Introduction of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea to early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has allowed to achieve a goal. At the same time in control option without fertilizers the productivity was 23,2-24,8 t/hectare. Use of encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity and level of profitability by 26,3-30,9%. Early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on natural fertility of the chernozem leached in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region have created average yield of 23,2-24,8 t/hectare for years of researches. Use of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has led to increase in productivity on the first variety to 39,5 on the second variety up to 41,4 t/hectare. Introduction of the encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity of the early ripe potato tubers studied. At the same time, the peel was gentle and when cleaning it was strongly injured. As to the content of starch (11,9-12,6%) at both varieties the big difference between ex-perience options isn't revealed. The similar picture was observed also according to tastes of tubers. It has made 3,2-3,5 points at Zhukovsky variety and 3,4-3,7 points at Red Scarlett's variety. Profitability level in con-trol option at Zhukovsky variety was 157,3%, at Red Scarlett's variety – 140,5%. In options with non-encapsulated ammonium nitrate and urea the first variety got 172,6-184,1%, second variety – 190,4-207,2%. In option with encapsulated urea at varieties under study the profitability level has decreased 26,3-30,9.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-28
Н.Т. Чеботарев ◽  
Н.Н. Шергина

Пахотные угодья Республики Коми в основном представлены дерново-подзолистыми почвами с низким естественным плодородием, которые без применения удобрений быстро подвергаются деградационным процессам, что резко снижает их продуктивность. Цель исследований: оценка эффективности долговременного применения органических и минеральных удобрений при выращивании картофеля в кормовом севообороте в условиях Республики Коми. Методической основой выполнения работ были комплексные исследования дерново-подзолистых почв, клубней картофеля на участках многолетнего полевого эксперимента, заложенного на землях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН в соответствии с «Методическими указаниями географической сети опытов с удобрениями». Длительный период исследований (более 40 лет) характеризовался различными климатическими условиями, которые отразились на количестве урожая и качестве клубней картофеля. Было проведено 7 ротаций (14 лет) с выращиванием картофеля. Вносили органические удобрения – торфонавозный компост (ТНК) в дозах 40 и 80 т/га (1 и 2 фон, соответственно) под картофель и минеральные удобрения – NPК в дозах 1/3; 1/2 и 1 для восполнения выноса растениями элементов питания. Установлено положительное влияние комплексного применения органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество картофеля, а также на плодородие дерново-подзолистой легкосуглинистой среднеокультуренной почвы в кормовом севообороте в почвенно-климатических условиях Республики Коми. В результате применения шестипольного севооборота и комплексного внесения удобрений с 1978 года к 2019 году в почвах снизилась обменная и гидролитическая кислотность; повысилось содержание гумуса на 0,5% (в контроле); на 0,2–0,5% (с тремя дозами минеральных удобрений); на 0,3–1,1% (с ТНК); на 0,2–1,6% (при совместном применении органических и минеральных удобрений). Наибольшие урожаи картофеля получены при совместном применении органических (80 т/га) и минеральных удобрений (1 NPК) и составили 37,1 т/га клубней (8,5 тыс/га кормовых единиц). При таком соотношении удобрений показано высокое качество клубней картофеля: содержание крахмала 15,5%, витамина С – 19,4 мг%, сырого протеина – 14,1%. Количество нитратного азота не превышало ПДК (ПДК 250 мг.с.м.). Экономические расчеты показали, что при внесении ТНК 40 т/га + 1 NPК в дерново-подзолистые почвы с.-х. использования в среднетаежной зоне Республики Коми при выращивании картофеля, условный чистый доход составит 68,4 тыс. р. с 1 га, себестоимость 1 т картофеля – 2,8 тыс. р., рентабельность 188,7%. The arable land of the Republic of Komi is mainly represented by dern-sub-ground soils with low natural fertility, which without the use of fertilizers are quickly subjected to degradation processes, which dramatically reduces their productivity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers in the growing of potatoes in feed crop rotation in the conditions of the Komi Republic. The methodological basis for carrying out the works was comprehensive studies of dern-subhead soils, potato tubers on the sites of a multi-year field experiment laid on the lands of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the FRC Komi SC UB RAS in accordance with the «Methodological Instructions of the Geographical Network of Experiments with Fertilizers». A long period of research (more than 40 years) was characterized by different climatic conditions, which affected the number of crops and the quality of potato tubers. There were 7 rotations (14 years) with potato cultivation. Organic fertilizers – peat-avous compost (TNK) in doses of 40 and 80 t/ha (1 and 2 background, respectively) for potatoes and mineral fertilizers – NPK in doses of 1/3; 1/2 and 1 to replenish the carry-out of food elements by plants. The positive effect of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of soddy-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil in fodder crop rotation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Komi Republic, has been established. As a result of the use of six-bed crop rotation and the integrated application of fertilizers, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity decreased in soils from 1978 to 2019; humus content increased by 0.5% (in control); 0.2–0.5% (with three doses of mineral fertilizers); 0.3–1.1% (with TNCs); 0.2–1.6% (with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers). The largest potato yields were obtained from the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha tubers (8.5 thousand/ha feed units). The largest potato harvests were obtained with the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha of tubers (8.5 thousand/ha of feed units). With this ratio of fertilizers, the high quality of potato tubers was also determined: the starch content was 15.5%, vitamin C – 19.4 mg%, crude protein – 14.1%. The amount of nitrate nitrogen did not exceed the MPC (MPC 250 mg.s.m.). Economic calculations showed that if TNK is added 40 t/ha 1 NPK to the dern-sub-ground soils of agricultural use in the medium-sized zone of the Komi Republic when growing potatoes, the conditional net income will be 68.4 thousand rubles from 1 ha, the cost of 1 t of potatoes – 2.8 thousand rubles, profitability 188.7%.

