Reflection on the teaching-learning process in the initial training of teachers. Characterization of the issues on which pre-service mathematics teachers reflect

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-164 ◽  
J.M. Chamoso ◽  
M.J. Cáceres ◽  
P. Azcárate
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 544-562
Marcelo Orlando Sales Pessim ◽  
Eliana Alves Pereira Leite

Resumo: Teve-se por objetivo analisar como a avaliação e o erro no processo de ensino-aprendizagem têm sido abordados na formação inicial e continuada de professores de matemática. Metodologicamente a pesquisa é de abordagem qualitativa e de campo. Participaram 5 professores de matemática que atuam nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e Médio de escolas estaduais de Ouro Preto do Oeste/RO. Para tanto, utilizou-se questionário, entrevista semiestruturada e procedeu-se a análise documental de Projetos Pedagógicos do Curso (PPCs) de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), Campus de Ji-Paraná. Verificou-se que somente 2 professores participaram de algum tipo de estudo sobre avaliação e erro no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na formação inicial, e 4 professores tiveram acesso à discussão da referida temática na formação continuada. Nos PPCs, dos ciclos de 2000-2005 e 2006-2016, não foram encontrados elementos que se referem ao erro, no entanto, no segundo PPC, identificou-se em um componente curricular, mais especificamente em uma unidade, a discussão sobre a avaliação como um dos conteúdos programáticos. Espera-se que os resultados propiciem reflexões sobre a importância de ser oportunizado ao professor de matemática conhecimento acerca da avaliação na formação inicial e continuada.Palavras-chave: O erro; Ensino-aprendizagem; Formação inicial; Formação Continuada; Professor de matemática. Abstract: This article’s aim was to analyze how evaluation and error in the teaching-learning process has been addressed in the initial and continuing education of mathematics teachers. Methodologically the research has a qualitative and field approach. Five mathematics teachers who work in the final years of elementary and high school from state schools in Ouro Preto do Oeste/RO participated. For this purpose, a questionnaire, semi-structured interview was used and the documental analysis of Pedagogical Projects of the Course (PPCs) of the Mathematics Degree at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR), Campus of Ji-Paraná was carried out. It was found that only two teachers participated in some type of study on evaluation and error in the teaching-learning process in the initial training, and four teachers had access to the discussion of that theme in continuing education. In the PPCs, from the 2000-2005 and 2006-2016 cycles, no elements were found that refer to the error, however, in the second PPC, the discussion of evaluation as a component was identified in a curricular component more specifically in a unit programmatic content. It is expected that the results will provide reflections on the importance of giving mathematics teacher knowledge about the assessment in initial and continuing education.Keywords: The mistake; Teaching and learning; Initial formation; Continuing Education; Mathematics teacher.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 965
Jessenia A. Matamoros-González ◽  
María Asunción Rojas ◽  
Johanna Pizarro Romero ◽  
Sara Vera-Quiñonez ◽  
Sandy T. Soto

This work compares four of the most widely used teaching approaches in foreign language contexts; Grammar-Translation, Audiolingual, Communicative, and Natural Approaches. For the comparison, seven features were considered; supporting theories, creation purpose, materials and techniques used, and the roles of teachers, students, and students´ mother tongue in the teaching-learning process. A checklist was created to provide a visual representation of the characterization of the features compared in each approach. Several texts and articles were reviewed to be accurate in the characterization of the information. The results show that the characteristics of each approach were determined for the epoch in which they were proposed and promoted. Some characteristics such as the use of books overlapped all approaches compared in this work; others were unique to certain approaches, supporting theories, for instance; and, others were common in two or three approaches, as in the case of the use of conversations and the role of learners as active learners, to cite some examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 360-366
Richard Eduardo Sánchez Bravo ◽  
Jorge Armando Zambrano Andrade ◽  
María Elizabeth Zambrano Cornejo ◽  
Jaime Darío Santos Loor

The adoption of active methodologies in the teaching-learning process allows the main actors of education to transform the classroom into scenarios of real experiences of learners. This research aims to analyze the Project-Based Learning methodology and its impact on the academic performance of middle school students. In this research, several methods were applied, including the qualitative documentary bibliographic review, the inductive-deductive method, allowing to identify the characterization of project-based learning, in addition, the academic results of the students of basic secondary of the Educational Unit “Aurelio Salazar”. As result, it was obtained that Project-Based Learning is an active methodology of current education where the teaching process is innovated, the academic performance of 62 students who attended the 2020-2021 school year was analyzed.

