scholarly journals Self-Employment or Selfless Employment? Exploration of Factors that Motivate, Facilitate, and Constrain Latina Entrepreneurship from a Family Embeddedness Perspective

Soren Newman ◽  
Darin Saul ◽  
Christy Dearien ◽  
Nancy Hernandez

AbstractAs the economic and social importance of Latina-owned businesses continues to grow, research is needed on the factors that motivate entrepreneurship among Latinas and that facilitate and constrain their success. This study draws on in-depth interviews and survey data to explore the experiences of Latina entrepreneurs in Idaho, USA, from an embeddedness perspective combining family embeddedness and intersectionality frameworks to illustrate how family and social positioning affects motivations, opportunities, and access to resources. We found Latinas were motivated to start businesses by a range of interacting factors, including centrally a strong sense of responsibility to their nuclear and families of origin. Prominent family motivations included the desire to provide opportunities for younger and older generations and the need for flexibility to manage family and work obligations. Compared to their middle-class peers, working-class Latina entrepreneurs were more likely to need flexibility because they could not afford third-party care for a family member, to experience greater barriers to accessing traditional financing and professional advice, and to be more dependent on family support for their success, although not all had family-based resources upon which they could rely. Latinas struggled to fulfill traditional family role expectations and obligations while assuming the expanded responsibilities of running a business. While a central tension in their lives, this struggle provides the impetus to renegotiate and update traditional gender and family expectations as they navigate role conflict and strain.

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-413 ◽  
Andrea Creech

The main objective of this research was to create a typology of teacher-pupil-parent interpersonal interaction in the context of learning a musical instrument. Three hundred and thirty-seven teacher-pupil-parent triads participated in the research, completing a survey measuring “control” and “responsiveness”. Factor analysis revealed a number of underlying interpersonal dimensions. A cluster analysis was carried out, using control and responsiveness factors as predictors of cluster membership. A model of six distinct interaction types was revealed and validated with in-depth interviews with teacher-pupil-parent triads representing each cluster. Clusters 1, 2 and 3 were each conceptualised as a primary dyad plus a third party, while Cluster 4 was represented as two primary dyads connected by one common member. Cluster 5 was characterized by very little communication between any two of the three individuals, while Cluster 6 was characterized by reciprocity amongst all three participants. This model of interaction types provides a framework within which teachers may interpret their own teacher-parent and teacher-pupil experience, potentially empowering teachers to alter their interaction patterns when migration from one cluster type to another is deemed to be appropriate in terms of enhancing learning or teaching outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-194
Alin Croitoru

This paper contributes to the growing literature on the diversity of return migration by analysing the different types of small-scale entrepreneurship among returnees. Data from an original survey conducted among Romanian returnees and in-depth interviews with returnees in entrepreneurship are combined to reveal distinct profiles of returnee entrepreneurs and to illustrate their specific ways of thinking about entrepreneurship and migration. Currently, Romania is one of the most fertile settings to research intra-European return migration due to its important flows of temporary international migrants. The paper highlights that there are major differences between business owners and self-employed returnees in terms of entrepreneurship. Returnees who are business owners are those who benefited significantly more from migration than non-entrepreneur returnees—in terms of economic savings, human capital accumulation, and enhancement of their stocks of social capital; while returnees in self-employment reveal no significant differences for these migration outcomes compared to non-entrepreneur returnees. The distinction between the two groups of entrepreneurs has certain implications for origin states’ policies oriented towards stimulating return migration through programmes oriented towards returnees’ entrepreneurship. Keywords: Return Migration; Intra-European Migration; Entrepreneurship; Self-Employment; Multi-Method Social Research. „„„„ Articolul contribuie la literatura dedicată diversității migrației de revenire prin analiza unor tipuri diferite de antreprenoriat în rândul migranților reîntorși în țara de origine. Pentru a documenta profilurile specifice ale migranților care sunt antreprenori după revenire, sunt combinate date culese printr-un sondaj cu migranți reveniți în România și interviuri de profunzime cu migranți care au statutul de antreprenori după revenirea din străinătate. În prezent, România reprezintă unul dintre contextele excelente pentru cercetarea migrației de revenire datorită fluxurilor importante de migranți temporari internaționali. Lucrarea subliniază o serie de diferențe majore între migranții reveniți care au deschis mici afaceri și cei care lucrează pe cont propriu (de exemplu, sub formă de persoană fizică autorizată). Pe de o parte, migranții reveniți care dețin mici afaceri sunt cei care au beneficiat semnificativ mai mult din experiența de migrație comparativ cu reveniții non-antreprenori, în termeni de bani economisiți din migrație, acumulare de capital uman în străinătate și reconfigurarea capitalului social. Pe de altă parte, compararea profilurilor celor care lucrează pe cont propriu cu non-antreprenorii nu arată diferențe semnificative între cele două categorii în termeni de resurse acumulate prin experiența de migrație. Distincția dintre cele două tipuri de antreprenori poate avea implicații pentru politicile statelor de origine orientate către stimularea migrației de revenire prin programe centrate spre antreprenoriatul migranților reveniți. Cuvinte-cheie: migrație de revenire; migrație intra-europeană; antreprenoriat; angajare pe cont propriu; cercetare multi-metodă.

