Jurnal Ushuluddin
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

2407-8247, 1412-0909

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Naili Rosa Urbah Rusydiana ◽  
Hadiana Trendi Azami

This paper describes the gender verse that has become a hot discourse during groups that interpret religious texts as misogynistic. One of them is in QS. an-Nisa’: 34 concerning the position of men against women. The majority of classical commentators interpret this verse textually that men are more powerful than women. However, in this contemporary era, many figures reconstruct this interpretation. One of them is Amina Wadud. Through this paper, the writer tries to reconstruct the interpretation of QS. an-Nisa’: 34 with the method of Hermeneutics Tauhid Amina Wadud. As a result, first, the word “ar-rijalu qawwamuna ‘ala nisa” cannot only be interpreted as a husband and wife. This word applies to two situations that occur. The first situation is the right to take precedence over others and provide a living for women. However, if one of these conditions is nowhere, then the man is considered a failure and is not included in the qawwam meant for women. Second, the word nusyuz does not only apply to women but also men. Third, the implications of Amina Wadud’s thought in Indonesia can be measured through: the intensity of being a resource at Indonesian conferences, the spread of her work and many studies on her thoughts, either critical studies or using them as a methodological basis, and many researchers who are inspired or have the same mindset as.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Ahmad Umam Aufi

This study examined the story of Moses and Pharaoh as one of the Islamic narrative discourses in the Qur’an. Structural anthropology Claude Lévi-Strauss was used to analyze the story’s structure or nature of the mind. The results of the study explicate that the story of Moses and Pharaoh had a structure of “struggle plot to convey the truth”. Based on the episodes of the story showed a continuous transformation of structure and forms cylindrical triangle. Behind the story of Moses and Pharaoh was reflection of the developing culture in Islamic societies. First, there were some societies’ components in the struggle process of the faithful in conveying the truth, both theologically or socio-politically. Such as the actor of social change (Moses), masses of people (the people of Moses), authorities who refused the change (Pharaoh and his leaders) and opportunist intellectuals (the magicians before being defeated by Moses), and organic intellectuals (the magicians after believing in the truth of Moses). Second, the community’s culture was controlled by established authorities, the commitment of the truth will gain a refusal and despite resistance. The prerequisite to be able to undergo it was to confirm it rationally and empirically (according to the times).

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Ahmad Zainal Mustofa ◽  
Nurus Syarifah

Ibn ‘Asyur is a modern Muslim scholar, he is also a commentator and expert on jurisprudence. His well-known works of interpretation and fiqh suggestions are Tafsir al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir and Maqâṣid al-Syari’ah al-Islamiyyah. Furthermore, this article explores the meaning of “alhurriyyah” in the context of the maqâṣid al-syari’ah from the perspective of Ibn ‘Asyur. The object in this discussion is his interpretation work entitled Tafsir al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir, which focuses on analysis in QS. 2: 256 and QS. 18: 29. This research is motivated by the new maqâṣid al-syari’ah concept which was initiated by Ibn ‘Asyur since the vacuum of the maqâṣid concept which was previously brought by al-Syathibi. This concept of Ibn ‘Asyur is universally oriented. One of the terms in the maqâṣid al-syari’ah is “al-hurriyyah.” This research was conducted to answer questions about how the concept of maqâṣid al-syari’ah Ibn ‘Asyur is implemented in the QS. 2: 256 and QS. 18: 26. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical. After conducting theresearchit can be concluded that in the two letters that have been analyzed, the meaning of “al-hurriyyah” which is meant by Ibn ‘Asyur is a freedom to choose the religion that is believed and there is no compulsion in choosing it. Ibn ‘Asyur explained that a Muslim is allowed to help fellow humans in the social aspect and not in the aspect of religion, belief or creed

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
M Ilham Kamil ◽  
Abdul Syatar ◽  
Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin

