designing apartment for fishermen. It was expected to be able to copewith the problem of the decrease in the environmental quality to become a livableresidence which could accommodate apartment dwellers’ behavior/activity for fishermen.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Sri Pare Eni

Architecture of the ancient kingdoms of Kediri, Singasari and Majapahit, have the same  religion that is Hindu and Buddhist shrines, which requires either a temple. Each temple has a good difference in the environment, culture technology, function, and form of the building.The method of the description will be used here to be able to give you an idea of the temple reliefs in details.Each temple has a different relief and can be found on the head / body / foot which tells about the life story or series, or legend of a moral message containing the story.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Ima Rachima Nazir

The lack of public open space due to the land competition in urban area generates less activity to gather in community, because of this changing of the life style, people who used to gather in public open spaces now moving to gather in modern shopping centers. This led to the development of shopping center design that integrated with public open space as a forum for the community to gather. This research takes a case study in Paris Van Java Mall Bandung (West Java), Mall Kelapa Gading (DKI Jakarta), and Lippo Mall kemang (DKI Jakarta). These three shopping centers is integrated with public open space. The purpose of this research is to find a form of integration of public open spaces to the shopping centers, especially in the aspect of circulation, zoning activities, and visual space. The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. Methods of data collection are using place-centered mapping and person-centered mapping. The results of this research indicate that circulation aspects use camouflaging approach by the linear arranged retails, that visitors can pass through the space between retails whose circulation form with semi open space. The aspect of zoning activity will form zoning receiver, zoning connections, zoning support (retail, sitting area, garden), and multiuse zoning. The aspect of visual space will be dominated by the space and the principle of rhythm, so that the visual of the space would provide unity between public open space and shopping center.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Wafirul Wafirul Aqli

The MH Thamrin Central Jakarta road area is an office area adjacent to residential areas in all its socio-economic levels. With the configuration of access to the existing road spaces, office blocks become barrier  for residential areas as generated when  they are related to  the MRT station as pulled of movement. This problem is the background of this research, so that a solution that is found to be effective in making this office block more permeable to access existing MRT stations. In walking activities, shorter travel times and increased mobility can be obtained by the existence of environmental permeability to the movement actors who in this case are pedestrians themselves. Environmental permeability is created from factors such as connectivity and accessibility. Based on the theory, and with the space syntax simulation method using the DepthmapX application, this study was designed to identify  accessibility condition of  the area being the case study, and also to find a more permeable configuration from the generated area to the pulled area through the barrier.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Harfa Iskandaria

Housing is a business that requires substantial financing and a long enough return on capital. Therefore, a marketing system is needed that must be right so that the housing developer does not fail. One form to be able to increase sales is to do things that are considered creative, including by following the market's taste for architectural design forms so that marketing from housing can be expected to increase. This study seeks whether architectural design can increase sales where the research subject is a resident of a housing in the Lengkong Serpong area, where the results can be known about the architectural design that is considered ideal by the developer which will be the basis for the development of the next type of house

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Carolina Setiawan

This study aims to determine the effect of TOD on the phenomenon of gentrification, the phenomenon of urban development and its influence in accelerating the distribution of development. The Maja area in Banten will be used as a case study where in accordance with the 2015-2019 RPJMN the area was also selected as one of the Public New Economic Zones in order to create a city that is safe, comfortable and livable and is expected to break down urban density so that equitable development can be realized. To achieve the objectives of this study, the analytical method that is used is descriptive analysis by comparing the precedents of the TOD concept in existing case studies with the case studies raised, namely the Citra Maja Development Project, in the Maja Region. After that, the validation of the results of the analysis is done so that a conclusion is that the Citra Maja Development Project is a good case to be used as a model for regional development with the TOD concept with the support of other licensing and administrative facilities by the government, thus indirectly suppressing the phenomenon of gentrification occurs in sub-urban areas

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Rizky P. Panjaitan Panjaitan

The development of a region is driven by the existence of infrastructure supporting national connectivity, both in the form of transportation networks and telecommunications networks that are integrated with the services of intermodal transportation facilities that are connected efficiently and effectively. Provision of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure that encourages connectivity will reduce transportation costs and logistics costs, so as to increase product competitiveness, and accelerate economic movements. Transportation development program from the central capital and supported by Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2015, which contains the 'Acceleration of the Implementation of Integrated Light Rail Transit in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi regions as well as the Bogor city government plan to make Type terminals A in the New Land. To support the program, a plan for the Bogor Intermodal Integrated Terminal is needed, which is in line with the objectives of the central government and the Bogor city government where the type A bus terminal is aligned with the LRT station. The design adjusts the planning of the Bogor City Government which adapts to the Building and Environmental Planning Plan of the Bogor City R-2 Road. In this plan the area is intended as a type A terminal and will be aligned with the LRT station.

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