2019 ◽  
Philip Garboden

The majority of rental properties in the U.S. today is owned by small- to medium-sized investors, many of whom enter the trade with little prior experience. This paper considers the cultural factors that motivate these amateurs to purchase real estate–an investment with high risks and relatively poor returns. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 93 investors in three heterogeneous real estate markets, Baltimore, MD, Dallas, TX, and Cleveland, OH, combined with participant observation of 22 real estate investment association meetings (REIAs), this paper finds that amateurs who decide to become investors often do so during periods when their professional identities are insecure or they perceive their retirement portfolios to be insufficient. Through participation in real estate investment associations and other investor networks, they quickly internalize “investor culture,” embracing ideologies of self-sufficiency and risk. “Investor culture”—perpetuated by REIAs--motivates and legitimizes strategies of action that lead to increasingly leveraged investments. Third-party actors, including real estate gurus, paid mentors, and private “hard money” lenders exploit the intersection of insecurity and the propagation of investor culture to profit off amateurs’ investment decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30

Hipertensi termasuk salah satu penyakit degenaratif yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat dan sering muncul tanpa gejala. Penyakit hipertensi akan menjadi masalah yang serius jika tidak dikelola dengan baik, karena akan berkembang dan menimbulkan komplikasi yang berbahaya. Keberhasilan pengendalian hipertensi, salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan keluarga. Dukungan keluarga merupakan bentuk interaksi antar anggota keluarga yang dapat memberikan kenyamanan fisik dan psikologis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam mengenai arti dan makna dukungan keluarga terhadap penderita hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain fenomenologi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga menderita hipertensi yang tinggal di wilayah Kebonsari Surabaya. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah rekaman wawancara yang dibuat transkrip verbatim serta dianalisa menggunakan aplikasi Open Code 4.0. Hasil penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasi 4 tema yaitu Respon psikologis emosional, Dukungan finansial, Dukungan instrumen dan Harapan keluarga. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan peran serta keluarga sangat diperlukan untuk penderita hipertensi dalam mengendalikan tekanan darah       ABSTRACT   Hypertension is a degenerative disease that is often found in society and often appears without symptoms. Hypertension will become a serious problem if it is not managed properly, because it will develop and cause dangerous complications. The successfull of controlling hypertension is influenced by family support. Family support is a form of interaction between family members that can provide physical and psychological comfort. The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the meaning and meaning of family support for hypertensive sufferers. This study used a descriptive phenomenology design. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews. Participants in this study are families who have family members suffering from hypertension who live in the Kebonsari area of ​​Surabaya. The data collected were recorded interviews made with verbatim transcripts and analyzed using the Open Code 4.0 application. The results of this study identified 4 themes, namely emotional psychological response, financial support, instrument support and family expectations. Increased knowledge and family participation is needed for people with hypertension in controlling blood pressure.      

2022 ◽  
pp. 383-408
Kerstin Christiane Felser

For decades, the German automotive industry has benefitted from a process of IT-enabled transformation with the ongoing deployment of state-of-the-art IT. Despite the high relevance of IT for innovation and process efficiency, the industry has outsourced up to 80% of the IT budget to external IT providers as IT has generally not been seen as a core competence. In recent years, the phenomenon of digital transformation has emerged, along with the consequent disruptive impacts associated with digital technology deployment. One area of significance in the corporate environment is the current and potential impact of digital transformation on future IT sourcing strategies. Through an analysis of existing literature and a series of in-depth interviews with industry experts, the chapter examines how and why the German automotive industry is reviewing IT sourcing strategies in response to the anticipated implications of digital transformation. A change in the ratio between outsourcing and insourcing has a significant impact on in-house employment and third-party business operations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 298-314 ◽  
Anna M Ozimek

