Performance and sizing of filtration equipment to replace mineral fertilizer with digestate in drip and sprinkler fertigation

2021 ◽  
pp. 128431
Alberto Finzi ◽  
Viviana Guido ◽  
Elisabetta Riva ◽  
Omar Ferrari ◽  
Dolores Quilez ◽  
Mohammed Aajmi Salman ◽  
Jawad A. Kamal Al-Shibani

Beneficial microorganisms play a key role in the availability of ions minerals in the soil and use Randomized Complete Block Desing ( R.C.B.D ). The objective of this paper to the study effect of the of biofertilizer and miniral treatments on availability of NPK for crop corn zea mays L.Two types of biofertilizer are Bacterial Bacillus subtilis and Fungal Trichoderma harianum. Three levels of potassium fertilizer are (2.9533, 0.4000 and 2.9533). A field experiment in fall season of 2018 Has been conducted in silty clay loam soil. The experimental Results indicated that Bacillus and Trichoderma inoculation separately or together Have made a significant effect to increase in the availability of N P K in the soil compare to other treatments. The grain yield is where (2.9533, 0.4000 and 2.9533) of bacterial and fungal bio-fertilizer and potassium fertilizers respectively as compared to the control.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-314 ◽  
Imre Kádár

Egy műtrágyázási tartamkísérlet 32. évében, 2005-ben vizsgáltuk az eltérő N-, P- és K-ellátottsági szintek és kombinációik hatását a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) vezérnövényű, nyolckomponensű, pillangós nélküli gyepkeverék termésére, fejlődésére és elemtartalmára. A termőhely mészlepedékes csernozjom talaja a szántott rétegben mintegy 3% humuszt, 3–5% CaCO3-ot és 20–22% agyagot tartalmazott, N és K elemekben közepesen, P és Zn elemekben gyengén ellátottnak minősült. A kísérlet 4N×4P×4K = 64 kezelést×2 ismétlést = 128 parcellát foglalt magában. A talajvíz 13–15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület aszályérzékeny. A vizsgált 2005. évben azonban kielégítő mennyiségű (649 mm) csapadék hullott és annak eloszlása is kedvező volt. A gyep telepítése spenót elővetemény után 2000. szeptember 20-án történt gabona sortávra 60 kg·ha–1 vetőmaggal, amelynek 25%-át (15 kg) a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis); 21–21%-át (12,6 kg) a nádképű csenkesz (Festuca arundinacea) és az angol perje (Lolium perenne); 9%-át (5,4 kg) a taréjos búzafű (Agropyron cristatum), valamint 6–6%-át (3,6 kg) a vörös csenkesz (Festuca rubra), a réti komócsin (Phleum pratense), a zöld pántlikafű (Phalaris arundinacea) és a csomós ebír (Dactylis glomerata) tette ki. Főbb eredményeink: – A meghatározó N-trágyázás nyomán a szénatermés 5-szörösére emelkedett a két kaszálással a N-kontrollhoz viszonyítva. A maximális 10 t·ha–1 körüli légszáraz szénahozamokat a 300 kg N·ha–1·év–1 N-adag, valamint a 150 mg·kg–1 körüli AL-P2O5-, illetve 150 mg·kg–1 feletti AL-K2O-tartalom biztosította. Növénydiagnosztikai szempontból a nagy terméshez kötődő optimális elemtartalom 2% körüli N- és K-, illetve 0,2–0,3% P-koncentráció volt a szénában. – A két kaszálással felvett minimum (a 2 t·ha–1 körüli szénatermést adó N-kontroll) és maximum (a 10 t·ha–1 körüli szénahozamú, nitrogénnel és PK-vel jól ellátott talajok) elemmennyiségek a következőképpen alakultak: N 21–196 kg, K 39–188 kg, Ca 9–48 kg, Mg 4–22 kg, P 6–21 kg. – Az N×P és N×K kölcsönhatások kifejezettebbé váltak a 2. kaszálás idején. A P 0,18–0,55%, a NO3-N 86–1582 mg·kg–1, a Cu 4,7–7,4 mg·kg–1, a Mo 0,7–4,1 mg·kg–1 extrém értékeket jelzett az N×P kezelések függvényében. Az N×K kezelésekben a K 1,44–2,73%, a Mg 0,26–0,39%, a Na 71–2178 mg·kg–1, a Ba 4,1–9,6 mg·kg–1, a Cd 15–44 µg·kg–1 szélsőértékekkel volt jellemezhető. A Sr a 10–26 mg·kg–1 koncentrációtartományban módosult a P×K-ellátottság nyomán. Élettani, takarmányozástani szempontból az indukált kölcsönhatások nyomon követése elengedhetetlen, amennyiben olyan mérvű tápelemhiányok, illetve aránytalanságok jöhetnek létre, melyek anyagcserezavarokat okozhatnak a növényt fogyasztó állatban.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-141
Brahima Koné ◽  
Zadi Florent ◽  
Gala bi Trazié Jeremie ◽  
Akassimadou Edja Fulgence ◽  
Konan Kouamé Firmin ◽  

