scholarly journals A Method of Estimating the Yield of a Missing Plot in Field Experimental Work

1930 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 399-406 ◽  
F. E. Allan ◽  
J. Wishart

In cases of field experiments when one plot is missing, a method has been developed for furnishing an estimate of the yield of the missing plot, based on all the other values. The calculation is given for (a) a Randomised Block experiment, and (b) a Latin Square arrangement. In both cases the actual arithmetic is very simple.The steps in the procedure are:(1) Determine the desired value by an application of the equation (A) or (B) according as the experiment was arranged in Randomised Blocks or in a Latin Square.(2) Proceed as usual with the analysis of variance, using the estimated figure for the missing yield, and remembering to deduct one from the number of degrees of freedom ascribable to error.

1984 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15 ◽  
C. S. Lin ◽  
M. R. Binns

SummaryWorking rules for determining plot size and number of plots within a block in field experiments are proposed based on the value of the intrablock correlation (ρ), which can be obtained from the analysis of variance of a randomized-block experiment. The method uses Binns' (1982) equation to relate this correlation to Smith's (1938) empirical law. The rules are: (1) if ρ is greater than 0·5, use an incomplete block design or reduce the plot size in order to increase the number of replications; (2) if ρ is less than 0·1, an increase in plot size is effective; (3) if ρ is between 0·1 and 0·5, an increase in plot size and a decrease in the number of plots per block may be helpful in combination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 356-365
Amalina Sari Dewi ◽  
Tatik Widiharih ◽  
Rita Rahmawati

Youden Square Design (YSD) is an incomplete latin square design with at least one row/column which can’t run in an experiment. In this research we took 5x4 YSD (one column is not runned in an experiment). This design has a balance characteristic from a balanced incomplete block design where all treatments appears with the same number in each row. Missing data can occur in YSD. In this discussion, YSD with two missing data was used. Missing data is estimated by an iterative method then we arrange analysis of variance and LSD test. Analysis of variance with two missing data in YSD is calculated by adjusting the treatment sum of squares with it’s bias value and the total degrees of freedom and error degrees of freedom are substracted by two. LSD test is carried out if the treatment has a significant effect to the response. To clarify the discussion in YSD, example of application in the field of industry is given by observing the effect of the assembly method to the length of assembly time of X component. The assembly method has an effect to the length of assembly time of X component and if the missing data are  and  so the suggested assembly method is E method because it has the fastest average assembly time. Keywords: YSD, Missing Data, Analysis of Variance, LSD Test

1931 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 547-573 ◽  
T. Eden

1. A uniformity trial of 144 plots of mature tea plucked on 42 occasions is examined with a view to determining an adequate technique for field experiments.2. Yields are expressed as dry matter; the necessity for, and accuracy of, this procedure is examined.3. Using the latin square and statistical analysis of variance, a maximum diminution of error up to the plot sizes of acre is found; the elimination of positional variance is shown to be inferior to that generally obtained on annual crops in temperate climates, but this inferiority corresponds with similar experience on other tropical crops.

Jonathan Valencia ◽  
Joel Cort

A psychophysical methodology was utilized to examine 40 non-skilled female participants performing right-angle power tool (RAPT) fastening tasks. A combination of two between subject variables were examined for a total of four between-subject groups: joint orientation (horizontal and vertical planes) and joint hardness (hard and soft joints). Participants were evenly distributed into one of four joint orientation- hardness groups. Within each group, a combination of three fastening strategies and three fastening frequencies were performed by each participant. The chosen target torque determined the physical capability limits (PCL). A mixed-design repeated analysis of variance with Tukey’ significance post hoc test were used to determine any significance with the measured variables ( p<0.05). Fastening strategy and frequency influenced the chosen torque magnitude. Participants chose significantly higher target torques with the Turbo Tight strategy in comparison to the other two strategies. Furthermore, participants chose to accept lower target torques and forces as fastening frequency increased.