This article discusses fraudulent contracting of work in the Polish videogame industry by addressing its relation to workers’ understanding of their insecure employment and the economic risk associated with it. Fraudulent contracting of work is understood as misuse of civil law contracts/self-employment to disguise different types of employment relations. The article draws upon in-depth interviews with Polish videogame workers and key sector organisations to examine their understanding of the prevalence of employment relations not covered by the labour code in the videogame industry. The interviewees presented polarised opinions about engagement with civil law contracts ranging from celebratory approaches to their flexibility to discussing their use by companies in order to circumvent the labour code provisions. This article argues that the understanding of work precarisation needs to be further investigated in relation to national regulatory systems and workers’ understanding of their own employment arrangements.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1329878X2096156
Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos ◽  
Aljosha Karim Schapals ◽  
Axel Bruns

The proliferation of data journalism has enabled newsrooms to deploy technologies for both mundane and more sophisticated workplace tasks. To bypass long-term investment in developing data skills, out-of-the-box software solutions are commonly used. Newsrooms today are partially dependent on third-party platforms to build interactive and visual stories – but the business models of platforms are predisposed to changes, frequently inducing losses of stories. This article combines in-depth interviews and an ancillary survey to study the status quo and identify future challenges in embracing out-of-the-box and in-house tools, and their impact on Australian data journalism. Results indicate a dichotomy between commercial and public service media organisations. Commercial outlets are heavily reliant on out-of-the-box solutions to develop stories, due to a lack of skillsets and a shortage of skilled labour. By contrast, public service media are developing their own in-house solutions, which reflects their desire for the continuous digital preservation of data stories despite the challenges identified.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 269-280 ◽  
Ling Peng ◽  
Geng Cui ◽  
Mengzhou Zhuang ◽  
Chunyu Li

Purpose To influence consumer perceptions, firms often manipulate online product reviews on their own websites or third-party forums by anonymously adding positive reviews, deleting unfavorable reviews or offering rewards to encourage favorable reviews. This study aims to investigate consumer perceptions of online review deceptions and how these perceptions influence their subsequent purchase behavior. In particular, consumers’ awareness, suspicion and detection are studied and specific manipulation tactics are evaluated. Design/methodology/approach Both qualitative and quantitative studies are relied upon to understand consumer perceptions of online review deceptions. In-depth interviews with 16 experienced online shoppers were conducted to collect the illustrative accounts concerning consumer awareness of online review deceptions, their suspicion, detection and evaluation of different manipulation tactics. A survey of 199 consumers was then followed to validate and corroborate the findings from the qualitative study and generalize the interview results onto the general public. Findings The results from in-depth interviews suggest that consumers take a negative view toward online review deceptions, but the degree of negativity varies across different manipulation tactics. Moreover, different types of manipulations vary in terms of perceived deceptiveness, ease of detection and unethicality, as well as their effect on consumer purchase intention and perceived helpfulness of online product reviews. The findings from the survey further confirmed the qualitative findings. Practical implications The findings have a number of meaningful managerial implications for industry associations and policymakers on whether and how to regulate online review deceptions. Originality/value This study applies and extends information manipulation theory and deception detection literature to an online context to increase the richness of the relevant theories. It is among the first to empirically investigate online review deceptions from a consumer’s perspective, as opposed to a firm’s perspective as previous studies have done.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Dirk De Clercq ◽  
Wei Sun ◽  
Imanol Belausteguigoitia

AbstractDrawing from conservation of resources theory, this article investigates the relationship between job control (a critical job resource) and idea championing, as well as how this relationship may be augmented by stressful work conditions that can lead to resource losses, such as conflicting work role demands and psychological contract violations. With quantitative data collected from employees of an organization that operates in the chemical sector, this study reveals that job control increases the propensity to champion innovative ideas. This effect is especially salient when employees experience high levels of role conflict and psychological contract violations. For organizations, the results demonstrate that giving employees more control over whether they invest in championing activities will be most beneficial when those employees also face resource-draining work conditions, in the form of either incompatible role expectations or unfilled employer obligations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 221 ◽  
pp. 229-242 ◽  
Jing Song

AbstractThe rise of private sector business in urban China has led to more women engaging in low-end self-employment. This study, however, reveals a more complicated story in the countryside. Drawing on in-depth interviews conducted in a Chinese village, this study finds that the women took the lead in developing sideline self-employment and were then attracted to rural wage employment in the 1980s. With the privatization of rural industries and the rise of capital-intensive self-employment in the 1990s, some women were forced into low-end self-employment, but others were attracted to high-end self-employment, forging individual careers and family ventures. In more recent times, younger women have been more inclined to work on-and-off, balancing self-employment pursuits with the desire to be a good mother. This pattern marks a shift from the continuous multitasking practised by the older generation.

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