Socio-Vital Areas Analysis a Qualitative Approach to Sociological Analysis of Urban Spaces and Social Life

Gabriele Di Francesco
2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-257 ◽  
Tony Smith

Worrell and Krier’s ‘Atopia Awaits! A Critical Sociological Analysis of Marx’s Political Imaginary’ raises serious issues regarding Marx’s legacy. They hold that a fatal flaw in Marx’s framework can be detected in his account of a post-capitalist society, which reveals a theoretically impoverished and politically dangerous neglect of essential features of social life. I argue that there are good reasons to reject Worrell and Krier’s thesis that Marx got immensely important things horribly wrong. Marx’s limited remarks on post-capitalist society are certainly inadequate in numerous respects. However, they point in the right general direction, and Worrell and Krier fail to offer a satisfactory alternative. The prospects for a critical social theory adequate to the immense challenges of the 21st century would be harmed if their readers agreed with the paper’s main thesis.

2021 ◽  
Dewi Yermawati Enjhela

AbstractThe challenges in today’s global word are increasingle surprising human life, especially at the end of 2019, with the emergence of a pendemic, namely the Corona Virus (Covid-19). The emergence of this pandemic raises various concerns for the world and especially for social life. Of these challenges the autor treis to provide various explanations about these challenges and in relation to how our attitudes or interactions with others, especially in the world of cristian education. This article offers an approach using qualitative approach literature in Theological theory research, and qualitive desciptive research, that the application of cristianeducational behavior in responding to chelenges in this pandemic era is the value of applying the faith of a Cristian in social relations between people in the mids of challenges. In times of this pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Ajiang Chen ◽  
Pengli Cheng ◽  
Yajuan Luo

The phenomenon of "cancer villages" has emerged in many parts of rural China, drawing media attention and becoming a fact of social life. However, the relationship between pollution and disease is often hard to discern. Through sociological analysis of several villages with different social and economic structures, the authors offer a comprehensive, historically grounded analysis of the coexistence between the incidence of cancer, environmental pollution and villagers’ lifestyles, as well as the perceptions, claims and responses of different actors. They situate the appearance of "cancer villages" in the context of social, economic and cultural change in China, tracing the evolution of the issue over two decades, and providing deep insights into the complex interactions and trade-offs between economic growth, environmental change and public health.

1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-351 ◽  
James M. Ostrow

Throughout his writings, Erving Goffman develops the principle that successful impression management requires an appearance of “spontaneous involvement” as evidence of individuals' sincerity. Goffman never articulates this principle in terms of how persons are actually—indeed, as he sometimes recognizes, necessarily involved spontaneously in the social environment. This paper asks: What does it mean for our reading of Goffman and of social situations generally if we move the proposition of the experiential necessity of spontaneous involvement to the center of sociological analysis? I discuss why it never moved to the center of Goffman's inquiries, and then argue that a theory of habit facilitates an elaborate of its sociological significance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Muhamad Sopyan ◽  
Andi Ima Kesuma ◽  
Jumadi Sahabuddin

This paper uses a qualitative approach design history that includes Groove heuristics, critique, interpretation and historiography. This paper describes a pattern of ethnic life Sasak Ethnic Balinese. The second encounter was part of the ethnic dynamics of patterns of social life, art and culture of the community of West Lombok, Bali, colonial empire domination Netherlands and Japan as well as the aftermath of independence. West Lombok in the course of its history has its own and unique patterns by showing the existence of the ideal cooperation between different ethnic religion in building a harmonious unity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Eko Prasetyo Utomo

The purpose of this research is to find out the King Ho Ping ritual procession and character values ​​in the King Ho Ping ritual as a source of social studies learning. This research uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research design. This research is located in the Hok Swie Bio temple in Bojonegoro Regency. The results showed that the King Ho Ping ritual began with a shadow puppet show continued with musical performances and Liong and Barongsai attractions. The climax of the ritual is to pray three times and the end of the ringing signal as a sign of the procession of the gunungan battle begins. Sub character values ​​that arise are 1) respecting differences in religion and belief; 2) firm stand; 3) cooperation between followers of religion; 4) appreciation of the nation's own culture 5) maintain the nation's cultural richness; 5) respect for diversity, ethnicity, religion and culture; 6) please help; 7) anti-discrimination; 8) lifelong pursuit; and 9) responsibilities. Marketer values ​​in the King Ho Ping ritual can be integrated in social studies learning materials in a thematic integrated social studies learning design based on topics, namely the integration of social life with the integration of geography, history, sociology, and economics. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui  prosesi ritual King Ho Ping dan nilai-nilai karakter dalam ritual King Ho Ping sebagai sumber belajar IPS. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian fenomenologi. Penelitian ini berlokasi di kelenteng Hok Swie Bio Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ritual King Ho Ping dimulai dengan acara pergelaran wayang kulit dilanjutkan dengan karawitan dan atraksi Liong serta Barongsai. Puncak ritual dilakukan sembahyang sebanyak tiga kali putaran dan diakhir bunyi gendering sebagai tanda prosesi rebutan gunungan dimulai. Sub nilai-nilai karakter yang muncul yaitu 1) menghargai perbedaan agama dan kepercayaan; 2) teguh pendirian; 3) kerja sama antar pemeluk agama; 4) apresiasi budaya bangsa sendiri 5) menjaga kekayaan budaya bangsa; 5) menghormati keragaman, suku, agama dan budaya; 6) tolong menolong; 7) anti diskriminasi; 8) pembejaran sepanjang hayat; dan 9) tanggung jawab. Nilai-nilai karketer dalam ritual King Ho Ping dapat diintegrasikan dalam materi pembelajaran IPS dalam desain pembelajaran IPS terpadu tematik berdasarkan topik yaitu integrasi kehidupan sosial dengan keterpaduan geografi, sejarah, sosiologi, dan ekonomi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 295-326 ◽  
Leonora C. Angeles ◽  
Omer Aijazi

