Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil
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Published By Politeknik Negeri Padang

2655-2124, 1858-3695

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-206
Nursafika Syafika ◽  
Muhammad Idham

Third junction of Sungai Bengkel was a Signalized Intersection which a hasn’t have traffic jam ,which has three approach, are North approach, West approach and East approach. However, the alinyemen for the North approach has problems that make it difficult for vehicles, especially four-wheelers to turn because the effect bottle neck resulting in the slow motion of the vehicle and change of phase time . the problem solving, the evalution of traffic light and intersection geometry were carried out by widening  the alinyemen for the North approach and East approaches and doing changes in cycle time. The purpose of evaluating the performance of traffic light and Geometrics at the third intersection of Sungai Bengkel is to determine the value of the degree of saturation and to know the performance of the intersection.At the intersection planning, it refers to the PKJI 2014 for Intersection Performance, while for the Geometrics it refers to Module 4 of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing on Geometric Planning of Plane Intersections.Based on  the calculation results of the Sungai Bengkel junction performance indicate that, the degree of  saturation  < 0.85,which is 0.529 for North,  0.537 for East, and 0.570  for West .With the radius is 15 m, and the cycle  time of traffic light 50 second, with the delay time  as long as 17 second/pcu

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-196
Imam Mubasyir ◽  
Wahyuni Susilowati ◽  
Jonathan Saputra

Infrastructure development, according to the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of PUPR 2020-2024, is prioritized to support basic services, economic development, and urban development. The implementation of infrastructure development is strived to increase economic growth. However, non-compliance with quality standards is still a problem in infrastructure development. One of the quality standards that is often overlooked is the environmental management system to ensure environmental quality in construction projects. There is a need for environmental management on a project that runs according to the standards planned and the importance of implementing environmental management in the project. Therefore, a detailed study is needed in identifying and analyzing the implementation of the environmental management system and the constraints on its implementation in construction projects obtained by scientific questionnaire method and observation with contractor employees as internal parties and construction management consultant employees and owners as external parties in a construction project in Jakarta. The data were analyzed by using statistical tests with multiple linear regression, seeing its application in the field, and analyzing supporting documents. The clauses that are considered in the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system are clauses 4-10. The results of the analysis show that clause 5 is the clause with the highest application effect with a regression coefficient of 0.967. Factors that become obstacles and need special attention in this project are clauses 4, 6, and 10.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-174
Enita Suardi ◽  
Zulfira Mirani ◽  
Silvianengsih Silvianengsih ◽  
Oni Guspari ◽  
Desmon Hamid

Soil stabilization by adding new materials is one of the alternatives to soil repair that can improve the properties of the soil, namely by mixing new materials and soil that is then compacted. Waste left over limestone hill mining,among others in the form of materials with various sizes of granules. This study aims to review the effect of the addition of limestone hill mining waste material on the density and value of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR)  of clay soil. Tests conducted only on a laboratory scale with variations in the increase in limestone hill  mining waste levels are  0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% to the total weight of the mixture. Laboratory CBR testing is performed under optimum water content conditions. The results showed that the stabilization of soft soils using limestone hill mining waste, can increase the density and value of soil CBR. The most optimal level of use of limestone hill mining waste and which provides the highest CBR value is for the addition of  5%of limestone hill mining waste with a CBR value of 26.5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-185
Salma Wahid Zaidir ◽  
Purnawan Purnawan

In order to counterbalance movement of the city is by building mass transportation. However, the number of users who interested in using Trans Padang Corridor IV is relatively low. Analysis of the performance and passengers characteristics of the Trans Padang Corridor IV Bus is useful for improving performance based on the characteristics of the passengers. This study used a quantitative method in the form of observations, interviews, and also questionnaires which were described descriptively. Performance analysis was based on the decision of the Director General of Land Transportation No.SK.687/AJ.206/DRJD/2002. Based on the performance analysis (load factor, headway, waiting time, amount of buses, travel time, speed, capacity and cycle time) only waiting time was in accordance with the reference. For the passengers characteristics dominated by women, age range 36-45 years old, live in Lubuk Buaya urban village, private employee occupation, salary range <Rp. 500,000, do not have personal vehicle, the distance from the house to the bus stop is about 500m-1 km, work trip destination, reach the departure bus stop and final destination on foot, the time took from the departure to the destination is <5 minutes, the location of the departure stop is at the Lubuk Buaya bus stop, the destination area is Lubuk Buaya urban village, and the reasons for choosing the bus are because of the safety and the convenience of the bus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Bayu Budi Irawan ◽  
Momon Momon