The main objective of this study was to investigate the ontological status of the caliphate as a sociological experimentation. The study was a library research which adopted a descriptive analytical method through reading various literatures with a philosophical historical approach. The data were obtained from a variety of credible literature and other various supporting information then presented with a strong analytical instrument based on the normative foundation and thoughts of the figures to generate a deeper elaboration of ideas. The result showed that the relationship between religion and the state was a matter of pure contact with public reason. The absence of religious sharih texts in state matters, including models and singular forms of state practice, is an indisputable reason for the profanity of the Khilafah. The state practices exemplified by the Prophet and Companions were nothing more than sociological experiments. The experiment of the Prophet and purely sociological relative is not a theological necessity. The state is in principle an institution designed to realize benefit as the highest moral principle and locus of the view of the universal will. As an alternative to the caliphate model which is outdated and impossible to revive, a democratic state is a realistic choice because it is in accordance with the development of modern life and is an effort to approach universal human values

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Rahmat Effendi

Mullā Ṣadrā’s discourse in the discourse of Islamic philosophy is only limited to ontological and epistemological aspects. There has not been much further investigation into Ṣadrā’s philosophy. This causes Ṣadrā’s philosophy to dwell only in the theoreticalmetaphysical realm. If we look further, Ṣadrā’s philosophy also has a relationship with the natural sciences and the humanities. Through the concept of al-harakaḧ al-jawhariyaḧ Ṣadrā explains this. Al-Harakaḧ al-jawhariyaḧ as the embodiment of the principle of existence (aṣālaḧ al-wujūd) is not only Ṣadrā’s ontology but as Islamic original thought in solving ontological problems since ancient times. Al-Harakaḧ al-jawhariyaḧ or substance motion is an immaterial gradual motion in every existenceentity, both material and non-material existence. Each mawjūd entity is an existence that experiences motion to point to one point, namely perfection. This perfection is in an immaterial state in every hierarchical reality of existence. Every existence, both human and natural, will move towards this essential perfection. This article will reveal that alharakaḧ al-jawhariyaḧ is a motion in the context of improvement in terms of substance and accident. It is also through this concept that Ṣadrā shows his relation to the natural sciences and humanities. This relationship is in the form of proving the existence of God, the creation of nature, and the social relations of society. This research is based on library research with a descriptive analysis method and holistic approach. In the end, al-harakaḧ al-jawhariyaḧ has a broad relationship in existence and all existing entities

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Rozian Karnedi

This research was proposed by Siradjuddin Abbas who in some literature is not known as a hadith figure. He is better known as a prominent Indonesian theologian and fiqh expert. In fact, the thoughts and contributions of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith can be traced in his various works. This study aimed to reveal the contribution of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith. The descriptive-analytical method and the biographical approach were used to answer the questions: 1) whether Siradjuddin Abbas can be said to be a hadith figure, and 2) what is the contribution of Siradjuddin Abbas in the study of hadith in Indonesia. The results of the study indicated that; 1) Siradjuddin Abbas is not only a theologian and fuqahā’ but also a figure in Indonesian hadith. Although he did not write a specific hadith book, Siradjuddin Abbas’s thoughts on hadith are scattered in his various works. He was a collector, commentator and eristic of hadith in written and oral. 2) The roles and thoughts of Siradjuddin Abbas contributed to the study of hadith in Indonesia. He strengthens the argument for Ahlussunnah wal Jamā’ah’s understanding by providing hadith arguments on the thoughts of kalam and fiqh. Although the role, thought and understanding of the Hadith of Siradjuddin Abbas is more of a defence of the Asy’ariyah theology and the Shafi’i school, the thought of the hadith becomes a reference and guide for the Islamic community, especially from traditionalist Muslims

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Habiburrahman Rizapoor ◽  
Mohammad Anwar Zafari

This research aims to find out whether all the hadiths narrated in Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari are valid and correct or there are also ḍa’if and weak hadiths. In this article, the researcher has used the descriptive and content analysis method by referring to scientific articles, books of principles of hadith. Hadith annotation books and other books in which the subject has been discussed. In this article, the writer discusses the views and arguments of the scholars who claim that there are consensuses that the book of Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari is the most correct book after the Qur’an and there is no ḍa’if hadith in it. Similarly, the writer discusses the views of the scholars who argue that all the hadiths of Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari are not authentic and there are hadiths in Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari which are not authentic and are ḍa’if. By considering the arguments of both sides, the writer concludes that Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari is the most correct book after the Holy Qur’an, nevertheless, this does not mean that there are no ḍa’if hadiths in Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari and there are many hadiths that are called ḍa’if by the scholars of hadith. Also, the existence of ḍa’if hadiths in the book of Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari does not decrease the scientific ranking and status and level of acceptance of the book and prophetic hadith among the ummah and scholars of Hadith