1972 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 681-687 ◽  
R. J. BOILA ◽  

Four dairy steers were allotted to four lysine infusion levels in a 4 × 4 latin square design and fed an 11.5% crude protein (90% dry matter (DM)) diet continuously (10-min intervals every 24 hr). Lysine hydrochloride equivalent to 0.0, 3.0, 6.0, and 9.0 g lysine per day was infused per abomasum. When 9 g lysine were infused per day, the percent of absorbed nitrogen (N) retained was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced; urinary N excretion as a percentage of N intake and plasma-free lysine were increased significantly compared with the other three infusion treatments. The infusion of 9 g lysine per day apparently exceeded the body tissue requirements for this amino acid and the excess N was excreted in the urine. A possibility of lysine being limiting (0.28% lysine of a 100% DM diet) was apparently offset by the synthesis of lysine by rumen microorganisms, which increased the dietary lysine two- to threefold. Increased levels of infused lysine did not result in a linear increase of lysine in the abomasum. With 3 g per day lysine infusion rumen ammonia and N retentions were high. However, a smaller amount of N reached the abomasum with steers on this treatment.

1928 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 665-735 ◽  
Dorothy J. Jackson

It is well known that in many orders of typically winged insects species occur which in the adult stage are apterous or have the wings so reduced in size that flight is impossible. Sometimes the reduction of wings affects one sex only, as in the case of the females of certain moths, but in the majority of cases it is exhibited by both sexes. In many instances wing dimorphism occurs irrespective of sex, one form of the species having fully developed wings and the other greatly reduced wings. In some species the wings are polymorphic. The problem of the origin of reduced wings and of other functionless organs is one of great interest from the evolutionary point of view. Various theories have been advanced in explanation, but in the majority of cases the various aspects of the subject are too little known to warrant discussion. More experimental work is required to show how far environmental conditions on the one hand, and hereditary factors on the other, are responsible for this phenomenon. Those species which exhibit alary dimorphism afford material for the study of the inheritance of the two types of wings, but only in a few cases has this method of research been utilized.

1951 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-281 ◽  
E. S. Bunting ◽  
G. E. Blackman

Between 1942 and 1950, some thirty field experiments have been carried out in the southern half of England to assess the potential value, either for grain or forage production, of seventeen openpollinated flint or dent maizes together with twentynine single or double hybrids of American or Canadian origin.Early-maturing flint varieties will consistently ripen grain, but before mechanical threshing or storage, the cobs require drying. Sibthorp, a mass selection made from an unknown German variety, is the earliest and most productive flint maize so far tested, and in the experiments has yielded as much as 39 cwt. of grain per acre with an average of 24 cwt. The earliest American hybrids, i.e. those with a U.S.A. rating of 80 days from sowing to maturity, give very high yields of grain in favourable seasons. Within the group Wisconsin 240–275, a yield level equal to or exceeding 50 cwt./acre has on occasion been recorded. On the other hand, in the most unfavourable years, such hybrids just failed to produce ripe cobs.Attempts to maintain sixty-five parent inlines of the earliest hybrids have largely failed. However, many of the parent single crosses have matured, and the production on a field scale of the double-cross seed of both Wisconsin 240 and 255 has been carried out.Spacing experiments indicate that for optimum grain production a density of 6 plants/sq.yd. is required for both flint varieties and the earliest hybrids. A spatial arrangement of individual plants is to be preferred to that of groups or hills.American hybrids, in the class of ‘90 days’ to maturity, will in all but the most unfavourable seasons reach the ‘early-dent’ stage of the grain before the incidence of autumn frosts. Yields of dry matter of plants harvested in this phase have ranged from 30 to 85 cwt. of dry matter per acre. In these trials, the plant density was standardized at 4 plants/sq.yd. and higher densities may be demanded for optimal yields.The ratio of the ‘ear’ (that is, the cob, immature grain and enclosing leaf sheaths) to the total shoot weight at harvest varies greatly with the variety or hybrid. With White Horsetooth, the usual variety grown for fodder in England, no cobs are formed before the plants are killed by frost, while with the early hybrids, the ear may be half the weight of the whole shoot.The earliest variety Sibthorp from an early May sowing takes approximately 70–80 days to reach full anthesis, while ‘80-day’ American hybrids are a week later. From sowing to full maturity the period in England is from 140 to 160 days, thus compared to conditions in Minnesota the period is nearly twice as long. Because of the much slower rate of development and because of the humidity of English autumns, it is concluded that until the date of maturity can be advanced some 14 days, grain production on a field scale is not yet feasible. On the other hand, many of the American hybrids are well fitted to the production of silage. The greatest drawback to the introduction of such hybrids is the liability of the seed and seedlings to be attacked by rooks.