H.M. Hospodarenko ◽  
I.V. Prokopchuk ◽  
K. P. Leonova ◽  
V.P. Boyko

The productivity of agricultural crops is the most variable and integral indicator of their vital activity, which accumulates their genetic potential, soil fertility, weather conditions and components of agricultural technology. Soybean under optimal growing conditions (the reaction of the soil is close to neutral, sufficient phosphorus and potassium nutrition, the use of nitraginization) assimilates from the air about 70 % of the total nitrogen requirement. Therefore, it is believed that it is enough to apply only a starting dose of nitrogen fertilizers (20–40 kg/ha a. s.), to get a high yield with good indicators of grain quality. The results of studies of the influence of long-term (8 years) application of different doses and ratios of fertilizers in field crop rotation on podzolized chernozem in the conditions of the Right -Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on the yield and quality of soybean seeds preceded by spring barley were presented. It was found that crop yields could be increased by 18–77 % owing to different doses, ratios and types of fertilizers. The highest indicators of seed yields for three years of the research (3,02 t/ha) were obtained under the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N110P60K80 per 1 ha of crop rotation area, including under soybean – N60P60K60. Exclusion of the nitrogen component from the complete fertilizer (N60P60K60) reduced its yield by 26 %, phosphorus – by 17, and potassium by 11 %. There was no significant decrease in soybean yield in the variant of the experiment with a decrease in the proportion of potassium in the composition of complete mineral fertilizer (N60P60K30) for three years of study. The largest mass of 1000 soybean seeds was formed at doses of N60К60 fertilizers, and their protein content — under the application of complete mineral fertilizer in doses of N60P60K60 and N60P60K30.

L. N. Korobova ◽  
T. A. Kizimova ◽  
A. A. Pobelenskaya ◽  
T. G. Lomova

The authors studied the effect of the bacterial-humic preparation AFG-b containing the spore-forming bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in a production experiment in the northern forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Priob’ye region. The preparation was used on midearly spring wheat, which forms grain at the level of valuable wheat. The drug was used as an antistressant together with herbicides against dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. The tank mixture used was metsulfuron-methyl, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl with the antidote cloquintoset-mexyl and 2-ethyl hexyl ester of 2,4-D with florasulam. The bacterial-humic preparation AFG-b is known to level out herbicide stress in wheat and improve plant health. It improves the condition of leaf cell membranes by preventing the escape of electrolytes from the cells. On the roots of plants one month after applying the antistressant, the authors observed a 1.5-2 times reduction in the development and prevalence of root rot of fusarium-helminthosporiosis etiology. The authors also marked the most pronounced phytosanitary effect of the preparation’s bacteria, which are antagonists of phytopatho- gens for plants’ primary roots and epicotyl. An increase in plant productivity manifests the anti-stress and growth-stimulating effect of AFG-b. During the growing season of 2020, the bio preparation combined with herbicides provided a reliable increase of 40.2% of the grain of spring wheat and improved its quality by enhancing the protein and gluten content. Under 2019 conditions, AFG-b increased grain yield relative to herbicides by about 8% and did not affect grain quality. Application of AFG-b as an anti-stressant is not accompanied by improvement of seed quality of the new crop. It does not improve its phytosanitary status in infestation by phytopathogens Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium sp., Alternaria, Stagonospora nodorum, Penicillium and Aspergillus relative to herbicides alone.

