scholarly journals ‘The Double Privilege of Athens and Jerusalem’: the Relationship between Philosophy and Religion in the Works of Paul Ricoeur

Sophia ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 453-469
Michael D’Angeli
2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-25 ◽  
Christina M. Gschwandtner

In this paper I consider Ricœur’s negotiation of the boundary or relationship between philosophy and religion in light of the larger debate in contemporary French philosophy. I suggest that contrasting his way of dealing with the intersection of the two discourses to that of two other French thinkers (Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry) illuminates his stance more fully. I begin with a brief outline of Ricœur’s claims about the distinction or relation between the discourses, then reflect on those of Marion and Henry, who although they do not relate them in the same way still together form a significant contrast to Ricœur’s perspective, and conclude with a fuller consideration of Ricœur’s methodology in light of this comparison. I suggest that it is in particular his hermeneutic commitments that lead him both to more rigorous distinctions between discourses and ironically to greater mediation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (100) ◽  
pp. 163
Olga Sodré

Este trabalho ressalta a relação entre a razão e a experiência no campo de estudo da religião, mostrando suas transformações no contexto do desenvolvimento da filosofia da religião e dos paradigmas da razão. Aponta para a atual crítica à hegemonia da razão e o interesse crescente pelas demais dimensões do psiquismo, em particular através do desenvolvimento do método fenomenológico e de sua abordagem da experiência. Apresenta a renovação da atual fenomenologia francesa, que permite não apenas a revisão crítica do  racionalismo e do positivismo, como também a possibilidade de repensar a relação entre ciência, filosofia e religião. Focaliza os avanços da filosofia reflexiva de Jean Nabert e a contribuição da fenomenologia hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur para uma nova concepção da filosofia da religião e da alteridade religiosa.Abstract: This work underlines the relationship between reason and experience in the field of religion studies, showing its transformations within the development of the philosophy of religion and the paradigms of reason. It points towards the current criticism concerning the hegemony of reason and towards the growing interest for other psychical dimensions, particularly through the development of the phenomenological method and its approach to experience This article also presents the current renewal of French phenomenology that allows not only the critical revision of rationalism and positivism, but also the possibility to rethink the relationship between philosophy, science and religion. It focuses on the advancements of Jean Nabert’s philosophy and on the contributions of Ricoeur’s hermeneutical phenomenology, leading to a new conception of the philosophy of religion and of religious otherness. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Fagner Veloso Silva Silva

