Sosial & Humaniora
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Published By University Of Surabaya


2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Heri Sudarsono

The research was conducted to learn whether there is or not an effect of Transformational Leadership and Work Discipline on Work Achievement of the Officers in Educational Departement of Surabaya. Data were collected based on questionaire given to 45 respondents all of whom are educational department officers of Surabaya regardless of their office ranks. The type of the applied research is explanatory wich aimed at analyzing effect of Transformational Leadership and Work Discipline independent variable toward Work Accomplishment dependent variable of officers in educational departmen of Surabaya. Data were analyzed by means of validity and reliability technique examination, classical assumption examination and hypothesis examination which is double regression correlation and partial correlation using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 20). The result of the analysis revealed that both transformational leadership and work discipline provided significant effect on the work accomplishment of the educational department officers of Surabaya with contribution determination of  46,3 per cent  and regression equety Y = 0,873 + 0,36 X1 + 0,554 X2+ ℮. In conclusion, this research proved that better work discipline application resulted in workaccomplishment improvement of the officers in educational department of Surabaya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Dianne Frisko ◽  
Desi Arisandi

Induztrialization edge and economic growth bring some consequences to the society, such as pollution or environmental damage. The responsibility is not only lies in business sector but also contributed by society and public sector-government institution as their daily operational produce some waste material. One ofmaterial use in such organization daily activities is paper. Unproper use of paper will impact on cost inefficiency, as well as environmental damage due to the main material of producing paper taken from forest.Government as public service organization mostly deals with paper in their daily administrative business. While the othersites it also encouraged to put priority on budget efficiency included in paper consumption. This study aims to describe in what extend government efficiency initiative align in it environmental concerned. Specifically this study will explore the use of paper as one of most daily resource in government office using environmental management accounting (EMA)framework. The results convey that notion on some regulation pertaining with budget efficiency in Indonesia has similarity with the spirit and the benefit provided in term of EMA application. By implementing EMA properly, government may get information on cost efficiency along with environmental sustainability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Iska Dwi Athma Putri Rosyadi

Nike is one of the biggest company that sell shoes, clothing, and sports equipment. Nike was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports and it officially became Nike Inc. in 1971. Nike has done a variety ways in order to keep the customer remember and make purchases, one of them is through the print ads that published in Cita Cinta 09/XII. Print advertisement is one of media that full of meaning. Construction of meaning was made by the designer from any visual elements. The meaning that derived from it is contextual, which every community has its own meaning. Through social Semiotic analysis, can be known that Nike tried to deliver message about happiness and comfort in running using Nike shoes, this message was suitable for Cita Cinta’s characteristics of target audience because they used European women model and English sentence to build it. Medium Angle shot also used to emphasize the meaning; so that Nike present in the same level with the audience, and there is no gap between them.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Rahmatul Khasanah

The paper is created based on the reality of communication in Indonesia that is done by language learner, as a foreign language. Not a public secret anymore if a failure occurs within communication of an Indonesian language learner with foreign people. Perhaps, the learners can communicate by using correct grammatical but he or she often does not understand the utterance that uttered by foreign people. In this case, pragmatic competence is needed by the learner in order to avoid a pragmatic failure. Giving an authentic material is also one of the ways to avoid a pragmatic failure and increase the learner’s pragmatic competence.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Octaviana Arisinta

This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of Suramadu bridge construction partially influence on the economy of the community's Bangkalan. This study uses a quantitative approach using observation method is by distributing questionnaires to the public Bangkalan. The value of each variable in this study was analyzed by simple linear regression analysis with SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The research concludes that the construction of  (X) has a significant effect partially to the economy (Y). This is evidenced by the significant value thitung (3.643) is greater than the table = 1.660 significant value t (3.643) > t table = 1.660 then the variable construction (X) significantly affect the economic variable (Y).

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Chatarina Lili Liana ◽  
Chamariyah Chamariyah ◽  
Ruddy Wiroko

This study aims to determine and describe the business development of PT. Zurich Topas Life in Surabaya. Furthermore, to analyze the marketing strategy and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PT. Zurich Topas Life in Surabaya. In addition, to analyze the steps undertaken by PT. Zurich Topas Life to increase business competition in Surabaya. This type of research includes descriptive research with qualitative approach with the aim to know and analyze the problems posed. Informants in this study were three employees and three marketers from PT. Zurich Topas Life. The results showed that the business of PT. Zurich Topas Life has developed, has strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. PT. Zurich Topas Life also takes steps to increase business competition in Surabaya.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Aloysius Jondar ◽  
Suryati Eko Saputro