R. R. Galeev ◽  
E. A. Kovalev ◽  
M. S. Shulga

The aim of the work is to study the effectiveness of the use of trace elements on potato varieties of different ripeness groups in the northern forest-steppe Ob in the Novosibirsk region. Experimental data were obtained on leached black soil of Novosibirsk region in 2017–2019. The generally accepted technology of potato cultivation was used for the experiments. Since autumn, fertilizers at a dose of P90K90 were applied as a general background for potatoes. Nitrogen fertilizers (60 kg / ha) were applied in the spring for pre-sowing cultivation. Foliar dressing with microelements (Cu, B, Zn) was used at the beginning of the budding phase of potato plants: copper – 20, boron – 45, zinc – 50 g of active ingredient per 1 ha with a working fluid consumption of 300 l/ha. Trace elements increased the growth and development rates of potato varieties of three groups of ripeness. In varieties Liubava (early), Svitanok Kievsky (mid-early), Tuleevsky (mid-season), the use of trace elements contributed to an increase in the development indicators of the photosynthetic apparatus (maximum and average leaf area and plant productivity) by an average of 21%, especially against the background of boron and zinc. Foliar dressing of potatoes increased the yield parameters by an average of 24 % relative to the control (water). The increase in the marketability of tubers reached 12 %. A greater effect was achieved against the background of boron use: a significant increase in yield, dry matter, starch, vitamin C. In variants with microelements, the susceptibility of potatoes by rhizoctonysis decreased.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-18
Романько ◽  
Yuriy Romanko ◽  
Мельник ◽  
Andrey Melnik

The research purpose was to identify high-quality variety features of formation of yield capacity and quality of soybean seeds when applying seniccation and desiccation in the Left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. The research subject is Anna, Romance, Vasilkovskaya varieties of soybean, the elements of technology of cultivation (desiccation and seniccation), yield capacity and quality of seeds. The experiment was carried out according to the two-factor scheme in a 4-times repeat at the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of NAAS of Ukraine. The research results showed that the duration of vegetation was influenced both by varietal characteristics and the application of desiccation and seniccation. On average, the smallest period from the growing phase to the full ripeness was stated on the variant with Reglon Super 2.0 l/ga and Basta 2.0 l/ga desiccation (36-37 days). The maximum level of yield capacity on the average in 2007-2009 was obtained from Vasilkovskaya variety – 2.50 t/ga. Annushka variety provided significantly lower yields (2.0 t/ha), as it was proved by the calculated NSR05. In terms of yield capacity Romantika variety took an intermediate position of 2.38 t/ga. On the variants with the application of seniccation and desiccation a positive trend of their influence on the yield capacity of soybean seeds in all studied varieties was stated. So, on average, an increase of yield capacity was stated when applying: seniccation 5.0% solution of ammonium nitrate per 0.38 t/ga; 8.0% solution of urea per 0.45 t/ga; Reglon Super 2.0 l/ga per 0.24 t/ga; Basta 2.0 l/ga 0.3 t/ga as compared to the control. Application of seniccation favored the increase of protein content: urea solution by 0.7%; solution of ammonium nitrate by 0.5% compared to the control. On the variants of desiccation the protein content was at (33.9-34.1%). Oil content of the seed of studied varieties ranged from 20.0 to 24.1%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Антонина Мостякова ◽  
Antonina Mostyakova ◽  
Константин Владимиров ◽  
Konstantin Vladimirov ◽  
Артур Тяминов ◽  