Grain yield stabilization of lowland rice over cropping seasons was explored using different compositions of inorganic fertilizers (NPK, NPKCa, NPKMg, NPKZn, NPKCaMg, NPKCaZn and NPKCaMgZn) and straw incorporation (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 tha-1 ). No fertilizer and no straw amended plot was the control in a split-plot design with three replications laid in a Fluvisol of Guinea savanna in Centre Cote d’Ivoire. Three weeks old nursery rice variety NERICA L19 was transplanted. No significant difference of grain yield was observed between the different treatments excluding the highest yields recorded for treatments NPKMg (5.09 tha-1 ), NPKZn (5.15 tha-1 ) and NPKCaéMg (5.31 tha-1 ) compared with 12 (3.95 tha1 ) and 15 tha-1 (4.14 tha-1 ) as straw rates respectively. Grain yield declining trend was more pronounced for mineral fertilizer treatments showing twice greater depressive effect of cropping cycle compared with the straw especially, for treatments characterized by highest grain yield in the first cropping season and similar grain yields were recorded for both sources of nutrient in the third cropping cycle. Of slowness of nutrients releasing by straw, highest grain yield was expected for this soil amender within a longer period of cultivation whereas, unbalance soil micronutrients should be relevant to studious declining yield under inorganic fertilizer effect. Nevertheless, the straw rate of 12 tha-1 supplying 0.58% of NPK as mineral fertilizer equivalent can be recommended for sustaining lowland rice production in the studied agro-ecosystems unless for three cropping seasons.

A.I. Ivanov ◽  
Zh.A. Ivanova ◽  
O.I. Yakusheva ◽  
P.A. Filippov

Целью комплексного исследования, выполненного в Меньковском филиале АФИ в 20122017 годах была оценка вредоносности возбудителя фитофтороза в зависимости от почвенноагрохимических и погодноклиматических условий. Методической основой исследования служил длительный полевой опыт агрофизический стационар в системе полевого и овощекормового севооборотов, в которых картофель возделывали по обороту пласта многолетних трав после озимой ржи и после ячменя. Объектами исследования служили: картофель раннеспелого сорта Ломоносовский среднеустойчивого к возбудителю фитофтороза по клубням и слабоустойчивого по ботве дерновоподзолистая почва средней, хорошей и высокой степени окультуренности и системы удобрения культуры. Супесчаная почва опыта характеризовалась рНКСl 5,26,3, содержанием гумуса 2,13,7, подвижных соединений P2О5 195676 мг/кг и К2О 97298 мг/кг. На хорошо окультуренной и высокоокультуренной почвах их поддерживали применением под картофель 35 и 70 т/га органических удобрений соответственно. Факторы исследования: степень окультуренности почвы (варианты: средняя, хорошая и высокая) и уровень применения минеральных удобрений в расчете на заданный КПД (коэффициент полезного действия фотосинтетически активной радиации) (варианты: КПД ФАР, 13 без удобрений КПД ФАР, 24 N80P20K100 КПД ФАР, 35 N120P30K150). В ходе комплексного исследования установлены параметры поражения возбудителем фитофтороза и уровень потерь урожая картофеля в зависимости от агроклиматических и почвенноагрохимических условий. Агрономическая эффективность изученных вариантов системы удобрения на культуре картофеля высокая. Уровень прибавок урожайности клубней и окупаемость 1 кг д.в. удобрений достигли 3358 и 8,311,6 з.ед. (зерновых единиц) на минеральной, 2545 и 3,98,0 з.ед. на органической и 3379 и 3,86,7 з.ед. на органоминеральной системе удобрения. В неэпифитотийных условиях (2 из 3 лет наблюдений) на фоне низких и умеренных показателей поражения общие потери урожая составляют 5, а окультуривание почвы и применение органических и минеральных удобрений снижают их на 3080. На эпифитотийном фоне, повторяющемся 1 раз в 3 года, пораженность ботвы и клубней картофеля возрастает в 4,3 и 6,1, интенсивность поражения в 2,8 и 3 и развитие в 12 и 17,5 раза соответственно. В эпифитотийные годы потери урожая возрастают в 5,2 раза (до 26), а минеральная система удобрения сокращает их только на среднеокультуренной почве. На этом фоне повышение степени окультуренности почвы и доз органических удобрений до высокого уровня неэффективно.Late blight is one of the most harmful potato diseases in the NorthWest of Russia. Today, its negative effects are aggravated by weather and climate changes. The goal of a comprehensive study carried out in the Menkovsky branch of the Agrophysical Institute in 2012 2017 was an assessment of the harmfulness of the late blight pathogen depending on soilagrochemical, weather and climate conditions. The methodical basis of the research was a prolonged field agrophysical stationary experiment in the system of field and vegetablefeed crop rotations, where potato was cultivated after winter rye and after barley, which, in turn, were grown after perennial grasses. The objects of the study were potato Lomonosovsky, sodpodzolic soil with different degree of cultivation and fertilizer systems for the culture. Potato Lomonosovsky is early ripening variety, its tubers are medium resistant to the late blight agent, and its tops are weakly resistant to it. The sodpodzolic soil had average, good and high cultivation degree. Sandy loam soil in the experiment had the value of pHKCl of 5.2 6.3, the humus content of 2.1 3.7, the content of mobile P2O5 and K2O compounds of 195 676, 97 298 mg/kg, respectively. In well and highly cultivated soils, these parameters were maintained by the application of 35 and 70 t/ha of organic fertilizers for potato, respectively. The experimental factors were the degree of soil cultivation (average, good and high) and the level of mineral fertilizer application for a given efficiency of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR efficiency of 1 3, without fertilizers PAR efficiency of 2 4, N80P20K100 PAR efficiency of 3 5, N120P30K150). In the course of the comprehensive study, the parameters of potato damage by late blight and the level of crop losses were established depending on the agroclimatic soilagrochemical conditions. Agronomic efficiency of the studied variants of the fertilizer system for potato was high. The level of tuber yield increase and payback of 1 kg of fertilizers active substances reached 33 58 and 8.3 11.6 cereal units (CU) for the mineral system, 25 45 and 3.9 8.0 CU for the organic one, and 33 79 and 3.8 6.7 CU for the organic and mineral fertilizer system. Under nonepiphytotic conditions (2 of 3 years of the observation), against the background of low and moderate damage rates, the total yield loss was 5, and the soil improvement and organic and mineral fertilizer application reduced them by 30 80. Against an epiphytotic background, repeated 1 time in 3 years, the damage of tops and potato tubers increases by a factor of 4.3 and 6.1, the intensity of the damage grew 2.8 and 3 times, and the development increases by a factor of 12 and 17.5 times, respectively. In the epiphytotic years, yield losses increased 5.2 times (up to 26), and the mineral fertilizer system reduced them only in medium cultured soil. Against this background, increasing the soil cultivation degree and organic fertilizer doses to a high level is ineffective.