Resumo: O ensino da disciplina de Filosofia constitui no exercício/atividade filosófica na sala de aula, pois através desta atividade buscar-se-á criar, inventar, reinventar e produzir novos saberes e ações que se configurem como uma experiência filosófica. A experiência do filosofar proporciona uma maior flexibilidade entre o pensar e o agir, tendo como finalidade a constituição do si do alunado. Como praticamente a aula de Filosofia no Ensino Médio consiste numa aula expositiva, a relação entre professor e o aluno, entre aquele que “explica” e aquele que “compreende” sugere a busca de algo em comum: interpretar o texto. Por certo, o primeiro e mais elementar trabalho de interpretação é captar aquilo que o autor se propôs ao escrever determinado texto. Por esta razão buscamos investigar quais são as contribuições de uma hermenêutica no Ensino Médio, tendo como finalidade a busca de uma “ferramenta” (hermenêutica) que o professor possa oferecer para seu alunado, proporcionando-lhes um meio de compreender a eles mesmos e o mundo em que estão inseridos, o papel da hermenêutica e sua contribuição para a vida dos alunos é a de auxiliá-los na compreensão da realidade que eles vivenciam, para que possam desenvolver uma melhor vivência em sociedade. Palavras-chave: Apropriação. Filosofar. Hermenêutica. Mundo do Texto. Abstract: The teaching of the discipline of Philosophy constitutes in the exercise/philosophical activity in the classroom, because through this activity will seek to create, invent, reinvent and produce new knowledge and actions that are configured as a philosophical experience. The experience of philosophizing provides a greater flexibility between thinking and acting, having as purpose the constitution of the student's self. As practically the Philosophy class in High School is an expositive class, the relationship between teacher and student, between the one who "explains" and the one who "understands" suggests the search for something in common: to interpret the text. Of course, the first and most elementary work of interpretation is to capture what the author proposed in writing a particular text. For this reason we seek to investigate the contributions of a hermeneutics in High School, aiming at the search for a "tool" (hermeneutics) that the teacher can offer to his / her student, providing them with a way to understand themselves and the the role of hermeneutics and their contribution to students' lives is to help them understand the reality they experience, so that they can develop a better experience in society. Keywords: Appropriation. To philosophize. Hermeneutics. World of Text.   REFERÊNCIAS GENTIL, Hélio Salles. Historicidade e compreensão das narrativas de ficção a partir da hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur. In. PAULA, Adna Candido de; SPERBER, Frankl(Organizadoras). Teoria literária e hermenêutica Ricoeuriana: um diálogo possível. Dourados, MS: UFGD, 2011, p. 177-193. GRODIN, Jean. Qué es la hermenéutica? Tradução de Antoni Martinez Riu. Barcelona: Editora Herder, 2008. KAMESAR, Adam. Biblical Interpretation in Philo. In. KAMESAR, Adam. (org.). The Cambridge Companion to Philo. Cambridge: Editora University Press, 2009, p. 65-91. ORÍGENES. Tratado sobre os princípios. São Paulo: Paulus, 2012. RICŒUR, Paul. O si-mesmo como outro. São Paulo: Editora WMF Marins Fontes, 2014. RICŒUR, Paul. O conflito das interpretações: ensaios de hermenêutica. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1978. RICŒUR, Paul. El discurso de la acción. 2ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1988. RICŒUR, Paul. Teoria da interpretação: o discurso e o excesso de significação. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2000. RICŒUR, Paul. Del texto a la acción: ensayos de hermenêutica II. Editora: Fondo de Cultura Económica. México, 2002. RICŒUR, Paul. Hermeneutica e acción: de la hermenêutica del texto la hermenêutica de la acción. Buenos Aires: Editora Prometeo, 2008. RICŒUR, Paul. Historia y narratividad. Barcelona: Editora Paidós, 1999. RICOEUR, Paul. The Text as Dynamic Identity. In: VALDÉS, Mario J.; MILLER, Owen J. (eds.). Identity of the Literary Text. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. 175-186. RICŒUR, Paul. A hermenêutica bíblica. São Paulo: Editora Loyola, 2006. RICŒUR, Paul. Retórica, poética y hermenêutica. Madrid: Universidade autònoma de Madrid, 1997. SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich D.E. Hermenêutica: arte e técnica da interpretação. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1999. UNESCO. Aprender a viver juntos: nós falhamos? Brasília: UNESCO, IBE, 2003. Disponivel em: Acesso: 22/04/2018 THIOLLENT, Michel. Metodologia da pesquisa-ação. São Paulo: Editora Cortez, 1986.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-197
Trio Kurniawan

The feast of Dalok is the highlight of the feast in the series of death-rites performed by Dayak Uud Danum’s tribe in Serawai, District of Sintang, West Borneo. It is the biggest feast celebrated by this tribe. There are plenty of Symbols found in the rites, and they are picturing the relationship among the human beings and also between the people and The Supreme Being, Tahala’. These Symbols are tied each other very closely like a knot. The author of this article is using Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics to reread and reveal the meaning of symbolical knots which are acceptable to the public.   Pesta Dalok adalah puncak dari rangkaian upacara kematian dalam suku Dayak Uud Danum di Serawai, Kab. Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Pesta Dalok menjadi pesta terbesar yang dilaksanakan oleh suku ini. Ada begitu banyak simbol dalam ritus-ritus di pesta ini dan semuanya menggambarkan relasi antara sesama manusia maupun antar manusia dengan Realitas Tertinggi, Tahala’. Simbol-simbol ini saling berhubungan dengan sangat erat ibarat sebuah simpul. Penulis menggunakan hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur untuk membaca ulang dan membuka makna dari simpul-simpul simbolik yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-226
Clemens Sedmak ◽  
Mathias Nebel ◽  

