The microcoulometric determination of extractable organic halogen in surface water; Application to surface waters of The Netherlands

1977 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-245 ◽  
R.C.C. Wegman ◽  
P.A. Greve
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8316
Mira Azzi ◽  
Sylvain Ravier ◽  
Assem Elkak ◽  
Bruno Coulomb ◽  
Jean-Luc Boudenne

Chromatographic development for the determination of pharmaceuticals in environmental water samples is particularly challenging when the analytes have significantly different physico-chemical properties (solubility, polarity, pKa) often requiring multiple chromatographic methods for each active component. This paper presents a method for the simultaneous determination of azithromycin, erythromycin (antibiotics), fluoxetine (anti-depressant) and sotalol (b-blocker) in surface waters by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultra-high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. These pharmaceuticals—presenting a broad spectrum of polarity (0.24 ≤ log Kow ≤ 4.05)—were separated on a C-18 analytical column, after a simple filtration step for freshwater samples or after a liquid–liquid extraction with Methyl-tertio-butyl ether (MTBE) for seawater samples. The optimized separation method (in terms of nature of column and eluent, elution gradient, and of mass spectrometric parameters), enable one to reach limits of detection ranging between 2 and 7 ng L−1 and limits of quantification between 7 and 23 ng L−1 for the four targeted molecules, within a three minute run. This method was validated using samples collected from three different surface waters in Lebanon (freshwater and seawater) and analytical results were compared with those obtained in surface waters sampled in a French river, equivalent in terms of human activities. Using this method, we report the highest concentration of pharmaceuticals found in surface water (up to 377 ng L−1 and 268 ng L−1, respectively, for azithromycin and erythromycin, in the Litani river, Lebanon).

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 12022
Guriyat Podvolotskaya ◽  
Sergey Belopukhov ◽  
Vitaly Savich ◽  
Andrey Sorokin ◽  
Nikolay Tyutrin

Soil solutions and the surface waters are characterized by properties, processes and regimes. Soil solutions of different soils and their surface water have different biological activity and change the activity of dissolved stimulants and inhibitors. The object of the study are soil solutions of the main types of soils obtained in the model experiments with the ratio of soils: water equal to 1:1 and 1: 2, soil solutions and surface water in the flooding of soils with water for 1 week – 3 months. The research method consisted in the assessment of pH, Eh, activity of K, NO3, NH4, Ca, Mg by conventional methods, assessment of concentrations of water-soluble compounds extracted from soils by ionite membranes, in the assessment of biological activity of solutions using biotests. The following is suggested for additional evaluation: the using of cation and anion membranes, determination of interrelation between the properties of waters, equation of pair correlation and multiply regression. The informative value of the gradient of surface water concentrations at different distances from the floor of the reservoir, at different depths of the overwatered soils is shown. The mobility of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn in soils and the content of their water-soluble forms depends on both pH and Eh, whose influence on the content of water-soluble forms of the considered cations shows the effects of synergy and antagonism. The rate of change in the composition of soil solutions during soil flooding depends on a combination of soil properties, temperature, and duration of flooding. Soil solutions of different soils and their surface waters have differentrates.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 656 ◽  
María Eugenia León-González ◽  
Noelia Rosales-Conrado

Environmental context Ibuprofen, a common anti-inflammatory drug and one of many pharmaceuticals sold as a mixture of enantiomers, has recently been found in river and surface waters. There are, however, few analytical methods able to separate and accurately measure ibuprofen enantiomers in environmental matrices. This study reports a method for quantifying ibuprofen enantiomers in sediments and surface water, and applies it to shed light on the degradation and fate of the enantiomers in aquatic systems. Abstract The enantioselective composition of ibuprofen in sediments in contact with surface water was evaluated over 168h in the presence and absence of light. Multivariate techniques applied for the evaluation of enantiomeric fraction (EF) and recoveries of enantiomers in water and sediments show differences in the EF and composition of each enantiomer. In sediments, differences in the EF are a result of the presence or absence of light, whereas in water it is attributable to degradation of the two enantiomers with time. To achieve enantioselective separation of ibuprofen in surface water and sediments, a clean-up and preconcentration procedure using solid phase extraction combined with a direct chiral liquid chromatography–ultraviolet method was developed. Quantitation limits of the proposed method were between 0.12 and 0.15µgg–1 for each enantiomer in sediments, and between 2.4 and 3.0µgL–1 in surface water. Intra- and inter-day precisions were between 5.1 and 8.9%. Multivariate techniques can be useful to identify enantiomeric modifications and to select the variables that should be used for modelling such transformations.

