Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
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Published By Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Unhas

2549-323x, 2549-3221

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Tom Jacob ◽  
Rincy Raphael ◽  
M.V. Stebiya

The financial integration of South East Asian markets has been an important research topic. Due to the recent global developments in financial markets, the behaviours of these emerging markets are gaining much interest. This research paper empirically analyzes stock market integration of international portfolio diversification across the South East Asian countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test has been used to verify the static properties of the market return of ASEAN countries. An analysis of the co-integration among these countries' market return has been done using the Johansen Co-integration Approach. The co-movements between the ASEAN economies were analyzed through the Granger Causality test. The results of the Granger causality tests indicate the interdependence between ASEAN-5 market returns. This suggests a co-movement among ASEAN capital markets, but not all of these ASEAN capital markets were fully integrated. This study also found that the Malaysia Stock Exchange, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Singapore Stock Exchange and the Philippines Stock Exchange were fully integrated, but Indonesia Stock Exchange was not. Essentially, this study provides insight for policymakers, portfolio managers, domestic and international investors, risk analysts, and financial researchers to diversify their investment portfolios by combining assets from each ASEAN-5 country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Musilimu Adeyinka Adetunji

This study examines the spatial distribution of markets and its impact on household travel patterns in Akure, Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data were utilized for the research. The coordinates of locations of markets were obtained using a hand held Geographical Position System (GPS) and determined by measured using the ‘Ruler’ menu of ArcGIS 10.3.1 software. A structured questionnaire was designed to elicit information on household travel patterns. Using descriptive and inferential statistics, the findings reveal that market is randomly distributed. A linear association exits between distance travel to market and household mode choice of transportation and it is significant at 0.05%. Inadequate transport services and traffic congestion are problems faced by households in Akure on their trips to markets. The study concludes that more periodic or daily markets should be provided in some localities that do not have in Akure and similar other cities in Nigeria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Kasnaeny Karim ◽  
Muhammad Jibril Tajibu

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of emotional motives consisting of personal factors and psychological factors on consumer decisions to use credit cards. This study involved 100 respondents, with a sampling technique based on purposive sampling. The questionnaire was distributed to respondents according to the research criteria, namely being customers of credit card users in banks in the city of Makassar, which were further analyzed using the Multiple Linear Regression model, which will test variables from emotional motives, namely personal factors, and psychological factors, on the decision to use credit cards. . The results showed that personal factors had a significant positive effect on the decision to use a credit card, while psychological factors also showed a significant positive effect on the decision to use a credit card. Thus, people in the city of Makassar use credit cards based on the encouragement of emotional motives consisting of personal factors and psychological factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Adelia Shabrina Prameka ◽  
Abdullah Sanusi ◽  
Ooji Futari II ◽  
Yesiana Ihda Kusnayain

The development of the world revolution has changed the paradigm and stigmas of organizational quality to increase competitiveness from various human resource perspectives. Increasing global challenges have made the employer branding strategy a concern for global research. This study examines the effect of employer branding on Generation Z students' attractiveness and employer choices at unicorn start-ups in Indonesia. This study uses the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). This study got a total of 200 respondents who fit the criteria. This study's dimensions of employer branding are work culture, ethics & CSR, diversity, and salary & incentives. From the results of this study, the dimensions that proved to be influential were Ethics and CSR, and Diversity. Besides, work culture and salary & incentives are not proven to significantly affect the attractiveness of Generation Z students to Indonesian unicorn start-ups. Social media is proven to have a significant effect on both attractiveness and choice of workplace (employer of choice) Generation Z students at Indonesian unicorn start-ups

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Shinta Dewi Sugiharti Tikson ◽  
Nadya Septiani Sahas ◽  
Sri Ulfa - ◽  
Nurfadillah -