In this article, the authors articulate the question “From where do we speak?” They explain the status of this question and then discuss the question “From where do the authors of the document Justice in the World speak?” They identify four reference points: a pneumatologic commitment, a perception of injustice, a belief in the Gospel basis of action on behalf of justice, and a recognition of self-involvement. This part of the text has been written by Clemens Sedmak. In the second part, they ask the question: “From where do we speak now?” After a few remarks on the climate crisis and the sexual abuse crisis, they focus on “the wounded sociality” of the present day. They explore the relationship between justice and this wounded sociality, taking the categories of social friendship and fraternity as points of reference (from Pope Francis’s encyclicals Laudato si’ and Fratelli tutti), and enter a conversation with three authors: Michael Sandel, Teresa Godwin Phelps, and Paul Ricoeur. This section has been authored by Mathias Nebel.

Niamh Brennan

Abstract This paper examines the relationship between narrative and subjectivity. It begins by examining the subject in the work of Paul Ricoeur and Thomas Berry and the way in which the task of subjectivity for both thinkers is related to narrative. Although occupying different disciplines, both men share a commitment to narrative. Ricoeur in his formation of narrative identity and the unity that this provides to a life, and Berry in his use of narrative in proposing a new human identity. Through an examination of Ricoeur and Berry’s approach to narrative, specifically in how it contributes to the development of subjectivity, this paper suggests that such an approach has validity as a method in addressing the ecological crisis.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-84 ◽  
Robert Vosloo

This article asks whether it is responsible to introduce and/or cultivate the language of forgetting against the backdrop of South Africa’s colonial and apartheid past.  In writings originating from contexts permeated by memories of historical injustice, the call, and more specifically the duty, to remember and the implied need to fight against forgetting are rightfully emphasised.  But how are we to evaluate what some scholars see as a discursive shift from “memory” to “forgetting” in memory studies?  With this question in mind, this article first considers some possible arguments for giving greater prominence to the notion of forgetting in our memory discourse.  This is followed by a section that reiterates the “critique of forgetting,” drawing also on some examples from 20th century South African political and church history. In the final section, the article considers, in conversation with Paul Ricoeur, whether we should view the relationship between an art of memory and an art of forgetting as symmetrical or asymmetrical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Sunahrowi Sunahrowi ◽  
Widya Eka Safitri

Interpretation in literary works is very open. The problem examined in this study is the looking for meaning that related to the plague and isolation that exists in the romance ‘La Peste’. So, this research aims to provide a view of the relationship of the text in literary works and describe the content by the realities of Paul Ricoeur hermeneutics studies through descriptive methods. The results of the analysis of the romance ‘La Peste’ are divided into two parts, namely sens and reference. With this analysis, the romance ‘La Peste’ is easier to be understand both in terms of intrinsic and the relationship of meaning in the text with the realities of life.Sastra adalah sebuah karya yang terbuka terhadap interpretasi dan penafsiran. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah pencarian makna terkait wabah dan isolasi yang ada dalam roman La Peste. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini yaitu memberikan pandangan terhadap hubungan teks dalam karya sastra serta mendeskripsikan isinya sesuai dengan realitas kehidupan dengan menggunakan kajian hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur melalui metode deskriptif. Hasil analisis roman La Peste terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu sens dan reference.  Adanya analisis ini membuat roman La Peste lebih mudah dipahami baik dari segi instrinsik maupun keterkaitan makna dalam teks dengan realitas kehidupan.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-131 ◽  
David J. Leichter

Collective memory has been a notoriously difficult concept to define. I appeal to Paul Ricoeur and argue that his account of the relationship of the self and her community can clarify the meaning of collective memory. While memory properly understood belongs, in each case, to individuals, such memory exists and is shaped by a relationship with others. Furthermore, because individuals are constituted over a span of time and through intersubjective associations, the notion of collective memory ought to be understood in terms of the way that memory enacts and reenacts networks of relations among individuals and the communities to which they belong, rather than in terms of a model that reifies either individuals or groups. Ricoeur’s account can show sources of oppression and offers ways to respond to them.

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