Terminal Bandara Laksamana Indragiri (BLI) merupakan salah satu terminal Tipe B yang berada di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Terminal ini mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2012 namun saat ini belum optimal dalam memberikan pelayanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai tingkat kelayakan terminal BLI sehingga mampu memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dalam peningkatan kinerja terminal. Metode yang digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian adalah analisis Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), SWOT, Load Factor, kelayakan terminal dan kesesuaian Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM). Berdasarkan hasil IPA didapatkan rata-rata tingkat kesesuaian pelayanan terminal BLI adalah 58,61%. Analisis SWOT menunjukkan kondisi terminal berada di kuadran 1 dan nilai Load factor 60-100%. Analisis kelayakan terminal menunjukkan bahwa aksesibilitas menjadi permasalahan utama. Untuk Analisis SPM didapatkan hasil bahwa kondisi fasilitas pelayanan memerlukan perbaikan ringan dan perawatan secara berkala.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-166
Segi Putra Wicaksono ◽  
Sidiq Wacono

Perkembangan konstruksi di Indonesia saat ini sangat pesat. Menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan antar perusahaan konstruksi untuk menghasilkan produk dengan mutu sesuai syarat yang direncanakan dan mengurangi kegagalan. Dalam menjamin suatu mutu, mucul suatu biaya yang disebut biaya mutu. Perencanaan biaya mutu pada lokasi penelitian cukup besar, oleh karena itu diperlukan pengurangan dari biaya mutu. Untuk menjamin mutu dan mengurangi biaya mutu diperlukan sistem manajemen mutu dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi. Sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2015 adalah standar internasional yang telah diakui secara internasional. Tetapi dalam penerapan di lapangan masih belum sesuai dan terdapat banyak faktor hambatan. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian kuantitatif untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan ISO 9001:2015 terhadap kinerja biaya mutu. Pengambilan data yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis besar penerapan, hambatan serta pengaruhnya. Dalam pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS dan Excel. Teknik analisis data meliputi pengujian validitas, pengujian reliabilitas, pengujian regresi berganda dan pengujian hipotesis. Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan metode kuesioner, studi dokumen dan juga wawancara  serta observasi langsung. Dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa besar dari penerapan ISO 9001:2015 sebesar 83,96% dinilai sangat baik. Faktor yang menjadi hambatan terbesar adalah kurangnya pengawasan terhadap program kerja yang berlaku dan kurangnya kontrol aktif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Penerapan informasi terdokumentasi juga sudah baik dilaksanakan. Kinerja biaya mutu sudah tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,3%, serta terjadi penurunan dari biaya rencana. Variabel sistem manajemen mutu mempunyai pengaruh secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kinerja biaya mutu. Klausul 7 dan Klausul 10 mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-140
Enden Mina ◽  
Woelandari Fathonah ◽  
Rama Indera Kusuma ◽  
Naufal Abdurrasyid

Many of the damage in road construction occurred because the soil did not have a good bearing capacity, therefore soil improvement was needed to increase the strength of the soil. One of the damaged roads that occur due to the lack of soil bearing capacity is at Priyayi Mosque Village Road, Kasemen District, Serang City which has a low carrying capacity with a CBR value of 1.99%. In this study, several tests were carried out, soil physical and California Bearing Ratio test. Soil physical tests carried out were water content, soil density, grain size analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction test and, CBR with the addition of slag cement with variations of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% based on Variation of optimum wet side moisture content. The result of soil physical properties testing obtained the type of soil is an organic clay with high plasticity. The results of the California Bearing Ratio test on the original soil had a CBR value of 2.4% and there was an increase to the optimum at the addition of 15% Slag Cement in 0 and 3 days of curing with a CBR value of 11.2% and 15.25%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the cement slag content of 15% with 3 days of curing time can increase the bearing capacity of the soil and fulfill the requirements as a good road subgrade

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-131
Gusri Yaldi ◽  
Imelda M. Nur ◽  
Apwiddhal Apwiddhal