1988 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-116 ◽  
G. J. King ◽  
R. Rajamahendran

ABSTRACT Plasma progesterone concentrations were compared in cyclic (n = 12), pregnant (n =12), oestradiol-induced pseudopregnant (n=12) and hysterectomized gilts (n=10) between days 8 and 27 after oestrus. The results were grouped into periods covering days 8–13, 14–20 and 21–27 and analysed by least-squares analysis of variance. Plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly (P<0·001) higher in hysterectomized compared with other groups between days 8 and 13. Progesterone concentrations declined rapidly after day 14 in cyclic females and gradually in the other groups. Throughout the third and fourth weeks the mean progesterone concentrations for hysterectomized animals were consistently higher than for pseudopregnant animals (P<0·05). The pregnant group means were below but not significantly different from the hysterectomized means in both of the last two periods. The greater progesterone concentrations in hysterectomized gilts indicated that secretion is high without any conceptus-produced or -mediated luteotrophin, and corpora lutea in cyclic, pregnant or pseudopregnant gilts may never reach full secretory potential. J. Endocr. (1988) 119, 111–116

1989 ◽  
Vol 67 (10) ◽  
pp. 2904-2911 ◽  
Alexander L. McIlraith ◽  
Gordon G. C. Robinson ◽  
Jennifer M. Shay

Field experiments and survey methods were used to assess competition and interaction between Lemna minor L. and Lemna trisulca L. at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Sites were dominated by one or the other species or codominated by both. Replacement series experiments predicted codominance of L. minor and L. trisulca in an unshaded eutrophic site but predicted L. minor dominance when run for a longer time. Similar experiments conducted in a shaded eutrophic site predicted L. minor dominance. Addition series experiments showed that intraspecific and interspecific competition occurred in the unshaded site. In a eutrophic unshaded ditch, high densities of L. minor suppressed L. trisulca. In a eutrophic shaded site, high densities of L. minor and green algae inhibited L. trisulca, and in a sunny, less eutrophic site high density of each species inhibited the other. In a transplant experiment, L. minor biomass in shaded enclosures approached that found naturally in two shaded sites. Lemna trisulca persisted when shaded. Vegetative biomass trends in an unshaded eutrophic marsh ditch indicated spring and fall L. trisulca dominance and summer L. minor dominance. Shaded eutrophic sites were dominated by L. minor, whereas a less eutrophic site was dominated by L. trisulca. A model is developed to explain dominance patterns, and seasonal life-history responses are considered. Key words: Lemna, duckweed, competition, interaction, resources, light, nutrients.

2021 ◽  
Toon Maas ◽  
Mohamad Tuffaha ◽  
Laurent Ney

<p>“A bridge has to be designed”. Every bridge is the exploration of all degrees of a freedom of a project: the context, cultural processes, technology, engineering and industrial skills. A successful bridge aims to dialogue with these degrees of freedom to achieve a delicate equilibrium, one that invites the participation of its users and emotes new perceptions for its viewers. In short, a good design “makes the bridge talk.”</p><p>Too often, the bridge, as an object, is reduced to its functionality. Matters of perceptions and experiences of the users are often not considered in the design process; they are relegated to levels of chance or treated as simple decorative matter. The longevity of infrastructure projects, in general, and bridges, in particular, highlights the deficiencies of such an approach. The framework to design bridges must include historical, cultural, and experiential dimensions. Technology and engineering are of paramount importance but cannot be considered as “an end in themselves but a means to an end”. This paper proposes to discuss three projects by Ney &amp; Partners that illustrate such a comprehensive exploration approach to footbridge design: the Poissy and Albi crossings and the Tintagel footbridge.</p><p>The footbridges of Poissy and Albi dialogue most clearly with their historical contexts, reconfiguring the relationship between old and new in the materiality and typology use. In Tintagel, legend replaces history. Becoming a metaphor for the void it crosses, the Tintagel footbridge illustrates the delicate dialogue of technology and engineering on one side and imagination and experience on the other.</p>

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