Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
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Published By Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial Politik Wira Bhakti

2774-9630, 1411-8130

Ni Nyoman Ariani ◽  
Anak Agung Putu Sugiantiningsih ◽  
Moch. Noor

Many people have adapted to the situation of covid-19 outbreak including public service providers. Government policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have an impact on public service standards implemented by the service providers. Regarding this matter, this study was conducted to analyze the quality of the service provided by Civil Registry Office of Denpasar during covid-19 pandemic. Interviews and direct observations were carried out to collect data. In this data collection process, five questions were given to six informants at this Office. The results of this study show that any declines in terms of the quality of the public services provided by this Office are not identified.

I Gusti Agung Ayu Cintya Paramita Panji ◽  
Anak Agung Putu Sugiantiningsih ◽  
I Dewa Nyoman Juniasa

Kesadaran pemuda akan bahaya covid-19, yang telah dinyatakan sebagai pandemi global oleh WHO, penting bagi usaha meminimalkan penyebaran virus ini melalui kegiatan sosial masyarakat. Kegiatan sosial masyarakat dapat dilihat antara lain di desa. Peran pemuda di dalam kegiatan sosial di desa sangat penting. Peran ini terakomodasi oleh sebuah organisasi kepemudaan bernama karang taruna. Organisasi yang berada di desa-desa ini ada yang aktif dan ada yang tidak aktif. Berkenaan dengan hal ini, tujuan penelitian ini adalah  mengetahui dan menganalisis peran karang taruna dalam kegiatan sosial masyarakat di Desa Bungkulan Kecamatan Sawan    Kabupaten Buleleng metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode wawancara. Metode ini memberikan jawaban–jawaban langsung dari informan. Dari hasil penelitian yang didapat, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa karang taruna di Desa Bungkulan berperan aktif dan efektif dalam kegiatan sosial masyarakat.  

Ni Made Ayu Fridayanti ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Erma Mertaningrum ◽  
I Nengah Merta

This study aims to investigate how social security program for workers (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) is conducted by The Kayon Resort, which is located in Tegalalang, Gianyar Regency. This research used qualitative descriptive method whose variables were the four programs of BPJS ketenagakerjaan – Work Accident Security, Old Day Security, Life Insurance, and Pension. The Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has not been implemented properly particularly the work accident security. This program has not been served to all workers. The old day security, life insurance and pension programs have not been realized yet because there have not been any workers who meet the criteria to receive the compensation.

Dewa Putu Yudiana ◽  
I Dewa Nyoman Juniasa ◽  
I Nengah Suriata

This study aims to figure out customer satisfaction out of the service of PT Gita Gemilang , Kuta branch. In this quantitative research, questionnair whose format was descriptive were distributed  to respondents in order to collect primary data. Based of the analysis, the service provided by this company can be classified as very good. The total  score based on five indicators is in the range from 137 to 168, which is good category. Based on seven indicator, the score is in the range from 169 to 200, which is very good category. The outher suggest that this company improve the category from good to very good and maintain its very good category by improving the quality of its human resources.

Putu Noviyanti ◽  
Moch. Noor ◽  
I Komang Trisna Eka Putra

Peningkatan kinerja organisasi dalam lingkungan kompetisi global dewasa ini adalah sangat penting.Aparatur Sipil Negara dalam suatu organisasi sangat berperan untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kantor Camat Kuta Selatan Kabupaten Badung.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian survey dengan format penelitian deskriptifjumlah dengan 45 responden. Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara berdasarkan total skor sebesar 3.135 berada pada interval 2.602 – 3.213 sebagaimana kriteria yang ditetapkan, maka kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara pada Kantor Camat Kuta Selatan Kabupaten Badung tergolong kategori baik.

Dwi Susanti Ida Ayu Made ◽  
Anglila Amaral Ni Putu

The people's market is one of the places to distribute and market agricultural, food and non-agricultural products. The people's market is one of the most obvious indicators to see the standard of economic life of the surrounding community. The people's market does not only involve economic actors in the agricultural and food sectors but also non-agriculture. The agricultural sector development approach that is still being carried out today is the approach through the agribusiness system. The People's Market is part of the agribusiness system, which is included in the subsystem of supporting institutions. The supporting institution subsystem provides services for the upstream agro-industry subsystem, downstream agribusiness subsystem, and marketing subsystem so that transactions between producers and consumers can run smoothly.