Every employee has a career goal he or she wants to achieve. In achieving his or her career, an employee will explore all available opportunities. Career planning is an effort made by individuals in setting goals or achieving desired career goals. This includes activities such as analyzing the abilities possessed, interest in work, values, to identify goals that need to be achieved in supporting the desired career. Looking at the current reality, many companies are experiencing changes caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This problem is felt not only by companies but also by employees because it can hinder their careers. This research is expected to provide insights on individual career planning and the role of organization in career management.  This study shows there is a significant relationship between career planning and career management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rifka Mustafida ◽  
Najim Nur Fauziah

Islam places great importance on moral, environmental and social dimension. Sustainable development is centric to the overlapping factors both Islamic finance and Socially Responsible Investment, which are the economy, the environment and social impact. In contrary, Empirical evidence concerning ESG practice of IFIs and Sharia compliant companies is still lacking. The investment portfolio should therefore be scrutinized on the criteria of justice, social welfare and sustainability. This paper aims to identify sustainability report of Sharia Stocks companies and propose i-ESG index for sharia stocks screening in Indonesia. A qualitative study is used to describe sustainability action doing by Sharia compliant companies listed on Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) in October 2019. This study found that, almost all the companies shows their Good Corporate Governance, but only a few of company have their sustainability report. Therefore a novel parameter to screen the sharia stocks screening process is urgently needed.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Camelia Hasena ◽  
Eko Sakapurnama

Social Media platform continually assisting industry as a media promoter for its customer. This study aims to determine how the influence of electronic word of mouth on TikTok on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products through brand image. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collected using a survey method. The research instrument used a questionnaire distributed via google form. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents who were TikTok users, knew about and had never bought Somethinc skincare products. The analysis technique used in this research is simple linear regression using SPSS version 22 and single test using an online calculator. The results of this study indicate that the four hypotheses of this study are accepted. It was concluded that there was an influence between e-WOM on TikTok on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products, the influence between e-WOM on TikTok on Somethinc's brand image, the influence between Somethinc brand image on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare product, and influence between Electronic word of mouth on TikTok. towards purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products through brand image.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Samirah Dunakhir ◽  
Mukhammad Idrus

This study aims to contribute to the development of a village fund management model in South Sulawesi. To achieve the research objectives, data collection was carried out by collecting secondary data and conducting follow-up interviews in sample villages in South Sulawesi. The analysis data that used was the descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the stages in managing village funds in several villages in South Sulawesi Province had generally been carried out well. However, several obstacles are still faced by implementers in the village. Communication is one of them. Another factor that has the potential to become an obstacle in implementing the stages of village fund management is Competence. Based on the results of interviews with research informants, it was found that the backgrounds of village fund managers were mostly not in accordance with the fields that had to be handled. This in turn has an impact on the performance of the village fund managers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Nuryadi Winra ◽  
Grace Theresia Pontoh ◽  
Grace Theresia Pontoh

This research aimed to find out direct effect of the internal control entities to determining the high of audit fee, and indirect effect of the internal control entities to determining the high of audit fee through the extensive of auditor’s occupation. Data collection in this research used questionnaire which distributed to auditors who working in public accounting in Makassar. Analysis of the data used path analysis. The results of this research provided evidance that the internal control entities (X) had a significant direct effect to determining the high of audit fee (Y), and the internal control intities (X) had a significant indirect effect through the extensive of auditors’ occupation (M) to determining the high of audit fee (Y). The implication is if internal control entities is ineffective, it will be effect the larger of the extensive of auditor’s, so it will be also effect to the highest of amount in determining audit fee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Luthfia Putri Rizki

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational learning culture as moderator on the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment. Framework in this study use Social Exchange Theory to explain the moderation effect and we argue that the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment is strengthened by organizational learning culture. Data were collected by administering questionnaires to the respondents using both offline and online survey on employees from startup companies in Indonesia (N = 73). This study using self-report method and data were analyzed using Hayes’ PROCESS macro on SPSS software. Results showed that organizational learning culture moderated the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, such that the relationship was increased when organizational learning culture was high than when organizational learning culture was low. Moreover, theoretical and practical implications are given to improvement of employees’ affective commitment.

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