V. T. Sinegovskaya ◽  
E. T. Naumchenko

The article presents the results of comparative evaluation of the efficiency of the long-term application of mineral and organic fertilizers in the crop rotation system. It was found that the application of the mineral fertilizer system increased the value of hydrolytic acidity of the soil from 4,30 to 5,29 mg-eq per 100 g of soil, the indicator of metabolic acidity decreased from 5,2 to 4,9 pH units. By the end of the 11th rotation for both fertilizer systems, the content of mobile phosphorus increased by more than 4 times relative to the initial value, its mobility indicator – by 2,2-3,2 times compared with the control. The use of the organo-mineral system was accompanied by an increase in the content of humus by 0,35 % and a decrease in the C:N ratio from 11,2 to 8,9. The increased productivity of wheat was revealed when applying nitrogen and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers against the background of prolonged use of the mineral and organo-mineral fertilizer system. The change in wheat productivity by 56 % depended on the content of mineral nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, humus in the topsoil, and on the phosphate ion mobility. Soybean productivity depended on soil fertility indicators only by 24 %: the relationship between soybean productivity and the mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus is weak and direct, between productivity and P2O5 mobility - weak and inverse, with humus - moderate and direct.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (95) ◽  
pp. 26-29
O.S. Gavrishko ◽  
Yu.M. Olifir ◽  
T.V. Partyka

The results of studies of the change in redox potential in the profile of light gray forest surface-gleyed soil on variants with long-term agricultural use without applying fertilizers and mineral fertilizer system solely compared with the soil under the forest are presented. On the basis of the conducted analyzes it was established, that soil tillage without fertilizer application and with mineral fertilizer solely has a different effect on ROP in the profile. In the soil without fertilization (control) as compared to the forest a moderate oxidizing (514 mV) and slightly oxidizing (437 mV) processes are happening. Prolonged application of mineral fertilizers to the soil (N65R68K68) significantly reduced the redox potential of all genetic horizons compared with forest and control without fertilizers. For the given fertilizer system the highest values of ROP were obtained in arable HEgl and underarable HEgl layers: 426 mV and 416 mV respectively. Redox potential sharply decreases with the depth to 398-311 mV, which characterizes processes occurring in the soil profile, as weakly reducing and close to moderately reducing.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (90) ◽  
pp. 92-97
I.T. Slusar ◽  
V.A. Serbenyuk ◽  
A.N. Gera ◽  
A.P. Solyanik ◽  
A.A. Tarasenko