S. D. Ganova ◽  
O. V. Skopintseva

This paper presents a program of observation of the surface water and bottom sediments. In accordance with existing regulatory requirements, these elements are directly connected, which allows determination of the water loss and the level of geochemical contamination of rivers and large lakes due to dissolution, migration and accumulation of chemicals in the proper water intake areas, in background and in control points of water bodies. Since monitoring of the surface waters and of the bottom sediments is a part of the complex geoecological monitoring, it is necessary to reflect the feasibility of the work and, accordingly, its objectivity. In addition, results should be reliable and complete, and information received during the observations should be presented in a manner that is convenient for the consumer, which requires additional steps of systematization of the information obtained, data processing and formation of the information banks. When designing a network of monitoring points in the study area, we should follow the same principle that is used for determination of sustainability category of geoecological systems: with other identical conditions, monitoring points should be located in places characterized by low levels of stability and within the zones of exposure to high environmental risk objects.

Joylyn Anita Conway ◽  
Brij Bhushan Tewari

Standard analytical procedures that are based on colourimetry facilitated the determination of PO43- and NO3- in the ground and surface waters from the three (3) counties of Guyana. Phosphates and nitrates beyond their permissible levels in natural waters can pose significant threats to the aquatic environment, its inhabitants, and the health of humans and terrestrial animals. For this reason, this study aims to investigate the use of metal (nickel, cadmium, cobalt) ferrocyanides (octahedral complexes that facilitate adsorption of anions primarily on its two divalent transitional metals) as adsorbents to facilitate the removal of the aforementioned anions. Results revealed that nickel ferrocyanide is the most effective adsorbent for treating ground and surface waters that contain high levels of PO43-, while it was also the most effective adsorbent for treating surface waters that contained NO3-. Fixed volumes of water samples were treated with 50 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg of the adsorbent. The correlation coefficient computations revealed that they were instances of both positive and negative correlations, which implied that increasing adsorbent dosage resulted in increased adsorption and other instances decreased adsorption, respectively. This occurrence went against literature, possible reasons for this are explained in detail within the discussion portion of the manuscript. Adsorption isotherms and Langmuir plots were used to facilitate adsorption studies, in various instances, the generic appearance of these isotherms was not observed, possible reasons for this occurrence are also explained in more detail within the article. Based on observations within the article, the use of cobalt ferrocyanide for treating groundwater and removing PO43- is not recommended, while cadmium ferrocyanide is not recommended to be used to facilitate the removal of NO3-, due to the possible formation of Co3(PO4)2 and Cd(NO3)2, respectively, which consequently affected the results. Technologies like those studied in this research project should be explored and studied more in-depth (particularly with regards to the stability of the adsorbents) with regards to the treating of ground and surface water supplies, to facilitate the removal of PO43- and NO3-, since the results observed, though on a small scale, can be seen to move us closer towards a green and sustainable environment, inclusive of safeguarding the health of the Worlds’ people and expanding the scope of cost-effective and simple methods that aid in the removal of anions from natural waters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (11) ◽  
pp. 1201-1205
Raisa A. Dmitrieva ◽  
T. V. Doskina ◽  
A. V. Zagainova ◽  
A. E. Nedachin ◽  
I. A. Abramov ◽  

Introduction. There was presented data from the field observation of surface waters and wastewater on indices of viral pollution. Material and Methods. To detect the presence of viruses, we examined samples as following: waters of the rivers of the Central European region of Russia; wastewater of the cities of this region; wastewater after treatment at three aeration stations. Eluates were examined for viruses on 2 transplantable RD and Hep-2 cell lines recommended by WHO, as well as on BGM culture. In addition, in the majority of samples, RNA of entero-, noro-, astro-, rotaviruses, hepatitis A viruses (HAV) was detected in RT-PCR and adenovirus DNA in PCR. The output of viruses in cell cultures was carried out in 3 passages, and the determination of RNA and DNA of viruses - in 2 replications. All samples were also examined for coliphages, as indirect indices of viral contamination. Results. It was revealed that coliphages were detected in surface water in 94% of samples, viruses on tissue RD, Hep-2 and BGM cell lines were detected in 35% of samples. The percentage of detection of RNA entero-, rota-, noro-, astroviruses, HAV and adenovirus DNA ranged from 10 to 70%. Discussion. Studies conducted at three aeration stations showed an increase in viral contamination of water in water bodies after the discharge of wastewater into them. Conclusion. Wastewater, both untreated and after biological treatment and disinfection, is contaminated with viruses and when discharged into surface water bodies creates a high risk to public health. In order to preserve the water resources of Russia, modern methods of cleaning and disinfecting wastewater should be modernized with the development of individual schemes taking into account the data of sanitary and virological control of discharged wastewater and the standards specified in the documents of water sanitary legislation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-85 ◽  
A.J.H. van Breemen ◽  
P.H.M. Vermij