Yendry Llorente Guilera ◽  
Nelsy Perfecto Pérez Ponce de León

  Las Matemáticas en el preuniversitario cubano exigen de los estudiantes la capacidad de enfrentar y resolver problemas, y que los mismos sean pertinentes y respondan a las necesidades sociales (Aprender a Hacer, Aprender a Ser, Aprender a Convivir, y Aprender a Aprender). Esto sin duda alguna, implica desarrollar la creatividad desde la escuela, ya que la apropiación del conocimiento puede resultar inútil si no se sabe emplear este para crecer como persona y hacer frente a los problemas de hoy y del futuro con eficacia y creatividad. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estimular el desarrollo de la creatividad, en particular la flexibilidad del pensamiento, de los estudiantes del preuniversitario. El estudio epistemológico permitió revelar limitaciones teórico-metodológicas en presupuestos teóricos que sustentan el objeto de estudio y proponer ideas tendentes a la superación de esas limitaciones. Se parte del análisis de los fundamentos teóricos de la creatividad y de los diferentes enfoques para su estudio. Se realiza una caracterización del concepto creatividad y se determinan las regularidades del mismo en un ambiente sociocultural del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Matemáticas en la Educación Preuniversitaria Cubana. El enfoque de aprendizaje que se fundamenta teóricamente toma como referente práctico el proceso de aprendizaje de las Matemáticas en el IPUEC “Ismael Ricondo Fernándezˮ, en el municipio Sagua de Tánamo de la provincia de Holguín.   Palabras clave: estimulación, creatividad, potencialidades creadoras, enfoque creativo, enseñanza aprendizaje.   Abstract   Mathematics in Cuban Senior High School require students with capacity to face and solve problems, and they should be relevant and should respond to social needs (learning how to do), (learning to be), (How to Live Together), and (How to Learn). This certainly means developing creativity from school, because the appropriation of knowledge can be useless, if you do not know how to use it in order to grow up as a person and to deal with today and future problems, effectively and creatively. This paper is aimed to stimulate the development of creativity, particularly the flexibility of thought from pre-university students. This epistemological study allowed revealing theoretical and methodological limitations in theoretical assumptions that support the subject of study, and proposing ideas aimed to overcome these limitations. Starting from the analysis of the theoretical foundations of creativity and different approaches for their study, a characterization of the concept of creativity is made and its regularities are determined within a socio-cultural environment in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics in Cuban High School Education. The learning approach theoretically supported, takes as a practical referent the learning process of mathematics in the IPUEC "Ricondo Ismael Fernandez", in the municipality of Sagua de Tánamo Holguin.   Key words: stimulation, creativity, creative potential, creative approach, teaching and learning.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agung Handayanto ◽  
Puji Rahayu ◽  
Supandi IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
FM Dewanto ◽  
Rina DS

Abstract ?é?á Teaching mathematics for kindergarten and elementary students will be successful if the teaching learning process has a lot of interesting and exciting activities towards to students. Team of community service tries to give them the alternative method in order to make students more interested in joining the lesson. Using visual aids is the best way in transferring knowledge to understand mathematics easily. This training was given to the mathematics teachers of kindergarten and elementary in how to design some materials using animation and how to make interactive tests. The aim of this training was to equip the mathematics teachers to be able to use the CD animation and interactive tests related to their?é?á?é?á mathematic materials. The animation made was about playing and calculating by using PowerPoint Application 2007. By having this method, it is expected that mathematics teachers will be able to explore the lesson using it effectively and creatively. ?é?á Key words: mathematic, CD animation, interactive tests

Edusentris ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 227 ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti ◽  
Heris Hendriana

This is a descriptive study aimed to examine mathematics teachers’ ability to master various research-based innovative teaching approaches and their ability to plan, implementi, and assess their teaching and learning procesess. The subjects of this study are 16 mathematics teachers from four different districts in West Java who collaborated with 8 post-gradute students of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung as a part of Lesson Study program. The instruments of this study are an observation sheet and writen and oral interview with the teachers. The study revealed that:1) The teachers’ ability on mastering various innovative teaching learning approaches based on a research was at low level; 2) Teachers’ ability on planning, implementing, and assessing their teaching and learning process was at medium level; 3) There is high association between teachers’ ability on mastering various innovative teaching learning approaches based on a research and their abilities on planning and implementing teaching-learning process; 4) There is medium associationbetween teachers’ ability on mastering various innovative teaching learning approaches based on a research and their ability on assessing their teaching-learning process; 5) Lesson Study Activities between teachers and students as an effort to share reseacrh outcomes of university lecturers with school teachers. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan menelaah penguasaan guru matematika terhadap beragam pembelajaran inovatif berbasis penelitian yang dikaitkan dengan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang dilakukannya. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 16 orang guru sekolah menengah yang berasal dari 4 kabupaten yang berbeda di Jawa Barat yang berkolaborasi dengan 8 mahasiswa pasca sarjana Pendidikan Matematika dari sebuah STKIP di Badung dalam rangka kegiatan Lesson Study. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi pembelajaran dan wawancara lisan dan tertulis dengan guru tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Penguasaan guru matematika terhadap beragam pembelajaran inovatif berbasis penelitian masih berada pada level rendah; 2) Kemampuan merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran berada pada level sedang; 3) Terdapat asosiasi yang tinggi antara penguasaan guru matematika terhadap beragam pembelajaran inovatif berbasis penelitian dengan kemampuan merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran; 4) Terdapat asosiasi yang sedang antara penguasaan guru matematika terhadap beberapa pembelajaran inovatif berbasis penelitian dengankemampuan mengevaluasi pembelajaran; 5) KegiatanLesson Study antara guru dan mahasiswa merupakan upaya mendiseminasikan hasil penelitian para akademisi kepada guru di sekolah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Viktorija Sičiūnienė