Research on the impact of the introduction of micro fertilizers and growth promoters on a background of mineral fertilizer and without N90R45К120 spent on old peat in shallow carbonate floodplain r.Supiy, Yahotyn Kyiv region. Power peat horizon about 60-70 cm, 7,4-7,6 pH of the aqueous extract, stupas schedule 56-60%, density 0,49-0,52 assembly soil, total nitrogen content (%) - 1.9; gross forms of phosphorus - 0,4, potassium 0.2, 20% lime. In experiments studying biological rehoplant, radustym, Biolan, emistim, Jets, humisol, plantafol, radyfarm and micronutrients: copper, boric acid, manganese sulphate, zinc sulphate, potassium humates. Treatment drugs conducted in the spring by spraying mixtures. Space research area of 60 m2, three-time repetition. It is established that the use of growth stimulants and micronutrients in the background N90R45К120 provided the highest yield mixtures of years, against making BIOLan - 9.9 t / ha Radyfarmu - 9.6 t / ha Radostymu 9.3 t / ha dry weight. In areas for making other preparations were intermediate yield growth rates - 0.5 - 2.0 t / ha dry weight. Also good gains herbage yields obtained by making all kinds of micronutrients and growth stimulants in the background without making makrodobryv which was within 5.3 - 6.9 t / ha to control without fertilization - 4.5 t / ha dry weight. In deep peat copper fertilizer (25 kg / ha of copper sulphate or 5 kg / ha pirytnoho cinders) in all zones should be making every 3-4 years, and zinc, cobalt and molybdenum advisable to make time for the growing season, spring, by foliar application in such numbers: ammonium molibdenovokyslyy - 0.3 kg / ha; cobalt sulfate - 3 kg / ha zinc sulphate 0.5 kg / ha or placers these salts should be mixed with major fertilizer.

H.M. Hospodarenko ◽  
I.V. Prokopchuk ◽  
K. P. Leonova ◽  
V.P. Boyko

The productivity of agricultural crops is the most variable and integral indicator of their vital activity, which accumulates their genetic potential, soil fertility, weather conditions and components of agricultural technology. Soybean under optimal growing conditions (the reaction of the soil is close to neutral, sufficient phosphorus and potassium nutrition, the use of nitraginization) assimilates from the air about 70 % of the total nitrogen requirement. Therefore, it is believed that it is enough to apply only a starting dose of nitrogen fertilizers (20–40 kg/ha a. s.), to get a high yield with good indicators of grain quality. The results of studies of the influence of long-term (8 years) application of different doses and ratios of fertilizers in field crop rotation on podzolized chernozem in the conditions of the Right -Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on the yield and quality of soybean seeds preceded by spring barley were presented. It was found that crop yields could be increased by 18–77 % owing to different doses, ratios and types of fertilizers. The highest indicators of seed yields for three years of the research (3,02 t/ha) were obtained under the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N110P60K80 per 1 ha of crop rotation area, including under soybean – N60P60K60. Exclusion of the nitrogen component from the complete fertilizer (N60P60K60) reduced its yield by 26 %, phosphorus – by 17, and potassium by 11 %. There was no significant decrease in soybean yield in the variant of the experiment with a decrease in the proportion of potassium in the composition of complete mineral fertilizer (N60P60K30) for three years of study. The largest mass of 1000 soybean seeds was formed at doses of N60К60 fertilizers, and their protein content — under the application of complete mineral fertilizer in doses of N60P60K60 and N60P60K30.

Introduction of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea to early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has allowed to achieve a goal. At the same time in control option without fertilizers the productivity was 23,2-24,8 t/hectare. Use of encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity and level of profitability by 26,3-30,9%. Early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on natural fertility of the chernozem leached in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region have created average yield of 23,2-24,8 t/hectare for years of researches. Use of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has led to increase in productivity on the first variety to 39,5 on the second variety up to 41,4 t/hectare. Introduction of the encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity of the early ripe potato tubers studied. At the same time, the peel was gentle and when cleaning it was strongly injured. As to the content of starch (11,9-12,6%) at both varieties the big difference between ex-perience options isn't revealed. The similar picture was observed also according to tastes of tubers. It has made 3,2-3,5 points at Zhukovsky variety and 3,4-3,7 points at Red Scarlett's variety. Profitability level in con-trol option at Zhukovsky variety was 157,3%, at Red Scarlett's variety – 140,5%. In options with non-encapsulated ammonium nitrate and urea the first variety got 172,6-184,1%, second variety – 190,4-207,2%. In option with encapsulated urea at varieties under study the profitability level has decreased 26,3-30,9.

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