The ideals of the founders of cooperatives so that cooperatives can be perceived by members to bring meaning for the development of cooperatives in Indonesia. This can be realized through its contribution to national and local economic development through GDP. To be able to prove this opinion, then the study to look for answers in this study is 1). Is the role of sharia cooperatives able to help provide the welfare of farmers to be able to free vegetable farmers from the entanglement of debt or bond "remuneration"? 2 ). What problems did Sharia cooperatives have in providing the welfare of farmers to be able to free vegetable farmers from entanglement of debt or "reciprocity" bonds? The findings are the function and role of cooperatives nationally run by Sharia cooperatives. It is run because the Shariah cooperative has performed the function and role of the cooperative as a joint effort between the members and the board to the welfare of vegetable farmers in Claket village. This is evident from the existence of sharia cooperatives that dare to be different with the existenceof savings and loan cooperatives in general. The role of sharia cooperatives is to provide welfare to vegetable farmers. Because agriculture is one of the important and noble things in human life. The role of sharia cooperatives to prosper vegetable farmers in Claket Village, Pacet Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, East Java is urgently needed. Because not only vegetable farmers who benefit from sharia cooperatives but the public in general can feel it, which is getting a cheap vegetable prices. The problem faced by vegetable farmers in Claket village is vegetable farmers who always get loan money from middlemen before they harvest. At the time of harvesting the vegetables they must return the loan money from the middleman. Thus, crop yields from farmers only benefit themiddlemen and do not bring economic change to farmers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Rabendra Yudistira ◽  
Nugrahardi Ramadhani ◽  
Denny Indrayana Setyadi ◽  
Andjrah Hamzah

Film adalah salah satu media yang menarik untuk dikaji, baik dalam konten, teknis, hingga produksi film itu sendiri. Film sebagai media yang melibatkan bahasa visual dan audio mampu menghadirkan sebuah tontonan yang lengkap, sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan impact yang bermacam-macam dan membuat audiens mengalami pengalaman yang beragam. Pada perkembangan industri perfilman modern, film juga dimanfaatkan sebagai media representasi brand atau beriklan. Pembuat film mempunyai cara penyajian tertentu dalam ‘menyisipkan’ brand agar tersampaikan kepada audiens tanpa ada kesan pemaksaan informasi. Branding dalam film didesain agar menjadi satu kesatuan dalam struktur dan unsur film, sehingga kerap dikategorikan sebagai‘iklan terselubung’, Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari berbagai kemungkinan kriteria kesadaran audiens terhadap brand tertentu. Film yang menjadi studi kasus adalah film Indonesia populer. Hasil akhir peneliti ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan pembahasan yang lebih luas lagi terhadap dampak adanya brand yang sengaja maupun tidak sengaja diselipkan pada sebuah film.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Aloysius Jondar

Since the days of the Old Order government, the New Order, Reform phenomenon demonstration of workers in Indonesia were never resolved. Proven to date issues of the demonstration is still running. Even in the era of reform frequency of demonstrations of the workers became more transparent because in line with the government's attitude would listen and convey the aspirations of workers. In connection with this phenomenon, the study of the phenomenon of workers become increasingly keranjiangan for writers. But the study of labor problems only limit themselves to study the phenomenon of demonstrations of workers in 1996. In line with the phenomenon that have been raised, then that becomes the problem to find out in this study, whether the demonstrations by workers in 1996 in Surabaya carry meaning for the workers themselves. Results showed that the phenomenon of workers in Surabaya brings meaning to the workers themselves. Meaning of demonstrations for workers in Surabaya, their awareness and responsibility of the employer, the weakness of the management and policies of the company, t he claim by the minimum wage and a living wage, improvement allowances and clarity retirement, intervention workers when they do strike, their weaknesses SPSI and the role of government policy weaknesses.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Suryanto Suryanto ◽  
M.G. Bagus Ani Putra ◽  
Ike Herdiana ◽  
Achmad Chusairi

The purpose of this research is to get an idea of the psychological welfare of street children who live in shelters, psychological characteristics of these children and parenting skills mapping foster parents in a shelter. This research use both quantitative and qualitative research with samples of 40 street children residing in ‘LIPONSOS UPTD Kampung Anak Negeri’ and ‘Rumah Pintar Matahari’, and three caregivers in two places. Data gathering tools using the Child Life Satisfaction Scale is an adaptation of the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale developed by Scott Huebner (2001) and a structured interview guide. Data analysis techniques in this study is the Pearson correlation technique and content analysis. Results of analysis of data on the variables mental life Satisfaction of children show that there were 10 children with very low (25%)mental life satisfaction, in the low category 2 (5%), the medium category 16 (40%), and high categories of 12 childrens (30%) and none at all were included in the very high category. A general description of the psychological characteristics of childrens who are in shelters, as follows: general conditions for children are still carried away with the previous environment, speech is still rough, still often quarrel; childrens are still difficult to set, lack of discipline, disrespectful; rebellious / disobedient; likes telling personal problems; still likes violation of the rules established foundations / shelters; have a tendency to get revenge if corporal punishment and have a tendency to be perpetrators and victims of bullying / violence. Meanwhile parenting skills mapping in shelters include: patient and gentle in dealing with the child; the face of the child is not with anger; distantlyrelated to children; must patiently faced children from various backgrounds; talk to children in a good way; children need the attention of caregivers; responsible for children's issues to convey; monitoring children and approached the children so he would open; role as fathers, listen to them and provide solutions to probl ems that children naturally; try to be on time, take care of nature, set the time, give adequate attention to children; communication and ensure the children in good condition; accommodate a story about the problems children with friends and homesick; advise children who are still lazy; impose appropriate penalties for the error, but not corporal punishment; maintain transparency and create a comfortable condition and safe for children, they should treat the family; accepting input from children; provide guidance to children who resist; treat children in accordance with their individual characteristics; reward for positive behavior.

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