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Qurrata A'yun ◽  
Yor Hananta

So far, in social media, the hadith "ballighū 'annī walau āyah" has been widely misunderstood as a proposition for preaching even if it is only one verse. On the other hand, this hadith is also used as a suggestion for preaching without understanding the full meaning of a verse. This understanding is different from the real understanding, so a comprehensive discussion is needed to describe it. This article aims to identify misconceptions in understanding the hadith "ballighū 'annī walau āyah" on social media twitter and meet them with the correct meanings of the hadith. This study is a qualitative study which classify and analyze data by descriptive analysis. The discussion of this article explains how the hadith ballighū 'annī walau āyah is understood by Twitter netizens. The understanding of netizens is grouped into two categories, namely those that are appropriate and not in accordance with their real understanding. The factors that lead to misunderstanding of the hadith ballighū 'annī walau āyah are the insights of the hadith that are conveyed only a piece (not intact) and the dissemination of understanding through social media twitter with a short number of characters. This phenomenon causes a transformation of the hadith understanding in the form of degradation and distortion

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Irza Anwar Syaddad

This study aims to map the ontological and epistemological aspects of Negotiative Hermeneutics through a philosophical approach. Negotiative Hermeneutics is a new hermeneutic model initiated by Khaled Abou El Fadl to criticize gender-biased and misogyny fatwas issued by Al-Lajnah ad-Dā`imah li al-Buhūts al-'Ilmiyyah wa al-Iftā`, or the Fatwa Committee Saudi Arabia. Prioritizing texts understanding through a psychological, social context, and other perspective makes this model different from other hermeneutics. Negotiative Hermeneutics more focuses on the negotiation process for sustainable in the three pillars of hermeneutics: author, text, and reader. This iterative process on linguistic, cultural, etc. This study analyzed the weaknesses of the Negotiative Hermeneutics negotiation movement based on the misogyny fatwa case of the Saudi Arabian Fatwa Committee using the critical discourse analysis method. The results indicated that the text is ontologically sacred and authoritative; authorship of the Quran and the Prophet Sunnah stopped at the first author. The epistemological viewed meaning is obtained from endless negotiations among the three pillars of hermeneutics. The weakness is Khaled's disregard for the fact that the ulama's fatwa depends on royal authority. Last, the significance of this paper, especially regarding the shortcomings in Khaled's theory, is to present evidence that a fatwa produced by the ulama's ijtihad is not autonomous at all, even from the ulama itself, because it is also the result of a bargaining chip between ulama and the royal authority

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Wirman Wirman ◽  
Mira Fauziah

Jama’ah Mastūrah refers to a congregation of women division of Jama’ah Tabligh. As is the case of the male counterpart, Jama’ah Mastūrah also takes part in Islamic missionary activities. However, this group does not carry out da’wah in an open space or in front of the congregation. This study aimed to analyze the method of da’wah carried out by Jama’ah Mastūrah in raising women religious awareness in Aceh Besar. The study used qualitative approach and the descriptive analysis method. Data were collected by interview and documentation study. The results showed that the da’wah method carried out by Jama'ah Masṭurah was the method of da’wah bi al-lisān,  bi al-kitābah and bi al-hāl. The bi al-lisān method is carried out by inviting the surrounding community to invite people to pray, wear a headscarf, recite the Qur'an and attend ta'lim activities in their homes. The bi al-kitābah is a method of da’wah by means of written materials, such as books, billboards, banners, bulletin boards,  or pamphlets, containing messages of da’wah to mad’ū. The bi al-hāl method is carried out by showing noble morals, maintaining the limits of the genitals and avoiding meeting with men who are not mahram.

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