The association of madrassas as “breeding grounds for terrorists” is problematic, exacerbated by a lack of understanding of how Islamic religious schools function and contribute to cities and urban social life. Our article provides an interpretative examination of the so-called madrassa question by explaining the urban-spatial embeddedness of madrassas and emphasizing the heightened sense and deployment of religious identities in the quotidian “worlding” of “lived religion” and “lived religious education” of research participants in two madrassa communities in Islamabad, Pakistan. Positioned within the growing research on urban sociology and geographies of the intersections of religion and education, this article examines lived religion and religious education within urban spaces. It discusses ethnographic findings on the performance and reproduction of spatially grounded extrareligious roles, identities, and practices in city-based madrassas. We emphasize the religious and nonreligious meanings people attach to these identities and practices, and how these are manifested, represented, and experienced in urban community spaces. We demonstrate madrassas’ connection to people’s place-making practices and meaning-making as historical processes and purposeful action. Urban landscape, quotidian religious practices, and extra-local political economy are important to linking place, human aspirations, and lived religion in reframing the madrassa question in Pakistan.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-86 ◽  
Pavel Pospěch ◽  
Daniela Spěšná ◽  
Adam Staveník

Abstract This paper presents a sociological analysis of the image of a “good village”, as portrayed in the annual Czech competition Village of the Year. It focuses on the positive representations attached to the rural in the political and expert discourse. The analysis is rooted in cultural rural sociology and in its study of rural idyll. It is argued that a specific kind of rural idyll is produced in the competition. This idyll is analysed using the photographs submitted to the competition by the villages themselves. A combination of visual methods is employed to uncover the positive values attached to the images. The results show that activity and social life play a key role in the image of a “good village” thus produced. On the other hand, there are virtually no references to agriculture.

Sociologija ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-164
Svetlana Radovic

This paper presents different conceptions of the physical space in social theory aiming to review the consequences that they as metatheoretical assumptions have to the treatment and position of the spatial dimensions of the city in sociological analysis. The first part presents characteristics of the absolute concept of physical space and indicates the different implications of the adoption of this concept in urban sociology. After that, the text considers features of the relational concept of physical space whose adoption enabled the spatial turn in thesocial science, and its adequacy to the contemporary social context of movement, permeation, interaction between people, capital, goods and cultures. The third part highlights, the importance of understanding space as the product and context of practice - of produced, and not given, for the conceptualization of physical space as an inherent quality of social space, inseparable from time and the symbolic and subjective meanings. The conclusion points to the relevance of adopting Lefebvre?s production of space concept through representations of space, spatial practices and representations of space as an analytical framework for studying spatial form of city as the overall dimensions of social life.

Arina Lintang Iklima ◽  
Yayuk Yuliati ◽  
Anif Fatma Chawa

<p>This study examines the challenges and adaptation strategies of Halal food consumption by Indonesian Muslim immigrants in Japan. Since April 2019, Japan’s government decided to accept foreign workers under Specified Skills Visa Program to address the labor shortages in the country. This new policy will encourage more Muslim immigrants from Indonesia to search for higher income in Japan. The growing population of Muslim immigrants in Japan and inbound tourists from Islamic countries has triggered the development of Halal food products in Japan. The research uses a qualitative approach supplemented with semi-structured interviews of Indonesian Muslim Immigrants from various locations in Japan. This study has found that the Indonesian Muslim immigrants face three challenges to maintain their Halal dietary consumption. The different culture of social life has put social pressure on Muslim immigrants to follow the Japanese drinking and hangout habits. The difficulties of accessibility and a lack of variety of Halal food products make it a less appealing choice for busy-scheduled people. There is no legal body that has the authority to give Halal certification. Theory of deviance typology is used to analyze the adaptation strategy formed as the result of these challenges. There are four types of adaptation strategy formed by Indonesia Muslim immigrants: Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, and Retreatism.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tantangan dan strategi adaptasi konsumsi makanan halal oleh imigran Muslim Indonesia di Jepang. Sejak April 2019, pemerintah Jepang memutuskan untuk menerima pekerja asing di bawah Program Visa Keterampilan Khusus untuk mengatasi kekurangan tenaga kerja di Jepang. Kebijakan baru ini akan mendorong lebih banyak imigran Muslim dari Indonesia untuk mencari penghasilan yang lebih tinggi di Jepang. Meningkatnya populasi imigran Muslim di Jepang dan masuknya turis dari negara-negara Islam telah memicu berkembangnya produk makanan Halal di Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilengkapi dengan wawancara semi terstruktur terhadap Imigran Muslim Indonesia dari berbagai lokasi di Jepang. Studi ini menemukan bahwa para imigran Muslim Indonesia memiliki tiga tantangan untuk mempertahankan konsumsi makanan halal mereka. Budaya kehidupan sosial yang berbeda telah memberikan tekanan sosial bagi imigran Muslim untuk mengikuti kebiasaan minum alkohol dan cara pergaulan orang Jepang. Kesulitan aksesibilitas dan kurangnya variasi produk makanan halal menjadikannya pilihan yang kurang menarik bagi orang-orang dengan jadwal sibuk. Tidak ada satu pun badan hukum yang berwenang memberikan sertifikasi halal. Teori tipologi penyimpangan digunakan untuk menganalisis strategi adaptasi yang terbentuk akibat tantangan tersebut. Ada empat jenis strategi adaptasi yang dibentuk oleh Imigran Muslim Indonesia: Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, and Retreatism.</em></p>

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