The studies were carried out to determine the effectiveness of applying calculated doses of fertilizers to the planned potato tuber yields of the early-ripening Molly and Colette group in the conditions of the forest steppe of the middle Volga region. The influence of mineral nutrition backgrounds, calculated on obtaining tuber yields of 25, 35 and 45 tons per hectare in comparison with the unapproved control, has been studied. The analysis of the leaf area dynamics of potato plants, the parameters of the leaf photosynthetic potential, the coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation factor showed that these indicators of photosynthetic activity are directly dependent on the level of mineral nutrition. Against the background of natural fertility, the Molly variety produced 16.76 tons of tubers per hectare and 18.32 tons of the Colette variety. Fertilizers, calculated for 25-45 tons of tubers per hectare, ensured the formation of Molly 28.23-43.57 t ons per hectare, Colette - 29.72-42.54 tons per hectare. The introduction of calculated doses of fertilizers at 25 and 35 tons of tubers per hectare did not result in a significant decrease in the starch content in the tubers, and the doses that were calculated for a yield of 45 tons per hectare increased the amount of nitrates and reduced the starch content in the tubers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Петр Чекмарев ◽  
Petr Chekmarev ◽  
Константин Владимиров ◽  
Konstantin Vladimirov ◽  
Александр Кокров ◽  

In modern conditions, one of the priority directions of potato growing is the selection of new highly productive varieties, resistant to the action of abiotic and biotic factors. When potatoes are cultivated, the optimization of mineral nutrition and the depth of planting of seed tubers is an important factor for obtaining sustainable yields. The experiments were laid on gray forest medium loamy granulometric composition of the soil of the forest steppe of the middle Volga region. It was established that the highest yield - 52.50 tons per hectare was formed when fertilizer doses (manure 50 tons per hectare + N135-153P135-145K179-184) were calculated for 50 tons per hectare of tubers, when planting to a depth of 8-10 cm. On tte background fertilization in a dose of manure 50 tons per hectare + N120P120K140 when planting at the same depth yield was 49.50 tons per hectare. On the variant with a planting to a depth of 6-8 cm, the yield of tubers was to 2.89 and 2.92 tons per hectare lower.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 01009
Yury Loginov ◽  
Anastasia Kazak ◽  
Lyudmila Yakubyshina ◽  
Sergey Yashchenko

It was found that varieties Novosibirskaya 31 and Iren have an advantage in yield and grain quality over Omskaya 36 and Tyumenskaya 25 in terms of the predecessors of annual grasses and green manure fallow. For varieties Omskaya 36, Tyumenskaya 25, Iren, the background of mineral nutrition is optimal for obtaining a yield of 4 t/ha. A further increase in yield leads to a decrease in grain quality. The exception was the Novosibirskaya 31 variety, which retained the grain quality to a yield level close to 5 t/ha. The best sowing dates are the first and second.

2020 ◽  
Vol 201 (10) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Larisa Ikoeva ◽  
Oksana Haeva

Abstract. The authors present the results of the application of complex organo-mineral fertilizer “Bioklad” on mixed sowing of oats with peas in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The purpose of the work is to study the effectiveness of the use of the organomineral fertilizer “Bioklad” on the yield and nutrition of mixed sowing of oats with peas in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Methods. Studies on the tasks were carried out in 2016–2018 at the experimental site of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture – branch of the Federal Center “Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania according to generally accepted methods. The soil of the experimental plot is medium-power heavy loamy leached chernozem, lined with pebbles. Results. The use of fertilizer “Bioklad” had a significant impact on the timing, fullness of shoots and the density of standing plants up to harvest. The field germination rate for peas varied between 70,5 and 72,4 %, while the oat rate was 76,4 to 80 %. The option with seed inoculation was highlighted. According to the dynamics of the height of the plants also stood out the option with the inoculation of seeds. The use of complex fertilizer “Bioklad” had a positive effect on the yield and quality of the green mass of oats with peas. The largest amount of phytomass was obtained under the variant with inoculation of seeds – 283,3 c/ha, which is higher than the control version at 68,3 c/ha. In terms of the content of digestible protein, the harvest of the mixture of oats with peas exceeded the zootechnical norm, the yield from one hectare reached 6,0–6,9 c/ha, against 5,2 c/ha in control, which per feed unit was 113,7–119,9 g. The collection of feed units amounted to 50,02–60,68 kg/ha, and in the control 44,23 kg/ha, feed protein units, respectively: 55,01–64,84 kg/ha; 48,12 kg/ha. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania studied the effect of complex organomineral fertilizer “Bioklad” on plant growth processes, formation of green mass, quality of products in a two-component mixture (oats + peas).