The article observes the results of the questionnaire of 1923 tenth-formers and their mathematics teachers. Statistical analysis of these results has been done using SPSS 13.0.The practice of curriculum differentiation in Lithuania is the subject of the observation.The research has shown that about 70 per cent of teachers more or less base their syllabus on the content of the textbook. The students’ achievements are dependent both on the teacher‘s understanding that syllabus has to be adapted to the students and ability to do that effectively. The following conclusion could be done: about 60 per cent of mathematics teachers should improve their competence in planning and developing syllabus.Organizing learning process about 80 per cent of teachers basically use reproductive teaching-learning method which requires little independent students’ activity. The institutions that prepare teachers and care about their competence should pay more attention to teachers’ qualification to apply teaching and learning methods in practice.The article has also observed the students and teachers’ understanding of principles and criteria and assessment used in schools and the quality of students’ feet-back.More attention should be paid to teachers’ competence providing faster and more efficient feet-back to students and help they need.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 81
Mayte González Cruz ◽  
Hilda De la Caridad Argüelles Mancebo

El presente artículo contribuye al logro de la realización de los objetivos trazados en la formación inicial de la Educación Superior. Se pudo constatar que existen insuficiencias en la práctica educativa que se revelan en el desempeño de los profesores de Español-Literatura y esto se revierte en la formación inicial de dicho profesional. Tiene como objetivo modelar actividades que fortalezcan la cultura literaria en la formación del nivel medio de Español-Literatura en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, así como materiales de apoyo con informaciones con ejercicios interactivos. La novedad está dada en el carácter interdisciplinario, sistémico, planificado, flexible y creativo de las actividades, para favorecer la cultura literaria en su formación del futuro profesional, en estrecha interrelación profesor- estudiante. La efectividad de las actividades para fortalecer la cultura literaria permite perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los siguientes aspectos: la adecuación de conocimientos de la disciplina en su relación con otras disciplinas, los nexos de la asignatura Lectura y Apreciación Literaria con otras asignaturas, así como la preparación de los profesores para enseñar. La aplicación sistemática de las actividades en las guías de estudio, propician resultados satisfactorios en la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y transformaciones en el desempeño de los profesores. PALABRAS CLAVE: Cultura literaria; formación inicial; Español-Literatura. ACTIVITIES TO FAVOR LITERARY CULTURE IN THE INITIAL TRAINING OF THE MIDDLE LEVEL OF SPANISH LITERATURE ABSTRACT This article contributes to the achievement of the objectives set in the initial formation of Higher Education. It was found that there are insufficiencies in the educational practice that are revealed in the performance of the Spanish-Literature teachers and this is reversed in the initial training of said professional. Its objective is to model activities that strengthen the literary culture in the formation of the intermediate level of Spanish-Literature in the teaching-learning process, as well as support materials with information with interactive exercises. The novelty is given in the interdisciplinary, systemic, planned, flexible and creative character of the activities, to favor the literary culture in its formation of the professional future, in close interrelation teacher-student. The effectiveness of the activities to strengthen the literary culture allows perfecting the teaching-learning process in the following aspects: the adequacy of knowledge of the discipline in its relationship with other disciplines, the links of the subject Reading and Literary Appreciation with other subjects, as well as the preparation of teachers to teach. The systematic application of the activities in the study guides, propitiate satisfactory results in the quality of the teaching-learning process and transformations in the performance of the teachers. KEYWORDS: Literary culture; initial training; Spanish-Literature.

2020 ◽  
pp. 254-267
Alessandra Priore

The system of relationships and emotions that develop in the teaching-learning process define the complexity of teachers' education and pose the challenge of bringing out the emotional and affective culture that guides school life. Several studies on teaching practices highlight the tendency to refer to technical aspectsas a key dimension of professionalism, rather than on relational and emotional dimensions that can promote the relationship with student. The creative and unprecedented reconfiguration of professional practice is configured as the outcome of a reflexive process of subjective construction and de-construction of the profession and its development.The paper proposes a reflective training experience, which involved 76 teachers, focused on emotional and relational dimensions on teaching and based on the use of the narrative-autobiographical instruments (diary, narrative, metaphor). The results achieved in the monitoring phase show that the training offered an opportunity to reflect on oneself and one's personal and professional experience, starting from the use of alternative perspectives and interpretations than those that are already in use

2019 ◽  
pp. 3121-334
Carmen Palumbo ◽  
Antinea Ambretti ◽  
Giovanna Ferraioli

Over the past few decades, the adoption of an inclusive approach to education has stimulated a reflection on the educational value of body and movement within teaching-learning process in order to break down all barriers to learning and promote the full participation of young people to school activities. Indeed,body and movement represent an important didactic "medium" for developing individualized and personalized learning paths that take into account the specific needs and characteristics of students thus contributing to their global and harmonious development.

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