Fatmawati Mujiati ◽  
Sugiantiningsih Agung ◽  
Ronald Umbas

Effective and efficient governance is demanded in this competitive globalization era. Work performance of bureaucrats that still does not meet people’s expectation is still experienced by the people. That problem can be reduced by  the implementation of the ministerial regulation on civil servants and bureaucratic reform number:Kep/33/M.PAN/7/2011. It regulates the placement of civil servants and has been applied by the Office for Housing Facilities Bali Province. Its bureaucrats were placed in the positions according to their knowledge, educational background, and expertise and skills so that they work and serve the people better. The writer used perspctective qualitative approach to identify the phenomenon.  Primary and secondary data were collected through observation and interview, and analysed with interactive data analysis technique (Miles, Hubernam, and Saldana 2014). Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the indicators that were used to assign a civil servant in a certain position in this office were knowledge, skills, and expertise. Abstrak: Kinerja para birokrat sangat penting dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Profesionalisme mereka semakin dituntut oleh masyarakat yang semakin kritis dan oleh era globalisasi yang mengharuskan setiap orang bekerja dengan cepat dan tepat. Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negera dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor:Kep/33/M.PAN/7/2011 tanggal 7 Juli 2011 tentang pedoman Analisis Jabatan adalah salah satu hal mendasar untuk mewujudkan kinerja birokrat yang sesuai tuntutan jaman. Penempatan sumber daya aparatur sipil negara (ASN) yang diterapkan  pada  Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah Bali, yang telah menerapkan penempatan sumber daya manusianya yang sesuai seperti posisi jabatan kepala bidang maupun kepala seksi yang memenuhi standar kompetensi. Penempatan tersebut harus dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan, keahlian atau keterampilan, dan pengalaman. Dalam penelitian kualitatif ini, penulis menggunakan mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara. Dari riset yang sudah dilaksanakan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kualifikasi pendidikan belum berpengaruh pada penempatan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Kantor Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah Bali. 

Ni Made Armadi

The waste problem is a problem that must be faced by society and has become a global problem. The community is at the forefront of waste management. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the community in waste management as the key to successfully managing waste. The research method used was literature study and interviews. The result of this research was that the community participation in Denpasar City was quite effective in waste management activities through composting and 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle). Denpasar Government provided incentives for integrated waste management as a stimulus to improve community‘s active involvement.   Permasalahan sampah merupakan masalah yang harus dihadapi masyarakat dan telah menjadi masalah global. Masyarakat merupakan ujung tombak dalam pengelolaan sampah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah sebagai kunci keberhasilan dalam mengelola sampah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni studi literatur dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah  peran serta masyarakat di Kota Denpasar cukup efektif dalam kegiatan pengelolaan sampah melalui pengomposan dan 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle). Pemerintah Kota Denpasar memberikan insentif dalam pengelolaan sampah terpadu sebagai rangsangan untuk meningkatkan semangat masyarakat.

Ni Nengah Karuniati ◽  
Noor Muhammad

The problem of plastic waste must be handled not only by the government but also by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the community. There are still many people who are using plastic bags in their daily lives. This lack of awareness of those people of reducing plastic bags is caused by; (a) Lack of social support that includes socio-cultural and community involvement to obey the rules, (b) lack of support from human and non-human resources, and (c) lack of support from the ability of executing agents – bureaucracy, norms and clear work patterns. Based on these facts, the research problem of this study is; how is the implementation of Denpasar Mayor Regulation Number 36 of 2018 on the use of plastic bags. This research was conducted qualitatively to determine and analyse the implementation of this regulation. Quantitative and qualitative data of this research were from primary and secondary data which were collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and from internet. Based on the theory of G. Shabbir Cheema and Dennis A. Rondinelli, there are four variables, namely condition of community environment, relationship between organizations, organizational resources for program implementation, and characteristics and capabilities of executing organization. The efforts and strategies that have been made by Denpasar City Government include among other things collecting data of the use of plastic bags, signing joint commitments, doing campaigns, arranging talk shows, and making policies one of which is Denpasar Mayor Regulation No. 36 of 2018.   Masalah sampah plastik harus ditangani tidak saja oleh pemerintah tapi juga oleh lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) dan masyarakat. Masih banyak masyarakat yang memakai kantong plastik dalam kesehariannya. Penyebab kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam pengurangan kantong plastik adalah; (a) Kurangnya dukungan dari lingkungan yang mencakup sosio kultural serta keterlibatan masyarakat untuk menaati aturan, (b) kurangnya dukungan dari sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya non manusia, (c) dukungan yang kuramg memadai dari kemampuan agen pelaksana yaitu birokrasi, norma dan pola kerja yang jelas. Berdasarkan titik tolak dari fenomena tersebut, rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah; bagaimanakah implementasi Peraturan Walikota Denpasar Nomor 36 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pengurangan Penggunaan Kantong Plastik di kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis implementasi Peraturan tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah  penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif serta menggunakan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data primer dan skunder dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan internet/daring, dan dikaji dengan teori  G. Shabbir Cheema dan Dennis A. Rondinelli yang mengungkapkan empat variabel: kondisi lingkungan masyarakat, hubungan antara organisasi instansi lain, sumber daya organisasi untuk implementasi program, dan karakteristik dan kemampuan agen pelaksana. Berbagai upaya dan strategi yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Denpasar meliputi pendataan penggunaan kantong plastik, penandatanganan komitmen bersama, kampanye, sosialisasi, talkshow, penetapan regulasi/ kebijakan terkait seperti Peraturan Walikota Denpasar No. 36 Tahun 2018. 

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