S. I. Popov ◽  
O. M. Hlubokyi

The purpose of the research was to find out the effect of the main fertilization system in the crop rotation scheme on the yield and quality of seeds of moustachioed pea varieties in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Materials and methods. Field studies were carried out in the period 2016–2020 in the stationary crop rotation scheme of V.Y.Yuriev Plant Production Institute of NAAS of Ukraine. The soil is powerful, poorly leached chernozem. The object of study were seven zoned varieties – Deviz, Tsarevych, Otaman, Oplot, Korvet, Haiduk and Malakhit. The experiment scheme included three backgrounds: 1 – crop rotation (without fertilizers); 2 – organic (manure aftereffect); 3 – organo-mineral (aftereffect of manure + N30P30K30 in the main application). The cultivation technology is generally accepted for the zone. The experimental results were statistically processed by the method of analysis of variance. Results and discussion. In unstable weather conditions 2016–2020 on the unfertilized background, the highest yield level was provided by the varieties Tsarevych (2.33 t/ha), Haiduk (2.28 t/ha) and Oplot (2.27 t/ha) with an excess of the standard variety Deviz by 0.19–0, 25 t/ha. Depending on the year of research, the maximum yield of these varieties varied within 3.04–3.21 t/ha, the minimum yield was 0.77–0.88 t/ha, and the range of variation was 2.27–2.38 t/ha. The productivity of the above mentioned varieties (2.75–2.77 t/ha) exceeded the standard by an average of 0.43–0.45 t/ha on the organic background, and compared with the unfertilized background, the increase in grain yield was 0.44–0.45 t / ha or 18.9–21.5 %. The highest yield (3.04–3.07 t/ha) and an increase in grain (0.77–0.84 t/ha) were provided by the varieties Tsarevych, Haiduk and Oplot on the organo-mineral background. This testifies to their good response to fertilizers and the possibility of cultivation using intensive technology. During the years of research, the maximum yield of these varieties was 4.16–4.39 t/ha, the minimum – 1.27–1.51 t/ha, and the highest range of its variation was from 2.79 t/ha to 2.89 t/ha. The smallest increase in grain on the organo-mineral background of fertilization was obtained in the varieties Malakhit and Korvet – 0.47 t/ha and 0.56 t/ha respectively. At the same time, the range of yield variation over the years was the smallest – 2.43–2.44 t/ha. The most favourable weather conditions for peas were in 2016, 2017 and 2020. Accordingly, this provided the highest level of average yield of varieties in terms of backgrounds: without fertilization – 2.70–2.72 t/ha, organic – 2.87–3.23 t/ha, organo-mineral – 3.14–3.83 t/ha. In the most unfavourable weather conditions of 2019, regardless of the nutritional background, the Tsarevych and Otaman varieties were more resistant to drought. The average yield of these varieties on the unfertilized background was 0.81 t/ha. At the same time, organic and organo-mineral nutritional backgrounds provided a significant increase in the grain – respectively 0.39 t/ha and 0.48 t/ha. Conclusions. On average for 2016–2020, the Tsarevych and Haiduk varieties were the most responsive to fertilization. The increase in grain of these varieties were consistently high – 0.44 and 0.47 t/ha on the organic background (aftereffect of manure) and 0.84 and 0.79 t/ha with the main application of N30P30K30 on the organic background respectively. On average, organic and organo-mineral fertilizer backgrounds for Tsarevych and Haiduk varieties ensured an increase in their productivity 0.38 t/ha and 0.69 t/ha respectively, with a yield under control (without fertilizers) of 2.21 t/ha. The dependence of the quality of pea grain on the variety and nutrition background was revealed. The highest protein content of grain was obtained in less productive varieties of Korvet and Malakhit with indicators, in the control of 24.09 and 23.35%, and on the organic-mineral background – 24.63% and 23.39% respectively. The possibility of the simultaneous increase in yield and protein content in the grain of the Haiduk variety has been established. The most significant gross protein harvest was obtained on the organic-mineral nutritional background in the Haiduk, Oplot and Tsarevych varieties (0.682–0.689 t/ha) with an increase of 16.8–17.8% in comparison with the standard variety Devyz. The increase in the gross yield of protein per hectare, in most varieties, depended on the level of their yield rather than on the protein content in the grain

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