Edukacja zorientowana na ucznia i studenta
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Published By Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu W Białymstoku


Janusz Ślusarski ◽  

The author of the article presents a description and interpretation of the results of original research carried out in groups of young people studying at university and secondary schools. The research concerned the values of these groups of young people and their perceived quality of life. In his research, the author uses the Shalom Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) in the Polish adaptation of J. Cieciuch and Z. Zaleski and the Life Satisfaction Scale by Diener et al. in the Polish adaptation of Juczyński. The results of the research are presented in the article and conclusions are formulated on this basis, which can be an interesting source of data for people who currently organize and implement the broadly understood educational processes in universities and high schools.

Stanisław Nowel ◽  

The results of a first year student survey are presented, divided into three categories: studying, education, expectations. In the first category, it was found that students have technical study skills. However, they do not have creative problem solving skills. In the second category, it was found that students accepted the forms and methods of education they at the university. In the third category, it was found that the university meets the students’ expectations regarding their aspirations related to the choice of field and form of study. On the other hand, it is alarming to note that the surveyed students do not feel a significant need for in-depth education, i.e. enriching their personality with qualities necessary in their future professional life.

Dorota Otapowicz ◽  

Education of adults with autism creates great opportunities for further individual development of these people and their involvement in social and professional life. The aim of the study was to recognize the educational situation of adults with autism, identify the barriers experienced by them, and their needs in terms of social and educational support. The study involved 13 adults with autism who continued their education after high school. The research material was obtained using a structured interview conducted with individuals with autism or their guardians. The study presents the results of the research, showing a number of barriers faced by the subjects and their resultant needs in terms of support.

Anna Pawiak ◽  

The article aims at drawing attention to opportunities of reputation management by researchers using new media, considering the importance of internet tools for image creation and identifying opportunities and threats. The research problem of the article focuses on answers to the question formulated as follows: What might the possible importance of the Internet for reputation building be? The problem relates to the issue of researchers’ active participation in creating and shaping their reputation online. The presented considerations have been based on literature and studies on the subject. The article attempts to clarify the distinction between the concepts of identity, image, and reputation. It discusses image-creating factors and refers to the question of immanent credibility and guise in research. The author describes examples of internet tools and points to their importance for reputation management, which concerns the sum of partial images accumulating over time. Communication plays an important role in building reputation. Owing to its availability, interactivity and variety of forms, as well as the speed of information transfer, the Internet has become an indispensable channel of communication. All researchers should recognise the fact in order to build their reputation thoughtfully. Their reputation involves a multitude of accumulated images formed as a result of interactions between factors associated with the subjects themselves, information the recipients obtain, and factors relating to the recipients. The conclusions of the study point to the necessity of reputation management by planned and deliberate actions taking advantage of internet tools. Thus, every effort should be made to prevent a situation where reputation is shaped irrespective of the interested person’s participation.

Ewa Skrzetuska ◽  

The article reviews the opinions of beginning pedagogy students. They were asked about their school teachers, those who they valued the most and the least. Students mainly described their moral and practical competences. Students appreciate the most the ability to establish rapport and to communicate and deal with students. According to the critical-hermeneutic theory, these competences have the greatest impact on the students, but they are difficult to teach during professional training. Making students aware of this can increase their inclination to develop their social skills.

Marta Walewska ◽  

Children’s creativity, which stimulates all of the cognitive and emotional processes, influences the development of their personality. It is also a natural therapeutic instrument as a child expresses their own thoughts and feelings through the process of creation. Literature distinguishes four main areas of children’s creativity: artistic, verbal, musical, and kinaesthetic. Both teachers’ knowledge on creativity and their sensitivity play a key role in the development of creativity in children within the school environment. This article presents my own qualitative research results on the perception of creativity of first stage students by their teachers. Six participants with strong preference for artistic tendencies were examined in the study. The conducted analysis showed that teachers’ preferences for artistic tendencies support an atmosphere suitable for artistic activities within the classroom.

Anna Krajewska ◽  

The aim of the research is to discuss the importance of condition of didactic cooperation in the evaluation of teachers and students in the educational process. In my research, I used three scales designed to study the level of cooperation between teachers and students in each phase of the educational process. In the evaluation of teachers and students, the level of didactic cooperation in subsequent stages of the educational process is often average or low. Analysis has shown that student evaluation is determined by the mode of study and the university environment, while teacher evaluation – by professional title and experience in the profession.

Walentyna Wróblewska ◽  

The article presents a report on qualitative research related to the study process under the Erasmus Plus Program. The motives for making the decision to study in this way and the actions taken by students were highlighted. The analysis of the process of studying of the respondents allowed us to formulate several practical guidelines aimed at improving the process.

Zbigniew Leśniewski ◽  

The author of the article wants to show the impact of the document Polish Armed Forces development directions, issued by the Chief of the Polish Army General Staff, General Rajmund Tomasz Andrzejczak, on the Polish Armed Forces training, using documents content analysis as well as the biographical and autobiographical method. Therefore, the author starts by listing the constitutional tasks of the Polish. Further, the author characterizes this training management and functions in this area. Then, due to article topic, author focuses on this training long-term planning, and here he assigns an outstanding role to The Polish Armed Forces development program for 2017-2026 and its derivatives. The Polish Armed Forces development directions are such a derivative and are analyzed in detail here. The strategic concept of the Polish Armed Forces for 2019-2021 and its derivatives are part of this document. These arrangements have an impact on elements of the Polish Armed Forces training system, in particular on the content, objectives, supply, and organization of the training process.

Olena Vovk ◽  

This study presents the framework for mastering foreign language grammar within a University curriculum. Fostering learners’ grammatical competence (GC) is identified as a desired effect of grammar acquisition. The premise is advanced that to achieve this target, the teaching and learning process has to take into account multiple factors, which might facilitate enhancing GC. It is hypothesized that developing GC can be efficacious on condition that the teacher considers cognitive profiles of the students and takes into account affective determinants of grammar acquisition. Multiple ways of presenting linguistic knowledge are emphasized in the paper. Specifically, the key idea is that rationally combining various types of linguistic input may turn out conducive to the understanding, conceptualization, and internalization of the subject matter.

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