Laju pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia rata-rata hampir mencapai 7% setiap tahunnya, jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan persentase pertambahan jalan baru yang hanya sekitar 0.25%. Ketidakseimbangan ini di anggap memperburuk dampak negatif dari sektor transportasi seperti kemacetan pada ruas jalan utama, krisis energi, dan kematian akibat kecelakaan di jalan raya dikarenakan semakin bertambahnya pengguna kendaraan pribadi seperti sepeda motor dan mobil penumpang. Untuk mengantisipasi dampak negatif yang lebih besar lagi, maka laju pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor perlu di kontrol. Pengguna kendaraan pribadi di dorong untuk beralih ke moda transportasi yang sustainable dan ramah lingkungan, sesuai keinginan pengguna jalan seperti Trans Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik perjalanan pengguna jalan dan perilakunya terhadap layanan Trans Padang virtual dengan fasilitas layanan tertentu menggunakan survei Revealed Preference dan Stated Preference. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa 50% responden bekerja pada sektor swasta, dan 33 persen adalah mahasiswa dan pelajar. Mayoritas responden menggunakan kendaraan pribadi untuk melakukan perjalanannya, dimana sepeda motor berkontribusi 75%, dan mobil penumpang 7%. Waktu tempuh rata-rata adalah 19.4 menit. Biaya perjalanan rata-rata adalah Rp.5136. Rasio antara captive dan choice user adalah 81%:19%. Faktor yang dapat medorong pengguna jalan untuk beralih ke layanan Trans Padang adalah kenyaman berupa fasilitas AC dan jumlah kursi pada moda Trans Padang, tarif dan juga waktu tempuhnya. WTP adalah berada pada rentang Rp.1500-Rp.3500, dan ATP rata-rata adalah Rp.2088-Rp.2663 tergantung kategori pengguna Trans Padang. Responden kategori umum memiliki kecenderungan untuk menggunakan layanan Trans Padang virtual yang lebih tinggi dari responden kategori pelajar. Operator layanan Trans Padang dapat mempertimbangkan hasil penelitian ini, dan mensimulasikannya pada Koridor 3 layanan Trans Padang, yang merupakan rencana penelitian berikutnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Vionadwiuchtia Idrat ◽  
Darwizal Daoed ◽  
Nurhamidah Nurhamidah

Dams aim to raise water from the average water level to the higher water level to be into rice fields located far from the river. Dams like this are called irrigation dams. An Irrigation dam with a small service scale of 3000 ha is a dam with a medium service level, and the function is the same as a large dam, but the physical and facilities are simpler. Moreover, the number of dams and remote locations makes it difficult to monitor, and it is necessary to make a priority scale for repairs. It can be made more accessible by prioritizing the restoration of each dam and ranking. Based on the above, research was conducted using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) on the components and sub-components of the dam. This study analyzes several dams in West Sumatra, namely Gunung Nago Dam in Kuranji District, Padang City, Banda Gadang Dam in Gunung Talang District, Solok Regency, Paneh Gadang Dam in Gunung Talang District, Solok Regency. Data collection techniques are carried out by direct observation to the field and questionnaires to resource persons who are water experts. The survey results and analysis showed a dam performance index from 1,2% to 2,7% with a low to moderate dam category and a level of vulnerability to dams from vulnerable - to moderately vulnerable. This result is an indication that higher performance values should be on priority for improvement. This method can be developed and used by policymakers to pay attention to dam performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-112
Bunga Islami Fortuna ◽  
I Ketut Sucita ◽  
Rikki Sofyan Rizal

The most important thing in the construction of toll roads, especially elevated toll roads, is the erection girder. The implementation of this erection girder certainly requires a long time and a large cost, so it requires the right work method in its implementation. The construction of the X Section A Toll Road Project is the construction of an elevated toll road where its implementation is limited by time and cost so that it requires the right work method to achieve timely and cost-efficient project completion. The girder used in this project is a box girder with the implementation method using the crane and launcher method. This study aims to analyze the time and cost of comparing the implementation method of erection box girder using cranes and launchers to obtain a more efficient and effective implementation method. This research was conducted through field observations to observe the erection box girder time and collect secondary data regarding the method of implementing erection box girder. The analysis carried out in this study includes time calculation analysis by calculating the average time value of the erection box girder implementation using statistical formulas and cost analysis carried out by referring to the PUPR Ministerial Regulation Number 28/PRT/M/2016 concerning Analysis of Unit Prices for Public Work. Based on the outcomes of the calculation of time and cost analysis, the duration of the erection box girder with the crane method is 70.65 minutes and requires a cost of Rp 23,769,579 and the launcher method takes 48.12 minutes and costs Rp 11,834,500. Thus, it can be seen that the more efficient and effective erection box girder method is the launcher method with a cost difference of Rp 11935,079 and 32% efficiency. when compared to the crane method.

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