In the Netherlands the leaching of heavy metals from metal building and constructing materials results in serious contamination problems in the water system. The most common sources of these heavy metals in construction materials are copper waterworks and roofs, zinc roofs, gutters and rain pipes, zinced steel, stainless steel, and lead sealing material. In urban waters the surface water and sediment standards are often exceeded. Although building and construction materials are certainly not the only source of heavy metals, they are an important part of the problem. This article focuses on six instruments that are in use in the Netherlands to try to reduce impact on the surface waters. In addition to this, national as well as international, a reconsideration of the risks and surface water standards for several heavy metals is considered. A balanced use of instruments can be considered as the application of a best practice.

2012 ◽  
Vol 69 (9) ◽  
pp. 753-758 ◽  
Dejan Natic ◽  
Dragana Jovanovic ◽  
Tanja Knezevic ◽  
Vesna Karadzic ◽  
Zorica Bulat ◽  

Background/Aim. Cyanobacterial toxins befall a group of various compounds according to chemical structure and health effects on people and animals. The most significant in this large group of compounds are microcystins. Their presence in water used for human consumption causes serious health problems, liver beeing the target organ. Microcystins are spread all over the world. Waterblooms of cyanobacterias and their cyanotoxins are also common in the majority of surface waters in Serbia. The aim of this study was to propose HPLC method for determination of mikrocystin-LR, to validate the method and to use it for determination of microcystin-LR in the surface water of the river Ponjavica. The Ponjavica is very eutrophic water and has ideal conditions for the cyanobacterial growth. Methods. Sample of water form the Ponjavica river were collected during the summer 2008. Coupled columns (HLB, Sep-Pak), were used for sample preparation and HPLC/PDA method was used for quantification of microcystin- LR. Results. Parameters of validation show that the proposed method is simple, fast, sensitive (0.1 mg/L) and selective with the yield of 89%-92%. The measuring uncertainty of ?? 5% was obtained. The obtained results for surface water show that microcystin concentration reached the maximum level during August and September (1.5 ?g/L). The value is higher than maximum allowable concentration of microcystin in drinking water (1 ?g/L) proposed by WHO. Conclusion. This study contributes to the issue of pollution of the National Park Ponjavica. Besides, literature data and WHO clearly point out harmfulness of cyanobasterias and their toxins and implicate the necessity of legislation concerning determination and monitoring of these toxins in our country. Method used for quentification of mycrocystin-LR was shown to be sensitive, selective, rapid and simple and could be recommended for routine determination of this toxin.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (12) ◽  
pp. 339-345
M. I. Mul ◽  
A. W. van der Vlies

The water authority “Hollandse Eilanden en Waarden” (HEW) is responsible for the quality of the surface water in the western region of The Netherlands. In this area the reduction of emissions of agrochemicals and nutrients from agriculture and horticulture to surface waters is one of the main priorities in the strategy to reduce the discharge from non-point sources. Because of the area and the relatively intensive use of chemicals for crop protection arable farming and the field production of vegetables are the major source of diffuse pollution by agrochemicals and nutrients in the management area of HEW. This paper gives an overview of the research programme carried out to investigate the different emission routes from arable farming and the field production of vegetables. Based on the results of this research programme a special programme “PAREL” was developed and implemented in 1997. The name PAREL (pearl in English) stands for ‘plan for reduction of emission from agriculture’. This plan was developed and implemented in close co-operation with the farmers' organizations. This initiative of HEW was accepted by the other water authorities in the western part of The Netherlands. For the implementation period a special treaty was signed in 1997 between the agricultural sector and these water authorities. The PAREL policy is a combination of regulation and advice (good housekeeping) aimed at reducing the emission of agrochemicals and nutrients to surface waters from agricultural activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (4s) ◽  
pp. 621-629
Valentina Pidlisnyuk ◽  
John Harrington JR ◽  
Yulia Melnyk ◽  
Yuliya Vystavna ◽  

The article focuses on examining the influence of fluctuations in annual precipitation amount on the quality of surface waters. Water quality was estimated with data on BOD, COD and phosphate–ion concentration within five selected regions of Ukraine. Analysis of the precipitation data (1991 – 2010) showed different regional trends. Using the statistics, determination of the interconnection between precipitation amount and water resources quality were done. The obtained regularities and associated uncertainties can be used for prediction of changes in water resource quality and as a guide for future adaptation to possible climate change.

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